News, Features and Upcoming Events
Transition Party and more events at the Trades - The Trades Club and Hebden Bridge Transition Town have joined forces for a free street party next weekend featuring top local bands and DJs. Read more (10 July)
'Inspirational' Teacher Steve Cann cleared - The General Teaching Council for England has confirmed that there was no case to answer. Steve was the union rep suspended from Calder High in early 2009 along with Leonora Rustamova (Miss Rusty) Read more (5 July)
Book News - Peter and Anne Tillotson of The Book Case are retiring in September and are looking for someone to take over the business. See also: Top ten bestsellers for the month of June, and the latest book news. Read more - 4 July
PICTURE HOUSE DECISION - Hebden Royd Town Council are to take over the Picture House. The transfer should ensure the cinema's survival and development. Read more (29 June)
Neil Denham's retirement from Riverside Junior School - see "What's on" section for more details about this and many other local events.

Town Hall latest - Local people who have been watching the progress on the construction site at the rear of Hebden Bridge's Town Hall will have a chance to find out more this Saturday (July 2nd).
Yorkshire Post feature on the Trades Club
Co-operative Housing For Our Area - Calderdale Council wants to hear from people who think they'd like to get involved in Co-operative housing projects. Read more - 21 June
Miss Rusty book to be published next month. See "What's on" section for details of the book reading and signing on 17th July. See our HebWeb feature for extensive background to this important local issue.
Friends of The Little Park are a group of local parents committed to improving facilities at the much loved Victoria Road playground. Read more about what they are doing. 15 June
White Ribbon Silent Witnesses add their message to violence prevention. Read more - 21 June
Small ads - Ads this month include cottages, houses, flats, wanted or for rent or sale, dancers sought, mattress offered, women DJs, PA wanted and geneological research help.
HANDMADE PARADE TRIUMPH - "It just keeps getting bigger and better every year." Nearly 700 people took part in the parade and an estimated 5,000 lined the route to enjoy amazing giant puppets, dazzling artwork, a riot of colour and toe-tapping music. Read report - see photos - 14 June
Calderdale Community Energy - The Alternative Technology Centre in Hebden Bridge is working with Calderdale Council and other partners to establish a Community Energy Company which will form a revolving fund for investment in Renewable Energy and energy efficiency schemes in Calderdale. Read more - 14 June
BBC Seeks Gay or Lesbian Couples or individuals who are parenting or co-parenting. They are keen to speak to as many people as possible to find out what their experiences have been. Read more - 10 June
Hanging Basket Fever Hits Hebden
This week over 300 baskets and planters have been put up across Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd. Read more - 13 June
Hebden Bridge Arts Festival: Don't just sit there! Dance - Read more (17 June)
Hebden Royd Mayor Gives Speech in German in Warstein, our twin town folowing an invitation from Warstein Town Council
to celebrate the recently refurbished town Square Wilkeplatz and welcoming the twinning between Warstein and Pietrapaola in Italy. Read more - 14 June
Hebden Bridge Transition Town - June newsletter
Big Bike Fix - Cyclists can bring their bikes along for a free safety check, provided by professional mechanics, at Hebden Bridge station on Thursday 14 July. Read more (6 July)
Arts Festival 2011 Final Week - a full and varied programme of music, drama and dance still to come.
