Hebden Bridge boy has won first prize in Old Possums Children's Poetry Competition
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
“A delight to witness very young writers discovering the power and the joy of language.”
An eight-year-old Hebden Bridge boy, Hugo Grundy, has won first prize in Old Possums Children's Poetry Competition 2010 (7-8 Year Old Age Group) with his poem Homelands. The prize was presented by Roger McGough.
Roger McGough and Hugo Grundy
The Children's Poetry Bookshelf held a gala celebration and prize-giving event in London on 10th December, hosted by poets Roger McGough and James Carter who were also both judges of the competition. The winning young poets were presented with their cash and book prizes and read their poems to an audience of friends, family, teachers and children from local schools.
Roger McGough said, “’Home' proved to be a fruitful subject for this year's crop of young poets and the judges relished those poems in which the child's imagination was let loose. More than attention to domestic detail, the sounds and smells, the furnishings, the judges relished those poems in which the child's imagination was let loose. Above all, it was a delight to witness very young writers discovering the power and the joy of language.”
About the Children's Poetry Bookshelf
The Children's Poetry Bookshelf is a unique children's poetry book club run by the Poetry Book Society. Aimed at 7-11 year olds, their parents, grandparents, schools and libraries, it encourages young people to read more poetry by selecting the best children's poetry books which are being published in the UK and Ireland. Members get sent two or three carefully chosen books each term and also get discounts on other poetry books ordered through the CPB.
About the Poetry Book Society
Founded by T S Eliot and friends in 1953, the PBS is a unique poetry organisation which provides an international membership with its Selectors' choice of the best new poetry books. The Poetry Book Society runs the PBO, a niche online poetry bookshop offering 90,000 poetry books and CDs, including the Poetry Archive recordings and the Soundblast performance poets' CDs, together with a wide range of news, articles, reviews, information and events listings. The new PBS website, has a special members' section and houses the PBS's projects, including the T S Eliot Prize and its Shadowing Scheme and a new reading groups scheme. The Society also runs the Children's Poetry Bookshelfand the Old Possum's Children's Poetry Competition.