LINDSAY RIMER: 15 years on
Still no arrest
On Saturday, 7th November, it will be 15 years since the murder which shook Hebden Bridge and our whole region. Hebweb Feature for more info |

Independent on Sunday feature paints Hebden Bridge as "Suicide Central" - an article prompted by the release of the film: "Shed Your Tears and Walk Away." What do you think?
See HebWebForum for important and often, moving discussion of issues raised by the film.
Journalism and the New Media - report of the public meeting called by the NUJ on 28th October at the White Lion. The discussion was led by invited speakers, Gary Herman of the NUJ and Chris Ratcliffe of the Hebden Bridge Web. Read more - 29 Oct
Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - new entry from Andi Butterworth: "Holding hands we closed our eyes and stabbed the pin in the map: Hebden Bridge" - a Hebden 500 project sponsored by the HebWeb- 26 Oct

Hecklers in the Square ask: "Why Hebden Bridge for a Sainsburys ad?" amid shouts of "Get lost!" and "We love you Jamie but we don't want Sainsburys in our town". Film maker (right) tries to quieten protester. More photos and comments |


Christmas comes early as film crew prepares George's Square for the Jamie Oliver Sainsburys ad in Hebden Bridge, once voted the UK town with most local identity and a town where Sainsburys won't even deliver groceries ordered online.
Energy Secretary Ed Miliband praises Calder Valley's Environmental Hotbed. The Energy Secretary has paid tribute to the ‘green groundswell’ of local activity taking place in communities across Calder Valley that’s helping Britain make the transition to a low carbon economy.Read more.- 20 Oct

Hebden Bridge Picture House to screen The Soloist as part of Calderdale's Black History Month Read more. |
Kerbside aftermath: following the discredited waste contracts and the Calderdale failed coup, Labour sends open letter to Lib Dems. Read more. - 19th Oct

Chainsaw Tuesday - five years ago
Monday, 19 October 2009
Halifax to close Hebden Bridge branch leaving its many local customers with a long commute. Information available to the Hebden Bridge Web suggests that it is highly likely that staff at the branch will lose their jobs. 15 Oct, 10.30am
Acting out at violence against women, local boys Jonny Dixon and James Varley have become the newest White Ribbon Ambassadors. Read more - 14 Oct |


The floods on Monday 5th October washed away the Pennine Way bridge across Graining water behind the Pack Horse Inn. The wrecked bridge can be found half a mile downstream in Blake Dean. Thanks to Geoff Boswell for this info and photo. Click photo to enlarge - 12 Oct
Energy saving street lamps for Old Town - they will cut light pollution too. Read more - 6 Oct
Free energy saving light bulbs - More info
Calderdale follows Hebden Royd Town Council's example and provides skips to community groups. Labour criticise the delays in implementing the policy. Read more - 6 Oct
Elected mayor for Calderdale? - see news
Calderdale to cut carbon emissions by 10% in 2010 - see news
VICTORY FOR CAMPAIGNERS: Central Library and archive to stay where it is. Consultation showed that 95% of the public wanted this. Read more. - 2 Oct
Calderdale stays Conservative - see news and forum
Can Labour survive? - report of public meeting in Hebden Bridge - 25 Sept
KERBSIDE: Independent report censures Calderdale. “I will get to the bottom of what went wrong and do everything in my power to make sure this does not happen again.” says Calderdale Chief Executive, Owen Williams More info - 23 Sept, 10 am
Updated with statements from Labour's Cllr Tim Swift and Conservative's Cllr Stephen Baines

Sounding the alarm call for climate action - Hebden Bridge was part of a wave of local events throughout the world. Photos and audio interview.
CANDIDATE ACCUSED OF HITTING PUPIL: Controversial Labour candidate Steph Booth is accused by the Mail on Sunday of losing her job as a school teacher following claims that she hit a pupil. Read more |


The popular local book, GONE WALKABOUT: 24 walks around Hebden Bridge and the Upper Calder Valley by Anna Carlisle has been revised and reprinted. See books for more info and to buy now.
Great Green and Ethical Trade Markets in Tod and Halifax

Blackshawhead Fete: Rainy weather does't stop the people of Blackshawhead having a good time!
Plans resubmitted by Oxford Bingo for a ground floor wine bar and bistro with 3 flats above on land almost opposite Post Office, and facing Riverside School. See Planning Watch - 4 Sept
Health Centre offers online appointment making and prescription ordering - but only for those who have verified their identity in person with two forms of ID! More info - 3 Sept
Police and the community meeting - report - 21 August

Mytholmroyd author Jill Robinson brings out third Berringden Brow book - the location is strikingly familiar - more info |
Cape Asbestos - meeting called for 4th Nov to discuss the planning appeal which has been put in by the owner of land across the road
from the old Cape Asbestos factory in Old Town. Read more
2010, Year of Celebrations: In 2010, Hebden’s packhorse bridge will be 500 years old. With parades, packhorses, prose and photos, Hebden Bridge is gearing up for a year-long celebration. Read more - 3 Nov |
Distinguished local novelist and poet Glyn Hughes writes about art, literature and ageing in today's Sunday Times - 1 Nov
Old Town Community Centre are looking for people to to help, and welcome feedback, suggestions and open discussion. See Forum thread - 28 Oct

