News 2010-11
FLAMENCO DANCERS BEAT THE WINTER COLD - Colour, castanets and driving rhythms attract travellers to flamenco shows in Andalucia, Southern Spain. But you can enjoy taking part here Hebden Bridge, with an enthusiastic group of aficionados who meet to learn and practice flamenco dance weekly. Read more - 29 December
HEBDEN BRIDGE BOY WINS POETRY PRIZE - An eight-year-old Hebden Bridge boy, Hugo Grundy, has won first prize in Old Possums Children's Poetry Competition 2010 (7-8 Year Old Age Group) with his poem Homelands. The prize was presented by Roger McGough. Read more - 14 December
PALESTINE - Film and photos from Hebden Bridge's Ron Taylor in Palestine. Read more - 11 December
BOOTS = TAX DODGERS PROTEST - this Saturday. Monday night's anti-cuts meeting in Halifax was attended by over 70 and it was agreed to would target Boots this Saturday. Read more - 10 December
THE GOOD SHIP "CALDER HIGH" and Other Tales from the 1950s. As a follow-up to the very popular 'From Rationing to Rock'n'roll', Peter Thomas' latest offering takes another backwards glance at the 1950s, a decade in which, as the author says, so much happened but which seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. Read More - 7 December
CLIMATE CHANGE NEGOTIATIONS IN CANCUN Whilst the news coming out of these talks is only gloomy, and Mexico is far away, you can still join in from Hebden Bridge by participating in the Friends of the Earth email actions here (where you can also read the daily blog; another blog with pictures by FOE International is here). The Guardian climate change pages will also keep you up-to-date as the second week unfolds. - 6 December
UNIONS CAMPAIGN TO PROTECT CALDERDALE SERVICES - All unions representing Calderdale Council employees have launched a petition as part of their campaign to protect frontline services. Read More - 3 December
PLANS FOR WEST YORKSHIRE SUPER-BUREAUCRACY - Calderdale Labour leader Cllr Tim Swift is calling on his Conservative opposite number, Cllr Stephen Baines, to publish full details of Conservative plans to create a single organisation to provide ‘corporate functions’ for all Councils in West Yorkshire. Read more - 14 December
TOWN HALL PLANS GET GO AHEAD - work to start in April 2011 "By this time next year the building should be close to completion" Read more - 17 Dec
PROTEST AGAINST TAX DODGERS - Sick of the tax dodgers? Angry that the government is cutting services for the poorest and most vulnerable whilst letting the rich avoid billions in tax? Read more - 16 December
YOUNG PEOPLE'S MARCH AGAINST CUTS - Young people are hiking more than 30 miles in the expected freezing cold to arrive at Sheffield Town Hall to protest against the raising of tuition fees passed on Thursday and the ongoing Coalition Cuts. Read more - 10 December
£50,000 MORE FOR SKATEPARK: construction could start early 2011. Confirmation has arrived from the environmental regeneration charity, Groundworks UK, that the Friends Of Calder Holmes Park have been successful with their 2nd stage application for funding towards improvement and extension of the skatepark. Read More - 8 December
BOOK NEWS - Top ten bestsellers for November, and all the latest news from the Book Case. Read more - 2 December
ABOUT STEP2 IN HEBDEN BRIDGE - Step2 aim to reduce anti-social behaviour, including street drinking by offering positive alternatives. They hope to build bridges between young people and other local residents through events, activities and volunteering. Read More - 1 December
LABOUR CALL FOR COUNCIL DEBATE ON TUITION FEES - Labour Councillor Daniel Sutherland is calling for a debate at this adjourned Council meeting next week. Read more - 2 December
HAVE YOUR SAY ON HISTORIC HEBDEN BRIDGE. People are being asked for their views on the Hebden Bridge Conservation Area. Calderdale Council is holding a public meeting on Thursday 9 December, from 7.30pm to 9pm at Hebden Bridge Town Hall where you can find out more about the future management and preservation of the conservation area.Read More - 29 November
STUDENTS PROTEST IN HEBDEN BRIDGE - Hundreds of students from the Calderdale area took part in a protest against public sector cuts, particularly cuts in education and rises in tuition fees. The protest was organised by local sixth formers who go to college in Mytholmroyd, Halifax and Huddersfield in order to coincide with the National Walk Out Day. Read More - 24 November
COOP MAKES CHANGES AFTER MEETING - regional manager of the Co-op, Tim Coulson writes to HebWeb with a report of the recent meeting and outlining the changes which have already been made. Read More - 17 November
BRIDGE MULTIMEDIA MAGIC - part of the Hebden 500 season. From magic lantern slides to a digital projector, technology that bridges the centuries will bring history to life this month. Read More - 11 November
Tuition Fees Demo - we've been asked to let to let students of Hebden Bridge know there are coaches leaving Huddersfield/ Bradford/ Leeds/ Manchester/ Oldham for the London demo this Wednesday. Details on the NUS site for the respective college/university.
PUBLIC MEETING TO LAUNCH ANTI CUTS COALITION - The first step in a newly-launched campaign is a public meeting bringing together everyone concerned at the policies proposed by the Coalition Government. The meeting will be held at the Trades Club in Hebden Bridge on Thursday November 18 and organisers are urging as many as possible to attend. Read More - 8 November
Hebden Bridge Bonfire to go ahead tomorrow in spite of the weather, Liz Watkins of the Visitors' Centre has assured the Hebden Bridge Web. See What's On for more info
HELEN OF FOUR GATES After the great success of the showing of Helen of Four Gates in June, there is going to be another rare opportunity to travel back in time and watch Hebden Bridge's famous lost 1920 film on December 2nd at the Picture House. Read More - 1 November
CALENDAR GIRLS IN BOXING GLOVES The latest Calendar Girls style calendar is about to hit the streets of Hebden Royd after the launch event at the Trades Club on Fri 5th Nov, this time featuring women in boxing gloves. Read More - 1 November
FIVE-A-SIDE FOOTBALL - Players Wanted. New five-a-side team looking for players, age 35+ (younger if not too spritely!) for games to be played evenings possibly at Mytholmroyd Community Centre, or league at Halifax. All abilities welcome. If interested please get in touch with Mark Wisbey on 07952 654 617 or email
POEM FOR HEBDEN BRIDGE, 'GREAT TOWN'. Yesterday afternoon, Hebden Bridge won the 'Great Town Award' given by The Academy of Urbanism. Previously, Hebden Bridge has been voted the 4th funkiest town in the world and the UK town with most local identity. Read More - 20 November
CHRISTMAS LIGHTS were switched on yesterday - see photos- 19 Nov
HX7 JAZZ CLUB is back on Thursday November 25th with Troyka: an extraordinary trio featuring Kit Downes who, as a short-listed nominee for the Mercury Prize, has recently been featured extensively on national television. Read more - 15 Nov
CRAIG WHITTAKER DEFENDS FOREIGN AID - "foreign aid . . . produces a sustainable, stable foreign country that helps and grows itself, which in turn helps to make a safer and more secure world." Read speech - 12 November
LATE NIGHT CHRISTMAS SHOPPING - For a week from Thursday 16th December until Thursday 23rd December, shops in Hebden Bridge will remain open until 8pm. Read More - 9 November
COOP MEETING REPORT - Around 30 people turned out on a very rainy, November evening to question the regional manager, Tim Colman of the Coop group about our Hebden Bridge supermarket. Read More - 3 November
BURNLEY ROAD SCHOOL PREPARING BOXES FOR TROOPS - Burnley Road School in Mytholmroyd will be collecting either a shoe box containing items that can be boxed up at school. Read More - 2 November
BANNER EXHIBITION - Artist Andrew Turner, who is setting up home in the upper Calder Valley, is staging a remarkable exhibition at the National Coal Mining Museum at Caphouse. On Saturday, November 6, the exhibition will be coupled with an afternoon concert by Will Kaufman, from Hebden Bridge.Read More - 1 November
BOOK NEWS - Top ten bestsellers for October, and all the latest news from our popular Hebden Bridge bookshop. Read more - 1 November
TOWN HALL GETS PLANNING GO AHEAD - Hebden Bridge Community Association is delighted that its plans to extend the Town Hall have been given planning consent. The decision, taken by councillors at last night's planning committee, will potentially give the town major new community and civic facilities, as well as opening up the river Hebden waterfront for a new public square. Read more - 27 October
SPENDING CUTS A 'BODY BLOW FOR CALDERDALE - Cllr Swift has told the HebWeb that "The Government’s plans to go all out for big cuts could see over 1,000 people lose their jobs in the public sector as a result of the spending review. This represents a huge gamble with Calderdale’s future, coming on top of the reported loss of jobs at Lloyds TSB over the same period of time."
