Carols in the Square
Christmas Eve, 6.30pm
Dave Nelson's annual Family Christmas Singalong
Christmas gets off to a cracker of a start at 4.30 pm on Saturday 21st December at Hebden Bridge Town Hall with Dave Nelson's annual Family Christmas Singalong.
Alice In Wonderland at The Birchcliffe Centre
Role With It Productions and their creative team present a sparkling new adaptation of the Lewis Carroll classic by local writer Sian Murray.
Set in Calderdale, this steampunk inspired professional Christmas show is the ideal family treat for the festive season.
Affordable ticket prices at £8.00 adults & £6.00 concessions
Tickets available at Innovation Gift Shop, Hebden Bridge or online at
See HebWeb news for more info and dates.
Big Ass Christmas Concert 2013
Wednesday 18th December, 8pm
The Big Ass Hebden Bridge Christmas concert is back!
4 amazing bands for 1 amazing charity!
The Rheostats
Patrick McCallion and Small Words
Long Sleeves For Summer
Plus, 1 more band TBC...
Tickets £3.50 in advance, £5 on the door. All proceeds will go to the Teenage Cancer Trust.
The Terry Logan Band and The Fever Trees are very excited to announce that they will be playing at the Trades Club at the start of this festive season. This will be a night full of soul shaking music so get ready to hit the dance floor!
Lots of new songs bringing disco and reggae vibes on the night. This is not to be missed!!
Check out The Fever Trees FaceBook
Trades Club - Hebden Bridge
The Terry Logan Band is the latest sensational outfit to emerge from the Hebden Bridge melting pot. Much acclaimed singer/songwriter Terry Logan has been working with keyboard player Dave Nelson since the beginning of 2013, and in May they expanded the line-up to include the excellent Simon Partridge on guitar and the highly experienced rhythm section of bassist Graham Packham and drummer Dave Foulger. The band recorded its first EP Take a Walk in July
Shaggy Dog Storytellers: Seasonal Stories from the Floor
On 20th of December, the last Friday before Christmas, Shaggy Dog Storytellers are flitting to the Little Theatre Bar for an evening of Seasonal Stories from the Floor. The emphasis will be on stories and entertainments with a seasonal flavour.
So come along and share a festive tale or sit back and enjoy the performances of others. First timers are welcome. New tellers should note that performers are expected to work without scripts, but be assured that your audience will support your efforts. recent events have been very popular, so please arrive by 7.30 for an 8.00 (prompt) start. Entry is £5 on the door.
exhibitions, music, workshops, competitions, film, local history, theatre and spoken word.
Christmas at Great Rock Co-op
Make your Christmas a local one! Lots of great local food at Great Rock Co-op every December Saturday. Free-range turkeys, home-reared pork for all the trimmings, cakes, preserves, handmade bread, local wines and beers - the lot! Also, local Arts and Crafts for perfect, unique gifts.
Christmas Cafe and children's activities from 10am til 2pm at Staups Lea Farm, nr Blackshaw Head, OL14 8RR.
A warm welcome awaits!
Remembrance Carol service
Local Funeral Directors, Valley Funeral Service & Robertshaw Greenwood are holding their annual Remembrance Carol Service at St. Michael's Church, Mytholmroyd on Wednesday 11th December 2013 at 7.00pm.
Everyone is welcome to attend and the congregation will be invited to light a candle in memory of their loved ones during the service.
Messages may be left on a memorial tag before the service to be hung on our Christmas Trees displayed throughout the festive season at our local Branches.
For further details please contact a member of staff on either 01422 842683 or 01422 842044
Anne Kirker
Sam Hill is probably our best known eighteenth century textile manufacturer, thanks to his collection of business documents held in Calderdale Archives.
This talk shows him as family man, neighbour and man of property. Anne is Secretary of the Halifax Antiquarian Society, and has been researching his life for some time.
Methodist Hall, Market Street, 7.30 pm
Hebden Bridge Local History Society
Prof Rene Oudmaijer (Univ of Leeds)
Massive stars at the end of their lives
Rene is back with us again to tell us of his research. He was a contributor to recent research papers on a dying 'hypergiant' star; the star is half a million times brighter than our Sun. Much of its light is given out in the infrared part of the spectrum. This makes it relatively dim to traditional telescopes. It is for this reason, suggests Professor Oudmaijer, that it took over 25 years for someone to study it in great detail.
Hebden Bridge Astronomy Society
Hope Street, 7.30pm
Handmade Arts Fair at cheeky sew and sew
From 10am to 4pm on Saturday 14th December, cheeky sew and sew will be transformed into a bustling handmade arts fair. There will be quality handmade items for sale from local makers and creators, so if you're looking for some quirky and original Christmas presents here's some of what's on offer....
Plus a free glass of mulled wine to warm you up on arrival, and refreshments will be available throughout the day.
cheeky sew and sew, 22 Rochdale Rd, Todmorden.
01706 816181.
Percy & Lawless - Live
Percy are currently touring to promote their new "Anthems for a Wasted Youth" EP, following extensive airplay on BBC 6 Music's Tom Robinson show.
Lawless are promoting the event, and will be supporting with their own set of punk/blues/whisky ballads.
It all takes place at the Shoulder of Mutton, Friday 13th December. Music starts at 8pm, and admission is free. Not to be missed!
Winter Fayre at Hebden Bridge Spiritualist Church
11am till 4pm.
Winter Fayre, raffle, crystals, tombola and brica brack.
Private readings available.
Refreshments being served
Halifax Friends of Palestine
Grand Fund Raising Dinner
8-11pm, LaNika Restaurant
3 Course Buffet and Entertainment
Tickets £20 each or £35 for a couple
- discounts for family tables
To reserve - ring Jenny on 07801 275674
Live Music from Salamband
sponsored by LPS solicitors
In aid of the Oyooni Eye Clinic in the West Bank and the Abu Bakr Rauf Memorial Scholarship Fund for students in Gaza
Learn how to grow vegetables at least two months earlier than conventionally grown crops using a hot bed.
We will construct a light (cover) and look at various methods of hot bed growing frame construction.
We will construct a hot bed and sow up.
Tutor: Jack First
9.30-3.30 £35
calderfoodhub@ymail.com or 07985185057
Info on hot beds on Gardeners World
Blankets, Chicks and Dock Pudding
Two-hour walk to look at the history of Mytholmroyd. Meet David Cant at 2pm at the Community Centre car park, Caldene Avenue on Sunday 8th December 2013. Cost: £3
Part of the Calderdale Heritage Walks winter programme.
Harmony Open Mic Hebden Bridge
Sun 1st Dec from 7:30pm
Stubbing Wharf (function room), Mytholm / Hebden Bridge, HX7 6LU.
Come along and sing or listen in a relaxed informal open mic session.
We welcome groups of 2 or more singers, no amps, no mics. Very informal atmosphere, free of charge. The repertoire of songs is as diverse as we are. Spontaneous contributions are welcome.
See: website
Contact Ralph if you want to be invited next year - 07909 488272 - 01422 846107
Community Tree planting day
Community tree planting day at Redacre Growing Project, Redacre Woods, top of Westfield Terrace, Mytholmroyd
12 – 4
We have been donated over 400 tree saplings and need your help to plant some new hedges!
Bring gloves, wellies, a trowel and food to share
All welcome
Fighting for Fairness: from Local to Global
Calderdale Green Party Public Meeting with speaker Shan Oakes, European Parliamentary Candidate for Yorkshire and the Humber and Equality and Diversity Coordinator for the Green Party UK
Tuesday December 3rd 2013 7.30pm
Terrace Room, Hebden Bridge Town Hall
Book Launch: The West Yorkshire Moors
Meet author Chris Goddard, ask questions and buy a signed copy of the book over a free glass of wine and a mince pie.
6.30 pm
Reporting Environmental Protest
Journalists and the Greenpeace Arctic 30
Public Meeting
The Terrace Room, Hebden Bridge Town Hall, 7.30pm
Steve Morgan Photojournalist, former media 'embed' in Greenpeace arctic demonstrations
Paul Morozzo Greenpeace
See HebWeb News
Gardening for Bees
Calder Valley Organic Gardeners Monthly Meeting takes place at the Good Shepherd Centre, Royal Fold, Mytholmroyd on Thursday 5th December at 7.30pm when a talk on 'Gardening for Bees' will be provided by members of Mytholmroyd Bee Group.
Entry is £2.00 for non-members. Further information can be found
at www.cvog.org or by phoning 07977 929684
Handmade Christmas Art Market
Holme St Arts Centre
In the heart of Hebden Bridge
30 stalls of Locally sourced Handmade Gifts
An emporium of delightful crafters
- Art
- Photography
- Textiles
- Soaps
- Jewellery
- Hand Knit
- Pottery
- And more...
Cafe serving homemade food
Dog friendly
Wheelchair access
Willow Workshop: Introduction to Willow Weaving.
Hebden Bridge Methodist Church hall (next to the coop).
10 till 2
Learn how to make a plant support for your garden. Also small handheld decorations, flowers, wreaths, bull rushes and a simple basket to take home.
Cost £30.00 per person. Please book early - places limited to 12. Contact Clare Wells 01422 845875 or Helen Blackwell 01422 844255 or email clarewells123@aol.com
Festive Open Weekend
Brooklyn Studios are opening their doors on Saturday 30th November and Sunday 1st December. 11am to 5pm.
Work for sale from our artists and makers.
Try our famous Brooklyn mulled cider!
Brooklyn Studios
Unit 3
38 Hangingroyd Lane
Hebden Bridge
HX7 8 LR
Riverside Junior School Winter Fair
organised by Friends of Riverside School
Saturday 30 November 11am - 1pm
Riverside School Hall
Crafts, raffle, tombola, books and games
Hot and cold refreshments
Everyone welcome!
There a limited number of craft and produce stalls available. Any artists or makers interested in reserving a stall should leave a message for Rebecca Yorke at the Riverside office on 01422 842154.
Calder ward Pact Meeting
The next Calder Ward PACT (Police and Communities Together) Meeting will be on Tuesday 26th November starting at 6:45pm in the police office in the Hebden Bridge Town Hall. The meeting provides residents with an opportunity to discuss what has been happening, discuss any concerns with the local Police and help to decide the local Police priorities for the area over the next six weeks.
All local residents are welcome to attend.
For those unable to attend, there will be an opportunity to comment online using ePact, an online live webchat session available from 7pm on the night. To participate, click here.
The Wizard of Oz
Mytholmroyd St Michael's Amateur Dramatic Society's next wonderful show:
The Wizard of Oz
St Michael's Church Hall, Mytholmroyd
Tickets: £10, £8, £5
From: 07717 128 210
Chris Helme
The Sunny Vale Pleasure Gardens, Halifax was Yorkshire’s Alton Towers of the nineteenth century and had 100,000 visitors from the north of England every season. This talk takes us back to the days of Sunday school treats! Chris has published seven local history books, and written a weekly nostalgia column for his local newspaper, the ‘Brighouse Echo,’ for twenty eight years.
Methodist Hall, Market Street, 7.30 pm
Hebden Bridge Local History Society
Talks at Machpelah
Tania Ahsan
9 Principles of a Magical Life
The co-editor of Kindred Spirit magazine, has been writing and
editing in the Mind, Body, Spirit and alternative philosophies arena for
two decades. This talk condenses the information and practices she has learned over those 20 years into 9 basic principles for enjoying life
and avoiding the modern ills of disconnection and dissatisfaction. Renew your sense of joy and awe in life with these magical truths.
Wednesday 27th November, 2013
at Machpelah Works, Hebden Bridge HX7 8AU
Tickets £5; includes tea & biscuits (Limited to 40 capacity)
Available from www.spiritedaway.co.uk
Shaggy Dog Storytellers
Stubbing Wharf sees the Hebden Bridge debut of Sarah Rundle in her presentation of Gawain and the Green Knight. Sarah got locked in a laboratory and tunnelled her way to freedom. She ran away to drama school and is now an actor and a much in demand storyteller.
When an unjolly green giant pitches up in your castle wielding an axe, it's wise to avoid any rash decision making.
Sarah delivers an uproarious retelling of a classic tale.
Entrance is £7 on the door from 7.30 for a prompt 8pm start.
Two Painters
Carrie McKenzie & Jen Johnson
On view at Hebden Bridge Visitor Centre for the month of November is the work of two local artists who explore divergent paths of the painted image.
The exhibition offers a wide variety of artwork including the local landscape, wildlife and flora of Hebden Bridge and West Yorkshire, alongside colourful subjects from other parts of the world, including Africa and Asia. All artwork is unique and original. With prices ranging from £20 to £120, they are ideal, special Christmas presents.
Carrie McKenzie: after 25 years as a lecturer and senior manager in further education, Carrie McKenzie now lives and works as a freelance artist and photographer in Halifax.
Jen Johnson lives and works from her studio in Sowerby Bridge. Although originally qualifying as as a healthcare scientist, she has always had an interest in art and has recently pursued her passion to produce unique and inspiring paintings.
Hebden Bridge Visitor and Canal Centre is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 5pm, and Saturday to Sunday from 10.30am to 4.30pm
Lamplighter Festival lantern workshops
Make your own lantern and join the parade!
Workshops at 5 Victoria Works, Victoria Rd, HX7 8LN:
Sat 16th Nov: 10-12pm and 2-4pm
Mon 18th Nov: 4-6pm
Wed 20th Nov: 4-6pm
The evening will sparkle with giant puppets, fire performances, street bands, illuminated art installations, torch-lit belly dancers and a spectacular fire garden.
Night market until 9pm.
The Lamplighter Festival will take place in Todmorden on Saturday 23rd November, 5.30pm onwards. One night, one town only - don't miss out!
See HebWeb news - Lamplighter Festival
Rod Hine (MA Cantab)
Battle for the Galaxies
Rod returns to tell us (in Rod's own inimitable way) the tale of the great debate between the US professionals Shapley and Heber Curtis on the nature of spiral nebulae & the size of the universe.
Hebden Bridge Astronomy Society
Hope Street, 7.30pm
Talks at Machpelah
Darren Deojee
Being & Coming: The Science of the Penetrating Spirit; Matters of Reception & Conception. You don't just 'be' your self, you be-come It. The science of 'Being' and 'Coming,' its counterpart, has become long lost in amongst a culture of gender taboo, confusion, fixation and finger-pointing. Humanity stands at a juncture where all traditional securities and reliabilities are being pulled from under the feet of most, including relationships and modes of relating and connecting. By understanding gender flows in the context of what's going on, in the world around and within us; a new orientation can be arrived at bringing understanding, relief, release, solace and new levels, of connection and sensuality. A truly radical and refreshing talk flowing through gender, authority, presence, connection, feeling & substance.
Wednesday 20th November, 2013
at Machpelah Works, Hebden Bridge HX7 8AU
Tickets £5; includes tea & biscuits (Limited to 40 capacity)
Available from www.spiritedaway.co.uk
Tour de France in Wadsworth
7.30 pm. Doors open 7:00 pm
Public Meeting will be held to discuss the Tour de France as it affects Wadsworth Parish and the opportunities presented to parishioners.
e.g. How can we take part?
Who wants to help?
Your ideas welcomed.
We would like to hear from you
Bar open 7:30
Pie and Peas supper.
See also: Tour de France comes to Hebden Bridge
Poetry Nite @ The Book Case
The Chumlies
Michael Haslam 'The Poet of Foster Clough' and Peter Riley read from their work. Both poets have received the Society of Author's Cholmondeley Award for Distinguished Poets.
Tickets £5 including complimentary glass of wine. Booking advisable.
The Hebden Bridge WI invite you to dress up in your finest Rocky Horror Picture Show gear, slip on your most outrageous footwear and join us for a bit of fun to raise money for Living Well.
Living Well is rather brilliant group in Todmorden that support women with cancer.
Picture House. Doors 7pm.
Calder Valley Steiner School Advent Fayre
11-3pm at Hebden Methodist Church. A day of family fun including storytelling, puppetry, childrens craft, stalls and veggie cafe. Only £1 entry, children free.
First Steps to Navigation
Time: 9.15, setting off prompt at 9.30
Return: 4.00
Start and Finish: New Delight pub at Colden, park on road, accessible by bus from Hebden Bridge
Grid reference:SD962282
Prerequisites: Willingness to learn
A short walk, relatively easy walking but some moorland and possibly wet areas to negotiate.
You will need strong walking footwear, waterproofs, food and drink to keep you going through the day (it may be cold and wet). Ideally an OL21 Ordnance Survey Explorer map and a baseplate compass, we can supply some maps and some compasses if needed. Please contact us to let us know if you need this.
Our rates are £50 per person per day (6-7 hours) or £200 per group of 6 per day. Pay via this website for Paypal:
We are both accredited Walking Group Leaders (Mountain Training Association) with experience of both navigation and teaching adults.
Cath Dyson and Jak Radice
Hebden Bridge Vintage Fair
Sunday 17th November @ The town hall
Over 20 stalls full of Original Vintage from 1960s Glass to Records from all eras.
Doors Open at 10 till 4 - £1 Entry
See Facebook page
Diwali Celebration
Annapurna Dance Company invite you to come & celebrate Diwali with us at Riverside School on the 17th Nov at 3.30 - 6.00pm.
