Monday, 4 July 2011
'Inspirational' Teacher Steve Cann cleared
The General Teaching Council for England has confirmed its decision to close the matter.
In a letter to Steve Cann dated 29 June 2011 the GTC stated: "After considering the evidence the Committee decided that there was not a case for you to answer in relation to the allegation set out in the Notice of Investigation dated 12 April 2011.
Steve Cann and Leonora Rustamova
Steve Cann was the NUT union representative at Calder High School when Leonora Rustamova ("Miss Rusty") was suspended.
In March 2009, the HebWeb reported,
"a second highly respected and popular teacher, Steve Cann, had been suspended from the Calder High School. He had been suspended for some weeks but it was only now being made public. Once again, no information was made available to the students, parents or the community as to what the charges are. The Hebden Bridge Web wrote to Mr Ball, the Head Teacher who was unable to give us this information. Until his suspension, Steve Cann had been NUT union representative.
"The next morning, police were called to Calder High School as hundreds of students walked out of lessons to demonstrate in support of the two suspended teachers."
The GTC stated: "Having considered the information presented the Committee was not satisfied with the evidence or that there was a realilstic prospect of a Professional Conduct Committee making a finding of unacceptable professional conduct."
The GTC now regards this matter as closed.
A Facebook Campaign was launched following the sacking of the two teachers. Here are some comments about Steve Cann which can be seen on this page.
I was taught for 2 years by Mr Cann... He is the best English teacher I know, he got me my GCSEs and became an inspiration to us all in year 11.
Mr Cann was a huge inspriation and brought many of my lessons to a whole different intellectual level. I am lucky enough to have been taught by him, (13 years ago) and my class would probably agree that thanks to him, we gained many insights into the wider opportunities the world could offer. He is probably sticking up for a better cause than the straight and (very) narrow framework in which many teachers struggle to work imaginatively within. Get him back in there, he is too good to let go!
Mr. Cann added character and enjoyment to our A level English Lit lessons. He always engaged everyone in the class and gave us more insight than any text book could. He shared stories, marked quickly and fairly, respected individuals and was clearly very passionate about his subject.
I credit Mr Cann with the fact I passed any GCSEs at all.
I was taught by Mr. Cann for four years and can safely say he is an inspiration to everyone student he teaches and remains in my opinion the best teacher at the school. I am currently studying Law at University and fully attribute my academic success to the talent and commitment of Mr. Cann for helping me to achieve my full potential.
How often do you come across teachers who inspire this much support from parents and more importantly students? Both Ms Rustamova and Mr Cann have taught my son in the last couple of years. They both show a passion for teaching and genuine interest in their students that is sadly lacking in some teachers I've come across at Calder High. Many friends with children at the school say the same. Teachers can easily turn students off a subject, Ms R and Mr C inspire and enthuse; they've encouraged my son to read some challenging books and to write some fascinating pieces of work.
I feel that you are very lucky to have such talented, creative and popular teachers as Miss Rustamova and Mr Cann on your staff. I urge you to reinstate them as a matter of extreme urgency, as Calder High is a much poorer place without them.
When A started at Calder High in September he was dreading starting English GCSE. He has always struggled with dyslexia, and didn't start reading fluently until he was 12. He has never read a book for pleasure, because he finds reading a real chore. He was therefore very surprised to find himself really enjoying his English classes and working towards his target A grade. His teacher was Mr Cann. Anyone who could get A enjoying and interested in English must obviously be an extremely talented and inspiring teacher.
Will someone tell me why the hell Mr Cann was suspended? Are they trying to get rid of all the teachers that actually see pupils as people?
Mr Cann was an amazing teacher when I was at Calder High School over 18 years ago.
How dare they suspend Steve Cann? The man's an inspirational teacher
I really do hope Mr Cann gets to keep his job.
He was an inspiration to me, one that will never be forgotton. (I blame him fully for my love of 'Of Mice and Men') I found him to be one of the few teachers at Calder High that a child could open up to, rather than being seen as a stastitic.
It would be a real shame for Calder to loose such an amazing man
Why has Mr Cann been suspended?? He was my English teacher, and was brilliant!
Next week sees the publication of Leonora Rustamova's book including her account of how she was treated.
See also
HebWeb Forum - Steve Cann
HebWeb Feature - Don't Read this - the sacking of teachers Leonora Rustamova and Steve Cann
HebWeb coverage of the sackings of Leonora Rustamova and Steve Cann