News 2013
December 2013
CAPTURING THE FABRIC OF OUR AREA: Residents and crafters from across the South Pennines have created a stunning piece of art which captures the fabric of the area, and is now on view at the Visitors' Centre. Read more (19 Dec)
Night of the Reckless Drunk - The Mail Online is reporting that a Calderdale ad aimed at deterring binge drinking has provoked anger among rape campaigners, who say it implies sex attack victims are to blame for their ordeal. (31 Dec)
POLTERGEIST GIG at Trades cancelled. Read more (18 Dec)
ULTRA RUNNER ANDY MOUNCEY dropped into Riverside Junior School to help pupils set new personal goals. (12 Dec)
BILL ROFE'S LATEST EXHIBITION, starting this Friday is called 'Pennine Industrial landscapes and and local plants'. Read more (9 Dec)
LOCAL HISTORY TALK: A Postcard from Sunny Bunce's, a local destination that became known as the playground of the north. Read more (5 Dec)
SOWERBY BRIDGE ARTS FESITVAL from 7-14th December; exhibitions, music, workshops, competitions, film, local history, theatre and spoken word. Read more
Much of the post-Christmas BBC drama, Death Comes to Pemberley was filmed in Hardcastle Crags
LOCAL HISTORY TALK: Anne Kirker recounted the story of of Sam Hill of Making Place, one of the greatest manufacturers the 18th century. Read more. (22 Dec)
FOX AND GOOSE - Pub co-op buy-out deal gets green light. A purchase offer to buy the Fox and Goose pub for the benefit of the community has now been formally accepted. Read more (18 Dec)
LE TOUR DE FRANCE - Hebden Bridge residents have one last chance to sign up to volunteer at the Tour de France when it comes to England next July. Read more (18 Dec)
NUJ GREENPEACE PUBLIC MEETING REPORT - Steve Morgan and Paul Morozzo gave a talk on 'Reporting Environmental Protest' - Read more
NORTHLIGHT ART STUDIOS: Spring Term of Creative courses and new developments at Northlight Art Education. Read more (9 Dec)
THE KING'S TROUPE FROM HEBDEN BRIDGE to perform Troilus and Cressida as part of the RSC's Open Stages project. Read more (3 Dec)
"Hebden Bridge: a hippie idyll scarred by heroin" - an article by local writer and journalist Ben Myers is being prominently flagged on the home page of the New Statesman today. Familiar themes which have been extensively discussed by HebWeb Forum correspondents over the years. (8 Dec)
November 2013
WALKING THE MOORS - a new hand-drawn guide from Chris Goddard; a superb work with wonderfully drawn sketches, buildings, rocks and maps. Chris has been meticulous in his research and has spent six years preparing this remarkable book. Read more. (28 Nov)
WIN TICKETS TO SEE LUCY WARD at The Trades. To celebrate Lucy Ward's nomination for the BBC Folk Singer of the Year award, Hebweb has 2 pairs of tickets for her gig at The Trades on 11 December. Read more
NUJ GREENPEACE PUBLIC MEETING - Steve Morgan and Paul Morozzo will give a talk on 'Reporting Environmental Protest' - Read more
WHITE RIBBON DAY today Monday 25 November – the international day for the elimination of violence against women. Calderdale gives its backing to this Mytholmroyd based campaign. Read more
LAMPLIGHTER FESTIVAL this Saturday (23rd) in Todmorden, another magical and mystical evening based around the myth of the Lamplighter. There has been a great response to the Handmade Parade open workshops with well over 220 lanterns made so far. More info about the parade and workshops. (20 Nov)
LABOUR TO RAISE A&E CLOSURE IN COUNCIL: a recent NHS report calling for a dramatic reduction in the number of A&E departments has sparked fears that Calderdale A&E could be one of those at risk. Read more (19 Nov)
CHRISMAS LIGHTS SWITCH ON - in Hebden Bridge Saturday 24th November and Mytholmroyd on Friday, 23rd. Read more (19 Nov)
HEBDEN BRIDGE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION - Election of Trustees. Voting will take place over the next week with the ballot box in reception. Read more (18 Nov)
Martin Parr photos: this slideshow from the BBC features some of Martin Parr's iconic photos from the Hebden Bridge area, taken in the 1970s. This former HB resident, now a world famous photographer, also narrates.
TOUR DE FRANCE EDUCATION PACK for teachers, community leaders and parents of young people aged 7 to 14. Read more (14 Nov)
ALICE IN WONDERLAND CHRISTMAS SHOW - set in 19th century Calderdale with Alice as a millworker's daughter - at the Birchcliffe Centre this December. From Role With It Production which gave us 'Nutcracker' last year. More info (12 Nov)
WIN TICKETS TO SEE JO CAULFIELD at The Trades. The Hebweb has two pairs of tickets - to find out how to win, click here. (11 Nov)
FESTIVAL BRINGS FOLK INTO THE AGE OF TWITTER Folk fans at this weekend's Trades Roots Festival will be joining a live Twitter feed thanks to a group of local fledgling journalists. Read more (6 Nov)
WIN TICKETS FOR HEBDEN BRIDGE FOLK ROOTS FESTIVAL. Now in its third year, Hebden Bridge's Folk Roots festival is rapidly gaining national reputation and Hebweb readers can win two pairs of tickets for a gig of their choice over the weekend at the Trades Club which kicks off next Friday 8 November. Read more (2 Nov)
Craig Whittaker: as energy bills rise, the taxpayer contributes towards MPs' bills. Our MP received £705 towards his bill, on top of a salary of over £66k - see Telegraph article and more HebWeb coverage of Craig Whittaker
JOSH FENTON-GLYNN TALKS WITH ANDY BURNHAM, Shadow Health Secretary, about the future of Halifax A&E, the threat of £25 million being cut from Calderdale's NHS budget and a threat to emergency vehicles. (30 Nov)
DON'T CLOSE A&E - Liberal Democrats add their voice to ensure continued, safe and appropriate access to 24-hour urgent and emergency care within Calderdale. Read more. (28 Nov)
DAVE NELSON'S ANNUAL FAMILY CHRISTMAS SINGALONG: Christmas gets off to a cracker of a start at 4.30 pm on Saturday 21st December at Hebden Bridge Town Hall with Dave Nelson's annual Family Christmas Singalong. Read more
The HebWeb was very sad to learn of the death of writer, poet and artist Ian Emberson aged 77. Ian was a great supporter of local artists, writers and musicians. (14 Nov)
Holme Tunnel to close for 4 months. A bus service will replace trains between Hebden Bridge and Burnley. See BBC report. (9 Nov)
LAMPLIGHTER FESTIVAL: A SHINING SUCCESS - latest news with links to galleries and YouTube. Photo above: Ian Hodgson. A magical and mystical evening based around the myth of the Lamplighter took place Saturday (23rd) in Todmorden. More info and links
CATERING SUPERVISOR(S) VACANCY at Hebden Bridge Town Hall. More info, spec and application form. (21 Nov)
20 MPH THROUGHOUT CALDERDALE? Residents in Calderdale are being asked what they think about Council plans to introduce 20mph limits in residential areas across the borough. Read More (21 Nov)
WITHENS RESERVOIR, the subject of the latest Local History Talk, was part of a fascinating story . . . not so much Cragg Vale's reservoir as the property of distant Morley. Read more (19 Nov)
BLACKSHAW HEAD COMMUNITY TURBINE starts bringing in the money. Apart from paying interest to 65 shareholders PCP expects to be able to give around £80,000 to community projects over the next 15-20 years. Read more (18 Nov)
RECYCLING: Calderdale No 1 in Yorkshire and in Top 10 for England. Calderdale Council has leapt to the top of the charts for household waste recycling for 2012/13. Read more (15 Nov)
RIVERSIDE PARENTS FLOCK TO CHAGALL SHOW. Each of the school's six classes produced original works based on Chagall's distinctive style, investigating different curriculum areas. Read more (14 Nov)
POSTCARD FROM PALESTINE 12 - Another Day with Ta'ayush. Hebden Bridge's Ron Taylor, one of an international group of supporters. Read more about settlers' attempts to prevent Palestinians using their own land (12 Nov)
VEGETATION VOLUNTEERS are being sought by Calderdale Council and the Environment Agency to help keep the River Calder at Mytholmroyd clear of vegetation. More info (11 Nov)
