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HebWeb Discussion Forum

Discussion of issues important to the communities of Hebden Bridge, Mytholmroyd and the surrounding hills and villages. When compared with social media, discussion on the HebWeb is easily found, days, months and years after posting and our archive provides an  interesting record of issues that have concerned us over the past 25-30 years.

2020-2023 messages

Women's self protection class on International Women's Day

Old willow tree by bridge

Major jobs blow

A646 Closure

Climate and Nature Bill: Our MP


Pavement gritter

Parking in Hebden Bridge

General Election - Child Poverty

Labour's Cruelty

Travel to and from Calderdale Royal and Huddersfield Royal

Calderdale's First Community-owned Nature Reserve

Northern Boxing and the Ground Floor

  • NPBA
    Tuesday 30 April 2024

Large Windfarm proposal

Calderdale Libraries Hides Feminist Books

Unhappy Valley Pride


Spring water and
climate change

Whatever happened to Happy Valley?

Current coughing bug

Dumping of building materials

Ted Hughes memorial statue

  • Sue D
    Monday, 10 October 2022

How can shopping be so difficult?

Ukraine: Refugees and war

Donating essentials to Ukraine refugees

Volunteering opportunities in Hebden Bridge?

Heart Unions week

Any changes in the town?

Re the recent power cuts

Linden Mill Planning Application Passed

Anti-Vax protest

Highest Covid rate


Jude Walker's walk


Voter Suppression

Public toilets

Police helicopter in action

Neighbourhood Plan:

Flood solutions

Drax trains

Hebden Bridge & Todmorden Practices

Stubbing Car Park

Centre of the Universe

Fly Tipping

Keighley Road

Second National Lockdown

Cyclists around Hebden Bridge

The Hare and Hounds

Green New Deal for Calderdale?

UFO Sighting over Stoodley Pike?

Blaming BAME groups for breaking Covid restrictions

Tree Felling


Thanks to bus driver

Road closures along Keighley Road (A6033)

Social Distancing

Thanks HebWeb

Speeding during lockdown

Joan Pearce

Spreading shredded plastic on farmland

Home delivery

Hebden Bridge and the coronavirus

Doctor Appointments

Helen Meller

New Religious Movements dangers


Calder High School Admissions Policy



Large Windfarm proposal

Demolition of old mill tower in Mytholm

Wild Flowers in Canalside

Latest Covid

Rachel Reeves Planning

Salem Sports Field

Ancient meadows below Old Town

Pavement party

Acre Mill

Labour election candidates

Town Council Motion on Israel-Palestine Conflict

Houses behind The Woodlands



Cold callers scam


Trades Club and Youth House

Israel and Gaza

New Mural on Valley Road

Fruit and Veg Shop Mural

Pride artwork at Town Hall

Ward Forum meeting - let's talk AirBnB

Redacted on Hebweb

Station parking changes

Fireworks on Bonfire Night

Linden Mill Development

King Charles

Public Toilets


Mytholm Works planning application

Victoria Road Flats development



Keighley Road Works

  • Alan R
    Monday, 5 September 2022

Stop the war in Ukraine

Mytholmroyd Library

Energy Prices

Advice sought for 'Community Ambassador'

Linden Mill



Platinum jubilee

Wild Flowers and Mowing

Fluoridation of West Yorkshire water

Gov Covid map

Like minded people

Factory accident 1900

Hebden Bridge Healthcare

Gone quiet

Acre Mill

Amplified Busking

NHS Dentistry

Noisy exhausts

Flood Warning Siren Test

Peter Miller and Calder Valley Press

Preserving our Woodland Heritage at Hardcastle Crags - An Alter native Approach

Tree Felling

Pecket Well Clough destruction

Linden Mill Planning App is back!

Hebden Bridge Sunday market

Spring Festival

Thank you - street lights

Environmental factors in virus spread

The Glorious Twelfth

Cyclists bullied

Corridor improvement programme

  • Gary W
    Wednesday, 8 July 2020

New supermarket

Council Tax

Covid-19 deaths

Any Frontline workers out there needing PPE?

Poetry for tough times

Craig Whittaker

Electricity without a smart meter

Building works continue

Nuisance Burning

Planning applications - do not write



Thank you to fell runners

What are the political parties for?


Flood Alleviation Scheme

Protect Peatland Petition

Labour  Trades Club accounts issue

Calderdale Greens

Waterside Fold/Victoria Road apartment building

Calder ward forum and WYPF divestment

Assisted dying bill

Apparent Scam
Christmas Fair

Email to Josh Fenton Glynn - Gaza

Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd Development Board

Where's Josh?

People on the Move

Parking charge notice

General election win

One person Palestine protest

Windfarm proposal

Gaza and Local Elections

Flood defence survey

Victoria Road Flats

The Houthi Blockade of the Red Sea

Whatever happened to Happy Valley - update

Weird light display

Are we helpless to stop WW3?

  • Jewel
    Tuesday, 26 December 2023

Asbestos and Acre Mill

Calderdale Libraries Hides Feminist Books

Hebden Bridge Group Practice

School the 4th emergency service


Huddersfield hospital

  • Amy R
    Saturday, 4 November 2023

Eco low-energy plans refused

Youth House

Ticket office closure proposal

Photography on
Georges Bridge

Trades Club ground floor

A646 Through Hebden Bridge

Voter ID

Calder Corridor

Local election hustings

Building site Victoria Road

Bridge over Hebden Water

Builders using playpark

Opposing new coal mine in Cumbria

Bonfire night fireworks

Air BnBs

Crown Street Boots

A646 corridor improvement programme will increase traffic & carbon emissions

Anti-social quad bike riding

Towpath access

I saw the news today, oh boy!

Pub drinkers taking over Hebden Bridge Square

Craig Whittaker

A job for a refugee

Travel Centre Halifax

Planning Application - Little Park?

Long Covid Support Group


Astra Zeneca from Tod


Hebden Royd Swimming Pool Fund


The Warp

Little free libraries

Recycling mess

Local Co-op deliveries

Protecting mature landmark trees

More grumpiness

Centre Vale Park Tree Felling Todmorden

Keighey Road closure

  • Amy R
    Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Brown's Site development

Covid reporting

Colden Clough Tree Felling

Vaccination priority groups

Cars before people, cars before homes

Crown Street

Thanks so much!

Environment Agency investigation: Ground & River Works

Face mask wearing

Canal Works, Hebble End

Crash Barriers


Flood defences Hebden Bridge

Book Club

Reopening of non essential shops

Hollins - old chapel or possibly school?

Covid-19 questions

Staying at home


Corridor improvement programme - urgent!

Earlier messages