PICTURE HOUSE THREAT - A consortium of local organisations has begun discussions with senior Calderdale council staff over ways in which the cinema’s long-term future can be secured. Read more - 21 October
Vigil for Patrick Munsie, former Calder High student, killed in Colorado while on his gap year, 6pm, Sunday, 24th Oct, George's Square. See Yorkshire Post article.
STUBBING APPLE DAY - Come and celebrate the apple on Saturday 23rd October 2010, when the Stubbing Wharf, Hebden Bridge, will be holding its annual Apple Day, with the fruit that makes a wonderful drink! Read report
PUBLIC MEETING VOTES FOR ALTERNATIVE VOTE SYSTEM - Local politicians Cllr. Nader Fekri, Kate Sweeny, Craig Whittaker MP and Cllr Susan Press led a public debate on the alternative vote referendum in Hebden Bridge on Friday 15 October. Read report
CUTS CONSULTATION - Public meeting on Saturday 16 October, 10am at the Town Hall about Calderdale's controversial budget cuts consultation. Read more - 5 October
ELECTORAL REFORM DEBATE - Local politicians Cllr. Nader Fekri, Kate Sweeny, Craig Whittaker MP and Cllr Susan Press are to lead a public debate on the alternative vote referendum in Hebden Bridge on Friday 15 October.
BOOK NEWS - Top ten bestsellers for September, and all the latest news from our popular Hebden Bridge bookshop. Read more - 2 October
LOBBY MP ON CLIMATE CHANGE - Friends of the Earth want our MPs to push for immediate action here in Calderdale. This is part of the Big Climate Connection organised by the Stop Climate Chaos coalition. Read more - 29 October
THESE HEELS ARE MADE FOR WALKING - The White Ribbon Campaign is the largest effort in the world of men working to end male violence against women. These Heels Were Made For Walking Charity Walk is part of White Ribbon Week and the lead up to White Ribbon Day on the 25th November. Read more - 28 October
125 YEAR LEASE FOR TOWN HALL - Hebden Bridge Community Association is to have ownership of Hebden Bridge Town Hall for the next 125 years, Calderdale council's Cabinet decided tonight. Read more - 24 October
ENERGY SAVING WEEK - The final concert of the season at Wainsgate Chapel features The Bristol Georgian Choir performing three-part harmony acapella folk songs and sacred chants from the Republic of Georgia. Read more - 24 October
BRISTOL GEORGIAN CHOIR AT WAINSGATE - The final concert of the season at Wainsgate Chapel features The Bristol Georgian Choir performing three-part harmony acapella folk songs and sacred chants from the Republic of Georgia. Read more - 14 October
DIGITAL SWITCHOVER DATES: The change from analogue to digital TV will happen next year, 2011 Read more - 11 October
LITERARY FESTIVAL - A new Hebden Bridge bookshop is putting on a weekend Literary Festival at the Little Theatre, bringing many well-known writers to Hebden Bridge during the weekend of 29-31 October. Read more - 12 October
NEW VEGGIE CAFÉ - Greens Vegetarian Caf? (formerly Relish), owned and run by Kim Green (formerly of The Veggie, Ilkley) will be opening their caf? at Old Oxford House in Albert Street. Read more - 8 October
Flood warning siren in Hebden Bridge at 1.30pm, Sunday, 3rd October. Enivronment Agency has five flood warnings in place for our region, including Callis, Eastwood and Todmorden. 1.30 pm. 2.45pm: Environment Agency now has eight flood warnings in place for the Upper Valley from Mytholmroyd to Lydgate, including for Calder Holmes Park. 5.30 pm: All clear now given to most of our area. More info
HEBDEN ROYD TOWN COUNCIL ELECTIONS - To help prospective candidates who may be considering standing for election in the parish of Hebden Royd there is a chance to find out more on the 10th November at the Council Offices in Hebden Bridge. Read more - 27 Sept
TODMORDEN CURVE - Plans for Burnley to Manchester rail link move closer. Commuters currently have to change trains at Hebden Bridge, meaning the journey takes one hour 20 minutes. See BBC News for more info - 27 Sept
CLONE TOWN BRITAIN has Hebden Bridge as one of the most distinctive towns in the UK. Read more - 20 Sept
GINNELGATE DIRECT ACTION - This morning, Saturday 18 September at 10.30 am residents of St John's Close and their visitors took direct action and 'scaled the wall' which has been built across the pathway through the close on to Bankside footpath. Read more - 18 Sept
SHED YOUR TEARS AND WALKAWAY showing on Wednesday, 22nd September at the Picture House followed by a question and answer forum, featuring a panel which includes Jez Lewis, the director. Previous Hebweb coverage of this film
HX7 JAZZ CLUB - Hebden Bridge?s HX7 Jazz club presents a unique opportunity to hear one of the great jazz legends of the 60s and 70s, when saxophonist John Tchicai?s Trio visits on Thursday September 30th. Read more - 16 Sept
CALDERDALE READY FOR WINTER - Calderdale Council says it is already prepared for the worst the winter can throw at it. The Council started planning for the coming winter in April and this year will have a total of 17,000 tonnes of salt, stored at three depots. Read more - 14 Sept
BOOK NEWS - Top ten bestsellers for August, and all the latest news from our popular Hebden Bridge bookshop. Read more - 3 September
GET PROPER FIT - Hebden Bridge is getting known as something of a boxing town and the latest graduate of Tony's Ring at Salem's Mill to pass on her skills professionally is Caron May. Read more - 2 Sept
SiD COMES TO HEBDEN BRIDGE - SiD is a mobile Speed Indicator Device who rewards drivers with a smile if they are travelling within the speed limit and gives a frown to those who aren't. Read more - 27 Sept
WRITING FESTIVAL - Nina Boyd, Jill Liddington and Fleur Adcock are among a host of authors and poets taking part in a packed month of events for Calderdale's Word of Mouth festival. Read more - 24 Sept
Telegraph Walk of the Week: Hardcastle Crags, "where there are riverside views, tumbling streams, woods - and plenty of wildlife". See also: HebWeb feature on Gibson Mill - 22 Sept
LITTLE HEAPS OF FREE COMPOSTS - 'Little heaps' are going to be around this Saturday. The heaps will be unloaded at Calder Holmes and elsewhere for residents to collect their own free bag of compost for use on their gardens and allotments. Read more - 21 Sept
UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE. U3A, or the University of the Third Age, is open to anyone no longer in employment but in practice this means the active retired, usually aged over 50. Members come mainly from Todmorden and Hebden Bridge but some from further afield. Read more - 20 Sept
CONCERT AT WAINSGATE. Wainsgate Chapel’s 2010 series of concerts continues on Sunday September 26th with a performance by local stars Due Voci. Read more - 17 Sept
MISS RUSTY EMPLOYMENT TRIBUNAL is set for 11-14 January in Leeds. See new Hebweb Feature which attempts to bring together the story behind the sackings of her and Steve Cann from Calder High - 10 Sept
SWIMMING POOL PLANS LATEST- comments are sought. More info. 13 September
HELP RELIEVE PAKISTAN'S SUFFERING. More than 20 million people have lost their homes and livelihoods in the floods. Now, faith communities across Calderdale are appealing to the people of Calderdale to help relieve the suffering of millions of people affected by the floods - Read more - 2 Sept
