around Hebden Bridge
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you wish to consider for inclusion in this section.
Grey Heron

Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Spotted this in centre of Hebden Bridge underneath the arches of Market Street bridge. After a lot of research and help found it was a grey heron! Could anyone clarify this?
A striking bird and although not an ornithologist I have never seen one like this before. Or at least have it recorded as a sighting here!
Friday, 29 May 2009
The bird on the photo is most definitely a grey heron. They are often on the river around the centre of town, but despite their size they are often overlooked as they mostly remain motionless.
Hummingbird Hawkmoth

A Hummingbird Hawkmoth, which looks remarkably like an actual hummingbird, has been reported in Hebden Bridge.
It was feeding on the flowers in the hanging baskets outside Java on Market Street. They migrate from Southern Europe, and it is unusual but certainly possible to get them this far north. Keep an eye on buddleia and honeysuckle!
The plants in my front yard were also visited by a Hummingbird Hawkmoth a few weeks ago. It was very interested in a blue star-shaped flower called Isotoma. I didn’t recognise the insect but googled ‘moth hummingbird’ and came up with exactly what I had seen. I live up Birchcliffe Rd, just next door to where the sheep had temporary lodgings!
Picture above was found on the web,
not taken in Hebden Bridge.

This sheep made a temporary home in the ginnel between Birchcliffe Road and Blenheim Street this weekend.
By a very involved and circuitous route, we tracked down her owner and they were reunited on Monday morning. She’d wandered all the way from Widdop Road. Did you know that sheep like apples? We’ve tried to identify her by looking on the national sheep breed website, but after a while, they all look the same to me. Can anyone tell us what breed she is?
Tricia, it’s probably a Derbyshire Gritstone cross — and they eat most things vegetable!
Photo: Red Snapper
Photo: Dave Burnop
Deer, Christmas Day, 2004
Photo: HebWeb