CROWS - Community Rights of Way Services - new volunteer Group formed to improve Calderdale's footpath network. Read more (6 Nov)
COMEDY CLUB: coming soon - Angela and The Preacher's Son featuring Markus Birdman and Angela Barnes. More info (5 Nov)
LABOUR HOPEFUL JOINS FORGET ME NOT CHILDREN'S HOSPICE CHALLENGE to raise £5000. Josh Fenton-Glynn is planning events throughout the valley with local businesses and community groups. More info (4 Nov)
October 2013
HEBDEN BRIDGE PICTURE HOUSE VACANCY for projectionist /technician, working on a casual basis. More info. (29 Oct)
NEW HEBDEN ROYD COUNCILLORS: At the meeting of the full council of the Town Council on 23rd October, the council co-opted two local people on to the council. More info. (29 Oct)
LAMPLIGHTER FESTIVAL is the Calder Valley's newest annual event and Handmade Parade's latest venture, planned for 23rd November. Handmade Parade are gearing up to create another magical, mystical and scintellating evening based around the myth of the Lamplighter. More info about the parade and workshops. (29 Oct)
LOCAL HISTORY TALK ON WITCHCRAFT IN THE UPPER CALDER VALLEY: As make-believe witches come knocking on our doors John Billingsley, folklorist and author of many books on the subject, told members of the Local History Society that to our ancestors witchcraft was very real indeed. More info (27 Oct)
BUSES: following the consultation over the summer, the contract for the operation of the "Hebden Bridger" has been awarded to TLC Travel. Read more. (24 Oct)
2013 TED HUGHES FESTIVAL: Lovers of all things poetical are gearing up for a weekend of literary events. The 2013 Ted Hughes Festival takes place in Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd from Friday 25th to Sunday 26th October. Read more
NO BONFIRE - this year. The HebWeb has been approached about the dates for this year's annual bonfire. Clearly not every one knows that the Round Table will not be organising it this year. Read more
MYTHOLMROYD SWIMMING POOL: GROW YOUR TENNER. Help raise the £200.000 needed to begin building. Go to the LocalGiving page from tomorrow morning. Read more. (14 Oct)
Digital Radio coverage set to improve: Hebden Bridge and the Calder Valley are included as places set to benefit from new DAB transmitters to be created over the next 2 years. See Radio Today report. (14 Oct)
RIVERSIDE PARENTS BOOGIE TO FUND POET: Parents from Riverside School strutted their funky stuff to the sounds of the '60s raising more than £500 to help fund a poet in residence. Read more (13 Oct)
HEBDEN BRIDGE FOLK ROOTS SONG SWAP. Increasingly at festivals and other events the American style songswap is playing a major and popular part and has just been announced for the Trades Club's Folk Roots weekend in November. Read more (11 Oct)
BURLESQUE ROW LEADS TO PICTURE HOUSE BOOKINGS POLICY. One which 'was encouraging and inclusive, allowing the Picture House to take on challenging acts but to refuse those that would offend.' Read more (9 Oct)
PICTURE HOUSE OPEN MORNING: The Friends Of The Picture House are organising an Open Morning at Hebden Bridge Picture House on Saturday 12th October from 10am to 12.30pm. More info (7 Oct)
CALDERDALE BACKS WHITE RIBBON: Councillors on Calderdale's Communities Scrutiny Panel have been looking at how the Council can help challenge attitudes towards domestic violence, including appointing two senior Council officers as White Ribbon Campaign Ambassadors. Read more (4 Oct)
CALDERDALE CONSIDER INCREASING TAXES ON EMPTY HOUSES. Proposals include full council tax plus 50% empty homes premium, incentives for owners bringing homes back into use and council tax relief for those who have to move out because of flooding. Read more. (1 Oct)
WAINSGATE CONCERT FEATURES HOLLIE MCNISH whose YouTube poetry videos have been seen seen by millions. Also on Channel 4 and at Glastonbury. Support by Emma Decent. Sunday, 10 Nov. More info
BIRCHCLIFFE BENEFIT FOR OLYMPIC HOPEFUL. On Saturday 9th November Alyssium and friends perform in support of local sportsperson Megan Shackleton. More info (29 Oct)
PICTURE HOUSE LIVE BROADCASTS: The Picture House gets ready to continue it's first full season of Live Broadcasts with the National Theatre Live's 2011 broadcast of Frankenstein this Thursday.
ZERO CARBON GREEN HOUSE BLOCKED by Calderdale: the house is a well designed, sustainable house, completely covered in thick earth and vegetation making it almost invisible and blending into its surroundings. More info (28 Oct)
Hebden Bridge Police Station building: Stephen Curry of the HB Community Association has told the HebWeb that Calderdale have listed the Police Station as an "Asset of Community Value" - when the Police put the building back on the market there'll be a six week moratorium to allow community groups to make a bid.
PSYCHOLOGY AND YOU - PART TWO. David Groves spoke about the scientific study of mind and behaviour to the University of the Third Age. Read more. (26 Oct)
MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS TO RAIL SERVICES SOUGHT - The Upper Valley Sustainable Transport Group has made a number of recommendations that it wants to see put into place by Real North. Read more. (21 Oct)
COME DINE WITH US - benefit for the David Wright Gallery. This promises to be a humorous insight into the filming of the programme, as well as a chance for you to try the food, talk to and mark the contestants for yourself! Read more (18 Oct)
HEBDEN BRIDGE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION SEEKS NEW TRUSTEES. (HBCA) is a charitable organisation and development trust responsible for ongoing regeneration, eg, Town Hall, in Hebden Bridge. Read more. (15 Oct)
POSTCARD FROM PALESTINE 11 - A Day with Ta'ayush. Hebden Bridge's Ron Taylor, part of an international group of supporters, sends the HebWeb news from Palestine. Read more. (15 Oct)
HEBDEN BRIDGE PEOPLE MAKE MONEY DO GOOD. The community spirit, the recent raft of community share issues, local green credentials and the HebWeb are cited in a new report on ethical investment published this week. See HebWeb news item (14 Oct)
LOCAL HISTORY TALK ON MYTHOLMROYD'S MODERNA: Joan Laprell spoke to the Hebden Bridge Local History Society where she recalled the village within a village that was the Moderna Blanket Factory in Mytholmroyd, where she worked for ten years. More info (12 Oct)
VACANCIES FOR COUNCILLORS on Hebden Royd Town Council. No poll has been claimed within the set period so these posts will now be filled by co-option. Read more (9 Oct)
HEBDEN BRIDGE STATION: POEMS WHILE YOU WAIT. Catching a train? Then enjoy the new series of poems posted on the Friends of HB Railway Station notice boards. Read more (8 Oct)
PEOPLE'S ASSEMBLY MEETINGS in Hebden Bridge on Tuesday 8th October and Wednesday 23rd October. More info
HEBDEN BRIDGE POLICE STATION BUILDING: Stephen Curry of the HB Community Association has told the HebWeb that Calderdale have listed the Police Station as an "Asset of Community Value" - when the Police put the building back on the market there'll be a six week moratorium to allow community groups to make a bid. (4 Oct)
Waste firm director jailed for 2 years for operating without the correct permits. See Yorkshire Post report
NUTCLOUGH MILL: Farewell to a popular view of Hebden's unique Nutclough Mill. See larger photos (2 Oct)
September 2013
GUARDIAN NORTHERNER: MARTIN PARR CAPTURED A SIMPLER HEBDEN BRIDGE. "And he lived in my house". Rachel Pickering wonders what the great photographer would have made of the West Yorkshire town today, after discovering they were linked by her leaky kitchen tap. Read more. (30 Sept)
Guardian Northerner: Martin Parr captured a simpler Hebden Bridge. "And he lived in my house". Rachel Pickering wonders what the great photographer would have made of the West Yorkshire town today, after discovering they were linked by her leaky kitchen tap. Read more.