Large crowds for Blackshaw Head Fete which had fine weather for once - See photos
NEIGHBOURHOOD MANAGER/ DEPUTY CLERK - Hebden Royd Town Council is looking to recruit a proactive individual to develop, establish and provide leadership on regeneration and community projects within the parish - Read more - 26 August
SKATE PARK IMPROVEMENT A STEP NEARER - Calderdale councillors have agreed to a proposal which means that Hebden Royd Council will be able to go ahead with a bid to fund an extension of the skate park in Calder Holmes Park, Hebden Bridge. Read more - 26 August
TOWN CRIER COMPETITION - Ten town criers from around the UK will be booming poetically around Hebden Bridge at the weekend as they compete for the title of Hebden Howler 2010. Part of the 500th anniversary of Hebden Bridge's packhorse crossing. Read more - 21 August
GINNELGATE - Birchcliffe footpath blocked. Residents on Birchcliffe, Bankside and St. Johns Close have come together to campaign for the re-opening of the shortcut which runs between Birchcliffe Road and the Stubbing Footpath via St. Johns Close. Read more - 17 August

Dagda Quartet
Hebden Bridge’s HX7 Jazz club kicks off its autumn season on Thursday August 26 by hosting a concert by the exceptional Dagda Quartet. More info
Popular Hebden Bridge musician, Steve Tilston has revealed the contents of a letter John Lennon sent him, giving advice, in 1971 but which he didn't actually receive for another 34 years. See this BBC news page - 17 August
FIRST CIVIC WEDDING AT TOWN HALL - The first civil wedding in Hebden Bridge took place in the town's landmark Town Hall last Saturday (August 14th), when Alan Hinton and Deborah Newbold were married in the panelled Town Hall Chamber. Read more - 17 August
VIVA MORRISSEY AND JACK LEVEN AT THE TRADES - "Jackie Leven has lived the rock and roll life including a spell living rough under the South Bank Centre but we welcome him as a criminally underrated songwriter and live performer." Read more - 7 August
HEBWEB UPGRADE - read about how we have updated this site, and how it would not have been possible without Ariadne. 5 Aug
BOON ARMY AT THE TRADES- Inspiral Carpets leader Clint Boon was one of the biggest stars of the Madchester revolution but since then he?s turned his hand to DJing creating the fanatical Boon Army who will be visiting the valley on Saturday. Read more - 31 August
LATIN ROOTS WITH RICHARD SHINDELL at the Trades Club. Cult songsmith Richard Shindell makes the long trip from his base in Buenos Aries to play at Steve Tilston's Trades Roots night on Wednesday. Read more - 29 August
NEW GARDENING GROUP FOR WADSWORTH - A new gardening group is happening in Old Town meeting on the third monday of every month at the Hare and Hounds. Read more - 27 August
DAEVID ALLEN AT THE TRADES CLUB - The godfather of British psychedelia Daevid Allen makes a welcome return to the Trades Club on Friday 27 August still flying the flag for love and peace well into his seventh decade. Read more - 22 August
WE ARE BRADFORD' CALLS FOR A PEACEFUL MULTICULTURAL CELEBRATION - MPs Peter Hain, John McDonnell and David Ward (Bradford East) are among those opposing plans by the English Defence League to demonstrate in Bradford on 28th August, and are calling on as many people as possible to attend the peaceful, multicultural demonstration. Read more - 18 August
COMMUNITY FUNDS AVAILABLE from Hebden Royd. Groups from Hebden Royd (roughly most of Hebden Bridge, Mytholmroyd and Cragg Vale) can apply for funds from the community funding committee. Read more - 18 August
COMEDY AT THE TRADES - Stand up comedy used to be a male preserve but a new generation of female stand ups are taking on the testosterone fuelled circuit led by the Laughing Calves comedy collective. Read more - 16 August
BOOK NEWS - Top ten bestsellers for July, and all the latest news from our popular Hebden Bridge bookshop. Read more - 3 August
THE STATIONS AND OTHER EVENTS AT THE TRADES - The Stations have been making a big name for themselves in Manchester playing a series of gigs including a show at the legendary Night and Day which has featured all the Madchester stars over the years. Read more - 3 August
JULY 2010
HEBDEN BRIDGE TRIO TO SCALE KILIMANJARO to give African school kids a 'second chance'. The team hopes to scale the mountain in six days raising £3000 for their charity – enough to set up and fund an entire school for a year. Read more - 29 July
SINGING WITH BECKY AND OTHER EVENTS AT THE TRADES - Becky Unthank takes a break from her day job sharing vocal duties in new folk royalty The Unthanks to run two singing workshops at the Trades club next week. Read more - 26 July
LAUNCH OF 500 FACES EXHIBITION - The two year long odyssey of local entrepreneur and photographer Jason Elliott reached a high point today, with the launch of the ‘500 Faces’ Exhibition at the Hebden Bridge Arts Festival Shop on Albert Street. Read more - 24 July
NEW TRUSTS SET TO BECOME FIRST SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT BUILDINGS: Two Yorkshire community-led trusts are pioneering a novel way of ensuring high standards of sustainability in building design and management by committing to meet the goal of becoming Sustainable Transport Buildings. Read more - 22 July
COMEDY, REGGAE AND TANGO AT THE TRADES - Controversial stand up and Guardian columnist Shazia Mirza makes a welcome return to the Trades Club on Thursday. On Sunday try the Trade’s own Latin version of Strictly Come Dancing. Read more - 19 July

Concerns for Ian Coates who hasn't been heard from since his last message to HebWeb at the end of May. See HebWeb Feature
MISSING LEOPARD - Leopard stolen from a local children’s Sculpture Trail. Head teacher Ms Gretyl Young appeals for the leopard’s safe return. Read more - 16 July

Arts Festival Open Gardens - During the Open Gardens weekend on July 10 and 11 visitors will have access to more than 30 garden and allotment sites in Hebden Bridge, Heptonstall and Mytholmroyd. More info - updated, 8th July
GARDEN STREET AGAIN? Revised planning application? But the development agreement with the Council is definitely cancelled! More info - 5 July
BOOK NEWS - Top ten bestsellers for June, and all the latest news from our popular Hebden Bridge bookshop, along with featured titles. Read more - 2 July
POLICE AND COMMUNITY REPORT - details of crimes and concerns around Hebden Bridge, including anti-social behaviour and police priorities. Read more - 29 July
HEBDEN BRIDGE STATION EXHIBITION - Each of the two waiting rooms at the station now hosts exhibitions, prepared by the Friends of Hebden Station, on the history of the railway in and around the Upper Calder Valley with prints and photos from 1845 to 1965. Read more - 27 July
The Mayor and Mayoress of Hebden Royd will give a warm welcome to all at their Fund Raising Event at White Swan, Bridge Gate tomorrow, (Sat 24th) from 12 till 6.00pm. Attractions include face painting, BBQ, and children's colouring competition. - 23 July
