News, Features and forthcoming Events
Above: Duck Race 2014 - more photos
Pace Egg Madness 2014
This year, with sunshine - more photos
Pace Egg 2014 - More info about the Heptonstall and Calder High Pace Egg performances this Good Friday.
A and E closure: Calderdale councillors, in an extraordinary meeting on Weds 16 April, united in passing a motion asking NHS Trust to withdraw hospital proposals to close Halifax A and E. Read more (17 April)
Whose land is it anyway? Sheila Graham described how parliamentary enclosure shaped the landscape of the Calder Valley to the Local History Group. Read more
Friends of Riverside School raise money with a quiz and raffle, and are now looking forward to some new playground equipment. Read more (6 April)
Three Vacancies for Town Councillors have arisen following the resignation of Cllrs Nader Fekri, James Baker and John Beacroft Mitchell. More info about how to seek election, and elections in May.
Floods consultation with residents, Environment Association and Calderdale Council. A public drop-in meeting was held at Hebden Bridge Town Hall on Wednesday 9 April. Read more
Minibus Review - see HebWeb Forum
HAULING A GRAND PIANO UP CRAGG VALE BY BIKE - Cyclists pulled the piano up the longest incline in the country on Sat, 5th April. Read more about this audacious musical and cycling adventure. And see the HebWeb photo gallery
Duckmania returns to Hebden Bridge on Easter Monday. Times, how to book your duck and more info.
The Rise of Real Bread in the Calder Valley. The Bakehouse is a coop of 7 members and 3 volunteers who share a passion for local produce and create loaves free from the additives. Read more (17 April)
Bicentenary Celebration on Stoodley Pike: Pigeons, puppeteers, samba and brass bands are to perform at the summit of our local "peace monument" on Sat 3rd May. More info
Hebden Bridge Flamenco has a new dance teacher. Luisa Galan from Córdoba, Spain will be teaching flamenco dance classes in Hebden Bridge from May. Read more (14 April)
Why Co-op's still matter, a Yorkshire Post article which features Hebden Bridge's own Valley Organics - takings up a quarter and employment of more people since it became a workers' co-op last year. Read more (10 April)
Tiger Lillies play a one off show at Hebden Bridge Arts Festival. Tickets are to be offered to local festival goers first at a pop up in the Town Hall on Saturday 3 May. Read more
Dancing for joy – as Fox & Goose becomes West Yorkshire's first co-op pub! Read more and see video.
Hebden Royd Big Spring Clean: 29-30 March with community groups from across Hebden Royd. Read more
A and E closure: On Monday, Josh Fenton-Glynn, prospective Labour candidate walked the 20 miles from Todmorden to Huddersfield A and E to highlight the distances local people will have to travel if the closure at Halifax goes ahead. (24 March)
Fox and Goose buyout completed. It is now officially West Yorkshire's first Co-operative pub and it re-opens, Saturday 22 March. Read more about the background to the sale
National Teachers' Strike: The National Union of Teachers has called a one-day national strike for Wednesday, 26th March and Sue McMahon of Calderdale NUT has written to the HebWeb to outline the teachers' case. Read more (20 March)
Tandem cycle through Hebden Bridge. BBC Look North presenters arrived in Hebden Bridge ahead of schedule at around 11.30am
A day in the life of Hebden Bridge's horse bench. Photographer Steve Morgan has produced a time lapse video to capture "a day in the life of" the bench. More info and see video
Hebden Bridge Business Forum was launched yesterday when over thirty people came to the meeting in the Town Hall. Read more (14 March)
Todmorden Curve, no trains till December? Labour's shadow rail minister Lilian Greenwood today raised in Parliament the ongoing debacle of the lack of available trains to run on the Todmorden Curve. (13 March)
Guardian Northerner: What the UK can learn from Hebden Bridge? The BBC's Mind the Gap asks how London's success can be replicated elsewhere: Claire Donnelly argues that our small town could have the answer. Read more (11 March)
The Miners' Strike: 30 Years On Public meeting (12 March) with speakers at the Trades Club in March. For 12 months of 1984-1985, there were ferocious battles and billions of pounds were spent to crush the miners' militancy. The people of Hebden Bridge gave generously. Read more
Hebden Bridge, the UK's second city, BBC article by Evan Davis. "Hebden Bridge is an inverted city with a greenbelt centre and suburbs called Manchester, Leeds and Liverpool." Read the article
Main roads through Hebden Bridge to close nearly all day on 6 July. Road closure information for the Tour de France now on the HebWeb. More info (5 March)
Calderdale Hospital A and E closure: public meeting launches Action Group and Liberal Democrats call on NHS bosses to explain. Labour's Josh Fenton-Glynn told the HebWeb that people in Hebden Bridge and Todmorden would be dangerously distant from an accident department. Read more - updated 5 March
See our feature on MP Craig Whittaker for his reaction to the proposed closure.