Job offer - Hebden Bridge Community Association are seeking help in marketing office space in the new Creative Quarter. See Small Ads
Vandalism at Station - British Transport Police (BTP) is appealing for information after flowers and plant pots were vandalised at Hebden Bridge station. Read more - 4 July
Small Ads - I just wanted to let you know that through my small ad on your site I found my ideal new home, meeting all my requirements. Thank you very much for such a great resource - Message received 6 July
Former mayor wins back control in St Pol - Hebden Bridge's twin town moves left. (30 June)
Beer, Buns and Buttons for the Hebden Bridge Arts Festival! - the whole community is joining in the festival spirit to enjoy a feast of music, theatre, literature - Read more (29 June)
Saturday in the Square - Hebden Bridge Arts Festival Opening Weekend - 28 June
University of Third Age - reports of the May meeting on the role of the Lord-Lieutenant and the June meeting entitled Keep Learning: Live long and prosper. Read more - 28 June
Now BBC covers the discussion about the 'So Hebden Bridge' sign on the HebWeb Forum
Calling all Community Groups in Hebden Royd - Hebden Royd Town Council wants to hear from community groups in need of grant funding for projects. Read more - 23 June
New PA for Community use in Hebden Royd - Performers, bands, event organisers in Hebden Royd can access a new community owned public address system, thanks to a grant form Calderdale Council. Read more - 22 June
Traditional Cider Festival at the Stubbing Wharf - Now in its fifth year, the Stubbing Cider Festival will be held on 1-2 July 2011, at the Stubbing Wharf, Hebden Bridge. Read more - 23 June
Keighley Road Parking - Report of meeting of Monday, 20 June
Guardian piece mentions HebWeb Forum - 'A sign on the main A646 road . . . "That was So Hebden Bridge." There's currently a thread discussing this on the excellent Hebweb local community forum; some like it; others loathe it. Is the sign a symbol of quirkiness, or simply pretentious?' Article written by Berringden Brow author, Jill Robinson.
Community Spirit Keeps Road Open - A fete planned for this Sunday in a small Hebden community is more than your usual summer celebration - it’s a lifeline for residents who rely on the proceeds to keep their road open. Read more - 20 June

Handmade Parade, 11 June 2011 - more photos
Blues Festival Report - from Craig Shaw. "Many music lovers, regulars at other festivals, said they were blown away by the quality of the music." Read more - 5 June
Million Pound Rochdale Canal Bid would mean improvements to the Hebden Bridge Visitor Centre. Calderdale Council is to discuss a proposal to put around £1million into Rochdale Canal improvements. Read more - 29 May
FAIR FOR YOUTH on Calder Holmes Park. Saturday 21st May. Official launch of the new skate park.
Scott Trickett is new Mayor of Hebden Royd with Dave Young as Deputy Mayor. Read congratulations from outgoing Mayor and Mayoress - 19 May
ELECTION RESULTS: Labour take control of Hebden Royd Council. Hebden Bridge's Calder Ward elects Labour's Dave Young to represent us on Calderdale. Mayoral upset for Hebden Royd Town Council. More info
Photos and Words from the candidates. See list of 30 candidates for the 18 seats being contested on Hebden Royd Town Council. And list of candidates nominated for Calder (covering Hebden Bridge) and Luddenden wards for Calderdale Council.
PACE EGG PLAY 2011 See photos and video (including 3-D) - Heptonstall Pace Egg information and Midgley Pace Egg information. Over £1700 raised for charity. See also, HebWeb feature
The new Hebden Bridge Campsite officially opened on Saturday 2 April - see their website for more info
Leonora Rustamova aka 'Miss Rusty' spoke on Women's Hour on Friday. Listen on iPlayer - it's the first item. See also, article in The Observer. See our HebWeb Feature for the full background. Forum thread: Where was the union?
PICTURE HOUSE PUBLIC MEETING: Report of Thursday's crowded and lively public meeting at Riverside School. Read report
Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - "We have more coffee shops, hairdressers and accessories shops than you could toss a stick at, yet struggle to keep an electrical goods store open and even to kickstart a cobblers." Read more from Angie Cairns' 500 words.