CHANNEL 4 SERIES OFFERS CHANCE TO WIN HOUSE - Producers of a new Channel 4 series provisionally titled The Village are looking for individuals, couples and families who would like the opportunity to start a new life in the English countryside. They will have the chance to win a 3 bedroom cottage located in a small idyllic village in Yorkshire. Read more - 22 July
FESTIVAL FORTNIGHT A GREAT SUCCESS: Selling more than 3000 tickets for over 50 events across 19 venues including a converted Routemaster bus, organisers are thrilled with the response to this year’s programme. Read more - 20 July
TOWN HALL DEVELOPMENT PLANS GO TO CALDERDALE TODAY - Detailed plans for the future development of Hebden Bridge’s Town Hall have been given to Calderdale’s planning department today by Hebden Bridge Community Association. The Association has also announced plans for an Open Day at the Town Hall on Saturday July 24th. Read more - 16 July
FOLKFEST AT THE TRADES - The inaugural Hebden Bridge Folk Festival kicks off this coming weekend featuring legendary live act The Men they Couldn’t Hang and folk royalty Robin Williamson. More info - 12 July
ROYALISTS AND PARLIAMENTARIANS CLASH IN HEBDEN BRIDGE - History came to life at the weekend as hundreds converged on the packhorse bridge in Hebden and at Heptonstall village to see Royalists and Parliamentarians fighting it out as they had done more than three centuries ago. Read more - 11 July
FESTIVAL FEVER IN HEPTONSTALL: This year’s Heptonstall Festival will be on Saturday 17th July, showcasing local performers in an afternoon of magic, music and storytelling. The event starts at 12 noon on Weavers Square and will continue after 6pm in the Cross Inn. More info - 8 July
500 VOICES - choirs from our region gathered around the bridge today to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Packhorse Bridge. The rain held of most of the time but arrived on cue for Calder Valley Voices' Singing in the Rain. The event ended with a new song by Daniel Bath: Crossing the River. More photos
JUNE 2010
HANDMADE PARADE PHOTOS AND REPORT - More than 600 people took part in the parade and thousands more lined the route in sizzling sunshine to enjoy amazing giant puppets, dazzling artwork, a riot of colour and toe-tapping music. More info - 28 June
BIGGEST AND BEST HANDMADE PARADE - Hundreds of people will be taking part in what organisers hope will be the biggest and best-ever Hebden Bridge Handmade Parade on Saturday (June 26). More info - 23 June
FESTIVAL BUS NEEDS DRIVER - Have you ever driven a bus? Would you like to drive a 1965 vintage red Routemaster through Hebden Bridge? The Festival has hired a converted Routemaster as a performance venue for the 2010 Arts Festival. It will be situated outside the Hole in t’Wall for performances, but needs to be moved to secure parking in the evenings. Co-ordinator Rebecca Yorke said: " Drivers need to be over 25 and have a full, clean licence." If you can help, please contact Hebden Bridge Festival or leave a message for Rebecca at the box office on Albert Street 01422 842684. - 22 June
GINGER GENIUS AND ASIAN FUSION at the Trades. Northern Soul legend Ginger Taylor will be making the short trip from Todmorden to spin floor-filling classics at the Trades Club. And the Trades will also be hosting plenty of Arts Festival events. More info - 22 June
MEMORIAL GARDEN PLANTING - Nearly 100 people turned up to help with the planting in Mytholmroyd yesterday. More info - 14 June
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIDGE - Buns, bangs and bands for birthday bash. On June 19, the mid-point in a year of the Hebden 500 celebrations to mark the 500th anniversary of the packhorse bridge, the streets of Hebden will be ringing to the sounds of mediaeval music, horse’s hooves and some jolly loud bangs. More info - 14 June
HANDMADE PARADE - Giant feet, tiny cars and a menagerie of migrating animals start to take shape. Anyone wanting to join in the fun of this month’s Handmade Parade is being urged to get down to the open workshops. More info - 14 June
HEBDEN 500 - Visitors from Hebden Bridge’s twin towns have presented local people with birthday gifts to mark the 500th anniversary of the packhorse bridge. Read more - 13 June
CRAIG WHITTAKER’S MAIDEN SPEECH - included mention of Chris McCafferty, Donald Thompson, Bernard Ingham, Ted Hughes and his MP’s charity, which will be established to to help improve the educational achievement of children in care. Read more - 11 June
FOOTBALL, JAZZ AND MORE AT THE TRADES - England fans will have a rare chance to watch the whole of the 1966 World Cup final at the Trades Club before the 2012 tournament kicks off in South Africa on Saturday 12 June. More info - 6 June
BOOK NEWS - Top ten bestsellers for May, and all the latest news from our popular Hebden Bridge bookshop, along with featured titles. Read more - 6 June
ECOTEAMS COME TO OUR AREA - Calderdale Council and Hebden Bridge Alternative Technology Centre, in partnership with Global Action Plan, are once again running an EcoTeams project in Calderdale to help people reduce their impact on the environment. More info - 28 June
HEBDEN BRIDGE DOCTOR GETS TOP JOB - Dr Linda Patterson OBE who has lived in Hebden Bridge since 1984 has been elected as the Clinical Vice President of the Royal College of Physicians of London. Read more - 23 June
HEBDEN BRIDGE LIBRARY TALKS AND ACTIVITIES - Writers, publishers and ecological walk. More info. - 22 June
BIRTHDAY PARTY DRAWS CROWD OF HUNDREDS - Hundreds of people filled St George’s Square and Bridge Gate to see the mayor, Robin Dixon, and his guests walk across the 500-year-old packhorse bridge with a real packhorse to officially launch Hebden’s biggest ever birthday party. More info - 21 June
COMMUNITY-RUN TOWN HALL TO HONOUR COOPERATIVE PIONEER - The community-run Town Hall in Hebden Bridge is to commemorate the memory of a leading national cooperative pioneer. A ceremony being held later this month will see the Town Hall committee room renamed the Greenwood Room, in honour of one of the town’s forgotten heroes Joseph Greenwood. More info - 18 June
PROJECT X will be holding their first drop-in at the Hope Baptist Church opposite the cinema on Thursday 17th June 2010; 3.30-6.30 pm. Read more
TROUBADOURS, FOLK AND BLUES at the Trades this coming week. Travelling troubadours Orkestra del Sol join the Mental Elf team to celebrate the apex of the solar cycle at the Trades on Friday 18 June. Read more
CHEERS! ARTS FESTIVAL ALE on the Pumps - Audiences at Hebden Bridge Arts Festival will be refreshed this year by its very own locally brewed beer. Produced by local specialists Little Valley Brewery, Festivale will appear in Hebden Bridge pubs, bars and venues from this weekend. Read more - 6 June
JAZZ CLUB - Hebden Bridge’s HX7 Jazz Club celebrates its first half year on Thursday June 10th with the visit of the much-in-demand Sam Crockatt Quartet. More info - 6 June
MANCHESTER SUPERCLUB AT THE TRADES Club Brenda brings its unique mix of extreme performance art and live music to the Calder Valley for the first time at the Trades Club on Saturday June 5. More info - 1 June
HANDMADE PARADE CLASSES AND WORKSHOPS Fancy making a giant puppet, sculpture or mask, trying your hand at drumming or learning how to stilt? If so then the Hebden Bridge Handmade Parade Skills Classes could be just the thing for you. More info - 1 June
