Keep warm and reduce your fuel bills
Sunday, 24 October 2010
During Energy Saving Week (October 25-31), the Alternative Technology Centre in Hebden Bridge will be demonstrating ways to keep your home warm this winter and at the same time save money on fuel bills and reduce your carbon emissions. Over 50% of the housing in Calderdale is classed as ‘Hard to treat’ - which means that there is little or no cavity wall and attics are used so are not suitable for normal loft insulation.
The display will show just how much you can save by insulating your home, replacing your boiler, or adding solar panels etc.
During the week, there will be information on the options for treating hard to treats, including a display of a range of insulating materials, from a super-thin, highly efficient product developed by NASA to natural fibres such as sheep’s wool. Information will be available from the Council’s HEAT team on their own ‘difficult to treat’ pilot, future plans, and also the help available for those on low incomes.
A workshop on Saturday 30th at 2 o’clock to demonstrate the particular challenges faced in insulating - the focus will be on cost effectiveness and affordability.
There will also be free TV Powerdowns and water savers.- along with Energy monitors which can be borrowed for a short while.
Anne Handley, a local Domestic Energy Assessor, who helped in putting the exhibition together, said ”using a typical Hebden Bridge terraced house as an example, the results can be quite surprising. In many cases, the most effective measure would be to insulate the attic rooms, which can be done as a DIY job, and could pay for itself in just a couple of years”
For further information, contact the ATC on 01422 842121 or email