Campaigners hail mast victory - see Proposed Communication Mast Forum thread
Glyn Hughes: local author and poet Glyn Hughes has died. Glyn was the author of Millstone Grit and the award winning Where I used to Play on the Green, and a contributor to the HebWeb, including 11 poems - see our Features section. Add your comments on our Lives Remembered page
Youth House Plan Ditched - building could be up for grabs - Pennine Horiizons recently made the decision that they didn't have the resources to put into place the "Eco-Museum" they had been planned for the Youth House Building. Read more - 29 May
Music at the Arts Festival: Got the blues? Get back to your roots with music at the Festival - Read more - 29 May
Residents urged to report fly tippers - Once again the moors above Cragg Vale are being targeted by fly tippers as an easy place to leave their rubbish. Hebden Royd Mayor and residents campaign to stop them. Read more - 25 May
Radio 4 comes to Heptonstall - iPlayer link to Ramblings
Life in a Northern Town: 1980s Hebden Bridge footage featured in an 80s pop video - more info and discussion
HB writer Chris Reason's play 'Every Child Matters' won best drama award at Sony Radio awards.
15 year old Calder High student gets standing ovation at Teachers' Conference. Read speech and see links to media coverage and video of speech

Ian Coates - latest, still riding round the world on his Honda - I was riding round Greece and its islands for about 3 months" - See HebWeb Feature for April update.
Small Ads - "We placed a job ad on the Hebweb recently, intending to keep it there for 2 weeks, but we had to take it down after 3 days due to the huge response generated"
Craig Whittaker's expenses: our local MP claimed £29,776.94 from May to December last year, according to the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority's figures, published today.
Regional newspaper sales were down in the last 6 months of 2010. According to ABC, sales of the HB Times were down 18.2% to 2766 copies. (Making the HebWeb a much better prospect for advertisers!)
Helen of Four Gates: the HebWeb talks to film-maker Nick Wilding about how this classic silent film was tracked down to once again enthrall audiences at the Hebden Bridge Picture House. Read more
DIGITAL SWITCHOVER DATES: The change from analogue to digital TV will happen next year, 2011 Read more
Hebden Bridge a "GREAT TOWN" - Ian McMillan writes poem about Hebden Bridge which has won the 'Great Town Award' given by The Academy of Urbanism. Hebden Bridge has previously been voted the 4th funkiest town in the world and the UK town with most local identity. Read More
Jason Elliott's 500 Faces of Hebden Bridge is now complete. See web gallery of all 500 faces
More from Hebden Bridge Web
- Accommodation - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area
- Archive - news and discussion going back to the mid 90s
- Bloggers and columns - a section where you can read regular pieces by selected local bloggers.
- Books - of interest to people living in Hebden Bridge and area
- Contact info
- Discussion Forum - hundreds of messages every year on matters of concern to those who live in Hebden Bridge and the surrounding hills, villages and valleys
- Emails - a directory of local email addresses
- Events: a selection of local events
- Features
- Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - one of the 500 years of the Hebden pack horse bridge projects
- Green Pages
- Hebden Bridge info - some basic information about Hebden Bridge with links to some features which have been written about our town.
- Hebden Bridge 500 - celebrating 500 years of the bridge
- History pages - links to local history websites, together with a selection of articles remembering times past.
- Lives Remembered - thoughts and comments on the death of a selection of local people
- Mailing list
- Maps - several maps of the town and area, including Google maps.
- Neighbours/twins - links to websites of surrounding towns and our twin towns in France and Germany
- News: Dozens of news items are posted every month; many are unique to Hebden Bridge Web, coming from our growing number of correspondents. Others may also be covered elsewhere but can be found on HebWeb many days earlier.
- News Highlights of 2008
- Photos - many galleries of photos, including some by well known local photographers
- Planning Watch - details of controversial developments are posted here.
- Radio and video samples relating to our area
- Search HebWeb - search the thousands of news, features and discusssion on the entire Hebden Bridge Web in seconds.
- Small ads
- Tourist Info
- Useful sites - a range of site which we think local people will find useful, rail and bus timetables, ofsted reports, local doctors, etc.
- View from the Bridge
- Web Design from Pennine Pens
- Websites List - by category - by name - listings of a large selection of Hebden Bridge websites
- What's on/Local events: a selection of local events
- Where to stay - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area