GIBSON MILL CRAFT FAIR for the 4th year running. Handmade quality products available and visitors will have the opportunity to chat to the makers and designers about their work. More info
BUSES - SOME GOOD NEWS FOLLOWING MEETINGS WITH METRO. Metro ran 3 meetings in the Town Hall Tuesday evening (24th Sept) and met with the Hebden Bridger Action Group and communities affected by the proposals. More info (25 Sept)
HEBDEN BRIDGE COMEDY CLUB to feature Rob Rouse and Will Franken. A combination of popular telly comic Rob Rouse and quirky American act Will Franken mean tickets on the night are highly unlikely and buying sooner rather than later may be a good idea. More details. (19 Sept)
BUSES: LABOUR CANDIDATE TAKES BUS BOSS FOR A RIDE. Labour's Parliamentary candidate for Calder Valley, Josh Fenton-Glynn, has highlighted concerns at cuts to bus routes by taking the boss of West Yorkshire's Transport Authority for a ride on one of the services set to be affected. More info (17 Sept)
HB PARTNERSHIP OFFERS COMMUNITY GROUPS THEIR 'THREE MINUTES OF FAME'. More than twenty community organisations are expected to participate in HB Partnership's annual "Hebden Bridge, our town" review of the year. Read more (15 Sept)
Legendary Thespians TIMOTHY WEST AND PRUNELLA SCALES were in town filming a new Channel 4 series looking at the history of Britain's canals. Read more and see photo (11 Sept)
HEBDEN BRIDGE FOLK ROOTS LINE UP ANNOUNCED and will include The Demon Barbers, Jez Lowe and the Bad Pennies, Kathryn Williams and Steve Tilston. Read more (10 Sept)
FOX & GOOSE: temporary closure pending community buy-out. Read more (10 Sept)
CHRIS BERRY AT LITTLE THEATRE: Chris Berry is both a singer-guitarist performer and feature writer for the Yorkshire Post. Sunday 15 September 7.30pm he brings his first ever solo tour to The Little Theatre in Hebden Bridge. Read more
THE PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLE: Plans are underway for an exciting community performance project for Calder Valley residents to be delivered in early 2014. If you are close to 60 or above and have lots of stories to tell, this is for you. Read more (6 Sept)
HEPTONSTALL FESTIVAL on Saturday 21 September will be a galaxy of a dozen or more bands performing on two stages, together with a local bawdy drama, magic, storytelling, dancing and more. Read more (4 Sept)
CALDER VALLEY VOICES invites all newcomers to come along for a free taster evening singing with them. Read more (3 Sept)
ADVENTURE RACER HEATHER DAWE AT THE BOOKCASE: one of the UK's leading endurance athletes is making a personal appearance at The Book Case on 10th September. Read more (1 Sept)
LOCAL HISTORY TALK ON MAPS: The first meeting of the new season of lectures for the Hebden Bridge Local History Society was launched by Tony Morris speaking about the history of maps and map-making as well as cartographic crime. More info (30 Sept)
WAINSGATE CONCERT: PEADAR LONG'S CELESTIAL ECHOES: Peadar Long is an experienced and accomplished composer whose roots lie not only in jazz, but in folk and roots music and also the very different world of music for theatre. More info (26 Sept)
NUTCLOUGH CITY LIMITS: Friends of Riverside Benefit. Friday 4 October is the night to head down to Holme Street for a night of 60s mod, soul, R 'n' B and Motown. More info (25 Sept)
COMMUNITY FESTIVAL AND EVENT FUND LAUNCHED: Organisers of events and festivals in Calderdale now have the opportunity to apply for up to £2000 in funding from Calderdale Council's recently launched community fund. More info (20 Sept)
TED HUGHES FESTIVAL PROGRAMME LAUNCHED: Tickets for the 2013 Ted Hughes Festival, which will run between Wednesday 23rd to Sunday 27th October are now on sale. More details. (17 Sept)
NEST ESTATE WATER NIGHTMARE CONTINUES: Tenants and residents on the Nest Estate, Mytholmroyd are currently being dogged by a burst to the water main on a near weekly basis. Read more (16 Sept)
EASTWOOD RECYCLING CENTRE CLOSURE EXTENDS TO FIVE MONTHS. Calderdale and SITA apologise; no local alternative has been made available. Read more (13 Sept)
RIVERSIDE SCHOOL OUT OF 'SPECIAL MEASURES'. Riverside has been judged by Ofsted as no longer requiring special measures, only four terms after being placed in the category. Read more (11 Sept)
Ten years after Hebden Bridge's very first broadband connections, following an effective community campaign, spearheaded by the HebWeb, we learn that over 90% of Calderdale will receive superfast fibre broadband from 2014. Read more (9 Sept)
WALK AND RIDE FESTIVAL starts Saturday 7th September. Challenging cycle events, horse rides and walks to discover the world of moths are just some of the delights of this year's Festival. Read more
SEAPORT AT SUNRISE: Local writer, poet and artist Ian M. Emberson has written a novel which has its roots in his National Service in the 1950s. Read more about the book and what some readers have said. (5 Sept)
BRITAIN'S FAVOURITE MARKET TOWN? Hebden Bridge has been shortlisted in the 'Britain's favourite market town' category in the BBC Countryfile Magazine Awards 2013. Read more (3 Sept)
HEBDEN BRIDGE PIANO FESTIVAL 2014: Following its highly successful debut in April, the Piano Festival announces dates and programme fpr 2014 festival weekend. Read more (2 Sept)
August 2013
NORTHLIGHT ART STUDIOS - an art studio for the community!After it's Summer break, courses and workshops kick off again for another exciting year of creativity at the Back Door space. Read more (28 Aug)
BLACKSHAW HEAD VILLAGE FETE: Spectacular Bradford-based band The Peace Artistes will be bringing their own special brand of music to the local hill-tops this Saturday (31st August). Read more and see info about Blackshaw Head's 'Celebrate 2013'.
KING'S TROUPE PLAY STRATFORD: The King's Troupe from Hebden Bridge performed Richard III at The Dell in Stratford Upon Avon. Read more (27 Aug)
ARTS FESTIVAL THANKS SPONSORS: Hebden Bridge Arts Festival have thanked their sponsors who helped them attract more than 11,000 people to events in a record number of local venues. (23 Aug)
NEST ESTATE WATER WOES: Leak follows leak, the system is broken, old asbestos pipes - neither Yorkshire Water nor Calderdale will take responsibility. Mick Piggott recounts the story. (22 Aug)
CYCLE UP THE BUTTRESS: Not for the unfit or faint hearted, the hardest and steepest 350 metre climb out of Hebden Bridge is set to take place on the Saturday 7th September. Read more
CALDERDALE SEEKS MORE ADOPTION PARENTS: In its campaign to seek more adoption parents, Calderdale's campaign is coming to Hebden Bridge on Friday, 30 August. Read more (20 Aug)
EASTWOOD RECYCLING CENTRE TO CLOSE on 28 August for 4 months, for demolition and reconstruction of waste shed - no local alternatives wiill be provided. Read more (14 Aug)
FOX AND GOOSE CO-OP: Glasses are raised as co-operative pub share offer hits its target. Read more and see photos (12 Aug)
RESPONSIBLE DOG OWNERSHIP EVENT IN THE PARK, as concerns grows surrounding dog fouling on 22 Aug. Expert advice, micro-chipping and face painting. More info
DEATH COMES TO PEMBERLEY, and Hardcastle Crags. BBC to film part of the sequel to Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice in the Crags. Read more (5 Aug)
MYTHOLMROYD SWIMMING POOL: CALDERDALE APPROVES PLANS. If all goes as is hoped, swimmers will be able to enjoy a local pool by Spring 2014. More funds are still needed. Read more and how you can donate. (2 Aug)
CANAL WALK TO LONDON: Historian Jill Liddington arrives in London after walking from Hebden Bridge to raise money for British Thyroid Foundation.