SUMMER MUSIC AT WAINSGATE: STRANGEWORLD - A top class acoustic folk band, Strangeworld play what’s been described as haunting, energetic and exquisite music. Read more - 1 June
MAY 2010
HEBDEN 500 - Glimpses into the past and present of Hebden Bridge are on show as part of the HB500 birthday celebrations, in exhibitions by an up-and-coming local photographer and a world-renowned Magnum photographer. Read more - 31 May
TRANSITION TOWN LAUNCH report and photos - A crowded, and very different looking Riverside School playground was the scene of the Transition Town launch. Many were able to sit on straw bales in the sunshine outside the peas and love cafe, surrounded by plants, solar panels, energy creating bicycles. More info - 31 May
BIG GREEN WEEKEND - a fusion of street theatre, music, debate, film, art, technology and education which guarantees that those who come will leave with a new idea that will change their world for the better. Make sure that May 29th, 30th and 31st are firmly marked in your minds, mobiles and anywhere else - you don’t want to miss it! - 26 May
TRANSITION TOWN LAUNCH AND BIG GREEN WEEKEND - As part of the Big Green Weekend, Hebden Bridge is finally going to be launched as a Transition Town. More details of the the activities going on around the town this Spring Bank Holiday Weekend
DUB, WITCHES AND MORE AT THE TRADES - Reggae legends Pama International - see also Rodney Branigan who is legendary for his unique ability to play two guitars, Demdike Stare who are named after Pendle’s most famous witch and Po’Girl. Read more - 23 May
TOWN HALL CONSULTATION - on development plans. Hebden Bridge people will have another opportunity to look at the ambitious plans being prepared for developments at the rear of the Town Hall this Saturday (May 22)
TRAINS TO LONDON FROM HALIFAX - The first direct train to London will run from Halifax on Sunday 23 May. The new West Riding service will restore direct trains to London for the first time in over 30 years. Read more - 17 May
COMING UP AT THE TRADES - Jesca Hoop, Mabel Blue and all that jazz. Rising songstress Jesca Hoop was once nanny to the children of legendary troubadour Tom Waits and now he’s a confirmed fan of her off-kilter tunes. Read more - 17 May
FAIR FOR YOUTH - The spring event “Fair for Youth”, planned by the young people of Hebden Royd, now has been arranged for Saturday. 22nd May. Calder Holmes Park will see exhibitions, demonstrations and workshops from some of the many providers of youth activities in the area. Read more - 13 May
SHOT IN COLDEN: SOUND OF THE BELL - An award-winning film shot at Colden School and in the surrounding area is to be screened during the HB500 film festival. Read more - 12 May
LIBERAL DEMOCRATS TAKE LOCAL SEATS ON CALDERDALE - Nader Fekri and John Beaucroft-Mitchell have been elected as councillors for Calder and Luddenden wards. See detailed results
TORIES TAKE CALDER VALLEY - in the General Election, Conservative Craig Whittaker wins seat from Labour. See Calder Valley Election Forum for details results
RUBY WOOD AT WAINSGATE - Ruby Wood’s brand new solo project where she finds the freedom to let all her sweet melodies, vocal experimentation and unusual ideas out into the world. Read more - 3 May
COUNTDOWN TO FESTIVAL PROGRAMME LAUNCH - Festival organisers are busy making the final preparations for the launch of the 2010 Arts Festival brochure which takes place this Friday. Special guests will get the first glimpse of the brochure at an exclusive event on May 7 and the programme will become available online and in brochure format over the weekend. Read more - 2 May
SECRET DIARIES OF ANNE LISTER Calderdale will be the focus of a brand new BBC Two drama on Bank Holiday Monday: The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister stars Maxine Peake as the Yorkshire landowner, industrialist, traveller and diarist. The drama will be followed by a documentary which tells the story of Anne Lister and the decoding of her diaries. Local historian Jill Liddington contributes. More info - 28 May
HELEN OF FOUR GATES - film ‘lost’ for 90 years. Heart-rending tale returns to its Yorkshire roots. On June 10, local people will be flocking to the Picture House to watch the film - Helen of Four Gates - as it shows on a public screen for the first time in 90 years. More info - 26 May
FRIENDS OF HEBDEN BRIDGE STATION - Inspired by the Incredible Edible Todmorden project Friends of Hebden Bridge Station volunteers have planted over the last two weeks some 50 fruit bushes along the edge of the station car park by the rail track and spread 20 tons of compost around them. More info - 21 May
HANDMADE PARADE RECEIVES £25k IN GRANTS - It’s all systems go for next month’s Hebden Bridge Handmade Parade thanks to a £27,400 cash boost. The Big Lottery Fund’s Awards for All has given a £10,000 grant to help develop the parade workshops and outreach skills sessions. More info - 18 May
BESTSELLING AUTHOR AT BOOKSIGNING - Local author Linda Green will be signing copies of her new novel at The Book Case in Hebden Bridge on Saturday – and hoping she has another bestseller on her hands. More info - 11 May
FESTIVAL PROGRAMME LAUNCHED - see details of all the events planned for this year’s festival, and this year there is now online booking of tickets. More info - 11 May
Festival organisers have announced a change to the advertised line-up of star acts coming to Hebden this summer. Comedian John Bishop has had to cancel after securing a Saturday night tv show. Award-winning Tom Wrigglesworth, who performed to sell-out houses in Edinburgh last year, will perform at the Picture House on 27 June instead. More info - 11 May
WHITE HOUSE TO HEBDEN BRIDGE: After playing at the President’s home Lunasa make their long awaited debut at the Trades Club. Martha Tilston also returns to the Trades Club to promote her new album. Read more - 9 May
HEBDEN 500 SIGNS - Eye-catching new signs have gone up at both ends of Hebden Bridge, welcoming people to this creative hotspot and to the 500th anniversary celebrations. Read more - 3 May
ELECTION NIGHT, QUIZ AND MORE AT THE TRADES - Political junkies can get their fix on General Election night as the Trades Club are using the biggest screen in town to show all the results as they come in. Read more - 3 May
HISTORY SOCIETIES HOLD JOINT MEETING - The biannual joint meeting of the two local history societies will be at Mytholmroyd Methodist Church on Friday May 7th at 7.30pm. Please come and join our friends for what promises to be an enjoyable evening. Free refreshments will be available. Read more - 1 May
CANDIDATES’ ELECTION PLEDGE - Friends of the Earth members and others have been asking the candidates in every constituency if they will support two pledges on the critical issue of climate change. Read more - 1 May
APRIL 2010
ANNUAL TOWN MEETING - This meeting is for electors of Hebden Royd, not politicians, and is for us to say what we think should be happening in Hebden Royd. Read more - 30 April
HANDMADE PARADE 2010 - If you fancy getting creative with feathers, flying machines or spaceships, the Hebden Bridge Handmade Parade will have it all.