There will be an Indian Dance performance, music and Snacks.
Bring a lantern with you.
Tickets can be bought from Hat Therapy in Hebden Bridge, £7 adults and £3 kids over 3yrs.
Shirley Daniel
Image from Geograph by Charlie Boyce
Withens Reservoir and its surroundings are much appreciated for their natural and isolated beauty – but when, where, how and why was it built? Shirley lives on the hilltops in Cragg Vale. In 2008 she helped launch the Cragg Vale Local History Group, which is now a popular monthly feature in the village, aiming to put local history within its place in the wider world.
Methodist Hall, Market Street, 7.30 pm
Hebden Bridge Local History Society
Mytholmroyd Christmas Market
Royd Regeneration are happy to announce that this year's Christmas Market is taking place on Saturday 16 November in St Michael's Church Square and hall, Mytholmroyd, from 1pm to 5.30pm.
It's going to be bigger and better than ever this year with many more stalls inside offering a great selection of Christmas presents and last minute gift ideas.
There's also face painting for the children and an early visit from Santa Claus.
And let's not forget the free mulled wine and baked potatoes!!
Please come along and support this event and let's make it even more successful than last year.
Horse-drawn Boat Trip, Rochdale Canal
Travel with the Horseboating Society.
Arrive at Stubbing Wharf pub from 12 noon, board horse-drawn boat at Stubbing Wharf at 12.30 for approx 3 hour trip to Mytholmroyd and return. Note finish point will be at Butler's Wharf, Hebden Bridge (often called The Marina).
Cost £12.00 per person. Support the only horse-drawn passenger boat in the north of England.
Just turn up or book on 07711-121-056
Permaculture Approach at Edibles in Slaithwaite
Calder Valley Organic Gardeners Monthly Meeting takes place at the Good Shepherd Centre, Royal Fold, Mytholmroyd on Thursday 7th November at 7.30pm when Rosie of edibles in Slaithwaite will talk about "A permaculture approach to designing our small holding and livelihood".
Entry is £2.00 for non-members.
Further information can be found at www.cvog.org or by phoning 07977 929684
Trades Club Quiz
The questions are compiled and presented by that lovely Dave Boardman chap and always includes the enjoyable music round.
Your £5 gets you top quality food from Llamo's kitchen as well
To include The Demon Barbers, Jez Lowe and the Bad Pennies, Kathryn Williams and Steve Tilston.
The Judah Lewis Band at The Cotton Mill
A fusion of jazz, funk, reggae, blues & soul
The Judah Lewis Band
The Cotton Mill, Water St, Todmorden
Admission free
Wainsgate Concert features Hollie McNish whose YouTube poetry videos have been seen seen by millions.
Also on Channel 4 and at Glastonbury. Support by Emma Decent. Sunday, 10 Nov.
7.30pm Hebden Bridge Methodist Church
The AGM will be followed by a look at
Pennine Horizons Digital Archive
with Ann Kilby, the Collections Manager and Frank Woolrych
Hebden Bridge Local History Society
Indian Dance For kids - Taster Session
Come and try Indian Dance at the Yoga centre, Hebden
30th Oct 4.15 - 5.15pm.
For kids 7+ years.
Contact Shrikant 07599 819108
Drumming for The Tree of Life
A Drum Circle & Community Ceremony @ beautiful Gibson Mill, in the heart of the woodland in Hardcastle Crags, Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire in Liaison with the National Trust.
We will celebrate & honour those in our lives who have passed away, our relationship with them & the crossing & separating of our paths at this special time of year.
10.00 am – 1.00 pm
Please book in advance! Proceedings will be donated to Hardcastle Crags.Children are welcome if accompanied by adults, please prepare them for the meaning of this ceremony beforehand. It might be advisable to only bring children over the age of 6.
Minimum donation £5 per adult by October 14th Post your donation to Tree of Life Day, 33 West End, Hebden Bridge HX7 8UQ
Contact the facilitators for information & to book:
Filomena Ianni on 01422 844926, email filo@fullcircle.uk.net
Jayne Johnson on 0785 414 6986, email mail@jaynejohnson.co.uk
JP Cooper @ The Trades Club
Soulful singer/songwriter JP Cooper has recently been chosen as a BBC Introducing "One To Watch for 2013".
With a blend of influences including Donny Hathaway, Otis Redding, Chris Cornell, Eddie Vedder and gospel, JP has been headlining sell out performances in London, Birmingham and his home city of Manchester. His spine-tingling and utterly brilliant voice marries up with his captivating, life affirming lyrics to leave you spellbound, heart-warmed and inspired every time.
JP Cooper will be performing as a trio.
Support comes from Tom Attah.
Kate Boyce Exhibition of New Work
Local artist Kate Boyce has an exhibition at The Calder Gallery, Market Street. Kate's paintings are a striking combination of fluid brushwork and vivid colour, enhanced by the sensitive addition of photographic imagery using a hi-tech transparent film that moulds itself to the canvas.
Her technique has been developed over a number of years and the quality of her work has been confirmed by the approval of the Arts Council, numerous commissions by large businesses and the beautiful paintings hanging proudly in homes throughout the UK. The exhibition started 3rd October and runs until 27th October.
The Ted Hughes Festival
Tickets have gone on sale at Hebden Bridge Visitor & Canal Centre for this year's Ted Hughes Festival which takes place between Wednesday 23rd and Sunday 27th October.
The annual festival which is run by the Elmet Trust is getting bigger each year. Following the sell out evening with poet Kathleen Jamie last year this year's special guest poet is Paul Farley - 'The Ice Age' (Picador) which was awarded the Whitbread Poetry Prize, and most recently 'Dark Film' (Jonathan Cape, 2011). He will be well know to Radio 4 listeners especially for 'Edgelands' of which he is co-author.
As well as Paul Farley there are Ted Hughes close-reading workshops, a poetry slam, Ted Hughes themed walks to Lumb Bank, an evening of music in conjunction with the Trades Club, and another popular Poetry Café in Mytholmroyd. Tickets are available on: www.wegottickets.com or from the Visitor & Canal Centre, Hebden Bridge 01422 843831.
Download PDF of the Ted Hughes programme 2013
Update from the organisers: Saturday, 19 October 2013
"It is with great sadness that we have had to cancel two festival events on Wednesday 23rd October.
"Author, critic, and poet, Keith Sagar, has died suddenly this week. Keith had been a friend of Ted's for many years as well as writing extensivly on Ted's poetry. Consequently, Keith became a friend to us at The Elmet Trust and was a voice of authority and experience on Ted and his work. Keith was due to do a free public lecture this festival which was to have taken place on Wednesday, together with a close-reading poetry workshop, at Huddersfield University. Both these events will now not take place."
Over half term for the 4th year running. Handmade quality products available and visitors will have the opportunity to chat to the makers and designers about their work.
The Luckiest Man In The World
written and directed by Jayson Bartlett
JB Theatre Productions brings 'The Luckiest Man in The World' to the Little Theatre, Hebden Bridge.
Welcome to the crazy world of relationships! We have all been there, some of us more times than we like to admit to! The Luckiest Man In The World portrays the emotional roller coaster life of Caroline, a beautiful unassuming young woman played by Suzanne Celensu; and Mike, the love of her life, played by Jayson Bartlett. This beautiful love story will reach deep into your hearts touching the memory of simply falling in love, before the roller coaster begins . . .
or call 0844 8700887
Performance begins at 7.30pm, doors open 6.45pm
Reem Kelani in Concert
Acclaimed Palestinian singer, Reem Kelani, returns to Calderdale with a concert at the Ted Hughes Theatre in Calder High Shool at 7.30 pm on Saturday 26th October.
Accompanied by Bruno Heinen (piano) and Antonio Fusco (percussion), Reem will introduce what the Guardian reviewer called "an extraordinary musical map of Palestine" with rhythms traditional and contemporary.
Tickets are £10; £8 concessions; £4 for children under 12 - available in advance or on the door.
Come Dine With Us
Sat 26th October 7pm
Thursday 31st October 7pm
More dates in November
Arstmill Linden Road
2 course supper £10.00 meet the contestants, try the food, watch the programme. A fun night for all!
Food and Drink Festival
The HebWeb has been informed that the on/off Festival will after all take place this weekend in George's Square.
It will also be a drop off point for Tod Food Hub
Alpine Outdoors Orienteering Free Taster Day
Orienteering is a challenging outdoor adventure sport that exercises both the mind and the body. The aim is to navigate in sequence between control points marked on a unique orienteering map and decide the best route to complete the course in the quickest time. It does not matter how young, old or fit you are, you can run, walk or jog the course and progress at your own pace.
Meeting on Sunday 27th at Hardcastle Crags Car Park.
We will run two sessions
First 1pm - 2.30pm
Second 2.30pm - 4pm
More information please contact us on 07917646544
Stories from the Floor
Stubbing Wharf.
This is your opportunity to tell and hear new stories. Over the years, this event has provided a forum for many - now established - storytellers to start off their careers.
So if you want to retell a folk tale in front of a supportive audience now is your chance! Newcomers could also tell a self penned tale or monologue. The main rule is: no reading of scripts! So come well prepared and the floor is yours. No doubt there will also be contributions from regular tellers, young and old. So it's fine to come along and enjoy the efforts of others.
Please note that attendance at the Mats Rehman and Methera performance on Thursday (see above) will assure you free entrance to this event. Otherwise, the fee is £5 on the door. 7.30 entrance for an 8pm start. There will be a short AGM at 7.15pm, to which all are welcome.
Strange Lovers
Stubbing Wharf
Shaggy Dog Storytellers host Mats Rehman and Methera in Strange Lovers. This production was first shown at the Sage in Gateshead in May this year.
Mats is a spell binding performer of Swedish tales and Methera (Cumbrian for four) are a young string quartet.
One reviewer wrote that the performances are "superb art, absolutely accessible and utterly enchanting".
Entrance is £5 on the door from 7.30 with a prompt start at 8pm.
John Billingsley
first half of the 17th century was rife with fears and accusations of witchcraft, as the famous Pendle cases of 1612 and 1634 show. John will offer a context for and outline the few details available of a contemporary local case. He is a local folklorist with six books to his credit, and was organiser of last year's commemorative day-school, Pendle 400.
Methodist Hall, Market Street, 7.30 pm
Hebden Bridge Local History Society
Dr Myfanwy Lloyd (Univ of Manchester)
Planetary Nebulae & Binary Stars
Myfanwy returns to us to tell us about her research on the growing number of planetary nebulae (seven to date) for which observations and modeling support the influence of a central binary (double) star on the planetary nebula's shape.
Hebden Bridge Astronomy Society
Hope Street, 7.30pm
The Law: Stop paying your mortgage lawfully
David Shayler
And other simple solutions, to the world's current problems
The former MI5 officer and whistle-blower, will be talking about his
research into the Common Law and his experience using it in practical
circumstances. He will be answering questions about all aspects of his
journey coming up against the powers-that-be.
Prompt start at 8pm
Wednesday 23rd October, 2013
at Machpelah Works,
Hebden Bridge HX7 8AU
Tickets £5; includes tea & biscuits (Limited to 40 capacity)
David's recent talk at the Old Rock Cafe, Trawden, Colne
Festival des Panards - weekend of french Music and Dance
A weekend of french Music and Dance; October 18-20th.
Friday October 18th - French Bal from 8pm. Mytholmroyd Community Centre.
Saturday 19th Oct French Music and dance workshops, Salem centre and Methodist Church. HebdenBridge 10am-5pm.
Saturday 19th. French Bal and Fest Noz from 8pm. Mytholmroyd Community Centre.
Sunday 20th. French Music and dance session. 11am-3pm. Mytholmroyd Community Centre.
07729 120792
Conker Tournament
We will be holding our first ever annual Conker Tournament this Saturday, 19th October at our Forest School Site on Midgehole Road between 1 and 4 pm.
There will be winners, there will definitely be losers and we expect some old conker preservation techniques to be sneeked in there somewhere too!
Bring your own conker or use one of ours.
If you would like to join in, find out more about Forest School and taste some yummy treats cooked over the fire then we would love to see you.
Colden Pre-School Fundraiser
Car Boot Sale
Campsite next to New Delight Inn, Colden
Cake stalls and homemade goodies
Kids events in tipi
To book a stall ring 01422 844720
Charity Coffee Morning and Pre Need Funeral Open Day
Local funeral directors, Valley Funeral Service, are holding an open day in conjunction with Marie Curie Cancer Care for local people interested in buying a funeral plan. The open day will be held on Wednesday 16th October from 10am at Valley Funeral Service on Valley Road in Hebden Bridge.
Funeral plans were first introduced to the UK in 1985 and today over 750,000 people have purchased a plan. The Funeral Planning Authority estimates that the number of funeral plans purchased is growing by 30% every year.
More and more people are pre-arranging their funerals these days. People often purchase a funeral plan to make sure their families don't have to make difficult decisions about their funeral arrangements.
We are inviting local families interested in finding out more about funeral plans to come to Valley Funeral Service where staff will be available to answer questions on funeral plans or any other aspect of arranging a funeral.
Plans arranged through Valley Funeral Service are totally secure. Monies are held in an independent trust fund, managed by independent trustees. Clients can be assured that their monies will be safe and their funeral arrangements secure. Marie Curie Cancer Care will be in attendance and we want to encourage as many people as possible to come along, enjoy a cup of tea and support a worthwhile charity while at the same time, thinking about their own future.
Valley Funeral Service is part of Dignity Caring Funeral Services. Dignity is the market leader in funeral planning and has sold over 415,000 funeral plans in the UK.
For more information about funeral plans, please, contact Kate or Trish on 01422 842683.
Horseboating trip
The Horseboating Society exists to promote horseboating and to preserve the heritage and skills of this once common form of transport.
The society has a small trip boat which can carry up to 12 people on the Rochdale Canal in our area and there are two opportunities this month to travel on the boat at a cost of £10 per person. A short harnessing demonstration can also be seen half an hour before the trip.
Friday 4th October and Thursday 17th October.
2pm (harnessing at 1:30pm) leaving from the towpath off Brearley Lane to Hebden Bridge. The trip takes about two hours and passengers can return to Brearley via the frequent buses running along the main road or walk back along the towpath (2.5 miles).
Psychology and You - Todmorden U3A
Todmorden University if the Third Age
General Meeting - All welcome
Central Methodist Hall, Todmorden
2.00pm – 4.00pm
Refreshments and Book Sales from 1.45pm
"Psychology and You – Part 2″
David Groves
Poetry Nite @ The Book Case
Three Divergent Voices
Yorkshire's Andrew McMillan who has worked on the Watershed Landscapes project; Canadian Evan Jones who teaches creative writing at Leeds University; and Liverpool community poet Eleanor Rees read from their work.
Tickets £5 including complimentary glass of wine. Booking advisable.
Picture House Open Morning
Between 10am until 12.30pm
- Sale of film posters - many rare and interesting
- Raffle with prizes kindly donated by local businesses
- Cinema-themed Quiz
- Kiosk Refreshments
- Behind-the-scenes tours of the cinema (at 10.30 & 11.30)
Come along, buy posters, be nosey, eat and drink, have fun and help raise funds for the upkeep of our cherished cinema.
The Friends of the Picture House
Hebden Bridge WI Rag Market
After the 'Festival of Making and Doing' comes the Hebden Bridge WI Rag Market! The perfect place to source and buy the materials you need to help you in your new found crafting hobbies! Lots of stalls selling a wide variety of fabrics, buttons, vintage lace and haberdashery, yarns, and art materials.
Plus the WI Produce Stall in the Foyer.
The Waterfront Hall.
Hebden Bridge Town Hall.
St Georges Street, Hebden Bridge.
From 11 am- 4pm. Entrance £1.
Calderdale's first climate change and energy saving conference
Calderdale's first climate change and energy saving conference is on Monday 14th October 4-7pm.
You can still register to attend; more info on the Calderdale's Energy Future website.
Calder Ward Forum & PACT (Police & Communities Together)
Waterfront Hall, Hebden Bridge Town Hall,
St. George's St, HX7 7BY (use St. George's Street Entrance)
The Ward Forum meeting starts at 6:45pm with refreshments and signing in from 6:30pm
Presentations on: Healthwatch and Changes To Bus Services - Metro
Online eForum live webchat session (for those unable to attend the meeting in person) covering the Open Discussion part of the meeting.
Joan Laprell
The story of the blanket makers of Mytholmroyd. Where and how it all began; a few amusingand amazing incidents which happened in its heyday; and the sad demise of this unique factory.
Joan worked at Moderna for ten years, then went back to journalism and was the Features Editor of the Yorkshire Ridings Magazine for thirty years.
Methodist Hall, Market Street, 7.30 pm
Hebden Bridge Local History Society
Spirited Away!
A Talk by Frank Willis
Frank Willis was a mercenary, who is now a spiritual healer.
An adept in the use of Chi Energy. with some fascinating stories to tell. Frank is a great example, of how some people's lives can change dramatically; allowing them to pursue an entirely new direction.
Former killing-machine, Frank's life-changing experience came about from the martial art, Tai Chi; which he now teaches, as well as practising spiritual healing.