A SHORT HISTORY OF THE LITTLE THEATRE was recounted by Ray Riches to the University of the Third Age. (28 Aug)
CAMERA CLUB: The annual exhibition of photographs of the Hebden Bridge Camera Club is now on, and can be visited at the Town Hall until Sunday 1st September. Read more (27 Aug)
HEBDEN BRIDGE BLUES FESTIVAL has won the prestigious British Blues Award for "Festival of the Year" for the second consecutive year at the ceremony in Colne yesterday. Read more. (26 Aug)
£3 MILLION BOOST TO HELP REDUCE IMPACT OF FLOODING. Residents and businesses in the Upper Calder Valley will see the start of a £3 million programme to reduce the impact of flooding this autumn, especially in Mytholmroyd, Eastwood, Jumble Hole Clough and A646 flooding hotspots. (22 Aug)
SUMMIT FOR MYTHOLMROYD: Calderdale Labour Group has today revealed plans for a cross-community summit on the future economic development and prosperity of Mytholmroyd, on Tuesday 24th September at St Michael's Church. Read more
PORTUGUESE RIDERS TO VISIT HEBDEN BRIDGE: On Monday 26th August until Monday 2nd September, Hebden Bridge Equestrian Centre will be host to five young Portuguese riders, their instructor Nuno and Secretary Thelma. Read more
BUSES PUBLIC MEETING ON BUSES: Hebden Bridger Action Group formed following public meeting. Read news item for more info and see Forum discussion. (15 Aug)
MIKE SMITH, who lives in Hebden Bridge has been successfully re-elected to the West Yorkshire Area Committee of the Co-op Group for a further three year term. Read more (14 Aug)
HEBDEN BRIDGE COMEDY CLUB: Imran Yusuf, one of comedy's fastest rising stars, makes his Hebden debut on Sunday 8th September. Read more (12 Aug)
PROBLEM PUDDLE: In recent heavy rain, rising water stopped just short of the back doorway to Valley Organics. A few more inches and it would have flooded, causing thousands of pounds' worth of damage. Both Council and Water Authority deny responsibility. Read more
Skateboard pool causes sickness and diarrhoea: Some teenagers are suffering from sickness and diarrhoea after swimming in the skateboard park filled with river water. See Calendar report and now Mail Online.
July 2013
HARDCASTLE CRAGS: Pitch your tent in picture perfect surroundings. This summer the National Trust has created a ‘pop-up’ campsite in the Crags. Read more (31 July)
Floods after the storm of 29 July
BBC report that several properties in Tod were hit by flash floods during Monday's torrential rain. ITV News reported that parts of Todmorden were under one and half feet of water." (30 July) Update: road and rail back to normal. (31 July)
FOX AND GOOSE SHARE OFFER reaches 82% as the offer is extended by two more weeks. 200 supporters invest over £100,000. Read more (30 July)
UNIVERSITY OF THIRD AGE: John Sheard gave a talk to members of U3A on Sir Joseph Paxton, Knighted Gardener. Read more
Hebden Bridge Signal Box is one of 26 historic railway signal boxes across the country to get listed status. See Guardian report
Demolition on Old Gate began Monday, 15th July, described on the HebWeb Forum as "one the oldest remaining buildings in the Town Centre". Old Gate was closed to traffic. Click photo to enlarge (15 July)
HEBDEN BRIDGE COLD CALLING CONTROL ZONE. The community of Dodnaze united in the fight to ensure their area stayed free from unwanted cold callers last week, six years after the zone, the first in Calderdale, was launched. More info (24 July)
SAVE OUR PUBS: Liberal Democrats launch campaign: research from CAMRA that shows across the country 26 pubs are closing every week. More info (22 July)
MAD FESTIVAL COMING TO CALDER VALLEY: Rural regeneration agency Pennine Prospects are organisaing a Making and Doing (MAD) festival which will take place on the weekend of October 5 and 6. More info (21 July)
Phew! What a difference a year makes. The Daily Express compares last year's floods in Hebden Bridge to this year's heatwave.
FOX FRIENDS STALL IN GEORGE’S SQUARE: People wanting to buy shares in the Fox and Goose Co-op pub project are invited to ask questions in George's Square on Saturday (July 20th) Read more
THE BAKEHOUSE, bringing bread, bikes and bods together - a Workers’ Co-op pedalling the first community bakery in the Upper Calder Valley - baking Real Bread as defined by the Real Bread movement. More info (17 July)
BROWN'S SITE RETAIL ASSESSMENT: Questions are being raised over a new Retail Assessment which backs plans for a supermarket. The assessment was made available on the Calderdale website at the end of last week. More info (15 July)
LEFT UNITY AND PEOPLE'S ASSEMBLY MOVEMENT comes to Hebden Bridge, to oppose the current Coalition Government's austerity policies, and to present an alternative to Labour's reaction to these policies. More info (11 July) Update: report of West/North Yorkshire People’s Assembly Against Austerity in Leeds on 22 July.
COCOROSIE PLAY THE TRADES CLUB: In another coup for the Trades Club hotly tipped lovely indie folk-tronic duo CocoRosie play their only Northern show on Monday 22 July. Read more (9 July)
HEBDEN BRIDGE WALKERS ACTION has just produced a new leaflet with three way-marked walks, to Hardcastle Crags, to Heptonstall and to Stoodley Pike. Read more (8 July)
R2's Jeremy Vine covers the burlesque debate - slide to 98 minutes into the programme.
No sex please, we're British - Daily Telegraph article on Hebden Bridge's burlesque saga. Meanwhile the discussion continues on the HebWeb Forum. (3 July)
BURLESQUE FESTIVAL BARRED FROM HEBDEN BRIDGE PICTURE HOUSE: Organisers of Hebden Bridge Burlesque Festival were today left reeling after a request to their Local Council to stage an event in Hebden Bridge’s historic Picture House was rejected. Read the story.
HEBDEN BRIDGE OPEN STUDIOS 2013: Artist Studios with a range of Art, Craft and Design, open to the public. 5th-7th July, 11 am - 5pm. All welcome. Free entry. More info
Annual Reports for Hebden Royd Town Council and the Hebden Bridge Picture House, along with recent minutes of council meetings, are now online
CANAL WALK TO LONDON: Historian Jill Liddington arrives in London after walking from Hebden Bridge to raise money for British Thyroid Foundation.
MAJOR CHANGES TO BUS SERVICES serving Hebden Bridge are being considered, including a 10 minute service to Halifax and Todmorden, paid for by cuts to services to hilltop villages. See Metro's Bus Review page for Hebden Bridge and the HebWeb Forum. (30 July)
More flooding in the region. Northern Rail services continue to be suspended between Rochdale and Hebden Bridge. Rail replacement buses are currently unable to call at Walsden station due to a landslip. BBC report that several properties in Tod have been hit by flash floods during yesterday's torrential rain. ITV News reported yesterday, "parts of the market town of Todmorden are currently under one and half feet of water." (30 July)
LAST ORDERS’ CALL AS CO-OP PUB SHARE OFFER ENTERS FINAL LEG - Campaigners fighting to save the Fox and Goose in Hebden Bridge and create West Yorkshire’s first co-operative pub are issuing a ‘last orders’ rallying call to their supporters. Read more (25 July)
WALK AND RIDE FESTIVAL: With the Grand Depart of the Tour de France 2014 less than a year away, this year’s Festival will feature a series of cycling events to whet the appetite of cyclists everywhere. More info (23 July)
ARTS FESTIVAL BOARD THANKS THE HEBWEB and Festival volunteers, and invites people to influence next year's festival by filling their questionnaire. More info (21 July)
THE CHELSEA BELLADONNA: Square Peg are bringing a local audience an afternoon of readings and selections about unsung heroine Elizabeth Blackwell at Land Farm. More info (21 July)
HEBDEN BRIDGE COMEDY CLUB on 11 August features Alex Boardman and Jonathan Mayor
OFF STAGE CHOICES - At the recent University of Third Age session, Andrew Rawlinson recounted his theatre experience from Tod Operatic to General Manager of a leading Theatre Group. More info (18 July)
TRAINING OPPORTUNITY: use and management of People’s Community PA. Course starts Monday evening, 22 July. More info (17 July)
KENNETH BRANAGH'S MACBETH to be broadcast live from the Manchester International Festival at the Picture House on Saturday, 20 July - with Kenneth Branagh in his first Shakespeare performance in over a decade. More info (16 July)
HEBDEN BRIDGE POLICE STATION UPDATE: local groups may have right to bid for building.