E-petition - over 6000 have signed.
Parking charges at station. The Yorkshire Post (25 Feb) reports that the the Dept. for Transport is seeking car parking charges at 18 stations in West Yorkshire, including Hebden Bridge and Todmorden.
Ban The Burn campaigners mop up outside Natural England HQ in Sheffield to deliver a clear message, Don't Fund Flooding as grouse moor owners continue to receive millions in subsidies. Read more.
Prime Minister challenged on flood relief funding for Calderdale. Labour council leader Tim Swift has written to the Prime Minister asking for a fair flood relief funding deal for Calderdale. More info and links to HebWeb coverage of 2012 floods
Co-op is the cheapest supermarket in Hebden Bridge. Save our Shops, the group campaigning against Sainsburys has surveyed prices at the Co-op, One Stop, Oasis and Sainsbury's. More info (13 Feb)
Path blocked near Salem: the waymarked path to the Crags has been blocked by the fall of a large beech tree, in between the cricket ground and bowling green. Click photo to enlarge. (9 Feb)
Caldervale Line electrification - not any time soon - in spite of £600 million being earmarked for northern rail improvements. Read more and see Forum thread
Handmade Parade events in 2014 - more info on the Fantastical Cycle Parade in Tod and dates for this year's Hebden Bridge Handmade Parade, Spark Day and workshops.
10th anniversary of Car Club: Hour Car, is going from strength to strength with 65 members and 5 cars, including an electric vehicle. Read more. 29 Jan
Medical Records - concerns continue to be expressed on the HebWeb Forum about the privatisation of doctor-patient confidentiality.
Calderdale Plan: Land for development or protection over the next 15 years. You are invited to have your say at a series of public meetings. Read more
Above: outside Something Sweet, the sweetshop in Bridge Gate. The HebWeb has been informed that part owner Bob Leedham has been killed in a motoring accident while holidaying in Thailand. See his Facebook page. (27 Jan)
Hole in the Wall for sale again. Following the recent successful campaign against closing the cobbled route outside this former pub, the owners have put it on the market for £390,000 - see details
Message in a bottle - from Hebden Bridge. 23 years after Zoe Lemon, then 10 and living in Hebden Bridge, dropped a bottle with message into the sea, it has been found by a Dutch couple in Zealand. Read more (21 Jan)
Tour de France 100 day Cultural Festival: Local communities are encouraged to be part of the Festival. See this HebWeb news item for more info and follow our Tour de France feature page. (16 Jan)
Calderdale plans Council Tax freeze: The budget proposals for the next three financial years will be discussed at a public meeting at Hebden Bridge Town Hall in early February. Read more (15 Jan)
2014 Parade: This year's Handmade Parade will take place on 8 June with organisers hoping to build on the success of last year's record-breaking event. Read more. (14 Jan)
Eastwood Recycling Centre to reopen next week - After major refurbishment, Calderdale and SITA have announced that the Eastwood Recycling Centre will reopen on 20 January 2014.
Searching for hedgehogs: student Betony Atkinson is conducting a survey on hedgehog distribution in Calderdale and needs your help in reporting sightings. Read more. (10 Jan)
Lives Remembered - Jake Gomilny, long-time Hebden Bridge resident known by many as 'The Mad Russian', has died aged 66. Read this obituary by his daughter, Jessie Levene (9 Jan)
Cobbles and Packhorse Route Saved as Hebden Royd Town Council voted unanimously this evening to reject plans to close the cobbled area outside the Hole in the Wall. HebWeb report (8 Jan)
HebWeb Review of 2013 - a year when it was announced that the Tour de France will pass through our town, co-ops were formed to run the Fox and Goose and Valley Organics, the Bernard Ingham column in the local paper was ended by popular protest, Burlesque was banned, a swimming pool promised, the Arts excelled yet again and Hebden Bridge was still the "coolest place to live." Read more
Calderdale A&E Closure threat: Parliamentary adjournment debate initiated by Halifax MP Linda Riordan and joined by Calder Valley MP Craig Whittaker and Jane Ellison for the Government. (13 Dec)
Tesco's One Stop: Earlier shop sign revealed as the Spar prepares to become a Tesco's One Shop. See FaceBook group
The former Mytholm Works: Calderdale Planning Committee has approved plans for a supermarket and hotel. See Forum thread
Josh Fenton-Glynn talks with Andy Burnham, Shadow Health Secretary, about the future of Halifax A&E, the threat of £25 million being cut from Calderdale's NHS budget and a threat to emergency vehicles. Read more. (30 Nov)
Small Ads: "Ad posted Monday (11th Nov), lease to be signed Saturday and tenant moving in Sunday. Thanks HebWeb."