Frank will give a staggering account of his role, as a bodyguard; for one of the World's most notorious drug-barons in Colombia; Pablo Escobar. During his time in South America, Frank was shocked to discover that his salary, was being paid by the Vatican. He will also be detailing his other experiences; and providing inside information about mercenaries and hired assassins, the CIA and their fraudulent war on drugs, Cloned US soldiers in Iraq, massacres, reptilians and much more...
N.B. Frank pulls no punches, with this hard-hitting expose!
Definitely not for the squeamish, or anyone of a nervous disposition.
Prompt start at 8pm
Wednesday 9th October, 2013
at Machpelah Works,
Hebden Bridge HX7 8AU
Tickets £5; includes tea & biscuits (Limited to 40 capacity)
HB Partnership offers Community groups their 'three minutes of fame'.
More than twenty community organisations are expected to participate in HB Partnership's annual "Hebden Bridge, our town" review of the year.
Horseboating trip
The Horseboating Society exists to promote horseboating and to preserve the heritage and skills of this once common form of transport.
The society has a small trip boat which can carry up to 12 people on the Rochdale Canal in our area and there are two opportunities this month to travel on the boat at a cost of £10 per person. A short harnessing demonstration can also be seen half an hour before the trip.
Friday 4th October. 2pm (harnessing at 1:30pm) leaving from Hebden Bridge on the towpath between Black Pit Lock 9 and Station Road and travelling to Brearley. The trip takes about two hours and passengers can then return to Hebden Bridge via the frequent buses running along the main road or walk back along the towpath (2.5 miles). If you arrive late, walk down to Mayroyd Lock 8 to pick up the boat.
Thursday 17th October. 2pm (harnessing at 1:30pm) leaving from the towpath off Brearley Lane to Hebden Bridge. The trip takes about two hours and passengers can return to Brearley via the frequent buses running along the main road or walk back along the towpath (2.5 miles).
Friends of Riverside Benefit.
Friday 4 October is the night to head down to Holme Street for a night of 60s mod, soul, R 'n' B and Motown.
An Evening of Music and Poetry
Will Kaufman sings the life and music of Woody Guthrie
Hard Times and Hard Travelling
Freedom from Torture is a human rights organisation which works to help survivors of torture re-build their lives.
Mensfolk Waits
The Nine Bright Shiners
Readings by clients
Bar and Refreshments
7.30 pm Saturday 5 October
Fielden Centre Todmorden
MAD Festival coming to Calder Valley
Rural regeneration agency Pennine Prospects are organisaing a Making and Doing (MAD) festival which will take place on the weekend of October 5 and 6.
A weekend celebration of the creativity of the South Pennines. Events in Hebden Bridge include Made in the Valley's Meet the Maker Market at The Town Hall, open studio at Brooklyn Studios, crochet at Ribbon Circus, Meet the Maker at Heart Gallery, monster modelling at Word of Mouth and bunting workshops at the Birchcliffe Centre.
The Magic Numbers (acoustic)
House of Cards are very proud to be presenting five of the shows on The Magic Numbers Acoustic Tour 2013, including this one at Hebden Bridge Picture House on Wednesday 2nd October 2013
Tickets are on sale now via the box office at the Picture House or online via the link at:
Luddendenfoot Ward Forum & PACT (Police & Communities Together)
St. Michael's Church, Erringden Room,
Church Street, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5DS
The Ward Forum meeting starts at 6:45pm with refreshments and signing in from 6:30pm
Presentations on: Tour de France
Online eForum live webchat session (for those unable to attend the meeting in person) covering the Open Discussion part of the meeting.
Food and Thriving People
Calder Valley Organic Gardeners Monthly Meeting takes place at the Good Shepherd Centre, Royal Fold, Mytholmroyd on Thursday 3rd October at 7.30pm when Geoff Tansey will talk about "Food and Thriving People".
Entry is £2.00 for non-members.
Further information can be found at www.cvog.org or by phoning 07977 929684
Shaggy Dog Storytellers
Something different for our first autumn club night of the year as famous folk scene veteran Chris Coe and Deborah Templeton present 'Bespoken:Bluebeard's Daughter', a piece of storytelling musical theatre at Stubbing Wharf pub on Friday, 21st August.
From 7.30pm for 8.00pm start.
£5 on the door.
Accord Inspirational Gospel Choir
Venue: Blackshawhead Chapel
Tickets: Adults £7, concs (non-waged/over 60) £5,
Children 16 and under £4 - Refreshments included
This performance by the Accord Inspirational Gospel Choir from Manchester is a fundraising event in aid of the Chapel's Harvest Festival which this year is supporting the local food banks in Todmorden and Halifax. If anyone would be willing to bring donations of food on the night a list of suitable foods is on the back of your ticket.
For further details and tickets contact: Michelle 07976 059153 or Ali 07818 063465
Handmade Art Market
Showcasing the usual local Artists, Designers & Makers from Mytholmroyd, Todmorden and Sowerby Bridge.
Our new stalls include; Hand, back and Indian Head Massage & Reiki treatments Special Offer on the day.
Cafe by Mytholmroyd Marmaladies
Saturday 28th September 10am-2.30pm
Methodist Church, Scout Road, Mytholmroyd
Dog friendly and disabled access.
Free admission
What do Quakers do?
As part of Quaker week (27th Sept to 6 Oct), Hebden Bridge Quaker Meeting is holding an introductory evening at the Terrace Room of the Town Hall on Tuesday 1st October, from 7 for 7.15 start.
Entitled "What do Quakers do?" we will have 3 people talking about: firstly, what we do in our meeting for worship, in Hebden Bridge; what Quakers do centrally at Friends House in London; and , thirdly, what Quakers do internationally, including at the UN.
It's planned to last for 2 hours.
For more information, telephone 842748 (Catherine or Mark).
Shaggy Dog Storytellers
Something different for our first autumn club night of the year as famous folk scene veteran Chris Coe and Deborah Templeton present 'Bespoken:Bluebeard's Daughter', a piece of storytelling musical theatre at Stubbing Wharf pub on Friday, 21st August.
From 7.30pm for 8.00pm start.
£5 on the door.
Accord Inspirational Gospel Choir
Venue: Blackshawhead Chapel
Tickets: Adults £7, concs (non-waged/over 60) £5,
Children 16 and under £4 - Refreshments included
This performance by the Accord Inspirational Gospel Choir from Manchester is a fundraising event in aid of the Chapel's Harvest Festival which this year is supporting the local food banks in Todmorden and Halifax. If anyone would be willing to bring donations of food on the night a list of suitable foods is on the back of your ticket.
For further details and tickets contact: Michelle 07976 059153 or Ali 07818 063465
Handmade Art Market
Showcasing the usual local Artists, Designers & Makers from Mytholmroyd, Todmorden and Sowerby Bridge.
Our new stalls include; Hand, back and Indian Head Massage & Reiki treatments Special Offer on the day.
Cafe by Mytholmroyd Marmaladies
Saturday 28th September 10am-2.30pm
Methodist Church, Scout Road, Mytholmroyd
Dog friendly and disabled access.
Free admission
Calderdale Labour Group has revealed plans for a cross-community summit on the future economic development and prosperity of Mytholmroyd, on Tuesday 24th September at St Michael's Church.
Tony Morris
A look at maps and their origins, including the Ordnance Survey. What do we learn about cartographic crime?
After retirement from lecturing and training, Tony Morris joined a speakers’ club and has been following this path for the last 10 years.
Methodist Hall, Market Street, 7.30 pm
Hebden Bridge Local History Society
Prof Bob Cywnski (Univ of Huddersfield)
Quantum Physics -A Beginners Guide
Bob, a Research Professor actively promotes the public understanding of science and has made a number of science movies, appearing as the Quantum Cowboy, and working with Lord Robert Winston and Sir Patrick Stewart. This lecture will explore some of the strangeness and contradictions of the quantum world, but will hopefully shed some light on why quantum physics is beautiful, powerful and so very important.
Hebden Bridge Astronomy Society
Hope Street, 7.30pm
National Theatre Live - Othello
The National Theatre presents a major new production of William Shakespeare's celebrated play about the destructive power of jealousy.
Olivier Award-winning actor Adrian Lester (Henry V at the National Theatre, BBC's Hustle) takes the title role. Playing opposite him as the duplicitous Iago is fellow Olivier Award-winner Rory Kinnear (The Last of the Haussmans, Skyfall), who is reunited with director Nicholas Hytner following their acclaimed collaboration on the National Theatre's recent production of Hamlet.
Othello, newly married to Desdemona, who is half his age, is appointed leader of a major military operation. Iago, passed over for promotion by Othello in favour of the young Cassio, persuades Othello that Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair…
Advance tickets priced £15 (£14) available via www.wegottickets.com (booking fees apply) and from the Picture House during opening hours (no booking fees, cash only & no telephone bookings). All seating is unreserved. No refunds or exchanges possible.
Walk and Ride Festival: With the Grand Depart of the Tour de France 2014 less than a year away, this year's Festival will feature a series of cycling events to whet the appetite of cyclists everywhere.
Woolly Yarns
Artsmill, Hebden Bridge (HX7 7DP)
(closed Mondays and Tuesdays)
Preview: Sunday 25 August 2013, 2-4pm
will be a galaxy of a dozen or more bands performing on two stages, together with a local bawdy drama, magic, storytelling, dancing and more.
Gezellig Sub-Aqua Boogie Jam for Sea Shepherd
Fancy helping raise some awareness for the Sea Shepherd Operation Infinite Patience campaign?
Fancy getting your swerve on to some aquatic disco?
Fancy eating a spot of delicious Thai food by Hanuman Thai?
Fancy drinking premium booze with 10% of the bar takings going straight to Sea Shepherd?
If so, then join us on Saturday 21st September in the basement of the 3 Wise Monkeys in Todmorden for our Sub-Aqua Boogie Jam.
A Reet Royd Do
'A Reet Royd Do', a bubbling bonanza of live music, markets, sculpture and poetry takes place on Sunday 22nd September 2013, between 12 midday and 4pm. All events take place near to the canal tow path in Mytholmroyd.
At Hawksclough, the site of the newly installed Hawk, funded by Pennine Prospects, there will be a display of hawks and owls.
At the Redacre Site, funded by Pennine Prospects, there will be a food market, meet the bees, the unveiling of the wattle and daub round house by Cllr Karl Boggis at 2.45pm. Live music includes Three Men and a Box, and Gina Le faux. Fireman Dave will also entertain us with his tricks.
The upgraded section of the canal tow path between Redacre bridge and Midgley Road bridge, funded by Pennine Prospects, needs some new planting, so anyone who fancies contributing to the anticipated burst of spring colour can join in. At 1.30pm, setting off from Midgley Road Bridge, there will be a children's walk led by Mytholmroyd walkers Action.
In the Memorial Garden there will be the revealing of a stanza stone, again funded by Pennine Prospects. The poets whose work is featured on the stone will be available to chat with.
Finally, Hebden Bridge junior band will entertain the Art Market which will occupy the Dusty Miller car park.
To connect it all together free canal boat rides!
All events are free.
We ask people to park in the four free car parks in the village.
Handmade Art Market
Over 25 Local Artists & Makers under one location
Unique; Local; Textiles; Illustration; Ceramics; Knitwear; Jewellery and more . . .
Come and Meet the makers
17 Sept
5 Oct
2 Nov
30 Nov
10-4.30pm as always
Holme Street Arts Centre, HX7 8EE (next to Post Office)
Cafe, dog friendly and disabled access.
Free admission
Freedom from Torture is a human rights organisation which works to help survivors of torture to re-build their lives. Find out more about the work of Freedom from Torture, the journey of a torture survivor, and the impact of living life in exile.
Public meeting, free entry
Maurice Jagger Centre, Halifax
Tuesday 17 September, 7.30pm
Speakers - Films - Refreshments
- Keith Best (CEO, Freedom from Torture)
- Gill Newman (Psychological Therapist, Freedom from Torture Y&H)
- Karin Oliver (Legal Officer, Freedom from Torture & Volunteer, St Augustine's)
Facebook Page: Freedom from Torture Calderdale Supporter Group
Todmorden University of the Third Age Coffee Morning
11am - 12 noon on the 19 September at Central Methodist Todmorden.
Representatives of a number of the U3A groups will be there to give information on their activities.
The Coffee Morning precedes the General Meeting at 1.45. The Guest speaker is Chanra Law - "On Arrivng in England". So a chance to have a bite of lunch in Tod before returning to Central Methodist Church in the afternoon.
Todmorden U3A Monthly General Meeting
Next Monthly Members' Meeting
Central Methodist Hall, Todmorden
2.00pm – 4.00pm
Refreshments and Book Sales from 1.45pm
"On Arriving In England"
Chandra Law
For details of our groups and activities go to website
Poetry Nite @ The Book Case
Magical Strangers
Local writers poet Sarah Corbett (Other Beasts) and novelist Nicky Harlow (Amelia & The Virgin) preview a spoken word collaboration weaving poetry and prose into an immersive and innovative storytelling experience.
The work crosses boundaries between form and genre: lyricism and narrative, the Gothic, crime, romance and the supernatural. It makes use of multiple voices and examines gender from several different perspectives.
£5 including complimentary glass of wine. Booking advisable.
Wuthering Bytes
A Weekend Festival of Interesting Technology
25 Talks and Workshops
Many invited speakers including Mike Little, co-founder of Wordpress
Hebden Bridge Town Hall
Heritage Open Day at Wainsgate Chapel
Sunday, 15th September. 1 - 4pm
Chris Berry at Little Theatre: Chris Berry is both a singer-guitarist performer and feature writer for the Yorkshire Post. Sunday 15 September 7.30pm he brings his first ever solo tour to The Little Theatre in Hebden Bridge.
Orange Box Young People's Centre Launch Weekend
Orangebox is a state of the art, young people's centre in Halifax.
Come along and check it out on the launch weekend. The range of great facilities includes:
- Climbing wall
- Rooftop skate park
- Recording studios
- Dedicated art workshop
- Rehearsal rooms
- IT suite
- Café
- Counselling and support services
The launch weekend is all about giving everyone the chance to find out
more about Orangebox and a taste of all the things that will be going
on. Here's just a selection of what we have planned, keep checking
the website for details of the weekend events: we're adding more stuff all the time.
The Performance Ensemble
An invitation to join The Performance Ensemble
Mytholmroyd Methodist Church
Scout Road, Mytholmroyd.
Saturday September 14th
11 am. to 12.30 pm.
See HebWeb News item for more info
Calderdale Vegan Approach
A free 2 day course held in Todmorden to introduce participants to a healthy vegan diet and support them as they pledge to eat a vegan diet for a month. Includes speakers, films, delicious vegan food, cookery demos, recipe booklets and basic nutrition information. All of this is completely free!
Day 1: Saturday 14th Spetember
Day 2: Saturday 19th October
10am to 3pm - held at the Central Methodist Church in Todmorden.
For more information or to register visit www.theveganapproach.com, we are also on Facebook & Twitter.
Green Party Public Meeting Fracking
Green Party Public Meeting Hebden Bridge
Fracking: a future that we don't want or need
Hebden Bridge Town Hall HX7 7BY
Tuesday 10th September, 7.30pm
Speaker – Kirklees Green Party Councillor Andrew Cooper
Andrew is also the Green Party lead candidate for the Yorkshire and Humber region in the European Elections 2014 and the national party's Energy spokesperson.
Adventure Racer Heather Dawe at The Bookcase
One of the UK's leading endurance athletes is making a personal appearance at The Book Case on 10th September.
Hebden Bridge Camera Club New Members' Evening
If you are interested in photography, get along to Hebden Bridge Camera Club this Wednesday 11th September at 7.45pm.
Held in the Masonic Hall on Hangingroyd Lane, the camera club is made up of a diverse range of people united in a love of photography.
New members are welcome at anytime, but this Wednesday sees the club holding a special event where you can come along to find out more about the club and its activities, ask questions about taking better photographs, solve your camera problems, or just have a look at some of the club's work and have a chat over a brew.
Find out more about the club at www.hebdenbridgecc.co.uk
Not for the unfit or faint hearted, the hardest and steepest 350 metre climb out of Hebden Bridge is set to take place on the Saturday 7th September.
Luddenden village walk
2.15 pm at the New Road car park, Luddendenfoot end of the village.
Two hour walk with David Cant around the village looking at its history, the church, and connections with textiles, engineering and the Brontes.
Cost £3 per person. Dogs OK on a lead.
Part of the Calderdale Heritage Walks programme
Imran Yusuf, one of comedy's fastest rising stars, makes his Hebden debut on Sunday 8th September.
Wednesday lunchtimes 1 till 2pm starting 4th September at The Yoga Centre Hangingroyd Lane Hebden Bridge with Kath Reade. £5 or £3. Mats, cushions provided plus tea and cake afterwards.
all welcome, no experience needed
See www.deepsong.org
Walk - "A History of the Rochdale Canal"
A Rochdale Canal Festival 2013 event
10:30 am
Led by Diana Monahan, an easy walk from Hebble End to Fallingroyd Tunnel which is about 1.5 miles and wheelchair friendly.