ADVICE SESSION ON CO-OP PUB SHARE OFFER: People wanting to buy shares in the Fox and Goose Co-op pub project who don't have Internet access, or those who simply want to find out more, are invited to an advice session on Sunday (July 14th) Read more
'HABERDASHERY’ ARTS TRAIL: As part of the Hebden Bridge WI Summer Rag Marke, the WI are holding a competition and opportunity for Artists and Crafts people to showcase their work around the Town. More info (9 July)
CANAL WALK TO LONDON: Historian Jill Liddington to walk canals to London. Next Saturday, a 200-mile sponsored walk to raise funds for British Thyroid Foundation sets out from Hebden Bridge. Read more. (3 July)
EASTWOOD RECYCLING CENTRE TO CLOSE FOR NEARLY 6 MONTHS: A major revamp at the Centre means it will be closed from August 2013 to late December 2013. Read more. (2 July)
Craig Whittaker MP asked a question yesterday in Parliament: What discussions has he (the Minister) had on the effect of the Government's energy policies on the Welsh economy?
June 2013
BURLESQUE FESTIVAL BARRED FROM HEBDEN BRIDGE PICTURE HOUSE: Organisers of Hebden Bridge Burlesque Festival were today left reeling after a request to their Local Council to stage an event in Hebden Bridge’s historic Picture House was rejected. Read the story. (28 June)
SCHOOL SCULPTURE TRAIL: MILL TO MOORLAND: Hebden Royd School pupils have once again created artwork for a Sculpture Trail around the base of Lumb Mill Chimney in Colden Clough. See photos and read more. (27 June)
MYTHS, FOLK SONGS AND PART-SONGS: One of West Yorkshire’s most popular chamber choirs, the Hepton Singers, presents an eclectic evening of Northern European classical music at Heptonstall Church on Saturday 6 July. More info. (25 June)
AUTOMATA EXHIBITION at the Alternative Technology Centre from 1st July. Automata was a very early forerunners of computers and robots. Read more. (24 June)
HANDMADE PARADE REPORT: Wonderfully colourful and creative, dazzling and inventive - and flying pigs! Read this year's final report on the Handmade Parade. With links to more photos. (24 June)
STREET SUNDAE COME RAIN OR SHINE: Street events on Sunday include Flamenco, choirs, harpists, man in a box, stories, magicians, music, dance, laughter, typefaces of Hebden Bridge and much more. Read more and download Sundae programme
HANDMADE PARADE: The biggest Handmade Parade ever will be taking to the streets on Saturday as Hebden Bridge marks a year on from the floods with a dazzling display of its creative talents. More info, times and map of route.
FOUR SHORT-LISTED LABOUR PARTY CANDIDATES have now submitted detailed replies to the seven questions posed by the HebWeb. Read their replies. In the next week, one of these candidates will be selected to represent Labour and fight Craig Whittaker at the next General Election. (17 June)
More flooding in Calderdale would 'finish' towns: see BBC news item. (19 June)
THE LABOUR PARTY CANDIDATE for the next General Election will be chosen this month. The HebWeb is inviting candidates to answer a few questions. Read more (9 June)
TOUR DE CRAGG: Sunday, 7 July, in anticipation and celebration of the 2014 Tour de France - à pied ou autobus! Read more
PARADE WORKSHOPS GET OFF TO A FLYING START: More than a hundred people started creating their crazy costumes for this month’s Handmade Parade when the open workshops kicked off in style last weekend. Read more (4 June)
A NEW MAYOR FOR HEBDEN ROYD TOWN COUNCIL: Councillor Karl Boggis takes the chain as the new Mayor of Hebden Royd with his partner Felicity as his consort. Councillor Nigel Yorke will be his deputy and his consort will be his wife Rebecca. Read more (3 June)
OPEN DAY AT THE REFURBISHED BIRCHCLIFFE CENTRE. More than 500 people turned up to have a look at the refurbished upstairs at the Birchcliffe Centre on Saturday, 1st June. Read more
BBC LOOK NORTH features Hebden Bridge as the programme covers whether the Government's will make a deal with insurers to provide affordable cover (27 June)
FLOODING ONE YEAR ON - Council Leader urges more Government action as Calderdale's Economy and Environment Scrutiny Panel visit Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge and Todmorden this week. Read more. (26 June)
LATEST FROM THE FESTIVAL: Hebden Shorts matinee added, Reeps One on early. Read more. (25 June)
BBC R4 You and Yours covered floods and insurance on Monday, 24 June and interviewed businesses in Hebden Bridge (7 mins in) including new Workers Co-op, Valley Organics.
HEBDEN ROYD PICTURE HOUSE VACANCIES: Three experienced duty managers needed, to work on a casual basis. More info. (24 June)
BBC R4 YOU AND YOURS (2nd item) covered floods and insurance on Monday, 24 June and interviewed businesses in Hebden Bridge including Valley Organics.
Guardian covers the Fox: Community Spirit: Residents rally to save historic pub. (21 June)
THE ALCOHOL YEARS: Paul Clarke talks to award winning Film-maker Carol Morley about The Alcohol Years which is being screened as part of Hebden Bridge Arts Festival on Saturday, 29 June. Read more
JUNE IS COMING TO HEBDEN: . . . finally. Paul Clarke interviews June Tabor. Read more.
FLASH FLOOD AWARENESS DAY: Calderdale, Environment Agency, flood wardens, Yorkshire Water, the Canals & Rivers Trust giant wellies at Georges Square, 18 June. HebWeb News: The Floods one year on
ARTS FESTIVAL SETS NEW RECORD FOR SELL OUT EVENTS: Hebden Bridge Arts Festival has set a new record with four sold out gigs a week before festivities kick off on June 22. Read more
REVIEW OF AN AUDIENCE at the Hebden Bridge Picture House, live theatre from Gielgud Theatre, London. Read more (14 June)
CENTRAL LIBRARY: plans for new building. Campaigners disheartened that councillors failed to listen to voters. Read more (12 June)
A BIN THAT TALKS BACK: If you go down to Calder Holmes Park you’re sure of a big surprise! You will be greeted by a large green duck asking you to feed him your rubbish! Read more (6 June)
YOUTH EXPLOSION AT ARTS FESTIVAL: Families and young people are right at the heart of the Hebden Bridge Arts Festival’s 2013 programme including an appearance by a pair of mysterious time traveling magicians. Read more (4 June)
WORKERS' CO-OP TAKES OVER VALLEY ORGANICS. The organic grocers on Market Street, which has been selling good organic produce and wholefoods for more than 12 years, is about to be owned and run by its employees - as a workers’ co-operative. Read more (3 June)
NATIONAL THEATRE LIVE at The Picture House. Starting with The Audience, broadcast live on 13 June from the Gielgud Theatre, London. Read more (2 June)
May 2013
OPEN DAY AT THE REFURBISHED BIRCHCLIFFE CENTRE. More than 500 people turned up to have a look at the refurbished upstairs at the Birchcliffe Centre on Saturday, 1st June. Read more
END OF AN ERA AT ARTSMILL: Hebden Bridge based artist and founder of Artsmill David Wright passed away on 14th May after a short illness. Read more(30 May)
PARADE ATTRACTS ARTISTS FROM ACROSS THE GLOBE: Next month’s Handmade Parade will have an international feel with artists from across the globe joining the celebration of Hebden Bridge’s unique creativity and culture. More info (23 May)
TRADES CLUB MAKES NATIONAL FINAL AGAIN: For the second year running the Trades Club has made the shortlist for the NME Small Venue of the Year award. More info (21 May)
2013 ARTS FESTIVAL PROGRAMME LAUNCHED. John Cooper Clarke, Tracey Thorn and June Tabor headline this year's Festival. See HebWeb news item
HX7 JAZZ CLUB comes to a close and the farewill gig next Thursday (23 May) will feature Compassionate Dictatorship. Read more
THE FALL AT THE TRADES: review from Anne Ward. Stepping on to the stage one by one, Smith last, burping slightly as he picks up the mic to a rapturous welcome.