The theme of this year’s spectacular street parade and open workshops will be Hop, Skip and a Jump – a celebration of journeys real and imaginary. Read more - 29 April
ELECTION VIDEOS: Jason Elliott interview has interviewed three of the four main election candidates: Green candidate Kate Sweeny, Conservative candidate Craig Whittaker and Lib Dem candidate Hilary Myer. Watch them here on HebWeb. (Labour’s Steph Booth has also been invited) - 26 April
CANDIDATES FOR CALDERDALE ELECTIONS - Each of the 17 wards in the Calderdale area will have the opportunity to vote for a Calderdale councillor on 6th May. The Calder Ward generally covers the Hebden Bridge area and Luddenden Foot ward covers Mytholmroyd. Read more - 20 April
FUNDING SUCCESS FOR FESTIVAL - Hebden Bridge’s artistic roots and historic routes will be celebrated when the town’s Arts Festival gets underway on June 26 - thanks to a grant from Arts Council England. Read more - 20 April
WORLD MUSIC AND MORE AT THE TRADES - local drumming ensemble Rhythmbridge are creating a new club night dubbed Afrobrazilla. And former Daintees frontman Martin Stephenson steps into the valley Read more - 18 April
TOWN HALL FRIENDS TO MEET - The Friends of Hebden Bridge Town Hall, now more than five hundred strong, are being invited to a special meeting this Thursday (15th April) Read more
GRUMPY OLD CHRISTIAN, and more at the Trades this week. Former Christians star and self-styled grumpy old man Henry Priestman drops into the Trades Club on Saturday 17 April playing hits old and new. Read more - 4 April
JAZZ CLUB - April’s HX7 Jazz Club will be something of an international affair on Thursday April 15 when it welcomes The Saxophone Summit Sextet: a transatlantic supergroup featuring some of the best saxophonists in the world. Read more - 6 April
GENERAL ELECTION 2010 - as we have done for the past three general elections, the Hebweb has created a section for election news, editorial, comments and links. - 6 April
OUTER ZEDS HAITI BENEFIT, Bridget St. John, Reggae and more at the Trades this coming week. Read more - 4 April
MORE MONEY FOR ROADS - Calderdale Council is set to get an additional £329,000 for road maintenance. The extreme weather conditions this winter, the coldest in over 30 years, have led to an increase in the number of potholes and damage to roads across the country. Read more - 1 April
CABARET AND DIRTY FAKIRS AT THE TRADES - Local rock stars in the making the Dirty Fakirs bring their trademark heavy northern grooves to the Trades Club and The Charity Shop Cabaret invites you on a hilarious journey into Elspeth Garter’s world of junk. Read more - 26 April
POLICE AND COMMUNITY REPORT - details of crimes and concerns around Hebden Bridge, including anti-social behaviour and police priorities. Read more - 23 April
JAZZ CLUB - London-based jazz singer Sarah Ellen Hughes visits Hebden Bridge’s HX7 Jazz Club for what should be a superb concert on Thursday 20th May 2010. Read more - 21 April
SEEDY SATURDAY - Bring along any unwanted seeds or plants (or just yourself and a willingness to grow things) and swap them for new ones to fill up your garden. Read more - 18 April
Town Crier Chris chosen
for Big Green Weekend
LETTER FROM PALESTINE - Ron Taylor of Hebden Bridge is once again in Palestine, and has sent the Hebden Bridge Web this report - 14 April
GENERAL ELECTION 2010 - this section now includes statements from the Lib Dems and Greens, and links to the Guardian article on the Calder Valley - more info- 12 April
PROJECT WORKER APPOINTED - Hebden Bridge Community Association, the member-led charity which is taking over control of the Town Hall from Calderdale council, has announced that it has appointed its first member of staff. Read more - 6 April
STUBBINGS PRIMARY SCHOOL LATEST - Interim Executive Board takes over from governors. The new Board will work alongside the Council to resolve difficulties which were first highlighted in an Ofsted inspection in February last year. Read more - 1 April
SCRAP METAL THIEVES STOP TRAINS: Hundreds of passengers were hit yesterday as rail chiefs had to cancel 17 trains and delay another 12 while engineers carried out urgent repairs. The busy Northern Rail Transpennine service had to be cancelled between Blackburn and Hebden Bridge, through Accrington and Burnley. Thieves ripped out 100 metres of copper signalling cable. - 1 April
BOOK NEWS - Top ten bestsellers for March, and all the latest news from our popular Hebden Bridge bookshop, along with featured titles. Read more - 1 April
MARCH 2010
MIDGLEY PACE EGG PLAY - The students of Calder High School, will once again dust off their Pace Egging hats on Good Friday, 2nd April, to perform all day long throughout the Calder Valley. Read more - 31 March
TOWN HALL NOW BELONGS TO THE COMMUNITY - Hebden Bridge becomes one of the first communities in Britain to take direct control of its Town Hall building this week. Read more - 31 March
SHED YOUR TEARS AND WALK AWAY- A review by Jill Robinson of the first showing of the film in Hebden Bridge. Jez Lewis’s debut feature, portraying the lives of alcoholics in Hebden Bridge, makes for harrowing viewing. Read more - 30 March
ANGELS AND MORE AT THE TRADES - See Angel Brothers and Why and Wherefores at the Trades this week, and take part in the monthly quiz. Read more - 28 March
SMALL SCALE FOOD COMPETITION - “How Does your Garden Grow?” is a competition aimed at those who have a small garden or no garden at all. Read more - 26 March
SPRING CLEAN REPORT Despite the return of terrible weather many community groups turned out this weekend to take part in Hebden Royd Town Councils annual Spring Clean. - Read more - 22 March
ACRE MILL PLANS THROWN OUT - The Planning Inspectorate has ruled that houses should not be built upon the land across the road from the old Cape Asbestos factory, Acre Mil Read more - 21 March
HANDMADE PARADE: HELP DECIDE THE THEME - at an open community consultation meeting to which everyone is invited. Organisers are asking people to bring their ideas and enthusiasm to the meeting, which will be held in the upstairs room at Hope Baptist Church in Hebden Bridge next Wednesday March 24 at 7pm. Read more - 15 March
TRANSITION TOWN LAUNCH at the Big Green Weekend. Becoming a Transition Town begins by working groups on issues such as food, transport, energy and health designing a blueprint of what a future sustainable Hebden Bridge would be like, then making a practical energy decent plan of how to get there and implementing it. Read more - 12 March
UK BIG FREEZE, HEBDEN BRIDGE - The UK Big Freeze is the largest flashmob ever to hit the UK, taking place in 25 UK towns and cities at the same time. Read more - 11 March
NEWS FROM CALDERDALE - new section giving news from Calderdale MBC as it may affect Hebden Bridge and the surrounding area. First items are "Empty homes issue to be addressed" and "Check your Council tax band for free" Read more - 9 March
HEBDEN ROYD CLERK VACANCY - Due to the impending retirement of the current postholder the Council seeks a dynamic and dedicated officer with a flexible approach. - Read more - 8 March
ANDY SHEPPARD, AND BARN DANCE - this week at the Trades includes a barn dance with attitude courtesy of the Last Chance Saloon Band - Read more - 7 March
Hundreds walked through Mytholmroyd, Luddenden and Hebden Bridge today on a fundraising walk in the memory of Liam and Sam Jones, and the other young lives that Hebden Bridge has lost in recent years. Read more - 6 March
STEPH BOOTH WINS CASE BUT CONCERNS PERSIST - Gareth Binding of Cool UK alleged that Steph Booth bullied and coerced a junior colleague into printing derogatory remarks on newspaper comment pages about Hebden Bridge’s Janet Oosthuysen. Read more - 4 March
BOOK NEWS - Top ten bestsellers for February, and all the latest news from our popular Hebden Bridge bookshop, along with featured titles. Read more - 3 March
