Walkers' Weekend Celebrates Hebden Bridge Status as Walker-friendly Town
Monday, 14 September 2009
Walkers from as far away as Kent were in Hebden Bridge last weekend for the town’s first Walkers are Welcome Weekend festival.

On one of the 30 plus walks - High Brown Knoll
Organisers are today celebrating after a successful event, which saw thirty guided and led walks crammed in to the two-day period. “We’ve had an extremely positive response from walkers who joined the walks, many of whom didn’t know our beautiful Pennine landscapes. Even the more specialist walks proved attractive. For example, we had a number of French speakers and learners chatting away in French on a walk to Hardcastle Crags,” says Gwen Goddard of Hebden Bridge Walkers’ Action, the group behind the initiative.
Participants also heard countryside campaigner Kate Ashbrook praise the town’s initiative in becoming Britain’s first official Walkers are Welcome town. “Hebden Bridge sets an excellent example to other communities. Walkers Are Welcome status ensures that Hebden Bridge, with its spectacular yet intimate countryside, is truly on the walkers’ map. There’s a fascinating history, the paths are good, the views are breathtaking, the shops, pubs and cafés are welcoming and there are good public transport links,” she told her audience at the Saturday evening social event, held in a local pub.
The walks attracted participants particularly from Leeds, Manchester, Bradford and Halifax, as well as from Hebden Bridge and the surrounding villages. Two trains were branded special ‘walkers’ trains’ by Northern Rail, to mark the occasion.
The Walkers are Welcome Weekend kicked off the wider South Pennines Walk and Ride festival, which continues until September 27th. Pennine Prospects’ chair Pam Warhurst was on hand in the Hebden Bridge marina on Saturday to help launch both events.
See also:
Hebweb News - Hebden Bridge is a pioneer town
Hebweb News - Walkers are Welcome weekend
Hebden Bridge Walkers Action
Walkers are Welcome
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