BLACKSHAWHEAD PLANT SALE AND SPRING FAIR. It has been cold and it has been wet, and there was a covering of snow on the tops over Easter, but the Blackshawhead Plant Sale and Spring Fair goes ahead this Saturday. Read more (13 May 2013)
WAINSGATE MAY CONCERT: Wainsgate Chapel’s summer season of concerts continues on Sunday 19th May with an excellent acoustic music offering in the form of Little Sparrow and her band. Read more
It’s national Bee Cause Day this Saturday; sign this petition and sign the Friends of the Earth postcards to David Cameron in Spirals, 39 Market St. First 10 get a free Pollinator Beebom (nectar-rich wildflower seeds to plant).
DAVE GEE'S 18 YEARS AT THE TRADES CLUB: rewarded with lifetime free entry to gigs after. Dave performed every role possible steering the club through some tough times. Read more (8 May)
West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester firefighters battled moor fires above Mytholmroyd and Cragg Vale. See BBC news item (8 May)
ORDER YOUR HANGING BASKETS! Each year over 300 baskets and planters are put up across Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd. With a drop of sunshine, by summer the baskets are overflowing with colour. Read more (Tuesday, 7 May 2013)
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IN CALDERDALE: Domestic abuse is a serious social problem, and Councillors in Calderdale are to ask questions of those involved in tackling it. Read more. (2 May)
WI RAG MARKET, summer art competition and Pedlar's Day. Hebden Bridge WI do the rag market on an annual basis and the event has been growing over the past few years. Read more. (1 May)
NATIONAL THEATRE LIVE at The Picture House. Starting with The Audience, broadcast live on 13 June from the Gielgud Theatre, London. Read more (2 June)
TREE FELLING IN THE COLDEN VALLEY. The Arvon Foundation seeks permission for for felling 40 trees in the Colden Valley. Arvon at Lumb Bank is a former residence of Ted Hughes, former Poet Laureate who had a special reverence for nature, trees and the Calder Valley. Read more (31 May)
Upper Valley Neighbourhood News - with items on the Bridge Gate Bollard, dealing with dog fouling in Fairfield, Mytholmroyd Young People's Centre and more.
VISUAL ARTISTS WANTED: The Arts Festival is looking for artists, illustrators and cartoonists, who can create portraits from within a unique photo booth. More info (24 May)
HEBDEN BRIDGE BLUES FESTIVAL this bank holiday weekend. 14 bands are playing free gigs. Blues Festival of the Year 2012, organisers promise an even greater show this year. Read more.
ABOLITION OF THE AGRICULTURAL WAGES BOARD: Hebden Royd has written to Craig Whittaker, MP outlining its dismay at his decision to support the scrapping of the Board. More info (21 May)
HANDMADE PARADE WORKSHOPS: try something new this year at the Skill Classes at the Victoria Road Parade Workshop. Read more (15 May)
DODDNAZE ARTISTS: New music agency. Doddnaze Artists have many well known local acts on their books and help organise local social events. Read more (14 May)
TOURISM NETWORK to help put Hebden Bridge businesses on the map, and a workshop is being held at Hebden Bridge Town Hall on Monday, 20 May. Read more
CHRIS MULLIN: THATCHER AND ME: the Arts Festival has booked Chris Mullin, author of 'A Very British Coup', former MP and Government Minister, campaigner for the Birmingham Six, and diarist, to discuss Margaret Thatcher's legacy. Read more (13 May 2013)
LAUNCH OF 2020 VISION by Hebden Bridge Partnership - a draft Action Plan for Hebden Bridge with a public consultation day on Saturday 18th May. Read more (10 May)
ARTS FESTIVAL PROGRAMME LAUNCH: find about the big name bookings at a public launch event on Sunday 19 May. Read more.
BLUES FESTIVAL FOR SPRING BANK HOLIDAY at end of May. Blues Festival of the Year in 2012, the Hebden Bridge Blues Festival organisers are promising an even greater show this year. Read more. (2 May)
FOX AND GOOSE SHARE DEAL LATEST: Attempts to create a community pub co-op moved a stage further at Saturday's metting: there will be a share offer to raise £130,000. Read more Read more. (1 May)
April 2013
MARK STEEL LIVE AT THE TRADES: Mark Steel won an award for his ‘In Town’ series where he mocks British towns so Hebden Bridge seemed the perfect place for him to visit. Read more. (30 April)
ARTS FESTIVAL NEEDS YOUR UNDIES: Hebden Bridge Arts Festival are working with schools and community groups to recycle old undies into fun and funky wonderwear. Read more. (29 April)
ANNUAL TOWN MEETING for Hebden Royd Town Council, the meeting for electors, will be held on 8th May 2013 Read more
CALDERDALE COALITION BREAKS DOWN OVER WELFARE CUTS. Calderdale Council has been ruled by a coalition of Labour and Liberal Democrats for the past three years. That has now ended. Read more - updated (24 April)
HEBDEN BRIDGE MONOPOLY BOARD: Help choose a name for the Board, to be launched at GamesFest during this year's Arts Festival. Read more. (23 April)
RECORD STORE DAY on Saturday (20th April) and a queue of vinyl junkies patiently waited outside Muse Records. Read more
HX7 JAZZ: See the best of Geordie Jazz when bassist Andy Champion brings his excellent quintet ACV (pictured right) all the way down from the North East for our local jazz club. Read more (18 April)
TOUR DE FRANCE - CRAGG VALE PHOTO COMPETITION - Before the Tour de France cycles into Cragg Vale next year, the village is calling on all amateur snappers to find some pedal power and capture a cycling image. Read more (16 April)
MIKE HARDING AT THE TRADES: fans from all the North snapped up tickets for this very intimate show to hear the usual mix of old gags, storytelling and daft songs. Read the review
Calderdale, including Hebden Bridge, was on Countryfile, Sunday 21st April
ARTS FESTIVAL OUTDOOR FUN: local creative talent wanted. Locally based street artists and performers of any age are needed to join in two outdoor spectaculars during Hebden Bridge Arts Festival in June. More info (10 April)
GIANT TEN FOOT MAP OF THE SOUTH PENNINES, with Hebden Bridge at its centre. Internationally-acclaimed artist Angela Smyth has created a spectacular new artwork to encourage visitors to seek out the hidden treasures of the South Pennines. Read more and see photos (8 April)
SPRING RHYTHM: POETRY OF EMERGENCE: Wainsgate Chapel’s 2013 season of music and spoken word performances kicks off next Sunday (14th) with a trilogy of poets, spearheaded by Rosie Garland. Read more (7 April)
SEEDY SATURDAY on 13 April. Bring along any unwanted seeds or plants, and swap them for new ones to fill up your garden. Read more (4 April)
BRIDGE MILL: HISTORY ON OUR DOORSTEP. Justine Wyatt, with the support of the mill’s current owner David Fletcher, has uncovered more of the story of the building, and gave a fascinating talk to the Hebden Bridge Local History Society. Read more (3 April)
ANDY KERSHAW LIVE AT THE TRADES a one man show talking about his extraordinary life and his acclaimed biography 'No Off Switch'. Read more (2 April)
ONLY FORWARD? EXHIBITION by Holly Rowan Hesson, a visual artist based in Hebden Bridge. Her exhibition opens tomorrow in Manchester. Read more. (30 April)
POLICE STATION SALE MEETING: after questions were raised on the HebWeb Forum, the police station sale was halted. The community can now discuss its future. Read more. (27 April)
ON-STREET CHARITY COLLECTORS in Calderdale will have stricter guidelines to follow. In St George’s Square, a maximum of four charity fundraisers are allowed, on two days a week. (25 April)
MYTHS, MYSTERIES AND MAYHEM is the theme of the 2013 Hebden Bridge Handmade. Pigs might fly, sea monsters could be spotted and trolls may appear from under the bridge in this year’s Parade. Read more. (24 April)
CALDERDALE’S BIG CLEAN 2013: a week of spring cleaning at sites across Calderdale, coming to Hebden Bridge on Friday, 26th April. Read more
BEDROOM TAX: Labour asks Calderdale to condemn Government’s Bedroom Tax
A CELEBRATION OF THE LIFE OF JOHN MCNAIR, an educator, champion of the Spanish Language, a founder of the local University of the Third Age and long time Labour Party activist. Read more (17 April)
HANDMADE PARADE 2013 LAUNCHES IN STYLE: Organisers were bowled over with the quality and quantity of ideas from visitors of all ages. Vegetable hats (see above) were just one of the creations at the Spark Day on Sunday, 14th. Read more (16 April)
COMMEMORATIVE MEMORIAL TO THOSE HARMED BY EXPOSURE TO ASBESTOS. This morning, 13 April a commemorative memorial plaque, to remember those who have died or been harmed by asbestos exposure, was unveiled with a ceremony in Pecket Well. Read more
HANDMADE PARADE SPARK DAY 2013: Organisers are holding a Spark Day on 14 April at the parade workshops in Victoria Road, and want as many people as possible to come along with their bright ideas – the crazier the better! Read more (9 April)
VOTE TRADES CLUB: Music lovers along the valley are being asked to rally behind the Trades Club to help them get nominated as NME small venue of the year for the second year running. Read more (8 April)
Thousands turn out for the Easter Monday Duck Race - all 7000 yellow ducks sold.