Le Tour de France - new HebWeb section with links and latest information concerning next year's historic event. This page will be updated and developed as new info comes in. Update: public meeting in Wadsworth. Read more
Tale of a Tenner was produced to promote the 'Totally Locally' shop local campaign, showing that if you spend £10 in a shop in Hebden Bridge the amount of money that goes back into the local economy could be over £50!
"Unbelievable result Hebweb. So many enquiries in response to the small ad on your site and now have lovely new tenants. What a success - Thank you Hebweb." Message received 6 May.
Small Ads - "I am very pleased to say the response was terrific and both properties are now let." (Less than a week)
Small Ads - "We placed a job ad on the Hebweb recently, intending to keep it there for 2 weeks, but we had to take it down after 3 days due to the huge response generated"
Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - "Everything in the house was heated by the fire, all the old terraced houses used coal for heat and cooking back then, the valley had a serious smog problem." Read more from Dave Bridges' 500 words.
Jason Elliott's 500 Faces of Hebden Bridge
Small Ads - I just wanted to let you know that through my small ad on your site I found my ideal new home, meeting all my requirements. Thank you very much for such a great resource
Historian Jill Liddington, who lives above Hebden Bridge, spoke on BBC Radio 4 today about the boycott of the 1911 census by suffragettes. Listen now (8mins). More info about Jill's book on the 1911 census. (3 April)
Keep the hospital and A&E in Halifax, say Lib Dems. Calderdale Royal Hospital should stay open with all its services. Janet Battye told us, "Weeks after the so-called Strategic Review Outline Case was published, there is still no news." Read more (2 April)
Town Councillor Richard Scorer has written a book on sex abuse in the English Catholic Church, describing patterns of abuse, denial, institutional complicity and cover-up. Read more (2 April)
French elections - updated to include second round results from our twin town, St Pol sur Ternoise. Read more (2 April)
Hebden Bridge Town Hall job vacancies - energetic, hardworking and fun people sought to to join the staff team. More info (31 March)
Trashed, the award winning film narrated by Jeremy Irons has three viewings planned for Hebden Bridge - the first was on Tuesday, 1st April at the Trades. Read more
Hebden Bridge new 2014 Tourism Guide featuring this year's festivals and the Tour de France, has just been published and can be downloaded here
Choirs from across Europe share skills, ideas and a concert with the Hepton Singers at Heptonstall on 6 April. More info (27 March)
Crafts Afloat Crusies into Hebden Bridge - a newly established environmental and ethical social enterprise which is run from a narrowboat art studio. More info (25 March)
Piano Festival Latest: With just over 2 weeks to go until the Hebden Bridge Piano Festival kicks off at the Town Hall, preparations are well under way. Tickets have been selling well and the recital by headlining performer Kathryn Stott is now sold out. Read more (24 March)
Holme Tunnel reopens: trains between Burnley and Hebden Bridge on the York-Blackpool line, should be operational once again today Monday, 24 March. See BBC report
Kerbside Lives On: After it was put out of operation by SITA, it still had some surplus funds, the Kerbside Fund, to provide work and training for the long term unemployed whilst recycling almost anything. Read more (22 March)
National Rat Week was one of the annual events described by Ian Dewhirst in his talk to the Local History Group on Yorkshire Life between the Wars. Read more (20 March)
CROWS reach 'milestone'. CROWS has now repaired 25km of footpaths in the valley. Come and celebrated this achievement at the Trades on Friday, 21 March with Grannys Attic and the Owterzeds.
Remove golliwogs from local shop, urges a petition organised by the Calder Valley Anti-Racist Collective in the runup to March 21st, International Day for the Elimination of Racism.
