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The Picture House

Monday, 7 October 2013

Friends of the Picture House organise cinema open morning

Calling all film fans – The Friends Of The Picture House are organising an Open Morning at Hebden Bridge Picture House on Saturday 12th October from 10am to 12.30pm.  Entry is free.

Activities will include a sale of film posters from over the last decade in the auditorium (including rare and interesting posters – prices start at £2), a raffle with prizes donated by local businesses and a cinema-themed quiz.  Other highlights include tours of the Picture House at 10.30am and 11.30 and snacks and drinks will be available at the cinema kiosk.

Friends events raise funds to be donated towards the upkeep of the council-owned cinema, and the Open Morning is specifically raising money towards the cost of new poster light boxes for the display of up-coming film posters outside the front of the building. 

The Friends of the Picture House is an independent, voluntary group representing all users of the Hebden Bridge Picture House and helping to ensure its future. The Friends are keen to hear from anyone interested in getting involved and membership is free.  Membership forms can be collected anytime from the cinema, or drop in on Saturday during the open morning and speak to a member of the committee.  

In addition to fundraising, the Friends also volunteer their time to practically support the Picture House. 

Most recently, six Friends gave up their Sunday morning to help decorate two of the Picture House's dressing rooms.

More details: see FaceBook or email