THE STORY OF THE HEBDEN BRIDGE CALENDAR: The University of the Third Age heard from speaker Geoff Boswell about photography and he came to produce his first calendar in 1992. Read more (6 April)
FLOOD WARNING SIRENS TEST: Flood warning sirens in Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd will be sounded next week as part of the Environment Agency’s annual maintenance tests. Read more (3 April)
PRIVACY UNDER THREAT - public meeting is being held to discuss important changes affecting our personal privacy. Read more (3 April)
March 2013
BOOST FOR FLOOD-HIT COMMUNITIES: Calderdale Council is to receive Government funding to work with local communities to be better prepared for flooding. Read more (25 March)
Spring Clean postponed due to latest snowfall. The revised dates for the cleanup, co-ordinated by Hebden Royd Town Council, will be posted on the HebWeb when confirmed. (22 March)
WORKING FROM HOME IN 1825; Working from home is not a new concept, Malcolm Heywood told members of the Hebden Bridge Local History Society. William Greenwood's described his several different occupations. Read more (20 March)
CALDER HIGH STUDENT WALKOUT - ten years ago. As Britain was about to invade Iraq, Calder High students led local protests. Headteacher David Scott was forced to close the school on the day of the invasion and subsequently suspended 13 students. Calder High students demonstrated all day in Hebden Bridge. Read the HebWeb news reports from March 2003.

Station Café break in: Paul Clarke sent us the above photos saying today, "Commuters were dleighted to see the Station Cafe reopen only twentyfour hours after it was raided." (8 March)
THE WONDERFUL 906 WIDDOP BUS - Following discussions with Hebden Bridge Walkers Action, Metro has agreed to run the service again in 2013, along with a new Route Guide with twelve walks. Read more (19 March)
GET THE BLESSING has nothing to do with the Vatican but is the name of the next act at HX7 Jazz: "Rarely has a band taken the jazz scene by the scruff of the neck and given it such a good shaking" Read more (14 March)
THE BACK DOOR - AN ART STUDIO FOR THE COMMUNITY, now the leading adult education centre for visual arts and crafts in the area. Read more (12 March)
THE GRAVE OF ROBIN HOOD; mysterious goings-on in Calderdale. Kai Roberts told the local history society about Robin Hood in Calderdale and especially the monument known as Robin Hood’s Grave. Read more (11 March)
LOTTERY GRANT FOR CANCER GROUP: Living Well, Calderdale Women's Cancer Support Network, has been awarded a £5993 grant from the Big Lottery 'Awards for All' to enable it to continue supporting women living with cancer. Read more (9 March)
CALDER HIGH OFSTED REPORT Feb 2013. Now available on the HebWeb. Download (6 March)
QUIRKY COMIC DANIEL KITSON SOLD OUT his Picture House gig in 72 hours setting a new sales record for the Hebden Bridge Art Festival. Read more (6 March)
CYCLING FROM LANDS’ END TO JOHN O’GROATS, by way of Hebden Bridge. Cycle for Work: A Community Foundation project to raise money for youth apprenticeships in Calderdale. Read more (26 March)
HEBDEN BRIDGE WOMAN REFUSES TO PAY TAXES FOR WAR. Peggy Thomas, a retired teacher, living in Hebden Bridge, is refusing to pay the Inland Revenue some of her income tax. She is a conscientious objector, against taxes being used for warfare. Read more (22 March)
EASTER SATURDAY ALTERNATIVE: IncredibleEdible Mytholm’s Growing Futures Field Day. Come to Mytholm Playing Field where Incredible Edible Mytholm will be launching ideas for an exciting community-owned, sustainable food business. Read more (18 March)
TRACEY THORN SIGNS UP FOR ARTS FESTIVAL: Pop star turned writer Tracey Thorn will one of the first acts to play the newly revamped Birchcliffe Centre in a one off 'In Conversation With' event.
Guardian Northerner: Jill Robinson's last column reflects on how, arriving in Hebden Bridge 30 years ago, she felt immediately at home, even though the "Tories were gunning for single parents."(20 March)
HEBDEN BRIDGE: THE COOLEST PLACE TO LIVE IN BRITAIN, according to the Times. Read about what The Times said.
CALDER HIGH STUDENT WALKOUT - ten years ago. As Britain was about to invade Iraq, Calder High students led local protests. Headteacher David Scott was forced to close the school on the day of the invasion and subsequently suspended 13 students. Calder High students demonstrated all day in Hebden Bridge. Read the HebWeb news reports from March 2003.
PACE EGG PLAY 2013: Read about the changes to the cast this year, the times, links to photos from previous years, the history and why this year more than ever it's important to walk or use a bus. Read more
FRIENDS OF THE STATION are looking for a few more volunteers to join them on the odd Saturday for an hour or two. Read more (13 March)
SWIMMING POOL! After decades of campaigns, it looks like a swimming pool may finally be built in our area, possibly by Christmas. View plans on 27 March.
PUNK VETERANS THE FALL PLAY THE TRADES: tickets sell out in an hour. (11 March)
TRADES CLUB ENTERTAINMENT MANAGER MAL CAMPBELL has signed up to lend his expertise as Events Producer to book big name acts for Hebden Bridge Arts Festival. Read more (8 March)
DAVE SPIKEY AT THE PICTURE HOUSE, next Thursday, 14th March with the fourth incarnation of his critically acclaimed Words Don’t Come Easy tour. Read more (6 March)
WANT TO BE A FILM EXTRA? A number of extras are required at the Picture House for a short film by award winning filmmaker Mike Staniforth (5 March)
February 2013
BERNARD INGHAM COLUMN ENDED: campaigners have learned today that Bernard Ingham has been told his longrunning column in the HB Times has ended. They had been calling on Ingham to apologise for what he said about Hillsborough. Read more (27 Feb)
FREEDOM FROM TORTURE quiz night at the Trades Club - see report and details of next meeting
LADIES4NETWORKING: Local businesswomen will be hearing a shaggy dog story, and from glass artist, Wicked Gen at this month's session. Read more (26 Feb)
TODMORDEN WEAVERS AND THE GREAT WAR: Alan Fowler, former lecturer in Economic and Social History, told a meeting of the Hebden Bridge Local History Society that the local Weavers’ Association had 4000 members at its peak. Read more (20 Feb)
OFSTED REMOVE CALDER HIGH FROM SPECIAL CATEGORY - The possibility of Calder High being forced into becoming an Academy was very real; it all hinged on last week's Ofsted visit. Read more (18 Feb)
REVIEW OF THE MARK THOMAS SHOW at the Trades. 'I love it here. The shops are brilliant, this club is great and all you need now is to get rid of Bernard Ingham.' Read more (17 Feb)
HORSEMEAT: Todmorden slaughterhouse raided and closed by food standard officials. See Guardian report
CALDER HIGH OFSTED REPORT Feb 2013. Now available on the HebWeb. Download. And see Forum.