SCRAP METAL THIEVES STOP TRAINS: Hundreds of passengers were hit yesterday as rail chiefs had to cancel 17 trains and delay another 12 while engineers carried out urgent repairs. The busy Northern Rail Transpennine service had to be cancelled between Blackburn and Hebden Bridge, through Accrington and Burnley. Thieves ripped out 100 metres of copper signalling cable. - 1 April
DON’T MISS THE FESTIVAL BUS! The Hebden Bridge Arts Festival is calling for artists to get on board their own Routemaster Fringe. The Festival has acquired an old London Routemaster bus all fitted out ready for performances. Read more - 30 March
FRIENDS OF CALDER HOLMES PARK - More members are always needed. Come along to the AGM on 8 April. All welcome. Read more - 29 March
COUNCIL TAX DOWN - Calderdale Council claims to be the only Metropolitan Council in the country to have reduced Council Tax bills this year. Read more - 25 March
PACE EGG PLAY - There’ll be trouble in Heptonstall this Good Friday, as family feuding spills over into the land of Pace Egg. Visitors are urged to use public transport, or enjoy the walk up to the village. Read more - 22 March
CHUMBAWAMBA, HAZEL O’CONNOR and more at the Trades. It’s a weekend of hits at the Trades this week as chart stars Chumbawamba, Hazel O’Connor and Ex-Seahorses frontman Chris Helme visit the valley. Read more - 21 March
HEBDEN 500 POSTCARDS - Why email when you can send a Hebden 500 postcard? Read more - 18 March
SPRING CLEAN - details of clean up groups and skiplocations. Read more - 17 March
HX7 JAZZ, TARANTISM, SIMON MUNNERY, CLOTHES SWAP and more at the Trades. Double bass virtuoso Jenni Molloy brings her unique take on Bach classics to the Trades Club on Thursday 18 March as part of the HX7 Jazz Club. Read more - 14 March
CIVIC TRUST MEETING ON ALLOTMENTS - report of the public meeting held to discuss allotment availability, ownership and management in the Hebden Royd area. Read more - 11 March
LIBRARY TALK ON PALESTINE - Author Rich Wiles will visit Hebden Bridge Library on Wednesday 17 March at 6.30pm to promote his new book about life in Palestine. Read more - 10 March
BANDS SUPPORT THE GREAT GENERATION PROJECT - Brass band fans are in for a treat this weekend with Hebden Bridge Junior Band teaming up for a one-off concert with the Cambridge University Brass Band. Read more - 9 March
POLICE AND COMMUNITY REPORT - details of crimes and concerns around Hebden Bridge, including anti-social behaviour in Old Town and the Broughton Street area; crimes and police priorities. Read more - 8 March
PENNINE HORIZONS - The Pennine Horizons project has had several names but a single concept. The Ecomuseum, the Pennine Museum and Pennine Inheritance have been ‘working titles’ for a new community resource and visitor attraction. Read more - 3 March
ASSOCIATION LOOKS FOR TREASURER TO TAKE ON TOWN HALL ROLE - Hebden Bridge Community Association, the registered charity which is to take over management of Hebden Bridge’s landmark Town Hall building from Calderdale, has announced that it is looking for a new treasurer to join the board of trustees. Read more - 1 March
IT’S COOL FOR CATS AT THE TRADES -the coming week includes Squeeze legend and human jukebox Glenn Tilbrook, the Cabbage collective, Resonation and China Shop Bull. Read more - 1 March
BOOK NEWS - Top ten bestsellers for 2009 and for December, and all the latest news from our popular Hebden Bridge bookshop, along with new titles. Read more - 3 Jan
IT’S COOL FOR CATS AT THE TRADES -the coming week includes Squeeze legend and human jukebox Glenn Tilbrook, the Cabbage collective, Resonation and China Shop Bull. Read more - 1 March
FRIENDS OF CALDER HOMES PARK - A meeting of the Friends of Calder Holmes Park group was held on Thursday 18th February at the Town Hall. The meeting, chaired by Hetha Duffy, was very well attended and it was great to welcome to the meeting a number of the young people who are actively involved in the plans to extend the skatepark facilities. Read more - 23 Feb
BISHOP TO UNVEIL MYTHOLMROYD SCULPTURE - The new centre piece for St Michael’s Square, Mytholmroyd, is to be unveiled this weekend by the Bishop of Wakefield. Sculptor Nicolas Moreton’s ‘Eye and the Needle’ is the culmination of a year long process that has seen local people involved in the selection of both the artist and design of the finished art work. Read more - 22 Feb
THIS WEEK AT THE TRADES - includes Sunfish, Fay Hield, Chris Lynam, Bethany Black and Quiz. Read more - 21 Feb
HOTSPOT FOR UNINSURED DRIVERS - Hebden Bridge is number two. Uninsured drivers cost the law-abding motorist an average of £30 a year to cover the cost of meeting claims from people who’ve been involved in an accident where the driver at fault didn’t have insurance. Glasgow and Manchester are in third and fourth places. See survey details
THIS WEEK AT THE TRADES - includes Quinteto Mambo Jambo, Luke Solomon and Voice of the Seven Thunders. Read more - 16 Feb
MORE EVENTS PLANNED FOR HEBDEN 500 YEAR - including Hebden Bridge in the Movies, Folk Roots Festival and a HB Band Heritage Weekend. Read more - 11 Feb
£350 RAISED FOR HAITI: Cass sparred for 120 rounds over 6 hours with more than 60 different people last Saturday, raising £350 for survivors of Haiti’s earthquake. The money will be handed over to the Disasters Emergency Committee this week. Read more - 10 Feb
INVITATION TO SEE PLANS FOR TOWN HALL including a 200 seater hall with riverfront location. Proposals for major new community facilities for Hebden Bridge will be unveiled on Saturday February 13th, at an consultation event being held at the Town Hall. Read more - 7 Feb
TED HUGHES PORTRAIT DONATED TO CALDERDALE. A portrait of Ted Hughes, by the artist Reginald Gray, will go on display for the first time as part of a new temporary exhibition, due to open at Heptonstall Museum in April. Irish born Reginald Gray, who has lived much of his life in France, became part of the School of London which was led by artists Francis Bacon and Lucian Freud. Read more - 5 Feb
ENTERPRISE CONFERENCE IN MYTHOLMROYD - free, friendly and informal event for confidential advice on becoming self-employed, starting a business and growing your business and much more. Read more - 4 Feb
GENERAL ELECTION MEETING REPORT - a general election meeting with candidates was held on 2nd February in Hipperholme and Lightcliffe. A coach was hired to take people from Hebden Bridge after the Labour candidate Steph Booth pulled out of a similar meeting planned to take place in in our town. Read more - 3 Feb
HOUSEHOLD WASTE COLLECTIONS: Normal Service Resumed. Calderdale Council and its waste collection contractor SITA UK have now cleared the backlog of household waste. Read more - 1 Feb
ASSOCIATION LOOKS FOR TREASURER TO TAKE ON TOWN HALL ROLE - Hebden Bridge Community Association, the registered charity which is to take over management of Hebden Bridge’s landmark Town Hall building from Calderdale, has announced that it is looking for a new treasurer to join the board of trustees. Read more - 1 March
NEAR DERELICT SHOPS ON MARKET STREET - questions and petition in respect of the three shops on Market Street which have been empty for some years. Read more - 26 Feb
CRAGG VALE SPA: Countryside Volunteers has made access to the recently restored Cragg Vale Spa much easier for those interested in seeing (and smelling) the historic sulphur spa. The site adjacent to Cragg Brook used to host a ‘Spaw Sunday’ each May in past times when to celebrate the passing of winter people used to gather and ‘Take the Waters’. The Cragg Vale History Group raised funds for a site survey by students from Leeds University and for the improvement works to be completed. The Hisory Group intend to erect an information board at the site. Thanks to Graham Ramsden for this news.