Funding for Water Power Project - Alt Tech Centre receives grant to support micro hydro Read more - 25th Oct |
Small Ads currently include several houses to rent, solid oak desk, pottery kiln, dog crate and large bean bag for sale, accommodation wanted, marketing help, and more.
Discussion Forum latest threads: Film of the other side of our town, Jamie Oliver ad, Water Power; Why plastic? Coop's Ethical Water; Hebden 500; Can Labour Survive? Typical Traders; 20 mph zones
Kerbside receives small payout from SITA - see news
Nigel Hillier's photograph of Hebden Bridge during winter took Natural England's Landscape on your Doorstep Award. See this BBC page to view photo. - 19th Oct
Thermal imaging map now available for our area. Enter your postcode and see how efficient your house was when the planes flew over to take their images. Read more. - 19th Oct

Hebden Bridge firm British Recycled Plastics wins Community and Environment award
Read more - 16 Oct |
Film company seeks readers of Anne Lister books - see news
Traffic monitoring to help tackle pollution - see news
Wine Tasting on Thursday(15th) and Clothes Swap on Saturday (17th) at the Trades - see Whats On?
BOOK NEWS - latest news from our popular Hebden Bridge bookshop - 10 Oct

A series of Coiner Workshops revisit the remarkable history of the local coiners to support the completion of a script for a new feature film. Read more.- 7 Oct |
Open Doors at Hebden Bridge Town Hall attracts hundreds Read more
WARD FORUMS - Calderdale arranges local meetings to have your say about local issues such as schools, roads, street cleaning and anything else important to you. Read more.
BOOK NEWS - top ten bestsellers and all the latest news from our popular Hebden Bridge bookshop, along with new titles for October - 2 Oct
One of England’s smallest parishes makes big contribution towards Hebden Bridge’s Town Hall project. More info - 24 Sept

Central Library and Archives: overwhelming support for keeping Central Library and archive in place. Campaigners to lobby as council meets to make its decision on 1st October - 28 Sept
Report of community meeting with police:
speed cameras now used in Hebden Bridge;
new van in operation with CCTV facilities;
vast amounts of alcohol seized;
plain clothes officers target off-licences;
a spate of bike thefts, clamping of vehicles not showing tax discs, and much more. - 22 Sept
Victoria Road demolition - see Planning Watch
The 2010 Luddenden Calendar - see news
Free swimming lessons for over 16s - see news
Calderdale to give away 200 tons of compost - see news for more info
Hebweb on Twitter - new: follow updates to the Hebden Bridge Web on Twitter
Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - new entry added - one of the 500 years of the Hebden pack horse bridge projects - 17 Sept
Local history winter programme - - see Whats On
Walkers' Weekend a "success" with "extremely positive response from walkers". Read more
says Kate Ashbrook, patron of the Walkers Are Welcome Towns Network and general secretary of the Open Spaces Society, who spokeat the Walkers Are Welcome Weekend in Hebden Bridge. Read more

Summat A' Nowt by Steve Murty: 1,000 years
of history, focusing on a tiny hamlet between Mytholmroyd and Hebden Bridge, whose origins
go back to Norman times. |

Walking Weekend: No less than thirty walks were on offer, ranging from short strolls around the town to all-day hikes in the surrounding hills and moors. Those interested in archaeology and history were able to visit Bronze Age settlements and the site of a medieval deer park, there were riverside walks woodland walks for families and more

Riding For The Disabled in Old Town began its new term on Monday, 7th September
More info |
Forum: Green candidate Kate Sweeney reports that early evidence suggests the 20 mph zone reduces accidents by 25% - 7 Sept
Horror Films wanted for Halloween Screening - see news - 6 Sept
Luddenden's annual Mayor Making will take place on Saturday 12th September. |

Central Street - the saga continues. See Forum
Small Ads "Choosing to advertise the house for rent on the Hebweb was incredibly effective. The perfect tenants were found within 48 hours" - Jason E
Updated: Hebweb directories of local websites. See alphabetical or by category including: services, therapists, shopping, leisure, community, music and more

Above: Question Time at the Trades - read report
Colden Valley's "Enchanted Forest". A Sculpture Trail created by the children of Hebden Royd Primary School. More info and photos (9 July) |
Hebden Bridge Coop - will "Exciting New Look" satisfy Facebook critics?
Former Adult Education Building in Pitt Street for sale again. Asking price: £275,000. See Hebweb News from February 2005: Pitt Street Squatted - 2 July

Nutclough Woods gets corporate help
Often first with the news - many of the news items appeared here on the Hebweb days before other local news outlets.
Small Ads "Hebweb comes up trumps again.
Within a week of advertising my house I've had several enquiries and found two couples as suitable tenants." Steve F |