THE MUMMYFESTO: author Linda Green has sold over 200,000 books. Her new novel is based in a Hebden Bridge at the centre of a political revolution. The Lollipop Party, which campaigns for children and families, gains massive support . . . Read more (13 Feb)
JOEL POPS THE QUESTION AT TRADES CLUB: When Joel Clegg was looking to pop the question to Amy Stoker he thought what better way to do it when folk band Stornoway played the Trades Club. Read more (11 Feb)
SAVE CENTRAL LIBRARY: the protests continue. Read this latest news item with links to HebWeb coverage over the past four years. (6 Feb)
PETITION OBJECTING TO CALDER HIGH BECOMING AN ACADEMY: if you wish to object to Calder High becoming an Academy, this page has the petition to download along with more information. Read more (4 Feb)
FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT IN HEBDEN BRIDGE: visit the Fairtrade Information Station in Georges Square this Saturday, join the 90kg rice challenge and more. (27 Feb)
AIR POLLUTION IN HEBDEN BRIDGE: "The worst air quality in West Yorkshire is in Hebden Bridge". The next public meeting organised by the Blackshaw Environmental group has speakers talking about air pollution, and bats. Read more (27 Feb)
BUDDING PLAYWRIGHTS NEEDED. Hebden Shorts is back for its third outing and needs new writers to submit 15 minute plays for their run during the Arts Festival in June. Read more (23 Feb)
BEDROOM TAX - fears that hundreds of local people will be affected, and over a million pounds will be taken out of the local economy. Read more (21 Feb)
ARTS FESTIVAL 2013: Perrier Award winning comedian Daniel Kitson is the first headline act announced for the Hebden Bridge Arts Festival which kicks off in June. Read more (18 Feb)
HX7 JAZZ: The next HX7 Jazz concert on Thursday 28 February features the compelling and innovative music of the Julian Costello Quartet. Read more (18 Feb)
FLOODS AFTERMATH: Spring drop-in sessions in Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd, and a letter from Calderdale. Read more (14 Feb)
HARVESTING THE WIND: Blackshaw Head community turbine starts making money. More details. (13 Feb)
HALF TERM AT GIBSON MILL: Every day, starting from Saturday 16 until Friday 22 February, a child-friendly activity will be taking place at Gibson Mill. Read more (12 Feb)
COMEDY CLUB: Jim Davidson and Noel Gallagher Nemesis' for Comedy Club in March. Most shows, including this month's, now sell out in advance. Read more (9 Feb)
Petition objecting to Calder High becoming an Academy: if you wish to object to Calder High becoming an Academy, this page has the petition to download along with more information.
HORSE LOGGING DEMONSTRATION, Hardcastle Crags, Tuesday 19th February, 11am-3pm. Read more
Guardian Northener: A Dark Water - remembering Sylvia Plath in Hebden Bridge and how she and Ted Hughes might have fared better in the Hebden Bridge of today. (1 Feb)
January 2013
CALDER HIGH IS MOVING SWIFTLY TOWARDS BEING AN ACADEMY: little consultation with parents or the community. Read more about latest letter to parents. (30 Jan)
NEW ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PROJECT includes Raspberry Pi, conductive thread and ink, energy efficient 3D printing and more. Read more (30 Jan)
LADIES4NETWORKING talk empowerment and confidence-boosting at their next meeting at the Stubbing Wharf on Thursday for their first event of 2013. Read more (29 Jan)
PICTURE HOUSE: PARENT AND BABY SCREENINGS. Starting 29th January, Parent and Baby screenings will be part of the Picture House programme, exclusively for parents and their babies. Read more (25 Jan)
INTRODUCING CALDER COMMUNITY KITCHEN CO-OP: A group of local real food and bread lovers is setting up a new food co-op Hebden Bridge. Read more (21 Jan)
TOUR DE FRANCE: on Sunday 6 July 2014, the eyes of the world will be on Hebden Bridge when the 200 competitors of the Tour de France cycles through our town, and Cragg Vale's famous five-and-a-half mile incline, the longest in England. Read more
CALDERDALE BUDGET PROPOSALS FOR 2013 TO 2016: Have your say. Calderdale Cabinet are asking residents and businesses for feedback on their proposals during a month of consultation. Read more. (15 Jan)
KEEP NHS CALDERDALE PUBLIC, a lobby will urge on Thursday 17 January at the next NHS Clinical Commissioning Executive Meeting. Read more (14 Jan)
NEW TOWN HALL - job vacancies. Hebden Bridge Community Association are pleased to be currently recruiting for a number of posts. Read more. (10 Jan)
HAVE YOUR SAY ON COUNCIL BUDGET: Calderdale Council is inviting people to have their say on the Council’s budget for 2013/14 to 2015/16.
CALDERDALE COMPETENCE CHALLENGED OVER PLANS FOR NUTCLOUGH MILL, one of Hebden Bridge's finest old buildings. The Head of Planning of Calderdale has been sent a formal letter of complaint concerning its handling of the application. Read more (7 Jan)
ENERGY SWITCHING IN CALDERDALE: Anyone in Calderdale can now easily take part in a deal that could save them as much as £250 per year. But just how green is the initiative? Read more. (3 Jan
THE BIG ASS CHRISTMAS CONCERT raised in excess of £400 for Ravenscliffe Special School. Read more. (4 Jan)
HORSE LOGGING DEMONSTRATION, Hardcastle Crags, Tuesday 19th February, 11am-3pm. Read more
LIBERAL DEMOCRATS HAVE MIXED FEELINGS ABOUT HEBDEN ROYD BUDGET, emphasising a wish for Mytholmroyd to break with Hebden Bridge. Read more (31 Jan)
OUR RAILWAY STATION IN THE 19TH CENTURY. David Taylor told a meeting of the Local History Society about how the early railway developed in Hebden Bridge. Read more (28 Jan)
HOW CAN HEBDEN BRIDGE BE A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE and work in 2020? This is the question which members of Hebden Bridge Partnership have set themselves, as they begin work on a new Action Plan for the town. Read more (22 Jan)
HEBDEN BRIDGE WALKERS ACTION RELAUNCH: Following the meeting of 13th January, HBWA will continue for another six months to work on four projects - Problems with footpaths, 906 bus, self guided walks and Walkers are Welcome status Read more. (21 Jan)
HISTORY SOCIETY - Untold Stories: A glimpse into the lives of local people. Tony Wright has for the past ten years been collecting personal life stories on film and audio tape. Read more (18 Jan)
HX7 JAZZ: The Allsorts led by Canadian drummer and composer Katie Patterson, Jazz Yorkshire's Young Musician of the Year 2012 Read more. (15 Jan)
BAN THE BURN CAMPAIGN GOES TO EUROPE: questions are being raised about the legality of Natural England' decision to stop prosecuting the Walshaw Moor Estate - campaigners want the replacement of the sphagnum moss to slow the run-off during heavy rainfall. Read more. (14 Jan)
COUNCIL GRANTS: Hebden Royd Town Council seeks applications for its community grants. Read more. (9 Jan)
TRADES CLUB DONATES £5000 TO FLOOD FUND: The Trades Club has donated £5000 to the Community Foundation for Calderdale to help buy floods kits for local households.
HILLSBOROUGH AND BERNARD INGHAM: pressure is mounting for local papers to end the Bernard Ingham column given his continued failure to apologise for 'disgraceful' remarks following the Hillsborough tragedy. Read more. (7 Jan)
Hebden Bridge floods on Channel 4: Our floods featured in "Is Our Weather Getting Worse? The Hebden Bridge slot is five minutes starting around 6 minute into the programme. (6 Jan)
POSTCARD FROM PALESTINE 10 - Hebden Bridge's Ron Taylor, part of an international group of supporters, sends the HebWeb his latest news from Palestine. "Leaving Bethlehem" Read more. (2 Jan)