Will Coop "Exciting New Look" satisfy Facebook critics?

Monday, 27 July 2009


The Coop supermarket will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday with promises of an an "exciting new look store"when it re-opens on Thursday. Fifteen months ago area manager Eddie Barnes made promises to a meeting in Hebden Bridge: there would be an extensive refit within two months - that is by June 2008.

Recently, a Facebook group has been started whose aim is "to overthrow the regime at the Hebden Bridge Co-op". The group is open to anyone to view or join.

Comments by members include:

"I'm gonna sabotage the carrot section with some "fresh" carrots, not the old rubbery ones I usually find."

"There was an occasion last year when the co-op didn't have a single bar of soap!"

"When approaching the 'Deli counter' please proclaim 'Yeah right'.

"I was in there yesterday on a visit to Hebden and there was an entire aisle of shelving with no food on it whatsoever. Nothing. Now, trying to run a supermarket chain on vaguely Socialist principles is one thing, but there's no need to emulate the shopping experience of the Soviet Union in the 1970s."

Other promises were made in April 2008 by the regional manager. These included:

  1. Stock replacement: there will be a new system so that popular items will be replaced far more quickly than has been the case
  2. Product range: there will be a vast expansion of organic and vegetarian products.
  3. Windows: the windows on the Market Street side are to be cleared.

The Hebden Bridge Web will watch with interest to see if these promises will finally be acted upon and be part of the "exciting new look".

See also:

Facebook Group - Hebden Bridge Co-op Disloyalty Scheme

Hebweb News - Extensive changes coming to HB Coop (April 2008)


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