Track a Tree - Christine Tansey of Hebden Bridge is currently working on a Phd in cooperation with the Woodland Trust. The HebWeb has been approached to encourage local people to volunteer. Read more (13 March)
Trades Club takes on O2 Arena for Music Week's live venue of the year award. The Trades won the nomination to take on 02 Arena thanks to votes from acts who have played the club and their promoters. (12 March)
Calderdale Hospital A and E closure - Lib Dems call on NHS bosses to explain their plans and carry out a full consultation with local people about the proposals. (12 March)
Fox and Goose community purchase: All hands to the pumps this weekend. Contracts are to be exchanged next week and the Fox and Goose will officially become West Yorkshire's first co-operative pub. Read more (11 March)
Vanishing for the Vote: the suffragette boycott of the 1911 census. Book launch with local historian, Jill Liddington. Read more (10 March)
Martin Parr's iconic photos of Hebden Bridge coming to Bradford Media Museum, including 55 photographs taken by Magnum photographer Martin Parr around Hebden Bridge when he lived here in the 1970s Read more - update: Martin Parr to sign books at The Book Case.
Fast to end hunger: Labour's Josh Fenton-Glynn to fast as part of 'End Hunger Fast' campaign. "We simply shouldn't have queues of people having to rely on food handouts in modern Britain." Read more
HebWeb Forum: hot topics currently include parking charges at the station, mountain biking on footpaths, Sainsburys, medical records and the closure of Calderdale's A & E. (3 March)
Local History Talk: Industrialisation and the Calder Valley Dr Stephen Caunce described how the extraordinary way in which previously obscure communities of our area changed the world as the birthplace of industrialisation in the 18th and 19th centuries. Read more. (3 March)
Floods petition: calling upon the Government to extend grant offers to areas such as Hebden Bridge who were so badly affected in 2012
Sainsbury's Plans: Over 500 comments were received opposing the development with just 4 comments in favour. See our earlier news item for more info and forum thread (2 March)
Crazy ideas wanted for Handmade Parade spark day: Would you like to see aliens invading St George's Square, Bridge Gate turned into a bug world or Calder Holmes Park becoming a time travel hub? Read more
Fairtrade Forum meeting, including talk by a Colombian producer of Fairtrade bananas, on 'Fair Trade, Fair Food?' on 28th Feb. Read more
The Machine that Changed the World was the topic of the latest University of Third Age session, addressed by engineer Barrie Yates. Read our report of the meeting. (25 Feb)
Bad weather bulletin from Calderdale who say that during bad weather, their teams are continuing to work tirelessly to keep communities safe. (14 Feb)
Cragg Vale bunting-makers seek world record - The bunting-makers of Cragg Vale, which boasts the longest single continuous gradient in the country, want to bring the world record back to the UK before the Tour de France. More info (10 Feb)
Tour de France: where will you be? - to help businesses and authorities estimate demand on the day, you are invited to complete a survey. More info (10 Feb)
Police Station building - time is running out. See latest comments from the Hebden Bridge Community Association
Mytholmroyd Station building: After many years and hundreds of ideas for the building, the Station Partnership is hosting an Open meeting to discuss its future. Read more (6 Feb)
Postcard from Palestine 14 - Hebden Bridge's Ron Taylor is a regular visitor to Palestine, part of an international movement of supporters. Palestinian people in the South Hebron Hills are under attack again (4 Feb)
New look for Arts Festival: The Festival has a new look thanks to design student Anthony Gibson, pictured above with Board member David Burnop. Read more
Local History Talk: David Cant spoke about his many years studying 17th century fine houses of the Calder Valley and using documentary evidence to uncover stories of craftsmen who worked to design and construct them. Read more. (27 Jan)
Street Choirs Festival returns to Hebden Bridge. Hosted by Calder Valley Voices who are looking for people to host a singer or two for the two nights. Read more (23 Jan)
Joseph Rowntree research: Support, help and dependency in Hebden Bridge. This report is based on findings from the first phase of a two-year research project in Hebden Bridge. Read more (22 Jan)
Arts Festival Shorts: Budding playwrights are invited to submit their plays for the fourth season of the Hebden Bridge Shorts. Read more (19 Jan)
Todmorden Curve: delays to new services in spite of MP's assurances. Read more
Newly resurfaced cycle/walking track between Mytholmroyd Station and Brierley. No more ruts, pot holes or muddy puddles
Buses could be more expensive than taxies. See discussion on HebWeb Forum
Woman's Hour: Chris Green, director of the Mytholmroyd based White Ribbon Campaign discusses men and violence, and feminism, during the first few minutes of this R4 programme (14 Jan)
