Women's self protection class on International Women's Day
From Sarah T
Thursday 6 March 2025
Dear Hebweb
You may be aware that this Saturday, on March 8th, it's International Women's Day. A day to celebrate.
Until last week, an event had been planned in Hebden Bridge for International Women's Day, to be held at the Town Hall: a free Women's Self Protection Class. It had been advertised and was fully booked.
Sadly, there were some complaints on social media about the event because it was to be women only. The organiser was accused of being trans-exclusive and somehow breaking the law.
After discussion with the town hall staff, the organiser of the event felt she had to cancel her booking and organise it elsewhere.
I wonder what Hebweb readers think about the Town Hall's actions in first supporting, then withdrawing support for this event? Personally I am offended that women are no longer allowed freedom of association, to meet together without men without being called bigots.
Also, given that three women are killed every week in the UK, and more than 1500 are raped, it's essential that we know how to defend ourselves against male violence.
A women's self-protection class is attended exclusively by women who are concerned/ affected by/ scared of, and/or are survivors of male violence.
A self-protection class involves physical bodily contact between participants and participants have a right to privacy, decency and safety.
There is no hierarchy of rights within the protected characteristics of the Equality Act. But it seems mere women - over half the population - are still at the bottom of the pile, as far as the Town Hall is concerned, and don't deserve to have anything just for ourselves.
Yours sincerely
Sarah T
From Val S
Thursday 6 March 2025
How very sad that the event had to move. So in effect no women only events can ever take place in the Town Hall in Hebden.
International Women's Day is a day to mark the struggles and achievements of women. It is one day in the year and there are many days, weeks and months for other groups but it seems nothing for women only in Hebden Bridge.
From Glenda C
Thursday 6 March 2025
Regarding the Town Hall's reversal of its initial decision to support this event, if women-only events are not permitted and the Town Hall possesses clear, justified, and legally robust guidelines for this decision, then the initial support was likely an individual error. In this case, the Town Hall should ensure all staff are aware of the guidelines and enforce them consistently.
Alternatively, if guidelines determining which groups can and cannot hold events do not exist, I suggest they be developed in collaboration with community members, prioritising the needs of all. These guidelines must include transparent and publicly accessible criteria for justifiable decision-making.
I am personally pleased that this event is proceeding at an alternative venue, enabling the women planning to attend to acquire the valuable skills they hope to gain.
Wishing an enjoyable and peaceful International Women's Day to all who celebrate it.
From Jessica Jones
Friday 7 March 2025
My name is Jessica Jones, and I'm the lady that is running the SP workshop to celebrate International Women's Day on Saturday.
Thank you to all those people (men and women) who have shown me an astounding amount of support and solidarity. It's been very humbling and I'm beyond grateful.
The workshop I'm running was being ran purely as a 'good thing to do' and if I could do it on IWD, even better! But the kicker is, I've actually got such a wealth of knowledge and understanding of Self Protection and the 360 degree sphere around the subject, and now some women won't get to access this, because now they don't want to attend.
But… even if the second venue pulled out due to pressure, I will do this workshop, even if I have to do it on bloody McDonald's carpark!!
Thankfully, the owner of the gym in Halifax is not easily bullied.
I truly do not have an issue with anyone or how they chose to live their lives. It's quite simply none of my business. And for the record I would've been more than happy to do a trans-inclusive workshop at a later date, teaching the same principles. In fact, I encourage anyone to acquire some sort of skill set and/or knowledge base in order to keep themselves safe.
If there are any other women that would like to book a place on the workshop, there's still spaces! Drop me an email on amazoniasosp@gmail.com and I'll pop your name on the list!
Jessica - Head Instructor
Amazonia School of Self Protection
From Chris M
Friday 7 March 2025
Yesterday, Thursday 6th March, the Government produced a press release, to coincide with International Women's Day, highlighting the Government's pledges to protect more women from violence.