It could take up to 1.5 hours because Diana will stop, talk and show pictures at various points along the way. People could return to the starting point by bus or walk back with Diana along an alternative route.
Meet at the Alternative Technology Centre where there is a café.
invites all newcomers to come along for a free taster evening singing with them.
Calderdale seeks more adoption parents
In its campaign to seek more adoption parents, Calderdale's campaign is coming to Hebden Bridge on Friday, 30 August.
Dodnaze Funday with Hebden Bridge Brass Band
Saturday 31st August, 2.30-6pm
Opening with the Band @2.30pm.
Situated on the playing field behind Dodnaze estate. Lots of Games, Sports, costume parade, cake competition & sale and lots more. Free event. Fun for all the family.
Tea /Coffee /Juice at small charges but donations of food on the day would be appreciated to hold 'a family Picnic on the field'
Walk - "A History of the Rochdale Canal"
A Rochdale Canal Festival 2013 event
2:30 pm
Led by Diana Monahan, an easy walk from Hebble End to Fallingroyd Tunnel which is about 1.5 miles and wheelchair friendly.
It could take up to 1.5 hours because Diana will stop, talk and show pictures at various points along the way. People could return to the starting point by bus or walk back with Diana along an alternative route.
Meet at the Alternative Technology Centre where there is a café.
Hebden Bridge Camera Club Annual Exhibiton
Members work on display - Free entry
9.30 to 4.30pm Daily
At Hebden Bridge Town Hal
Responsible dog ownership event in the park
As concerns grows surrounding dog fouling on 22 Aug. Expert advice, micro-chipping and face painting.
UNEARTH Forest School - Map Hidden Treasures
Make an earth map with colours dropped from the fallen rainbow.
This taster activity at 3.30pm outside Gibson Mill, Hardcastle Crags follows a longer UNEARTH Forest School session held from 12-3pm.
For details of the full session see our Facebook page.
Cost: By donation
For more information contact Julie on 07850 429566 or email
Fair for Youth 2013
Saturday 17th Aug, 12pm-6, Calder Holmes Park
Saturday (17th August) will see the fourth annual Fair for Youth festival in Calder Holmes Park.
The Fair for Youth is a free-to-attend community event, primarily organised and arranged by young adults in the Hebden Bridge area. This year, the festival organisers succeeded in raising over £5,000 from community and local authority grants and donations in order to put the event on.
The Fair for Youth will run from 12pm-6pm on Saturday and includes:
Band Tent
An afternoon of great live music from seven local acts, runs 12.30-6pm.
DJ Tent
Showcasing some of our best local talent on the decks, with seven sets including a special guest from 1pm.
M.A.D.D. Activities Marquee
Creative activities, workshops and 'hands on' fun all afternoon. In the M.A.D.D. Marquee this year, we have tie dying, jewellery making, hair braiding, clothes making and upcycling, and a graffiti wall with experienced street-art mentor.
Park Life Cafe
Our friends at the Park Life Cafe will be on hand to keep us all well-fed and watered with a wonderful array of food, drinks and ice creams
Please come and show your support for this fantastic community event. The Fair for Youth is a family-friendly event and we'd like to encourage visitors of all ages to come and take part this Saturday.
See you there!
Handmade Art Market
Over 25 Local Artists & Makers under one location
Unique; Local; Textiles; Illustration; Ceramics; Knitwear; Jewellery and more . . .
Come and Meet the makers
17 Aug
17 Sept
5 Oct
2 Nov
30 Nov
10-4.30pm as always
Holme Street Arts Centre, HX7 8EE (next to Post Office)
Cafe, dog friendly and disabled access.
Free admission
Hebden Bridge wild food and medicine walk
12 noon...
A chance to discover the abundance of edible and medicinal plants on your doorstep, on a fun and informative wild food and medicine forage walk!
Have you have ever wanted to know which plants are food, which ones heal, and which ones harm...?
Join your experienced guide Christopher Hope BSc Med Hort, on this leisurely stroll around Hebden Bridge on Sunday August 18th...And learn some of the secrets of the hedgerow!
We won't be walking far as we spend most of the time with the plants. We start and finish at The White Lion Hotel on Bridge Gate where we can discuss our finds...
Full details of the walk, such as what will be covered, what to bring, and how to book are available on the Town and Country Forager group website.
Calder Valley Squadron Air Cadets Summer Open Evening
Event Details: It's our Summer Barbeque and Open Evening.
The Air Cadet Organisation offers flying, gliding, shooting, adventure training, fieldcraft, sports and more to young people between 13 and 20. Make new friends and try new things in the Air Cadets.
So we can be sure that we're catering for you, please RSVP at www.2447sqn.org/rsvp
Find us on Stony Lane, Charlestown, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6PH.
UNEARTH Forest School - Mark Making with Nature
Try your hand at grinding natural materials to make, paint and create your own design to decorate a pebble.
This taster activity at 3.30pm outside Gibson Mill, Hardcastle Crags follows a longer UNEARTH Forest School session held from 12-3pm.
For details of the full session see our Facebook page.
Cost: By donation
For more information contact Julie on 07850 429566 or email
Buses public meeting
to discuss and decide on actions in response to the current Metro proposals will be held at 19:30 Tuesday 13th August in the Council Chamber in Hebden Bridge Town Hall.
All are invited to attend and to contribute on how we can ensure that Hebden Bridge, Mytholmroyd and surrounding communities receive a regular, reliable and accessible bus service.
Calderdale Anti-Fracking Group
The Group is holding an open meeting at Zion Co-op, Nutclough Tavern, Keighley Road on Thursday 15th August at 6pm.
All Welcome
See Facebook page
ArtsMill: George Grosz exhibition (1893-1959)
11-4 (closed Mondays and Tuesdays)
111 works from the portfolios 'Ecce Home', 1923 and 'Hintergrund', 1928.
Street Collecting for Syria!
On Saturday 10th August Oxfam will be collecting for the Syria Crisis Appeal in Hebden Bridge town centre from 9am to 5pm.
- 100,000 people have been killed in the conflict so far.
- 6.8 million people need urgent assistance inside Syria, 3 million are children
- 1.8 million refugees have fled to neighbouring countries
Can you spare some time to help us collect life-saving funds?
Please contact Caitlin Branagan
07825 608501
Click here to find out more about the humanitarian crisis in Syria and Oxfam's response:
Square Peg are bringing a local audience an afternoon of readings and selections about unsung heroine Elizabeth Blackwell at Land Farm.
UNEARTH Forest School - Boats & Rafts
Search the woods of Hardcastle Crags, Hebden Bridge to fine natural materials to fix together with string, cork & small spikes to make a miniature boat or raft.
This taster activity at 3.30pm outside Gibson Mill, Hardcastle Crags follows a longer UNEARTH Forest School session held from 12-3pm.
For details of the full session see our Facebook page.
Cost: By donation
For more information contact Julie on 07850 429566 or email
Left Unity Meeting
Trades Club
6th August 7.30pm
See HebWeb News item for a report of the previous Left Unity Group meeting
Creative Canal
Join poet Andrew McMillan and the Horseboating Society at the canalside in Hebden Bridge Wharf. You will create new work inspired by the Rochdale Canal, the living heritage of horseboating and experience locks and legging through tunnels in a horse-drawn canal boat.
The workshop will show how to make poetry from the everyday and turn the local landscape into beautiful words.
Andrew McMillan lectures in creative writing at Liverpool John Moores University and is originally from South Yorkshire.
Monday 29th July – Boat trip only
Hebden Wharf to the winding hole beyond Fallingroyd Tunnel and back plus a demonstration on how to harness a boat horse. By the Horseboating Society.
10am Harness Demonstration and 10.30 – 11.30am boat trip
12noon Harness Demonstration and 12.30 – 1.30pm boat trip
Tuesday 30th July – Boat trip and poetry workshop
Hebden Wharf to the winding hole beyond Fallingroyd Tunnel and back plus a demonstration on how to harness a boat horse. By the Horseboating Society.
10am Harness Demonstration and 10.30 – 11.30am boat trip
12noon Harness Demonstration and 12.30 – 1.30pm boat trip
Poetry session whilst on board
Saturday 3rd August – Poetry workshop only
10am – 3pm with a break for lunch
Canal themed poetry workshops open to all
For more details or to book a place contact Claire Teague on 07795 838335 or email
The Creative Canal is generously supported by Hebden Royd Town Council.
Community Gathering & Sharing
Fri 2 Aug: Summer Celebration - Community Gathering & Sharing, 6pm till 10.30 (with Dances of Universal Peace, music and more)
Are you interested in connections, community and the power of sharing?
You are invited to join us at Nutclough Tavern in the garden around the fire (weather permitting) for an evening of sharing: sharing food & refreshments, song, dance, music & stories (inside if weather is bad)
Please bring food & refreshments (preferably not alcohol) to share, yourselves, and a contribution for use of the venue.
Tip: eat some Marmite or vitamin B before the party to keep midges away (or keep close to the fire).
Feel free to bring stories, songs, musical instruments, dances and anything else you're inspired to share (Sorry no children for this event).
Hosted by Be The Change Initiative.
"Be the Change" Initiative's purpose is to educate, inspire and empower individuals, communities and organisations to take committed action in the interconnected areas of environmental sustainability, social justice and spiritual fulfilment.
Contact: Jan on 01422 882190 or 07504 693497 or email
Venue: housing co-op Nutclough Tavern and garden, 6-8 Nutclough, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8HA (at the bend of Keighley Road, opp. Foster Lane, use side entrance through the garden round the back)
Map with arrow on streetmap.co.uk
Hebden on Earth
Sat 3 August: "Hebden on Earth" - Northern gathering with Pam Warhurst, 10:00 am-4:00 pm
For the Hebden on Earth gathering, we're delighted to have Pam Warhurst join us as a special guest speaker. As well as being Co-founder of Incredible Edible Todmorden, Pam is the Chair of the Board of the Forestry Commission. So how has Incredible Edible Todmorden created a national movement? You'll realise how when you view this powerful video
Apart from hearing from Pam, you'll get the chance to really connect with others - to share individual and collective stories, pool ideas and maybe explore what's yours to do. Expect the day to continue into a social evening in Hebden Bridge.
Organised by: by 'Be The Change Initiative' ("Discover your power to co-create a thriving, just and sustainable world")
Contact & more: Jan on 01422 882190 or 07504 693497 or email
Cost: suggested contribution £20/£15/£10 (if that's still too much for you, give whatever you can afford, and join us)
Venue: The Methodist Church, Market Street / Hebble End, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6EU
Family fun day with Hebden Bridge Cruises at the Stubbing Wharf
What's going on in Stubbing Woods? Rumour has it that the elves and fairies have arrived!
Come along to the Stubbing Wharf pub on Saturday 3rd August from 12.00 noon for a fun day out. Take a boat trip and listen to the Shaggy dog storytellers, see if you can spot the elves of Stubbing Wood. Fancy dress welcome (elves fairies and friendly witches only!) Face painting, Buskers, hook a duck and boat trips. Come along and have some fun.
For more details call 07960 460870
The Hebden Bridge Vintage Car Rally
The Hebden Bridge Vintage Car Rally, organised by The Rotary Club of Hebden Bridge, West Yorks., will again be staged at Calder Holmes Park, Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, on the Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th August 2013
This popular family event attracts hundreds of vintage and classic cars as well as motor cycles and scooters, commercial and American vehicles up to 1969, military vehicles plus kit cars and replica cars of any age, and vintage tractors.
Live music, refreshments and much, much more.
A fun day out for all the family.
Admission prices:£5 per adult, £2 per child, £10 per family (up to 3 children)
Children to be accompanied by adult.
For further information, please refer to our website
Elliotts Antique Fair
Sunday 4th August
Mytholmroyd Community Centre Caldene Avenue Mytholmroyd.
8am to 3pm.
One of the best antique events in the north.Over 30 established dealers offering a complete range of antiques and collectables.
Something for everyone on site cafe offering good home cooked food throughout the day.
Admission £1.
UNEARTH Forest School - Pixies & Wizards
Make like a Wizard and try your hand at fire lighting without matches &/or make potions & spells in silver goblets using a drip of pixie magic.
This taster activity at 3.30pm outside Gibson Mill, Hardcastle Crags follows a longer UNEARTH Forest School session held from 12-3pm.
For details of the full session see our Facebook page.
Cost: By donation
For more information contact Julie on 07850 429566 or email
Blueflint 2013 Tour
Event Details: Catch 5 Piece Folk / Americana Band Blueflint Playing at The Hebden Bridge Folk Club on Thursday 25th July
The Trades Club, Holme Street, Hebden Bridge.
Tel 01422 845265
Doors 8pm Show 8.30pm
Tickets £6 Members £9
At last, it's the Rod and George Show!
It's Friday, 26th July and the last Friday of the month, so it must be Shaggy Dog Storytelling night at the Stubbing Wharf.
Following their successful forays into far off Kirklees (where they played to packed libraries) Shaggy Dog's own dynamic duo come home to deliver a tasty and satisfying feast of traditional and modern Yorkshire fare. As Hemingway has said, Rod Dimbleby is "a peerless teller of dialect tales" and George Murphy is the "the king of the monologue".
Rod Dimbleby's performances draw from Yorkshire folk lore and dialect literature of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He writes, "Matching the themes of George's monologues has been a challenge: how many Yorkshire dialect stories do you know about nymphs?"
George Murphy will share more of his researches into the Secret History of Upper Calder. His monologues shine a light on UFO abductions, river nymphs and their war on buskers, the adventures of The Yorkshire Don Juan, the safe uses of embrocation, the 2012 floods, the changed eating habits of boggarts and a look back to the golden age of Edwardian time travel.
By the end of the evening you might start to believe that there are such places as 'Hebden Bridge' and 'Todmorden'.
The show will be presided over by the no longer P.C. but now M.C. Richard Hemingway. The charge is £5 and doors open at 7.30 for a prompt 8.00 start. Stories from the floor from 10pm.
Dr Sketchy's Anti Art School - The Birds and The Bees
Dr Sketchy's returns to Hebden Bridge for an afternoon of alternative life-drawing and burlesque!
Join us for scribbles and giggles at Hebden Bridge town hall on Sunday 21st July at 2pm - 4pm.
Whether you're a seasoned artist or a complete beginner, Dr Sketchy's is fun for all. Feel free to bring your own tools or help yourselves to pencils and paper provided by us.
VELMA VON BON BON. Burlesque's fabourite pocket rocket and - without doubt - one of the most imaginative and original performers working the UK circuit.
HEIDI BANG TIDY - The Benny Hill (with boobs!) of Burlesque. Ridiculous, fearless and oh so silly.
Strictly over 16s only.
Tickets £7.50 available online at www.yorkshireburlesque.co.uk
DRESS CODE: Stripes and feathers!!
Public Consultation Drop-in, Hebden Bridge and Todmorden Community Self-Build CIC
Come and have your say:
What type of housing would you like to see?
How important is low rent housing?
Where should future affordable housing be built?
What other community benefits could these developments provide?
Should they be Environmentally Sustainable?
Public Consultation, Drop-ins;
Central Methodist Church, Todmorden, Saturday 6th July 1-4pm
Town Hall Foyer, Hebden Bridge, Thursday 18th July 12-4pm
PBH Free Fringe
9pm until 9.50pm - £4 waged - £2 low or unwaged
Nutclough Housing Co-op,
6-8 Nutclough, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8HA
A preview of a spoken word show going up the the Edinburgh Festival.
A combination of story telling, poems, and rambling and ruminating on and on, about money.
Todmorden U3A General Meeting
John Sheard speaking on Joseph Paxton, Knighted Gardner.
Todmorden Central Methodists
Thursday 18 July 1.45 for 2.00
Refreshments available
Todmorden U3A has 20 special interest groups holding regular meetings.
Reviving the “Dancing Hall” at Gibson Mill
As part of this year’s event programme the National Trust’s Hardcastle Crags and Gibson Mill will be providing a musical treat this summer.
3 – 5pm, Andrew Clegg, who has been described as "a rising star" by BBC Radio, and "a rare talent, not to be missed" by the Yorkshire Post, will blend elements of flamenco with Latin music to create a fusion of sound. He will also capture the spirit of the Spanish guitar as he rejoices fiesta-like rumbas and plays deep melodies in the historic and atmospheric Gibson Mill.
Susi Leach, retail and events manager at Hardcastle Crags and Gibson Mill, said, “We always like to offer an eclectic range of events to visitors and what better way to celebrate the heritage of Gibson Mill and the Entertainment Emporium with the help of this brilliant artist? Guests can also enjoy some sparkling wine throughout the afternoon, and dancing is encouraged!”
This year’s programme also includes the popular Crafty Fridays as well as the Autumn Craft Fair in October and a series of organised walks around the stunning estate tailored to incorporate history, nature and science.
For more information about any events please ring 01422 844518 or e-mail.
Open Day at cheeky sew & sew
We are holding an Open Day at the Sewing Cafe on Saturday 20th July from 12pm - 4pm. You can come along and find out what we are all about, take a look around and ask any questions you might have. Find what do we do, how can you get involved in craft sessions, or ask for courses that you would like us to run. There will be free taster sessions of various craft activities and refreshments are available. You can have a rummage through our scraps box and make things to take home.
