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Pay Day - protest against tax dodgers

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Thanks to Calderdale Anticuts Group for the following

Let's protest! - Halifax, Saturday 18th Dec.

Sick of the tax dodgers? Angry that the government is cutting services for the poorest and most vulnerable whilst letting the rich avoid billions in tax? Then please join us, even if you have never been on a protest before.

Let's make it fun and friendly, possibly even with some singing and dancing! Targeting Philip Green's empire, let's clog up the checkouts by taking rails of items to the checkouts and not paying for them, taking our time to try on clothes and informing shoppers about Philip Green's tax dodging. We can also stand outside handing out leaflets, plus any other ideas of good-natured mischief.

Lets meet outside Halifax Bus Station at 1.30pm, and decide where to go from there...

Print off flyers/leaflets, and bring lots of friends and things to make noise with; horns, shakers, vuvuzelas, whistles etc. Dress as shoppers! It only takes 10-20 people to make a lot of noise!

See you on the high street!

From UK uncut website:

Saturday December 18th is Pay Day, our next day of mass action. One week before Christmas, thousands of people across the country will be hitting the high streets to make sure tax dodgers pay.

Once again we will be targeting the multi-national and the multi-billionaire, Vodafone and Sir Philip Green. Both have been shaken up by the protests so far, but on December 18th they will face protests on a scale they could not have imagined just a few months ago. Vodafone and Arcadia will be targeted on every major high street in the UK. It's up to you to make it happen.

Tell all your friends, family and colleagues. Come up with creative protest ideas. Start planning. Use our action centre to organise or join an action near you.

The government is determined to plough ahead with these savage, unnecessary, ideological cuts. But a growing protest movement is starting to stage the fight back. Be a part of it.

See also

HebWeb News - Young People's March Against Cuts

HebWeb News - Boots = Tax Dodgers Protest

HebWeb News - Unions Campaign to protect Calderdale services

HebWeb News - Labour calls for Council debate on tuition fees and grants

HebWeb News - Students Protest against Tuition Charges and Cuts


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