PROJECT X LAUNCH SUCCESSFUL - The Project X-Calderdale benefit event at the Trades Club, Hebden Bridge (Friday 5th) was a fantastic success. A workshop/drop in day has been scheduled for the 18th February from 2pm to 6pm at Salem Ground Floor Project. Read more - 15 Feb
LABOUR TO CALL FOR OPEN GOVERNMENT REVOLUTION in Calderdale. The call comes in a motion to be debated at the next full Council meeting on Wednesday 17th February 2010. Read more - 9 Feb
CUPID ON THE CHEAP - If you’re fed up with the cynical price rises every Valentine’s Day but still want to celebrate Cupid’s day with your loved ones then the Trades Club is the place to go on Sunday night. Read more - 9 Feb
OUT ON THE FLOOR AT THE TRADES - Northern Soul with Johnny Boy, folk with Bob Fox and local recording artists The Steals. Read more - 8 Feb
YOUNG PEOPLE GIVE THEIR VIEWS: The Young People’s Working Party of Hebden Royd Town Council filled the Town Hall committee room to overflowing at their recent meeting to discuss youth provision in the Hebden Royd area. Read more - 7 Feb
LET US NOT WALK AWAY. Let us walk together. The recent deaths of brothers, Liam and Sam Jones, both to drugs and alcohol has prompted their sister Belinda, to hold a charity walk for Lifeline Calderdale. Read more - 5 Feb
HEBDEN BRIDGE LIBRARY’S LGBT DAY - This Sunday (7 February), Hebden Bridge Library is hosting a series of events in celebration of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) month and Anne Lister’s life. Anne Lister was born in 1791 and died in 1840 after leading an adventurous and fascinating life and is often called the “first modern lesbian”. Read more - 3 Feb
PROJECT X CALDERDALE - is a new social enterprise initiative operating in and around the Upper Calder Valley. Read more - 1 Feb
WEDDINGS AND CIVIL PARTNERSHIPS AT TOWN HALL - Hebden Bridge Community Association, the member-led group which will be taking over control of the Town Hall, has announced that it is arranging a licence for weddings and civil partnerships in the building. It will be the first time for many years that civil ceremonies will be able to be held in the town. Read more - 29 Jan
POLICE AND COMMUNITY REPORT - details of crimes and concerns around Hebden Bridge, including anti-social behaviour in Old Town and the Broughton Street area; hot soup now available Fridays at St James, drop-in centre to open. Read more - 25 Jan
ELECTION DEBATE IN HIPPERHOLME: COACH FROM HEBDEN: There will be a public meeting with the Parliamentary candidates for the Calder Valley constituency on Tuesday 2nd February 2010 at 7.30 p.m. at Lightcliffe C. of E. Primary School with a 55 seater coach leaving from Hebden Bridge. Read more - 21 Jan
LABOUR’S CANDIDATE STEPH BOOTH TAKES FORMER BOSS TO TRIBUNAL: but she is accused of tantrums, teaching while unqualified and plotting against rival. Read more - 20 Jan
SENSE AND SUSTAINABILITY - Come to a fast paced briefing and dialogue with Ken Webster. Find out why Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) as ‘guilt management’ is counter productive. Read more - 17 Jan
ARTS GROUP HEADSTO CLOSE, BUT HANDMADE PARADE GOES ON - Community arts organisation HEADS will close in February but one of its most celebrated events, the Hebden Bridge Handmade Parade, will go on. The HEADS’ Board of trustees has taken the decision to wind up the organisation due to difficulties securing funding. Read more - 13 Jan
A YEAR OF CELEBRATIONS: 500 YEARS OF THE HEBDEN BRIDGE This year, Hebden’s packhorse bridge is 500 years old. And around 30 different groups are now hard at work on a programme of events in a shared celebration called HB500. Read more - 13 Jan
SHINING BRIGHT IN MYTHOLMROYD 2010 - Hebden Royd Town Council is running a competition for children in Hebden Royd to help make Mytholmroyd Shine Bright with new Christmas Lights in 2010. Read more - 11 Jan
PARLIAMENTARY CANDIDATES DEBATE POSTPONED: in spite of all candidates agreeing the date of 30th January, Steph Booth, the Labour candidate, has now told the debate organiser, Jason Elliott that she is no longer available on that date. It is hoped that an alternative date can soon be agreed. - 8 Jan
ROADING GRITTING CUT - From today Calderdale Council will be providing a reduced winter service. Precautionary salting and snow clearance will be limited to Classified Roads (A, B and C roads) and some high level routes which cover about 25% of the road network instead of the usual 67% coverage. This action is necessary to preserve existing stocks of road salt in response to the current national shortage.
JAZZ CLUB - A brand new monthly, jazz venue starts this January at The Trades Club. HX7 will feature top quality contemporary jazz from some of the best regional, national and international musicians. The club will also encourage new projects and establish a platform for new and up-and-coming performers. Read more - 8 Jan
BOOK NEWS - Top ten bestsellers for 2009 and for December, and all the latest news from our popular Hebden Bridge bookshop, along with new titles. Read more - 3 Jan
CREATIVE WRITING AT HEBDEN BRIDGE LIBRARY - Beginning Thursday Jan 7, award-winning novelist Stephen May will be leading two six week creative writing workshops Tuesdays and Thursdays at Hebden Bridge Library 6pm-7.30pm. Read more - 2 Jan
THIS WEEK AT THE TRADES: Maghribibeat, quiz night, Palestinian evening and book launch this week at the Trades. Read more - 31 Jan
LOCAL BOXING COACH TAKES IT ON THE CHIN FOR HAITI: Retired amateur boxer and Head Coach at Tony’s Ring, Clayton ‘Cass’ Varey will get back in the ring on Sun 7 February to raise funds for earthquake victims in the disaster-struck Caribbean island. Read more - 27 Jan
HAITI BENEFIT AT THE TRADES - Hub DJ collective, Zoe Lyons, Frank Dapper and other events this coming week. Read more - 24 Jan
PAY FREEZE IS A PAY CUT - “With inflation on the rise, a pay freeze becomes a pay cut. And that would be a bitter blow locally - especially for the lowest earners,” says Calderdale Labour leader, Cllr Tim Swift. Read more - 22 Jan
FIVE HUNDRED WORDS - send us your words as part of the Hebden 500 celebrations. They can be comic, moving, surprising, quirky, biographical, romantic, poetic - just keep it to 500 words. Read more - 20 Jan
FIVE HUNDRED VOICES - Plans are under way to celebrate with 500 voices singing on and around the bridge. Read more - 20 Jan
THIS WEEK AT THE TRADES - The Beat, Nancy Elizabeth and Love Music Hate Racism fundraiser. Ska legends The Beat featuring Ranking Roger bring their high-energy show packed full of Top 10 hits to the Trades Read more - 17 Jan
PAINTINGS OF HEBDEN BRIDGE - Exhibition by William Rofe. Bill has spent a year painting Hebden Bridge in all weathers. He did not make it easy for himself: manipulating large canvases sometimes at the crack of dawn to capture that elusive light. Read more - 14 Jan
ARTHUR DOLPHIN REMEMBERED - Hebden Bridge author, Tom Greenwood, launches his book about this legendary rock climber Arthur Dolphin at the Trades Club on Saturday 16th January at 3pm. Read more
ELECTION DEBATE NOW CANCELLED after Labour candidate Steph Booth pulls out. More info and statement from organiser. - 12 Jan
DREAD DUB AT THE TRADES - Dreadzone, Pete Coe, Mik Artistik, and Folk Against Fascism are among other events at the Trades this coming week. Read more - 11 Jan
JOB VACANCY: Trades Club General Manager. More info - 8 Jan
WASTE COLLECTION UPDATE: Household waste collections in Calderdale have resumed today. Collections were suspended on Tuesday 5th Jan because of the dangerous weather conditions and crews have been unable to carry out collections safely until today. Read more - 8 Jan
TOWN TALK - the latest news from Hebden Royd Town Council, along with names and contact info of our Town councillors - 6 Jan
NOTHING TO DECLARE AT THE TRADES - charity gig to remember Liam Jones. Mike Hancock in Cabaret Heaven Swap Shop for Transition Town, harpist Fiona-Katie Roberts and more at the Trades this week Read more - 5 Jan
NORTHLIGHT CREATIVE COURSES 2010 - Proving that Hebden Bridge really is the hub of creativity in the Pennines, ‘The Back Door’ at Northlight Art Studios on Valley Road are now offering an even broader range of creative courses from January. Read more - 3 Jan
NEW YEAR’S TREASURE HUNT - The New Year’s Day Treasure Hunt raised a total of £150 in aid of the Great Generation Project. Photos and report - 3 Jan