We will also be having a sale of both new and second hand fabrics, patterns and craft items as well!
12 - 4pm
Cheeky sew and sew, 22 Rochdale Rd, Todmorden. OL14 6LU.
01706 816181
The Spanish Revolution (1936-1939) and its relevance today
To mark the anniversary of the Spanish Civil War, Calderdale Solidarity Federation will be hosting an afternoon of film, discussion and archive material from our Spanish sister section CNT-AIT.
In July 1936, during the period of the tumultuous Second Republic, military conspirators including General Franco rose up against the government and attempted, through their military coup, to install an army-led regime that would "restore order".
Workers and loyal troops repelled the coup d'état in many towns and cities and by the end of July it was clear that the rising had failed: half of Spain had not fallen to the military. In this half of Spain, workers' organisations, especially the anarcho-syndicalist CNT, set about not only defending themselves against the military and the machinations of the Catholic Church, but also put the long desired libertarian communist or anarchist revolution into practice. Factories were taken over by the workers, fields were farmed collectively, rationalist schools taught girls and boys side by side, unhealthy workshops were closed and abortion was introduced.
The fight against fascism became the revolutionary struggle to create a new economy, a new mode of distribution and a new way of relating to one another.
How did Spanish anarchism achieve this? Why did this revolution last less than three years? What is its legacy today?
17.00 Introduction
17.15 Talk: The CNT in the 1930s
17.45 Debate and quick break
18.15 Talk by CNT members and debate
19.15 Film: De toda la vida (All our lives)
20.30 Debate and close.
5-9pm 20th July Terrace Room, Town Hall Hebden Bridge
Free admission (donations towards room hire welcome)
WI Rag Market, summer art competition and Pedlar's Day.
Hebden Bridge WI do the rag market on an annual basis and the event has been growing over the past few years.
The Terry Logan Band
13th July 9pm
@ Crown Inn , Crown Street.
Free entry.
Not to be missed ! easy listening.
Improving hillsides' ecology
Hebden Bridge Town Hall Terrace Room
Presentations from all the SOURCE partner groups. Treesponsibility, the Calder and Colne Rivers Trust, Calder Future, BlackBark and other organisations will be there with information about how landowners and volunteers can take part in the SOURCE project.
Oxfam in Uganda and Hebden Bridge!
We’re organising an ‘Evening of Oxfam’ in Hebden Bridge and we would like to invite you to come along and find out how local action can have global impact.
You will also hear a supporter's first-hand experience of Oxfam's development work in Uganda, and about the current Syria crisis.
You will also have the chance:
- To ask any questions you may have about Oxfam and get to grips with the equipment we use in the field!
- To learn about the small ways that you can become involved in Oxfam’s lifesaving work, and the impact you can make.
- To find out about the ways to get more involved with Oxfam in your own community.
Thursday 11th July- 7pm to 9pm
The Canalside Function Room
Stubbing Wharf
Hebden Bridge,
For more information or to ask any questions, please get in touch!
Caitlin Branagan - 07825 608501
Or email
Left Unity/Peoples Assembly Meeting
7.30 - 9.30 pm at the Trades Club
See Facebook: Hebden Bridge Left Unity for more info
Acoustic open mic
from 8.30pm hosted by Brian Toberman. A monthly event 2nd thursday every month. A really lovely chilled out night with some great local and travelling musicians.
Venue : Crown Inn, Crown Street
01422 842814
Jeni & Billy - Appalachian Americana at The Trades Club
From Nashville to LA, from Chicago to Tampa, from Beverley, Yorkshire to Conwy, Wales Jeni & Billy have travelled more than 170,000 miles in five years, just to paint pictures in song for thousands of people.
Jeni & Billy bring their Appalachian Americana Roots Music to The Trades Club on Thursday, 11 July, 8:00 pm.
Price: £6 members £9 non-members
Novelist Lee Smith says, "Jeni and Billy's stunningly original music is as old as the hills, yet brand new at the same time. Jeni is a true poet and a born storyteller, through and through - many of her songs contain whole novels."
After seeing Jeni & Billy at the Beverley Folk Festival, Maverick's Hazel Davis wrote: "A sweet and surprising high point was the Appalachian duo Jeni Hankins and Billy Kemp. Singing songs from the Southwest Virginia coal mines, the pair melted hearts with songs like Tazewell Beauty Queen and Back Then, a heartbreaking tale of tragic love."
Sector Support Calderdale - Launch Events
Sector Support Calderdale (Nbf) is the new infrastructure support provider for the Voluntary and Community Sector in Calderdale. In order the introduce the new service we have arranged a series of launch events across Calderdale.
In the Upper Valley this will take place at Todmorden Town Hall on Thursday 4th July from 10-2pm. This will feature a showcase of local voluntary groups from across the valley. Lunch is provided, booking essential via Olivia@nbforum.org.uk
Calder Ward Forum
6:30 for 6:45pm start
Waterfront Hall, Hebden Bridge Town Hall
Presentations on:
- Open Discussion with Inspector Browning, Upper Valley Neighbourhood Policing Team
- Rural Broadband Update
- Unplanned Care in Calderdale
As well as the latest on Consultations, Police Update (PACT) for the area and Open Forum where residents can have their say on local issues.
There will also be an e-Forum online webchat of the meeting at:
If you are unable to attend the meetings, you can log on and post your questions and comments to the Police, local Councillors & Council Officers.
The online session will be live between 7:45 and 8:45 pm on the night.
Ragged Richmen Band
from 9pm. Free Entry.
Local band playing feel good tunes, good music to enjoy and still be able to chat with friends- no shouting necessary.
Venue : Crown Inn, Crown Street
01422 842814
Hebden Bridge Open Studios 2013
Artist Studios with a range of Art, Craft and Design open to the public - free brochure and map available at Tourist Information Centres throughout the valley. Event includes Todmorden, Mytholmroyd, Heptonstall and other outlying village sites.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
5th 6th 7th July
11 am – 5pm
All welcome
Free entry
IOU presents Long Division
11am - 6pm 11am - 6pm
at All Souls Church, Haley Hill, Halifax
Long Division is a hauntingly atmospheric sound installation created by IOU for one of Halifax’s most magnificent historical buildings, All Souls Church.
As the clock chimes the hour there follows a sequence of sixty hushed spoken exchanges, timed to the divisions of the clock. The whispering phrases gather in intensity second by second creating rhythmic speech patterns that send a wash of sound rippling around the walls. Rising up beneath the voices, a soundscape evolves, resonant of patterns in nature and cycles of growth and decay.
All Souls Church is a Halifax landmark and one of the most beautiful buildings designed by architect Sir George Gilbert Scott. A prolific architect whose work includes St. Pancras Station and the Albert Memorial, Scott thought this his best church. Completed in 1859, its 72-metre-high spire and dazzling stained glass makes All Souls Church a Halifax treasure waiting to be discovered.
Long Division was originally commissioned by Oxford Contemporary Music and Oxford Botanic Garden. It was further developed in partnership with Salisbury International Arts Festival at Salisbury Cathedral. This new staging has been commissioned by Halifax Festival for special presentation at All Souls Church, Halifax.
Heptonstall Festival Fell Race 2013
6 miles - 1500 feet of ascent
Registration from 9am
Race starts at Weaver's Square Heptonstall at 11am
Usually a feature of the Heptonstall Festival, the race will continue on its traditional date despite the Festival being moved to September following the closure of Lee Wood Road; the fell race will take place on Saturday July 6th, with all funds going to support Heptonstall Festival.
A tough fell race with warm welcome!!
Celebrate our valley’s cooperative heritage
9.45am—12 noon, Sat July 6th in Hebden Bridge
(UN International Day of Cooperatives)
Two of the pioneers of Britain’s radical cooperative tradition were from Hebden Bridge.
Meet 9.45am, gates of Baptist cemetery, Sandy Gate, Birchcliffe, Hebden Bridge for an informal commemoration of the lives of Joseph Greenwood and Jesse Gray.
Followed by a 10 min walk to Nutclough Housing Coop, where refreshments will be provided.
Cost of refreshments sponsored by The Co-operative Group.
Organised by supporters of cooperatives in Hebden Bridge.
More info from Andrew Bibby, 01422 844026
Element Jewellery 10th Birthday Party
10am to 5.30pm
25 Market Street, Hebden Bridge
We’re celebrating our 10th Birthday on Saturday 6th July. The whole team will be there, and we’ll be spinning candy floss, popping popcorn, serving drinks throughout the day.There will also be ten raffle prizes for ten pieces of designer jewellery, and 10% off all jewellery on the day.
Myths, folk songs and part-songs
One of West Yorkshire’s most popular chamber choirs, the Hepton Singers, presents an eclectic evening of Northern European classical music at Heptonstall Church on Saturday 6 July.
Elliotts Antique Fair
Mytholmroyd Community Centre
Caldene Avenue, Mytholmroyd.
8am to 3pm.
One of the best Antique in the north.Over thirty well established dealers offering an extensive range of antiques and collectables something for everyone. On site cafe providing good home cooked food throughout the day.Admission £1.
Sunday, 7 July, in anticipation and celebration of the 2014 Tour de France - à pied ou autobus!
Bellydance Showcase
Bellydance spectacular!
The Fringe festival wrap party, bellydance style!
An evening of performances from a wide variety of bellydance styles, followed by an afterparty where you can get your own grooves on with DJ CP (what the Freak?). Everyone welcome, bellydance is a family friendly entertainment. Dressing up encouraged!
Sunday 8th July, B@r place. Doors 6.30, show starts at 7.
Only £4, all proceeds to the MS society.
Yry something new this year at the Skill Classes at the Victoria Road Parade Workshop.
WI Summer Ramble
Mytholmroyd Marmaladies are proud to host 3 walks mapped by Mytholmroyd Walkers Action Group, there will be a 3,5 and 8 mile walk around this beautiful area.
Refreshments will be served from 10.30am at the Methodist church and after the walks finished. The walks will set off at 11am from The Good Shepherd church in Mytholmroyd.
All welcome.
The Work That Reconnects
12am 22nd - 5pm 23rd June
Hebden Bridge - Nutclough Housing Coop
For donations
This experiential workshop in the The Work that Reconnects builds motivation, creativity, courage and solidarity for the transition to a sustainable human culture.
There will be activities in small and large groups, personal reflection time and opportunities to explore and connect with the natural world outside.
The practices which have been developed, tried and tested over 40 years are based on the work of Joanna Macy, ecophilosopher, activist, scholar of living systems theory and buddhism.
Contact Kirsty to book a place
07855 698737 or email
Hebden Bridge Brass Band March Contest
Hebden Bridge 1pm
See Brass Band website for more info and entry form
The Rise and Fall of Little Voice
opens on Monday at Hebden Bridge Little Theatre - a bitter-sweet light-dark comedy of hope, discovery and the pursuit of a dream. Prepare to laugh and cry in equal measure.
A strong production from a talented cast and a director who knows his subject. Opens 7.30pm Monday 17th through Saturday 22nd June. Saturday Matinee 2.30pm. This holds the promise of a very special production from Hebden Bridge Little Theatre.
Calling all Italophiles
A public meeting is being held at the Fox & Goose Inn, Heptonstall Road, Hebden Bridge at 8 pm on Tuesday 18th June with the aim of starting an Italian circle for the Upper Calder Valley.
Anyone who is interested in Italy and its language, culture, history, art, architecture, music, food, wine, sport, fashion, etc., and who would like to meet like-minded people on a regular basis for Italian conversation practice, talks, film shows, meals, etc. is cordially invited to come along and put forward your ideas.
You don't have to be Italian, but members of the local Italian community will be especially welcome. For furher details contact Andy on 07752 551092 or e-mail.
Book Launch: Generation Palestine: Voices from the BDS movement
Rich Wiles, Yorkshire-born but for years now resident in the Occupied West Bank of Palestine, introduces his new book, which contains contributions from Iain Banks, Ken Loach, Ilan Pappe, Desmond Tutu and others.
Terrace Room, Hebden Bridge Town Hall, Thursday 20th June, 7 30 pm.
Entry free.
Come and discuss the reasons why a boycott of Israeli goods and divestment from Israeli companies might succeed where other methods have failed.
(BDS = Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions)
Calder Valley Voices Summer Concert
Join us for enjoyable evening of song and home-made goodies
8pm Thursday 20th June 2013
Hebden Bridge Methodist Church (opposite the Co-op)
Adults £6/£4 Schoolchildren £1
Proceeds to Freedom from Torture
WCA AGM and Greenpeace photographer
7.30 p.m.
Wadsworth Community Association AGM at Wadsworth Community Centre, Billy Lane, Old Town.
Guest Speaker - Steve Morgan, Photographer for Greenpeace will be showing his stunning photos and talking about his travels with Greenpeace on their environmental campaigns.
The Handmade Parade
The Hebden Bridge Handmade Parade is a spectacular parade created by local people (and friends and visitors), helped by a bunch of fantastic artists. It's a celebration of creativity, the art of the handmade and is just sheer fun!
There are three weeks of workshops beforehand, open to anyone who wants to make costumes, carryable art or help create giant puppets and animatronics. There are bands, stilt-walking sessions and more. Up to 700 people walk (or dance) in the parade through the streets of Hebden Bridge, watched by thousands.
The Hebden Bridge Handmade Parade was started by Andrew Kim, a puppeteer who specialises in giant puppets and large-scale community performances. The parade, now in its sixth year, is produced by Handmade Parade CIC, a not-for-profit community interest company made up of local artists and organisers.
HebWeb Photos of Handmade Parade 2010
HebWeb Photos of Handmade Parade 2009
National Theatre Live
Picture House, 7:00pm (doors 6:15pm)
National Theatre Live is the National Theatre’s groundbreaking project to broadcast the best of British theatre live from the London stage to cinemas across the UK and around the world. The Picture House is very proud to present the first of our live satellite broadcasts with the highly-anticipated West End production of The Audience
Directed by Academy Award-nominated director Stephen Daldry (Billy Elliot, The Hours), The Audience reunites writer Peter Morgan and Academy Award-winning actress Helen Mirren following their collaboration on the critically-acclaimed movie sensation The Queen.
Advance tickets priced £15 (£14) available via www.wegottickets.com (booking fees apply) and from the Picture House during opening hours (no booking fees, cash only & no telephone bookings). All seating is unreserved.
Midgley and it's Moor
Two hour walk looking at old houses, former pubs and quiet corners of the village, then onto the moor to see signs of extensive quarrying.
Meet David Cant at Midgley School
7.15pm on Friday 14 June 2013. Cost £3
Part of the Calderdale Heritage Walks programme
Choirs on a Summer's Afternoon
Alyssium and Vox Aurum
Wainsgate Chapel
£8 and £6 (£2 for under 18s) available on the door.
Hebden Bridge Vintage Fair
Sunday 9th June, 10am - 4pm. £1 Entry.
A twice a year event held at The Town Hall. Over 20 stalls of nothing but Vintage. From things for the home or fabulous outfits. There is something for everyone at our fair!
Steiner School Open Day
Prospective parents and local residents are invited to visit our lovingly restored home in the old Sunday school at St John’s in the Wilderness, Cragg Vale for our Open Day on June 11th 2.30- 4pm. Staff and parents of current pupils will be on hand to show you around our two kindergartens and school, and answer your questions about Steiner education.
Do we need nuclear energy to avoid climate change?
Public debate with two speakers for and two speakers against nuclear energy.
7.30pm @ Hebden Bridge Town Hall
Organised by Blackshaw Environmental Action Team (BEAT)
Steiner Parent & Child Open day
Parents with young children aged birth to 3 are invited to join us for a free Parent & Child open morning on June 6th 9- 11am at Machpelah Works, Hebden Bridge. Refreshments provided.
Midgley Fete
Midgley Recreation ground, 1pm til late.
A traditional village fete with brass band, kids' races, arts and craft competitions, live folk music, bar, straw race, scrumptious food, terrier racing, tug of war, welly wanging and loads of stalls.
Admission free.
Competition schedules available from Midgley shop from 25 May.
Revolver Rock Band play 1960s and 1970s rock classics 7pm until 8.15pm.
Saturday 25th May and
Sunday 2nd June at 1:30pm
Epic at the Picture House
This film is being shown from release. At the same time it hits the big cinemas, so there is no need for people to go out of town to see the film.
Epic is the brand new animated adventure from the creators of Ice Age and Rio, which reveals a fantastical world unlike any other. It tells the story of an ongoing battle between the forces of good, who keep the natural world alive, and the forces of evil, who wish to destroy it. When a teenage girl finds herself magically transported into this secret universe, she teams up with an elite band of warriors and a crew of comical, larger-than-life figures, to save their world…and ours.
Showing Times
Friday 24th May at 4:30pm
Saturday 25th May - Sunday 2nd June at 1:30pm
Amnes-tea party
Hebden Bridge Hostel, behind the Birchcliffe Centre, Birchcliffe Road
An open day, clothes swap, art exhibition & tea party rolled into one, with all proceeds going to Amnesty International to support its ongoing work for justice, fairness, freedom and truth.
Tea party: organic beverages & homemade cake on a magic hat (donation) basis.