It contained some very depressing statistics: a woman is killed on average every 3 days in the UK, It also stated that over 9 in 10 female homicide victims were killed by a man (92%)
Given these statistics, I am furious to learn that our local Town Hall decided to cancel a women's self defence class, due to be held on International Women's Day, because it was a women only event. I believe it was cancelled due to objections from a small, but very vocal, minority. When the organiser then found an alternative venue, the same people threatened the owner with legal action unless he, too, cancelled the event. Thankfully he did not give in to their bullying.
The Government's press release also stated that the Home Office lit up in the colours of green, purple and white to mark International Women's Day across four estates in the UK in a symbol of how crucial this priority is this government. Perhaps our Town Hall would like to follow this example - I won't hold my breath!
From Anon 5
Friday 7 March 2025
What I find unbelievable is that certain people in Hebden, want to shut down a very valuable event for biological women. They talk about inclusion but in reality, it's exclusion.
No-one bats an eye when we see events for trans only, so why argue and bully over a woman's only event
A woman is an adult human female, not a trans identified male.....
I'm sorry the lady who has organised this has been treated so badly.
Shame on those who have done this.
From D King
Saturday 8 March 2025
I am furious that the small vocal small minded few have prevented women from the ability to feel safer and stronger and more equipped to face the onslaught of male violence which is undeniably rife in the UK and beyond.
Well done Town Hall (not) for another show of flawed thinking and for having a commitment to listen to the voices of minority bullies rather than enabling women the space they need and rightly deserve away from the gaze of males.
You have no idea how unsafe as females we feel in a world dictated by bullies such as yourselves.
I have just read the Hebden Royd commitment read out by Patsi Guilfoile...inclusivity? There is no inclusivity, just a commitment to perpetuate division. Yes Hebden used to be the Lesbian capital Now it is being recognised as the worst place in the uk to have women only events.
It's truly unbelievable that the small minded and mean spirited lobby which now has power and influence in Hebden Bridge would deny a space for women to be together to fight violence against women. Not only did they stop this in Hebden they then continued their onslaught following her to the next venue!! I would call that stalking behaviour.
Absolutely disgraceful and needs to be called out for what it is.
From Steve Woodhead
Saturday 8 March 2025
As a husband, father, grandfather and as a man who a has spent most of his working career supporting some of the most vulnerable people in society, I feel bound to raise my concerns that women in our community are being denied the opportunity to take part in a women's only self defence class which we all know as well providing the opportunity to learn physical skills provides the much needed space to be yourself and deal with potentially traumatic memories.
International Womens Day, when my focus and the focus of us all, should be on the most amazing women in our lives and about remembering those women who through the ages have stood against challenges, particularly from men and misogynistic systems to bring us to a point where all people have a greater freedom and equality should not be a day when we are reminded of the ugly fact that women are still having to fight for their rightful place and freedoms in society and here in our community.
In writing this, I do not stand against any group or individuals who need their space and freedoms, but I do stand firmly in support of women and their rights and need for safe spaces.
From T Smith
Saturday 8 March 2025
Can we have a bit less sound and fury and more clear reporting of the facts please HebWeb? Could the Town Hall's stated reasons for cancelling the event please be reported?
Was the problem that the the event was advertised as a "Women's Self Protection Class", but in fact not open to trans women? If so, this was false advertising - and it is hard to believe that anyone experienced in organizing these classes would not know this.
Or was the problem that the event was advertised as a "Cis women's Self Protection Class", or, in some other way that made it clear that it was for cis women only. If so, I don't see why it could not have gone ahead.
Yes, there are biological sex-based rights. In addition, there are gender-based rights. Is this so difficult? It should be clear to anyone with eyes to see that the new fascism is attacking trans rights first (others' rights will be undermined later) because too few will stand up for these rights.
From Val S
Saturday 8 March 2025
T. Smith is incorrect. What exactly are gender based rights? The only protected characteristic is gender reassignment. Since when do women have to define themselves as a category of themselves as cis?
As already stated Hebden Bridge is not a place for women who believe in biological reality. Really inclusive.