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Parking in Hebden Bridge

From Nicola Evans-McClave

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Calderdale Council are planning to remove all parking along the Burnley Road from Hebden Bridge to Fallingroyd.

They wish to create an additional cycle track. As a cyclist myself, I much prefer to use the existing cycle route that is Route 66, and allow locals and visitors to Hebden Bridge, the facility to park.

I support the infirm who need to drive, families and shoppers who would otherwise struggle. I feel the removal of much needed parking will have a detrimental affect on the economy of our lovely town. A speed limit to 30 mph would be welcome. The deadline for contacting the Council is this coming Tuesday, 30th July and can be made by email to

From Veronica R

Thursday 25 July 2024

I have sent an email to the council expressing my concerns as I have never used it but know that parking in the town is limited and nothing has been put in place for this.

From Glenda Webster

Thursday 25 July 2024

I have sent a message to the council - 

I think the Council should address the problem of lack of available parking in Hebden Bridge before removing more! 

I, & I think others, whether or not they're favour of this proposal, would welcome the opportunity to discuss this at an open meeting.

From Kevin S

Friday 26 July 2024

It's not just Mayroyd that is to lose parking. They are planning to reduce parking on all the streets throughout the town. This really isn't a good move from Calderdale Council. So many residents and visitors use that stretch for parking. 

If they feel it's unsafe, put double yellows on the bend and leave the straight for parking. install meters that would definitely rack up the revenue in no time. 

I would like to know the data for accidents on there as I'm aware of none in the last 15 years, seeing as this is the reason given for the change.

No matter what our council thinks, people want to be visiting with their vehicles. They have children, prams, grandparents, dogs and bikes to bring along. 

Our local  public transport is not reliable enough. The majority of visitors using trains and buses are the ones that are arriving in Hebden at about 2pm on a weekend to pub crawl dressed in dinosaur outfits and mankinis…. lol. Well that's great for the pubs, but what about all the other events held in HB.

There needs to be an alternative before taking it away. 

Sent to Calderdale too. Thank you for the reminder.

From Vivienne H

Sunday 28 July 2024

Thank you for the reminder. I too have sent a message to the Council, listing my objections, and asking them to identify and establish an alternative parking area, before they close down this one.

From Diana M

Monday 29 July 2024

These plans were formulated by the council based on data and information collected before Covid and Covid has affected commuter and work patterns.

There was some data collected in February as a result of Hebden Bridge Business asking about the car parking strategy, but a cold February probably rainy too does not reflect reality in summer on a hot sunny day and did they collect any overnight data?.

The council seemed to think that the people parking on the main road were mainly commuters and visitors and thought the provision of additional parking at the station and Stubbing Holme would be enough. The station car park extension has been completed, yet there seem to be even more cars parked on the A646 and also at night, so it is obviously not mainly commuters and visitors. In fact, at night it is Hebden Bridge residents, who live on the east side of the town or on the canal and during the day it is often people with businesses in the town who park there. Residents living on the west side of town can apply for resident parking permits. Those on the East cannot.

There are already two cycle routes between Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd suitable for daytime use, but not well-lit at night Why cannot the pavement on the main road be made into a shared use for cyclists in both directions if they are reluctant to use the other two routes at night. The dedicated cycle route could be upgraded for daytime use or be better lit.

If the parking here is perceived as causing congestion and slowing traffic down, then why are other places along the A646 which are just as narrow and have residents parked outside their houses not getting the same treatment? Why is Hebden Bridge being singled out for this? 

Have the social and economic consequences of removing this parking been assessed?

The council say that the new layout will help to make sure local bus services can run on time. It isn't the car parking that stops buses running to time or causes buses not to run, it is the frequent roadworks along the routes.

From Geoff P

Monday 29 July 2024

I have emailed the council stating my objections to the proposals which are varied but chiefly concern the impact on tourism to a town that is thriving with few if any empty shops.

Parking is already an issue without the implementation of these proposals and if the council believes they can profit from car parking charges and fixed penalty notices then it is not fit for purpose - tourism generates far more revenue for the town and needs support rather than obstacles to trade.

Incidentally I am a cyclist, I don't own a car, I'm a regular user of public transport (roadworks and train staff shortages being the main issues regarding reliability) and I also have a resident mooring at Mayroyd where the adjacent parking provides convenience for loading/ unloading and visitors.

From Ian Collis

Tuesday 30 July 2024

We park here almost every day.  Train station and overspill car park are full by 9am and theres nowhere else. 

The council seem to be deaf to the problem.  Additional planned spaces have not happened. Keighley Road is far worse for traffic and on a hill and its untouched. Personally our business won't survive without parking.

From Mr Colin D Ogdon

Saturday 5 October 2024

 I have written extensively to the council who have dismissed my complaint out of hand.

In short their response has been to say "just because you live on this road doesn't mean youhave a right to road parking".

I adressed the impact on the elderly and on parents with babies. The council have refused to comment.

I adressed that the 'consultation' was seen by almost nobody and was completely insufficient. The council has refused to comment. 

They attempted to process my complaint as a complaint against the councillor I spoke with, to avoid directing it towards its actual target, the consultation. 

In this I believe the council has been biased and is not acting in the interest of the local residents. 

They have made a decision based on their own ideas and desire, not the public need.

I think we need a bigger fuss to be made than we have currently. Perhaps a concerted group push to complain directly via the ombudsman and enforce a proper consultation with those most effected ensuring they are directly asked for their view.

Does anyone else agree?

From Tim M

Saturday 5 October 2024

I actually don't agree. It took me 40 minutes to get through Hebden the other day because, in part a lorry couldn't get past the parked cars here. Sure, it's handy to park but it's not a god given right! Our valley is over run by cars and car storage. There are other places to park (although perhaps Calderdale should bring forward the new Stubbing Holme car park)


HebWeb Forum: Parking (Aug-Nov 2023)