Outdoor fun: local creative talent wanted
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
It's full speed ahead as preparations for this year's Arts Festival continue apace in what promises to be a truly exciting and new mix of events for all ages. Locally based street artists and performers of any age are needed to join in two outdoor spectaculars during Hebden Bridge Arts Festival in June.
They are looking for local groups or individuals who can rise to the challenge of performing in the festival’s hugely popular free Street Festivals which attract thousands of spectators every year.
Photo: Sarah Mason
The festival has already secured some of the UK's best street performers including the infamous shopping trolley grannies, acrobats, close up magicians, a harpist, a flea circus and much more, but they still want to include local talent.
“To add to this mix we are looking for local groups and individuals who could offer colour, spectacle or intrigue so we can really fill our streets and create a magical atmosphere,” says Festival Chair Sara Robinson.
Photo: Sarah Mason
"Hebden Bridge Flamenco, Halifax Community Choir Singspiration, local graphic designer Mike Barrett and the Helen Wilman School of Dance are already on Board. We want to show off the talent in the valley and are looking for musicians, choirs, artists, dance groups or anything entertaining. We can't pay people, but we can provide an exciting platform so we're open to suggestions. If the idea is good, will interest people and can work outside, then we'll see if we can make it happen.'
The Street Festivals are on Sunday 23rd June and Sunday 30th June from 12 - 4. To talk through your ideas email Sara or call her on 07974 253089.
Previously, on the HebWeb
- HebWeb News: Trades Club Entertainment manager Mal Campbell joins Festival team (8 March 2013)
- HebWeb News:Budding playwrights needed for Hebden Shorts (23 Feb 2013)
- HebWeb News: Arts Festival 2013: first act to be announced is comedian Daniel Kitson (18 Feb 2013)
- HebWeb News: Record turnout for Arts Festival open meeting (Nov 2012)
- HebWeb News: Arts Festival is looking for your memories (7 Nov)
- HebWeb News: New faces at Arts Festival (22 Oct)
- HebWeb News: Festival and Parade team up for 'sensational afternoon' next year (25 Sept)
- HebWeb News: Arts Festival seeks new board members (18 Sept)
- HebWeb News: Arts Festival is over (12 July)
- HebWeb News: Carnival weekend in Hebden (3 July)
- HebWeb News: Arts Festival and Handmade Parade hit the sunny streets of Hebden (27 June)
- HebWeb News: The girls are back in town! (20 June)
- HebWeb News: Festival Box Office opens Saturday 16th June
- HebWeb News: Dance weekend to kick off Arts festival
- HebWeb News: Festival Programme launched: Matisse and Stewart Lee headline
- HebWeb News: Hebden Bridge Fringe Programme launched
- HebWeb News: Countdown to Arts Festival