Living Wage: Hebden Royd Town Council has become a Living Wage Employer. Read more. (14 Jan)
Old Gate: concern continues about the demolition of buildings on Old Gate, following a recent landslip. See discussion. And see photo
Save our Shops protest outside the Town Hall this evening. Hebden Royd Town Council are to urge Sainsburys to call a public meeting if they want to build a supermarket in Hebden Bridge. HebWeb report. (8 Jan)
Good news for walkers: Hebden Bridge Walkers Action has received funding from West Yorkshire Metro to promote the 901 bus to Huddersfield as a bus for walking. Read more
Morning Star Benefit at the Trades raises £800
NUJ Greenpeace Public Meeting report - Steve Morgan and Paul Morozzo gave a talk on 'Reporting Environmental Protest' - Read more
Local MP criticises schools, blaming Labour - see the HebWeb Craig Whittaker feature
Walking the Moors - a new hand-drawn guide from Chris Goddard; a superb work with wonderfully drawn sketches, buildings, rocks and maps. Chris has been meticulous in his research and has spent six years preparing this remarkable book. Read more. (28 Nov)
New Hebden Royd councillors: At the meeting of the full council of the Town Council on 23rd October, the council co-opted two local people on to the council. More info. (29 Oct)
Hebden Bridge: more plaudits - Last year's Valley of Lights won APSE's best community and neighbourhood initiative, and the Old Gate pub restaurant is Yorkshire Post's "Pub of the Week".

CYCLING UP THE BUTTRESS: the hardest and steepest 350 metre climb out of Hebden Bridge took place Saturday 7th September. More photos and News item. And now the YouTube video
Britain's favourite market town? Hebden Bridge has been shortlisted in the 'Britain's favourite market town' category in the BBC Countryfile Magazine Awards 2013. Read more (3 Sept)
Guardian Northerner: Hebden Bridge the UK's coolest place? The Yorkshire Paradise has won its fourth accolade in a decade. Born, brought up and living here, Rachel Pickering is loyal, but has one or two cautionary thoughts. (25 March)
HebWeb archive: quickly view HebWeb home pages of the past few years.
Small ads: "We've successfully rented our house. Thanks for an excellent service - I'll heartily recommend Hebweb, as our house was previously listed through an estate agent who didn't manage to get us a tenant in 3 months - through Hebweb we had 4 prospective tenants within a week." (4 Jan)
Bernard Ingham column ended: campaigners have learned that Bernard Ingham has been told his longrunning column in the HB Times has ended. They had been calling on Ingham to apologise for what he said about Hillsborough. Read more

More from Hebden Bridge Web
- Accommodation - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area
- Archive - news and discussion going back to the mid 90s
- Bloggers and columns - a section where you can read regular pieces by selected local bloggers.
- Books - of interest to people living in Hebden Bridge and area
- Contact info
- Discussion Forum - hundreds of messages every year on matters of concern to those who live in Hebden Bridge and the surrounding hills, villages and valleys
- Emails - a directory of local email addresses
- Events: a selection of local events
- Features
- Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - one of the 500 years of the Hebden pack horse bridge projects
- Green Pages
- Hebden Bridge info - some basic information about Hebden Bridge with links to some features which have been written about our town.
- Hebden Bridge 500 - celebrating 500 years of the bridge
- History pages - links to local history websites, together with a selection of articles remembering times past.
- Lives Remembered - thoughts and comments on the death of a selection of local people
- Mailing list
- Maps - several maps of the town and area, including Google maps.
- Neighbours/twins - links to websites of surrounding towns and our twin towns in France and Germany
- News: Dozens of news items are posted every month; many are unique to Hebden Bridge Web, coming from our growing number of correspondents. Others may also be covered elsewhere but can be found on HebWeb many days earlier.
- News Highlights of 2012
- Photos - many galleries of photos, including some by well known local photographers
- Planning Watch - details of controversial developments are posted here.
- Radio and video samples relating to our area
- Search HebWeb - search the thousands of news, features and discusssion on the entire Hebden Bridge Web in seconds.
- Small ads
- Tourist Info
- Useful sites - a range of site which we think local people will find useful, rail and bus timetables, ofsted reports, local doctors, etc.
- View from the Bridge
- Web Design from Pennine Pens
- Websites Listings A-Z: listings of a large selection of Hebden Bridge websites
- Websites List - by category: listings of a large selection of Hebden Bridge websites
- What's on/Local events: a selection of local events
- Where to stay - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area