Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Dave's 18 golden years at the Trades Club
Dave Gee has stepped down after a record-breaking 18 years on the Trades Club committee and was rewarded with lifetime free entry to gigs.
His final role at the club was as club secretary and his years of toil was rewarded at the club's AGM with a golden ticket for the gigs at the Holme Street venue and a specially engraved silver tankard that will hang between the bar.
Donghria left and Dave centre
Soon he moved into the area in 1993, Dave joined the club's Building Management Committee and over the years he has done every role possible steering the club through some tough times.
"It is staggering that Dave has managed 18 years on the committee given the rocky times we have had at times but Dave is utterly unflappable and a genuinely nice bloke," says Club President Dongria Kondh.
"Although we are sad Dave will no longer be on the committee we will still be calling on his advice. and I think the warm applause that greeted the presentation of his gifts said it all."
Dave has been one of the driving forces in revamping the club's concert room with a new PA and mixing desk which the AGM heard resulted in a staggering 59 sold out gigs which generated the club's biggest surplus for years.
"When Dave decided to step down it was obvious that we needed to give him free entry into gigs because without his drive to improve our facilities, and commitment to taking risks, then we wouldn't have made the massive progress we have made recently," says Entertainment Manager Mal Campbell.
"When I was watching the Patti Smith show I thought how much we owed Dave because everything was just right for such a big star."