Clothes Shuffle: Bring up to 5 pre-loved items; for every item you bring, you'll be able to take one away. Entry £1.
Art Exhibition: "People to the Hills, Music to the Land!" with Scottish textile artist and designer Morvern Odling.
Open Day: An opportunity be nosy and see what Hebden Bridge Hostel (aka Mama Weirdigan's) is all about.
Elliotts Antique Fair
8am to 4pm.
Mytholmroyd Community Centre, Caldene Ave, Mytholmroyd.
One of the North's most respected fairs over thirty well established and respected dealers.Offering a complete range of antiques and collectables, something for everyone. On site Cafe serving good home cooked snacks and lunches throughout the day.
Admission £1
Busk for Chris Yates
Chris Yates, fiddle player with Rakish Paddy and lovely bloke, died suddenly of a heart attack in January this year.
In his memory, musicians and friends who knew and loved him are going to busk in St George's Square to raise money for Candlelighters and Lymphoma and Leukaemia Research, charities that Chris supported and raised money for.
Please pop in, sing along and contribute.
Saturday 1st June, 2.00 to 4.00, St Georges Square, Hebden Bridge
Lee Mill Road limited access
The residents of Lee Mill Road have got together and raised money to have the road repaired and tarmacced. The work will begin on Monday May 20.
Limited access between the hours of 9.00 am and 4.30 pm for at least 2 weeks.
Hebden Bridge Equestrian Centre open day
- Spanish Horse display
- Young riders pony synchronised ride
- Breeds of Britain
- Cross-country riding
- Show jumping competition
- Pony rides for children (limited numbers)
- Refreshments available
Everyone welcome - car parking on site
Great family afternoon (even dads will not be bored!)
Adults £2 Children free (must be supervised by an adult at all times)
All proceeds to Weston Park Children's Cancer Charity and Hebden Bridge RDA
Tel: 01422 846249
email: hbec2004@yahoo.co.uk
UNEARTH Playscheme Day Adventure (5-11 yrs)
Event Details: This Playscheme Day Adventure is inclusive with everyone being free to do what they want and to do within the context of risk/benefit assessment. Our friendly and playful staff are there to provide support and a varied menu of ideas and resources to help exploration and self discovery.
UNEARTH sessions may include: lighting fires without matches; shelter building; tool use; game playing; creating natural art; and exploring with the senses.
Time: 10.00 am - 2.00 pm.
Costs: £20 for the day
Please email or tel 07850 429566
Shaggy Dog Storytellers Clubnight
Canadian storyteller, Jan Andrews performs Sun Horse, Moon Horse at Stubbing Wharf on Friday 31st May as part of her British tour.
This is based on Rosemary Sutcliffe's powerful re-imagining of the cutting of the Uffington White Horse in Wiltshire and the desire of a young boy to fulfil his potential and what he feels to be his destiny.
Jan was the first president of Storytellers of Canada - Conteurs du Canada. She tells all types of tales, but is especially known for her love of epic. She has directed complete productions of The Iliad, The Odyssey and The Mabharata.
To be sure of a good seat, please arrive early. The cost is £5 on the door and the performance commences at 8pm.
Weed It Out
Saturday 1st June 1-8pm
Nutclkough Housing Cooperative
Indigenous cultures are the experts at living with less and enjoying it more. They lived for millennia in balanced, fulfilling relationships with nature, and with each other.
What can we learn from them to make our own lives balanced & fulfilling, regardless of our economic situation?
We offer new ways of being together, and ways of being out in nature, that energise and support us to live at our best as individuals and communities. Kirsty and Mirka will be sharing tools for personal and community resilience from their training in Deep Ecology/Work that Reconnects and the 8 Shields Mentoring model.
By Donation
Weed It Out
On Saturday May 25 between 1 and 3 the Tinderwood Trust family Forest School session at Brick Shack, Midgehole Road will be devoted to a mass balsam weeding event and all the monetary contributions from the session will be donated to the White Ribbon campaign to support their incredibly important work.
Violence by anyone in our society and particularly violence by men against women and children suppress the abilities and potential of all too many families and individuals and needs to be confronted at every turn so that it becomes a thing of the past.
The White Ribbon Campaign is working to do just that. Tinderwood Trust works in many different woodlands and green spaces where Himalayan Balsalm is an invasive weed which smothers and out competes native species. By weeding it out we can support native flora and fauna to thrive and succeed in supporting the rich diversity of our countryside habitats.
Would you offer a bit of your time to help us out? You won't need to weed on an empty stomach!! Foraged nettle soup and wild garlic bread will be cooked over the fire so that new tastes and yumminess abound as the work gets underway.
So come on out to play and get involved in two really good local successful projects at once.
Todmorden Carnival
This year's carnival on Saturday 25th May 2013 at centre Vale Park. The theme is The Todmorden Carnival Needs You Past Parades Of Todmorden.
The parade starts at 12.30pm from Sanworth Street, there are prizes for the best Decorated Float/car, foot tableau / individual fancy dress and tug-of-war .All open to junior and senior. Prize Money To Be Won. If you cannot enter the parade why not put a stall on the park All The Fun Of The Of Fair From Thursday 23rd May 2013 to Monday 27th May 2013.
Pre Day Tickets £1.00
On The Day Adults £3.00 CHILDREN & OAP £2.00
For more info E-mail or Tel 07778614128
to help put Hebden Bridge businesses on the map, and a workshop is being held at Hebden Bridge Town Hall on Monday, 20 May.
Hebden Bridge Little Theatre Read-through
A read-through is being held at the Hebden Bridge Little Theatre on Monday 20th May at 7.30 pm for "Kindertransport", a play by Diane Samuels.
The play's director, Jenny Gore is looking to cast the following roles:
2 women - 40s-50s
1 woman - 50s-70s (covers two generations)
2 girls - 18 to early 20s
1 versatile man to play six varied roles!
The play will be presented at the theatre from Monday 7th October to Saturday 12th October inclusive.
New talent always welcome.
Imagine being a writer for an evening
to help with some research into how budding writers can build better habits.
You don’t have to be a writer to take part - just enjoy imagining how other people think and act.
Rebecca Evans (Bec) has spent the last three years working with the best writers of a generation at the Lumb Bank Arvon Centre. She has teamed up with academic Marc Fabri, Creative Media Technology Course Leader at Leeds Met University, for a research project on how technology can support behaviour change and help to build better writing habits.
Tuesday 21 May, 7.00-8.30pm at the Town Hall at Hebden Bridge. Refreshments provided.
Find out more or register by emailing or via Twitter @Eva_Bec or call 01422 845 709.
Celebration of Life Service
Valley Funeral Service and Robertshaw Greenwood are joining together to hold a "Celebration of Life Service" at Hebden Bridge Town Hall on Wednesday 22nd May 2013 beginning at 6.00pm and finishing at 8.00pm. This special service will be conducted by local Celebrant Zetta Bear who many will know gives a very heartfelt ceremony.
This event is open to the whole community and not just clients of Valley Funeral Service or Robertshaw Greenwood. It is designed for anyone who wishes to come along and have an uplifting social evening but who also wishes to give thanks to their loved ones for having been part of their lives. There will be music from local artists and passages read by Celebrant Catherine Holton and funeral arranger, Pamela Irving.
At the end of the service, we will be releasing balloons with messages of remembrance tied to them. We really hope everyone will stay behind for refreshments afterwards. Tags for messages will be available to collect and return before the service from Valley Funeral Service, Valley Rd, Hebden Bridge, Robertshaw Greenwood, Albert St, Hebden Bridge, Hebden Bridge Town Hall and both tourist Information Centres in Hebden Bridge & Todmorden.
Any donations collected on the night will be on behalf of Marie Curie Nurses. Bereavement is a word we all have in common at some point during our lives, let us celebrate the lives of the ones we have lost. Trish, Kate, Pam, Zetta and Catherine all look forward to seeing you on the evening of this ceremony.
If you require any further information please contact Trish or Kate on 01422 842683 or Pam on 01422 842044
Doing Time Doing
7pm: Showing of the award-winning Doing Time Doing film about meditation in a prison - the story of how hope came to one of the most notorious prisons in the world, Tihar Jail in New Delhi.
Screening will be at Holme St Arts Centre, Holme St, Hebden Bridge, followed by a Q & A session.
Free admission.
Calder Holmes Park Action Day
Calder Holmes Park is a much used and well-loved open space, enjoyed by many from the very young to the young at heart. The play area, skate park and sports pitches are used throughout the year, however recently a minority have been spoiling this area through littering and letting their dogs foul.
As one step to tackle this issue, Calderdale Council Officers will be holding an education action day between 8.30 & 4pm on Thursday 23rd May. They will be providing information about recycling, the new dog control orders and the benefits to all of a clean and safe park.
The main message of the day will be simply that leaving litter or not cleaning up after your dog is unacceptable.
Why not pop down to that park and chat to the officers about what you can do to help keep your park looking great for all to enjoy.
comes to a close and the farewill gig next Thursday will feature Compassionate Dictatorship.
Extraordinary Objects of Desire
John Prescott at The Calder Gallery, Market Street.
After the floods of June 2012, and the curtailment of his solo show we are privileged to be given a second chance to exhibit John Prescott's wonderful inlaid wooden objects, including some new works created specifically for the show. We would therefore like to to invite you to join us in celebrating this unique work and to meet the artist on the weekend of Saturday-Sunday 27th-28th April at the Gallery.
As many of you know John's work already we will simply say that his creations have been captivating customers for years and if you didn't see his show last year a visit to the Gallery is something not to be missed.
Todmorden University of the Third Age General Meeting
The next General Meeting of Todmorden University of The Third Age is at 1.45 p.m. on Thursday next, 16 May at Central Methodists, Todmorden, next to the market.
The speaker will be Geoff Scargill from the National Association of Head Teachers talking on the subject I'm Still at School. Geoff is a fine speaker and like most of the speakers we have been lucky to have address us, he has a fine line in wit.
Non-members are welcome. Come along and find out more about Todmorden U3A. You can also visit our website to find out about all our activities.
Five Kinds of Silence
Hebden Bridge Little Theatre
Curtain up 7.30pm
For tickets: Email or visit Innovation, Hebden Bridge.
Billy is dead. So why isn’t he gone?
Mary and her daughters have been set free. The vicious, abusive husband and father who dictated their every move for as long as they can remember lies dead in a pool of blood and the women can start to live again. Or can they? In a series of interviews with outsiders from the authorities investigating the sudden, harrowing death, it is apparent that Billy’s legacy is still very much alive.
Through glimpses of Billy's own troubled childhood we gain an insight into the cycle of abuse.
Five Kinds of Silence is an outstanding portrayal of the twisted love of a violent man for his family and the bonds of abuse that form between the three women under his control. Shelagh Stephenson’s hard hitting drama is a powerful piece of writing guaranteed to stir strong emotions in any audience.
Handmade Art Market
Market of local handmade gifts and artwork, held at Holme Street Arts Centre, next to the Trades Club.
Saturday 18th May, 10am to 4.30pm.
Free Admission.
Rock n Roll Clothes Swap - Tod
1 - 4pm at Union House, Hall St, Tod, OL14 7AD.
Bring your unwanted but good quality clothes along between 1 - 2pm, enjoy a cocktail and a homemade cake and then from 2 - 4pm it's swapping time!
Donations on the door, all proceeds to fund a non profit festival in Wiltshire.
Hope to see you there!
Treats and Tasters Open Day
This Saturday 18th May, The Banyan Tree will be be opening their doors for a treats and tasters days. All the therapists will be on hand to discuss their individual treatments and give demos. Sample treatments will be on offer as well as nibbles and bubbles. A free all day event starting at 10:30am.
Jumble Sale
Saturday 18th May
Methodist Church - opposite the Co-op.
Refreshments available.
Free entry.
Proceeds to Hebden Royd Primary School PTFA
by Hebden Bridge Partnership - a draft Action Plan for Hebden Bridge with a public consultation day on Saturday 18th May.
UNEARTH - Self Discovery Through Play: Getting to grips with hand tools
UNEARTH sessions are inclusive with everyone being free to chose whatever they want to do and our friendly, skilled and qualified staff are there to provide support and a varied menu of ideas and resources to help exploration and self discovery.
UNEARTH sessions may include: shelter building; lighting fires without matches; game playing; creating natural art; working with ropes; and exploring with the senses. This session will involve using a range of tools from a bow saw, bill hook and loppers to peelers, mallet and hand drill. Everyone will get a chance to know what the different tools are used for; how to use them safely & then use tools to cut; saw; chop; whittle and drill the different wood found at the site.
Saturday 18th May 11.00 - 1.00 pm at Hardcastle Crags, National Trust, Hebden Bridge. HX7 7AP
£7 pp (first child free) to a max £20 per family.
For more information email Julie or Tel: 07850 429566
UNEARTH run sessions at Hardcastle Crags every third weekend of the month: Saturdays for families, Sundays for women only, both 11.00 - 1.00 pm.
It has been cold and it has been wet, and there was a covering of snow on the tops over Easter, but the Blackshawhead Plant Sale and Spring Fair goes ahead this Saturday.
Freedom from Torture
Words and music evening
The Fielden Centre in Todmorden.
UNEARTH - Women Only: Getting to grips with hand tools
Event Details: UNEARTH sessions are inclusive with everyone being free to chose whatever they want to do and our friendly, skilled and qualified staff are there to provide support and a varied menu of ideas and resources to help exploration and self discovery.
UNEARTH sessions may include: shelter building; lighting fires without matches; game playing; creating natural art; working with ropes; and exploring with the senses. This session will involve using a range of tools from a bow saw, bill hook and loppers to peelers, mallet and hand drill. Everyone will get a chance to know what the different tools are used for; how to use them safely & then use tools to cut; saw; chop; whittle and drill the different wood found at the site.
Sunday 19th May 11.00 - 1.00 pm at Hardcastle Crags, National Trust, Hebden Bridge. HX7 7AP
£7 pp (first session free)
For more information email Julie or Tel: 07850 429566
UNEARTH run sessions at Hardcastle Crags every third weekend of the month: Saturdays for families, Sundays for women only, both 11.00 - 1.00 pm.
Wainsgate Chapel’s summer season of concerts continues on Sunday 19th May with an excellent acoustic music offering in the form of Little Sparrow and her band.
Travels Into Trance: A Five Rhythms Workshop with Cathy Ryan
This workshop will focus on the rhythm of lyrical where we will explore how we can expand into lightness of being through repetition and movement.
All welcome.
£110/£90 early bird before 20th April.
Booking: £25 non-returnable deposit to -
Liz Kirby, 8 Turrett Royd Road, Hebden Bridge HX7 6PA
07986 847501
Ted Hughes Theatre, Calder High School.
Platform One Gallery - May Exhibition
The May Exhibition at the Platform One Gallery in Todmorden will include acrylic, oils & mixed media work by Mike Acton, Digital art by Anne Pearson & photography by Stuart Pearson.
The Gallery is open Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sundays from 11.00am to 4.00pm & is situated next to the Todmorden Railway Station.
The Exhibition will run for the whole of May & there will be an open evening on Friday May 10th from 7.00pm to 9.00 pm with drinks & nibbles provided.
The Gallery is free to visit, all work will be available for sale but browsers are more than welcome.
Talk on the Bowen Technique
by Catherine Wells.
Event Details: Calderdale Yoga Centre, Hanging Royd Lane, Hebden Bridge. Friday 10th May. 7.30pm.
Find out what this natual revolutionary, muscular skeletal treatment really is all about. Where does it come from? What are it's origins? How Bear Grylls found the therapy to help his considerable back problems. Catherine from Forest Bank therapies will be talking, answering questions and giving demonstrations.
Helen Blackwell's plant sale
Saturday 11 May 10am-2pm.
19 Oxford Street (next to the canal past WireForm).
There'll be interesting tough herbaceous perennials, some annuals, some veg, the odd shrub, willow wigwams and Joel the succulent man.
Plus good coffee and cake.
Whatever the weather.
World Fair Trade Day at Spirals
World Fair Trade Day is a global campaign for The Fair Trade Movement, connecting producers and customers across the world.
Spirals will be offering 10% off our fair trade clothing, accessories, soft furnishings & toys in store on Saturday. Pop by and get a sticker & more information on fair trade, focusing on products which don't feature the fairtrade mark.
renowned Clairvoyant - medium
Mytholmroyd Comunity Centre. 19.30
A fundraising event for Hebden Bridge Spiritualist Church.
Tickets £10.00.
Telephone 01422 369709
Fell Running Taster Sessions
Calder Valley Fell Runners invite you to come and explore the countryside of the Calder Valley. For 7 weeks from 7th May, we will tailor our Tuesday night training runs to suit all comers, and will then encourage you to take part in your first fell race - the Tom Tittiman race from Old Town, on Sunday 23rd June. At no time will you be left behind!
There's no need for any fancy kit, no previous running experience is needed, and it's a great way to explore the Calder Valley and meet new people. So give your mind and body a boost and come and join us for the first session on Tuesday 8th May at 6.45pm for 7pm setting off.
For further info see www.cvfr.co.uk or email Hannah
for Hebden Royd Town Council, the meeting for electors, will be held on 8th May 2013.
