Handmade Parade — Giant feet, tiny cars and a menagerie of migrating animals start to take shape
2pm on Saturday, June 26
— the first day of the Hebden Bridge Arts Festival
ANYONE wanting to join in the fun of this month’s Handmade Parade is being urged to get down to the open workshops.
So far, around 250 people — adults, teenagers and children — have come along to the workshops and created spectacular parade art and eye-catching costumes.
But even with the parade less than two weeks away, there’s still time to get involved.
“If you’ve been involved in the parade before or just watched it from the sidelines and wished you were in it, now’s the time to come along to the workshops to make sure you don’t miss out on the fun,” said Parade Co-ordinator Rebecca Dearden.
The parade, which takes place from 2pm on Saturday, June 26 — the first day of the Hebden Bridge Arts Festival — is created by the community with the help of professional artists and celebrates the creativity, variety and uniqueness of the area.
The theme of the parade and open workshops is Hop, Skip and a Jump — a celebration of journeys real and imaginary.
Horses are champing at the bit, Canada geese are ready to take flight, cartoon cars are gearing up, penguins are waddling and aliens are climbing aboard their spaceships. Some amazing giant puppets are also taking shape at the workshops, including a squid and a huge pair of feet.
Local artists have been joined by Soozin Hirschmugl, a guest artist on a study visit from Minneapolis in the USA, who has been bowled over by the creativity and enthusiasm on display.
Soozin, who works with Bare Bones Productions and a stilting group called Chicks on Sticks in the USA, said: “It’s great to be involved with the parade. There are so many fabulous things taking shape, but as I have a thing for glitter and sparkly things I have to say the bling of the alien costumes has really caught my eye.”
The open workshops continue at Unit 5, Victoria Works , Victoria Road, from 4pm to 6pm Tue 15 and Thurs 17, from 1pm to 4pm on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 and from 4pm to 6pm and 7pm to 9pm next Tuesday 22 and Thursday 24
For more information on how to get involved please go to www.hebdenbridgeparade.org
Handmade Parade 2008
Photo: HebWeb
See also:
HebWeb News: Handmade Parade Classes and workshops (1 June 2010)
HebWeb News: Grant success for the Handmade Parade (May 2010)
HebWeb News: Hop, Skip and a Jump into the Handmade Parade (April 2010)
HebWeb photos: Handmade Parade 2009
HebWeb photos: Handmade Parade 2008