Car Clubs
Blackshaw Head Chapel. All welcome.
Chas Ball, founder of Britain's first commercial car club, will be giving a presentation on "Car Clubs in Britain - a progress report. Also speaking will be Kevin Hogan, the Scheme Manager of Hour Car in Hebden Bridge.
Permaculture in the Garden
Calder Valley Organic Gardeners Monthly Meeting takes place at the Good Shepherd Centre, Royal Fold, Mytholmroyd on Thursday
2nd May at 7.30pm when Ute Kelly will talk about Permaculture in the Garden. (Preceded by CVOG AGM).
Entry is £2.00 for non-members. Further information can be found at www.cvog.org or by phoning 07977 929684
The Book Case's next Author Event
Linda Green
Will be reading from her new book
The Mummyfesto
2nd May 8pm
Linda will be reading from her new book which is set in Hebden Bridge, and is a topical title which has received great reviews. She is an engaging and entertaining speaker and we are expecting a good turn out.
The Book Case has just reopened after a major refurbishment after suffering terrible flood damage last summer, and we now have a purpose designed shop with an area for staging author events comfortably, and we intend to have a rolling program of events and readings, and to be able to bring some great authors to Hebden Bridge.
Hebden Bridge Burlesque Festival
The inaugural (that means first ever) Hebden Bridge Burlesque Festival will take place over the weekend of 3, 4 and 5 May 2013.
Already confirmed are:
Joe Black
Marnie Scarlet
Bam Bam Blue
Vie O'Lette
Em Brulee
Lexi Sexx
Lady Wildflower
Missy Malone
Eliza Delite
Cherry Loco
Velma Von Bon Bon
Heidi Bang Tidy
Plus fabulous "Legend in the making" competition; workshops; Dr Sketchys, burlesque bizarre and more acts still be be announced.
The website is under construction as we speak and tickets will be on sale in November.
In the meantime, pop it in your diary, folks: 3,4,5 May 2013 - it's going to be EPIC!
You can keep updated on our Facebook Page
Hole in the Wall – Drum Machine
Hebden Bridge’s own (and enlarged) drum collective plays a free gig. Come and hear the new set for 2013, and feel the force. Next two dates in Manchester (Sunday 5th May) and Bradford (Friday 10th May) are here
Hope Chapel - 'Ground Force'
10.00am - 4.00pm
As part of a £600,000 programme to make Hope Chapel a valuable community resource in the town centre, the garden is being given a make-over. Don't expect decking and bedding-out plants. It's providing garden space for a WEA course, 'Growing your own vegetables'.
Following tree surgery to provide more daylight, the ground needs to be cleared and tidied before it can be used for planting. The next stage is replacement of the big stone bus shelter by WY Metro.
If you can give a hand some time during the day, contact Gerard Liston on 07973 837 342 or email him
Gezellig presents Hedonic
An afternoon of downtempo and ambient laid back vibrations.
2pm till 8pm
Antiks Roadshow
Hole in t'Wall
Hebden Bridge
Cragg Vale Spaw Sunday Celebrations
14:00 - 17:00
Welcome in the Spring by joining us at the revived tradition of "Taking of the Rejuvenating Spa Waters" with Music & Dancing provided by the Ryburn Longsword Band.
14:00 Meet at The Hinchliffe for the walk to the Spa
15:30 Blessing and taking of the waters (optional)
16:00 Music and Dancing in Cragg Vale Park (please bring along your own picnic)
Organised by the Cragg Vale Community Association. Everyone welcome.
For further details please email or phone Margaret 885068 or visit our community website
Elliotts Antique Fair
8am to 4pm.
Mytholmroyd Community Centre, Caldene Ave, Mytholmroyd.
One of the North's most respected fairs over thirty well established and respected dealers.Offering a complete range of antiques and collectables, something for everyone. On site Cafe serving good home cooked snacks and lunches throughout the day.
Admission £1
Police Station: What should happen to it?
Following the successful representations to halt the sale of the Hebden Bridge Police Station to allow community consultation, the meeting called for Wednesday 1st May, at 7pm in Hebden Bridge Town Hall will take the following format.
It will be chaired by Calder Ward Cllr Janet Battye. Those who have specific proposals for consideration will be given 5-10 minutes to make a brief presentation. Following that there will be general discussion and we would hope to facilitate a community working party to review all proposals with a view to any being considered for further discussion and a possible feasibility study.
If you want put forward a proposal please contact us by Tuesday 30th April to register a slot on the evening. Email the Community Association or drop a note into the Town Hall reception, FAO HBCA Company Secretary.
Hebden Bridge Ukulele Jam - all welcome
The new (now monthly) ukulele jam will take place from 7-9pm at The Crown Inn on Crown Street.
All are welcome (from beginners to seasoned pros to those who might just be a bit uke-curious).
Contact Mary with any questions.
Blankets, Chicks and Dock Pudding
Guided two hour walk looking at the history of Mytholmroyd with David Cant. Meet at Community Centre Car Park 2.15 on Sunday 28 April 2013. Cost £3 - dogs on a lead please.
More info
Antiks Roadshow presents Beau
The Storyteller is back! Beau, the first recorded artist on John Peel's Dandelion Records is coming to Hebden Bridge, armed with his twelve string guitar. Beau's album was recorded at Tractor in Heywood and he also appeared at the legendary Deeply Dale festivals in the 1970's. Our own Searching for Sugarman story, not to be missed.
28th April, Upstairs, Hole in t' Wall.
Also playing: Parkbench and Pocket Hercules.
This is a free gig.
19.00 - 23.00
Hebden Bridge Food and Drink Festival
It's the Hebden Bridge Food & Drink Festival this weekend and we've got a magnificent selection of food from all over the World for you to enjoy. Come to the town to taste the vast array of delicious food you'll find in our shops and restaurants and the international street food market is not to be missed.
For an area located in a steep-sided valley, Hebden Bridge and its surroundings are remarkably productive when it comes to food and drink with all kinds of produce, from chocolate and delicate baked goods to rare breed meat and locally brewed beer.
As consumables in all forms appeal equally to residents and visitors alike, everyone needs to eat and drink, it seemed a good idea to pull the local producers and suppliers together for a celebration of edible delights.
Spring Fair
Good Shepherd Church, Mytholmroyd
Bouncy castle, crafts for children, Drummnig Circle, Plants, Bottle Stall, Tombola, Afternoon Tea Room, BBQ, Raffle and much more.
Free Parking in Orchard Business Centre, Scout Road
Fox and Goose Public Meeting
1pm - approx 3pm
Fox and Goose pub, Heptonstall Road, Hebden Bridge.
Launch event for share offer to buy Fox and Goose and create co-operative pub.
Outline of prospectus and business plan.
Find out how to own part of W Yorks first co-operative pub.
All welcome.
See the best of Geordie Jazz when bassist Andy Champion brings his excellent quintet ACV (pictured right) all the way down from the North East for our local jazz club.
The Story of Club Houses
Friday 26th April
Wadsworth Community Centre.
Entrance £1 - Bar open.
A second chance to hear the fascinating history of a group of handloom weaver's cottages in Old Town. First presented by the Local History Society in Autumn 2012.
Shaggy Dog Storytellers Clubnight
This month's clubnight on Friday 26th April is a special - probably one off - change of venue to the Illustrated Word shop from its usual Stubbing Wharf home.
This will be a Stories from the Floor event. Come along and tell a tale, or sit back and enjoy the stories told by experienced tellers and newcomers.
Please note that seating is limited and on this occasion it will be essential to book your seats in advance through Rod Dimbleby or on 01484 717593.
Admission is £5 and doors open at 7.30pm for an 8pm start. You'll also have an opportunity to view the gallery of illustrations. Nina, the proprietor, hopes to make the shop a venue for events and workshops involving illustrators and story tellers.
Wild and Wondrous - New landscapes by Clare Haley
Exhibition runs 28th March to 21st April
Preview Evening 27th March 6 - 8pm
The Calder Gallery
20 Market Street, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6AA
01422 843832
An exhibition of new works by Holmfirth based painter Clare Haley. Clare's paintings inspired by the northern landscape that she loves capture the power and beauty of the elements and the play of light in the sky and across the landscape wonderfully well.
Old Town Art Mile 2013
An exhibition of work by local talent in Calderdale’s picturesque hilltop village of Old Town, overlooking Hebden Bridge.
Work by over 30 artists will be on show at three venues:
- Wadsworth Community Centre, Billy Lane, Old Town HX7 8RY
- Wainsgate Chapel, Wainsgate Lane, Old Town HX7 8SU
- Hare & Hounds pub, Lane Ends, Old Town HX7 8TN
There will also be a supporting programme of art workshops on all three exhibition weekends.
For more information, visit (and like) our Facebook page
The Poetry and Legacy of Sylvia Plath
The Book Case is pleased to be able to present an event celebrating Sylvia Plath's life and work. featuring band The Leisure Society and local author Sarah Corbett.
At 2 pm, double Ivor Novello award nominees The Leisure Society will perform an acoustic set of songs from their new album Alone Aboard The Ark, which features music informed by Sylvia Plath's writing.
We have been given rare permission from the Plath Estate and Faber Publications for the performance of some of Plath's poetry.
by Sarah Corbett, a T.S Eliot and Forward Prize short-listed poet resident in Hebden Bridge.
7pm Deryn Rees-Jones, Sarah Corbett, Sandeep Parmar (ticketed event £5 includes glass of wine)
Poetry Reading and discussion with Deryn Rees-Jones, acclaimed poet named as one of Myslexia's top ten women poets of the decade, award winning poet Sarah Corbett, and rising star Sandeep Parmar, read their latest work and talk about their personal relationship with Sylvia Plath's poetry.
For more information or to book tickets for the evening please contact us at shop@bookcase.co.uk
Hebden Bridge Piano Festival
Town Hall
The festival is being planned and organised by local pianist and long standing festival programmer David Nelson together with The Piano Club, an association of pianists from all over Yorkshire. Over the 3 days there will be afternoon and evening concerts plus lunchtime recitals, all given by performers of national and international renown. There'll be the odd local performer too. Although the main focus will be on Classical music, other piano styles such as blues, jazz, and boogie-woogie will get a look-in as well.
See article in the Yorkshire Times
Festival tickets, which include great-value weekend passes, are available by post and online. Festival fliers which show the whole programme and include a booking form are available all over town and can also be downloaded from the Festival website.
Anyone who experiences any difficulty getting hold of a form is asked to email the festival. Online bookings can be made via the website too.
From April 2nd there will also be a Piano Festival box office in Hebden Bridge Town Hall for telephone enquiries (01422 417300) and in-person bookings.
UNEARTH - Self Discovery Through Play: Fire Craft
Family UNEARTH session. Theme is fire craft - learn about safety, lighting a fire without matches, keeping it going and clearing away and leaving no trace. Sessions may also include: shelter making; creating natural art; game playing; exploring using the senses; and working with ropes.
Saturday 20th April 11.00 - 1.00 pm at Hardcastle Crags, National Trust, Hebden Bridge. HX7 7AP
£7 pp (first child free) to a max £20 per family.
For more information contact: julie@west148.wanadoo.co.uk
Tel: 07850429566
UNEARTH run sessions at Hardcastle Crags every third weekend of the month: Saturdays for families, Sundays for women only, both 11.00 - 1.00 pm.
from 10am-4pm
Holme Street Arts Centre, next to the Trades Club.
Local artists, designers and craftspeople selling a variety of hand made items including textiles, ceramics, jewellery, wood, art, cards and more.
Come and find that unique hand crafted gift or treat yourself. Feel free to browse, drink tea and eat some delicious homemade cake from the cafe!
Free entry
Dog friendly and wheelchair access
Landscape Photography Workshop – by Tony Hanrahan
10.30am – 1pm
Wadsworth Community Centre (Billy Lane, Old Town HX7 8RY)
The last in the series of workshops during Old Town Art Mile 2013. Learn how to turn your snaps into images with the art of composition.
The workshop starts with a briefing, then Tony Hanrahan will lead you to one of the exciting locations nearby where he'll be on hand at all times to guide and advise you on getting the best from your shots. Bring your camera, manual, tripod (if you have one) and clothing/footwear suitable for an outdoors workshop. In very bad weather the workshop will be held indoors. To find out more about Tony visit website.
Fee: £10 per person, booking required. Please email bettinaf@gmx.com or call 01422 846036.
More information about this and other workshops during Old Town Art Mile 2013 on FaceBook.
UNEARTH - Self Discovery Through Play: Fire Craft
Women Only UNEARTH session. Theme is fire craft - learn about safety, lighting a fire without matches, keeping it going and clearing away and leaving no trace. Sessions may also include: shelter making; creating natural art; game playing; exploring using the senses; and working with ropes.
Sunday 21st April 11.00 - 1.00 pm at Hardcastle Crags, National Trust, Hebden Bridge. HX7 7AP
£7 pp (first session free).
For more information contact: julie@west148.wanadoo.co.uk
Tel: 07850429566
UNEARTH run sessions at Hardcastle Crags every third weekend of the month: Saturdays for families, Sundays for women only, both 11.00 - 1.00 pm.
Flood warning sirens in Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd will be sounded next week as part of the Environment Agency’s annual maintenance tests.
Public meeting is being held to discuss important changes affecting our personal privacy.
Commemorative Memorial
to those harmed by exposure to Asbestos
Unveiling at 11am, Memorial Gardens Pecket Well,
beside the red phone box.
The idea for the memorial was in response to discussion on Hebweb forum last year.
The Wadsworth Environment Group are responsible for planting the snowdrop garden, and the Wadsworth Parish Council has organised and funded the making of the plaque.
The wording for the plaque was developed with help from Renata Taylor-Byrne who was the original Chair of the Asbestosis Action Group.
See also: HebWeb Feature on Acre Mill
Seedy Saturday
Redacre Project, Mytholmroyd HX7 8LF 5DQ
Seed swapping. Seedlings and small plants.
Children's activities
Sign up for growing courses.
Local Food Groups
Free entry
The Fugue Revue
Heptonstall Festival Fundraiser
Trades Club
Doors 7pm
£10 (£8adv/b4 8pm)
Follow @fuguerevue and win pair of tickets!
Luke Concannon (formerly of chart topping duo Nizlopi ('The JCB song')
Carrie Tree "A musician of heart melting songs.. weaving together emotion and melody.."
Liz Reynolds
The Three of Hearts
DJs Jamie L & Denaji
Your compere for the evening is the inimitable Mister Alexander Wells.
Bookbinding Workshop – by Katherine Bolton
1 - 5 pm
Wadsworth Community Centre (Billy Lane, Old Town HX7 8RY)
Another one in the series of workshops during Old Town Art Mile 2013. Enter the wonderful world of bookbinding and artists books with book artist Katherine Bolton. You will learn how to make a traditional hand-made case bound book and how to give your book that unique personal touch. The workshop is suitable for all abilities – beginners and those wanting to further develop their skills.
Fee: £25 per person (incl. materials), booking required. Please email or call 01422 846036.
More information about this and other workshops during Old Town Art Mile 2013 on FaceBook.
Handmade Parade Spark Day 2013
Organisers are holding a Spark Day on 14 April at the parade workshops in Victoria Road, and want as many people as possible to come along with their bright ideas – the crazier the better!
Art Mile History Walk – by John Billingsley
Sunday 14th April, 2 - 3.30 pm
Wainsgate Chapel (Wainsgate Lane, Old Town HX7 8SU)
As part of Old Town Art Mile, this guided walk will provide you with the opportunity to learn about Old Town's history and explore all three exhibition venues!
John Billingsley will lead a short walk of a little over a mile, linking the three venues of Old Town Art Mile. On the way, he'll talk about the history of various places on the route and will welcome your memories of Wadsworth and surrounds. Exact route depends on weather, but clothing suitable for the conditions and good walking footwear recommended.
Donations of £2 (£1 for under-16s) welcome
More information about this walk and other workshops during Old Town Art Mile 2013 on FaceBook.
Spring Rhythm: Poetry of Emergence:
Spring Rhythm: Poetry of Emergence
with Rosie Garland, John Siddique and Simon Rennie
Wainsgate Chapel’s 2013 season of music and spoken word performances kicks off next Sunday (14th) with a trilogy of poets, spearheaded by Rosie Garland.
Nancy's fundraising gig
To raise money to go and do charity work in South America Nancy and her mum Deborah are putting on a great gig at the Trades Club.
Local band Mean Business will play two sets, certain to get everyone dancing!
Dirty Green Vinyl from Huddersfield are playing and DJ Nick Rogers too.
8pm-12 Tickets £8/6
Hebden Bridge Astronomy Society
Starlight, Observational Properties of Stars
Dr Keith Robinson (University of Salford)
Keith is author of two books on Stellar Physics (Published by Springer Verlag) in the Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy series and is involved in distance learning courses at UCLAN. He is one of the two key personnel in the Stellar Physics & Space Technology Research Group at the University of Salford.
The Spirit of 45
Hebden Bridge Picture House
Weds 10th: The Spirit of 45 - 7:45pm
Thurs 11 The Spirit of 45 - 10:30am & 7:45pm
An impassioned documentary about how the spirit of unity which buoyed Britain during the war years carried through to create a vision of a fairer, united society.
1945 was a pivotal year in British history. The unity that carried Britain through the war allied to the bitter memories of the inter-war years led to a vision of a better society. The spirit of the age was to be our brother's and our sister's keeper.
Director Ken Loach has used film from Britain's regional and national archives, alongside sound recordings and contemporary interviews, to create a rich political and social narrative.
The Spirit of '45 hopes to illuminate and celebrate a period of unprecedented community spirit in the UK, the impact of which endured for many years and which may yet be rediscovered today.
Axe the Bedroom Tax public meeting
Calderdale Protest Against the Bedroom Tax and Calderdale Save Our Services will hold a public meeting at 7.30 Thursday 11th April.
Maurice Jagger Centre HX1 1UZ
Winding Road near Halifax Bus station.
Former Halifax Labour MP Alice Mahon
Jonathon Maguire -Secretary Calderdale Protest against the Bedroom Tax
Ryan Bradshaw Social Welfare Lawyer
A disability rights campaigner
Find out more about the bedroom tax. Voice your concerns and be part of a discussion about how we can move our campaign forward together.
All welcome.
Elliotts Antique Fair
8am to 4pm.
Mytholmroyd Community Centre, Caldene Ave, Mytholmroyd.
One of the North's most respected fairs over thirty well established and respected dealers.Offering a complete range of antiques and collectables, something for everyone. On site Cafe serving good home cooked snacks and lunches throughout the day.
Admission £1
Life Drawing Workshop – by Mary Loney
2 – 5pm
Wadsworth Community Centre
(Billy Lane, Old Town HX7 8RY)
Old Town Art Mile is proud to open its workshop programme with a life drawing workshop by Mary Loney. Artists, both novice and experienced, will have the opportunity to draw from a life model in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. Don't worry, the model is used to being stared at by artists … :-)
Basic materials and a drawing board will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own. An easel might be useful, we won't have enough of those. To find out more about Mary visit www.maryloney.com.
Fee: £25 per person (including tea and cake), booking required. Please email.
More information about this and other workshops during Old Town Art Mile 2013 on FaceBook.
Spring Wild Food Forage
The hills and valleys around Hebden are a walker’s paradise; however the walking today will be at a pretty sedate pace looking for young edible leaves and shoots, roots, bulbs and tubers, and maybe some wild mushrooms? The walk will last about two and a half hours and at its end we will have a chance to sample some freshly prepared delicious wild foods.
Meeting at the marina for a midday start.
Cost £10.00 adults, £5.00 children
NB: Booking is essential. Contact Jesper on Tel: 07900 544826 to confirm your place
The year in the life of a veg and fruit gardener
Calder Valley Organic Gardeners Monthly Meeting takes place at the Good Shepherd Centre, Royal Fold, Mytholmroyd on Thursday 4th April at 7.30pm when David Allison of the National Vegetable Society (NVS) will provide an illustrated talk on "A year in the life of a veg and fruit gardener".
Entry is £2.00 for non-members.
Further information can be found at www.cvog.org or by phoning 07977 929684
Stubbings School Fundraiser
Trades Club
Spectrum: DJs playing everything good about the 80s - from synthpop to goth and indie to hip-hop, electro and jacking house.
Brought to you by out-of-retirement school-run dads - Doggy (producer of seminal rave classics in 1989 for the legendary RHAM! records) and Dr Beck (Institute of Contemporary Arts resident DJ, Big Chill Festival, Glastonbury and British Council international showcases).
The night starts at 8pm with an exclusive set of Doggy/Demonik re-edits of classic early 80s video game tunes. Dressing up as moody goths, b-boys, new romantics and madonnas encouraged.
Plus - the chance to play live retro video games on the huge screen.
In Pursuit of Oblivion
A play by The Lion Tamers' Theatre Company.
Hebden Bridge Little Theatre
29th-30th March
Tickets £10/8 to reserve please email
Following an inept attempt at self-destruction, Martin awakes in hospital in the next bed to Billy. Instead of the sympathy and understanding he might have expected following his ‘cry for help’ Martin gets an excoriating, dystopian, nihilistic view of the world, people, relationships, himself and anything else that gets in the way of Billy’s own relentless pursuit of truth and oblivion.
It’s not what he expected. It’s not what he wants. It is what he needs.
Magpie presents Cannes in a Van
Magpie teams up with Inkfolk on 29th March, at Machpelah Mill to bring you the best of Cannes in a Van.
Cannes in a Van take a transit van to the Cannes Film Festival each year, and screen independent short film from the back of the van.
The success of this enterprise led to the creation of The Van D'Or Awards 2012.
Andy Greenhouse from Cannes in a Van brings The Van D'Or Awards to Hebden Bridge - a selection of the best, award winning films from last years programme.
Doors open at 7.15pm. Programme begins at 8pm.
Expect a red carpet .. this is Cannes after all!
Entry is £4 - pay on the door. First come first seated.
Pace Egg plays
See HebWeb News: Read about the changes to the cast this year, the times, links to photos from previous years, the history and why this year more than ever it's important to walk or use a bus.
Below: the Pace Egg play as performed by students of Calder High
Shaggy Dog Storytellers Clubnight
Peter Chand marks the bicentenary of the first publication of the Grimm brithers' fairytales with an evening of tales that show the Asian precursors to many of the stories. For entertainemnt and education be at the Stubbing Wharf well before 8pm on Friday 29th to be sure of a great evening from a renowned storyteller.
IncredibleEdible Mytholm’s Growing Futures Field Day.
Come to Mytholm Playing Field where Incredible Edible Mytholm will be launching ideas for an exciting community-owned, sustainable food business.
NB: Venue changed to Town Hall.
Indoor Bazaar
10am to 4pm.
At Holme Street Arts Centre, next to the Little Theatre.
Indoor Market, 20 stalls of books, DVD's, antiques, collectables, comics, arts & crafts.
Cafe, selling homemade food & cakes.
Pet food and supply stall.
Animal Charity Stall.
Admission 10p donation to local Animal Charity.
Dog Friendly.
Disabled Access.
Duck Race
Once again the Hebden Bridge Rotary Club will be organising the annual Duck Race, on Monday 1st April. Tickets, at £1 each, are available to purchase in advance from a number of shops and pubs in the town and from the Tourist Information Centre, by the canal marina. Additionally, the Rotary Club will be selling tickets from a kiosk in St. George's Square on the two weekends before Easter and on Good Friday, Easter Sunday and on Easter Monday.
On Easter Monday tickets will be on sale from 10.00am to 3.00pm in St George's Square and at West End. The Duck Race will start at approximately 3.15pm from County Bridge in the centre of the town, next to the new Town Hall, and finish at West End bridge on the A646. Throughout the day there will be a variety of entertainment, including children's rides, stalls and live music.
Bridge Mill - History on our Doorstep
Justine Wyatt
What is the story behind the present mill building? Why did medieval millers have such a bad name?
A mill has stood here for 700 years so what can the manor court rolls and other records tell us about the past? This talk will look at some of the ways the mill has been used and will be a chance to find out more about its history.
Justine is a member of the History Society who is interested in the industrial heritage of the valley and the way the textile industry affected the town.
Methodist Hall, Market Street, 7.30 pm
Hebden Bridge Local History Society
Little Citizens Pop up shop
Pre loved childrens clothes and toys all in excellent or 'as new' condition.
Many items from leading designer names including Catamini Room7, Osh Kosh, Icks, Replay, No addea Sugar, Ted Baker and Mini a Ture.
Sunday 24th March from 10am - 3pm
Squeeze Cafe, 10 Albert St in Hebden.
has nothing to do with the Vatican but is the name of the next act at HX7 Jazz: "Rarely has a band taken the jazz scene by the scruff of the neck and given it such a good shaking"
In a major coup for the club, Hebden Bridge's HX7 Jazz is delighted to welcome Get the Blessing to the Trades Club on Wednesday March 20th.
Featuring a rhythm section that emanated from the likes of Portishead and Radiohead and two horn players well versed in free and cutting-edge jazz, this is contemporary jazz-rock at its very best.
World Water Day at Gibson Mill, in partnership with the ATC
It might seem odd, but even in the Pennines water is a precious resource.
On Saturday 23rd, why not come to Hardcastle Crags to find out more about how we collect, use and dispose of our water.
From 11am ‘til 12 noon, Pete Hill from the Power from the Landscape Project is giving a talk on how we use and abuse water both globally and locally, then from 1.30 ‘til 2.30 Murray Chalmers from the National Trust will demonstrate how Gibson Mill uses its own water supplies, from generating electricity to making coffee and flushing toilets.
For more details call 01422 846341.
Practical Action Jazzy Benefit
Upstairs at the Hole in the Wall. 4-9pm
Music from Leeds College of Music's very own Jazz Ensemble No 1, DJs Alex Kostyakov and Señor Caramba! (Jazzy house, African and Latin beats)
Food from 'Burger me!' - completely home made meat or veggie burgers, with home made buns, sauces and salads
Practical Action are a charity based on Schumacher's 'Small is Beautiful' principles, enabling people in the developing world to learn how to make themselves simple low-tech solutions, eg clay cookers that save fuel and take smoke out of the hut, floating woven reed mat gardens to prevent crops from being damaged in floods, (they just float up!) zipwires to transport vegetables down steep rocky hillsides to market etc.
Tickets £3.50 advance by email or £5.00 on the door
Calder Valley Home Workers Social
The White Lion, Hebden Bridge
Social meet-up for people who work from home, whether self-employed or for a company. If 8 hours of your own company is too much and you can't put the laptop down, come down to the White Lion in Hebden Bridge for "after-work drinks" at 6pm.
Barndance with attitude: Last Chance Saloon Band
It's strictly cowboy with a night of red hot called barndances to everything from Johnny Cash to bluegrass fiddle tunes to hillbilly Abba.
The Last Chance Saloon Band are a storming 5-piece with some great players and a twinkle in their eye who've rocked some festivals and parties over the last few years.
With past members of Cabaret Heaven, the Ski Band, Tetchi and the Peace Artistes and callers with fun accessible dances they know something about a good night out.
This is also "Cowboy Payback Night". We'll be raising money for Survival International campaigning for the rights of indigenous people. So take your partners, dress Western and please leave your horse outside.
Hebden Bridge Trades Club
£6 members £8 non
Great Rock Co-op Shop Open for Business!
Saturday 23rd March and every Saturday thereafter, 10am - 2pm at Staups Lea Farm, Staups Lane, Higher Eastwood OL14 8RR.
Fantastic locally produced food - farm fresh meat, cheese, handmade bread and cakes, jams and preserves plus lots more, including arts and craft items.
Not-for-profit co-operative promoting our very own local producers. Come and see us!
More info on our website: www.greatrockcoop.co.uk
Mindfulness - Learn to live in the present moment
An experiential workshop in mindfulness meditation
Hope Baptist Church, Hebden Bridge
To book and for more information:
ann@landofspices.co.uk or 07973 684 343
Calder Ward Forum
The next Calder Ward Forum will be on Tuesday 19th March 2013 in the Riverside Hall, Hebden Bridge Town Hall, Hangingroyd Lane entrance, Hebden Bridge, HX7 7BY.
On the agenda will be
- A presentation on Reponding to Domestic Violence
- Changes to Customer First,
- Report Back on local buses and A646 Pedestrian safety.
- There will also be an update on consultations, a Police update and Open Forum to discuss issues that matter to you.
The Ward Forum meeting starts at 6.45pm with refreshments and signing in from 6.15pm.
Hebden Bridge Junior Band Spring Fair
All welcome at Hebden Bridge Junior Band's Spring Fair and Brass Cafe, 10 am to 2pm at the Holme Street Arts Centre, Holme Street, Hebden Bridge.
There will be fantastic music, hot and cold drinks, home-made soups and cakes and a raffle. We are always on the lookout for new members so please do come along and see what we are about. You don't have to be able to play an instrument already, we can teach you!
Dave Spikey at The Picture House
next Thursday, 14th March with the fourth incarnation of his critically acclaimed Words Don’t Come Easy tour.
William Greenwood of Pudsey in Stansfield
Malcolm Heywood
An introduction, with slides, to the Pudsey area with special reference to William Greenwood; followed by an account of his life as a handloom weaver from his 1825 diary.
Our speaker tonight studied at Prof. Bernard Jennings WEA Local History class based at Hebden Bridge during the 1960s. He is co-author of several books relating to Todmorden and was head of Mytholm School for 14 years.
Methodist Hall, Market Street, 7.30 pm
Hebden Bridge Local History Society
Air pollution in Hebden Bridge
"The worst air quality in West Yorkshire is in Hebden Bridge".
The next public meeting organised by the Blackshaw Environmental group has speakers talking about air pollution, and bats.
Floods aftermath: Drop in session
Mytholmroyd (St Michael’s Church Hall):
Tuesday, 12th March, 3pm to 7pm.
Calderdale Council is holding a further series of Flood drop-in sessions where people will again have the opportunity to talk, face to face, with engineers who knew in great detail about the flooding, and where the council, Yorkshire Water, the Environment Agency and the Canal & River Trust will be available to explain what work has been done since last Summer, and what’s also planned in the medium and long terms. The National Flood Forum will also be there with practical help and advice.
Calder Valley Steiner School Open Day
We provide an unhurried and creative environment where children can develop a love of learning. Come along to our Open Day to find out more about Steiner education and our beautiful school at Cragg Vale. For more information visit www.caldersteiner.org.uk
Healing talk of complementary therapies
We are a local WI for like minded ladies, all welcome.
This month the talk is a discussion on complementary therapies, the importance of wearing a magnetic bracelet and a hands on demonstration.
The venue is The Methodist Church on Scout rd at 7.45pm - 9.45pm on the 12th March
We are on Facebook - Mytholmroyd Marmaladies WI and Twitter @m_marmaladies 07886 756941
Saturday 9th March 2013
The Electric Palace - Free Film Screenings
Wallace & Gromit Triple Bill
Todmorden Hippodrome, 2pm
More info on Facebook
The Clown Within - an introductory weekend
A weekend of clowning is an opening into spontaneous play, responding straight from the heart, being more present in the moment - and sticking with it a bit. For performers it will help you find a more real, grounded you to take to your craft, and for those new to clowning, it will open a door to exploring a lighter, more playful you.
Through games, play, movement and improvisation we will gently enter the world of your clown. All levels welcome. Max group 12. CPD certificate available.
Facilitated by Hannah Merriman.
Union House, Hall St. Todmorden
Sat 9th & Sun 10th March, 10-4pm.
£79 for the weekend
Email or ring 07960 652 867 for further info/bookings.
Spinning workshop
Word of Mouth, Valley Road HB, 01422 648299.
10am-4pm, £40.
Includes, tuition, lunch, refreshments, and a "starter" kit (containing a drop-spindle, over 50 grams raw Jacob fleece and instructions).
Morning only, learn to spin, (using a drop-spindle) includes tuition, refreshments and a "starter" kit. £25
Afternoon only, learn to use a spinning wheel, includes tuition, refreshments, and a "starter" kit. £30
Carded raw fleece, spinning wheels and drop spindles are all provided.
Clothes Swap!
Cheeky sew & sew, a sewing café based at 22 Rochdale Rd Todmorden, will be hosting a Clothes Swap Event at their premises on Saturday 9th March. Please bring along 3 clean good quality items of clothing or accessories to swap, or more if you fancy!
The swap starts at 2pm but clothes can be dropped off in advance from 9am on the day. Clothes are exchanged for vouchers, which can then be exchanged for more clothes. It really is that easy, so if you love clothes and you love recycling come along and get swapping! The event is free to attend and refreshments will be available too.
Please book your place via the website or by phoning the number below.
cheeky sew & sew, 22 Rochdale Rd, Todmorden, OL14 7LD.
tel: 01706 816181 or 07542076185
The Electric Palace - Free Film Screenings
Brassed Off
Free film and live music from The Ski 3 Brass Band
Todmorden Hippodrome, 7.30pm
More info on Facebook
The Hebden Bridge Comedy Club
Steve Gribbin, Dana Alexander, Danny Sutcliffe, MC Martin Mor
The Old Gate, 1-5 Old Gate, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8JP
Doors 7.30pm Show 8pm £8 07874 152338
See HebWeb News item
A free Introduction to Vinyasa Krama Yoga
Wednesday 6th March 7.00-8.30pm
Union House, Hall St, Todmorden. OL14 7AD (next to Library)
Postures & variations of movement synchronised with the breath in a gentle but progressive system of sequences. Suitable for beginners & all levels.
To book contact Steven 07941 585082
Steiner Parent & Child Group open day
Free open morning.
9-11am at Machpelah Works, Hebden Bridge.
Come and find out more about our warm, inviting, supportive group for parents of children from birth to 3 years. Refreshments provided. For further details contact Sally on 07904052816.
Floods aftermath: Drop in session
Hebden Bridge Town Hall:
Thursday 7th March, 3pm to 7pm
Calderdale Council is holding a further series of Flood drop-in sessions where people will again have the opportunity to talk, face to face, with engineers who knew in great detail about the flooding, and where the council, Yorkshire Water, the Environment Agency and the Canal & River Trust will be available to explain what work has been done since last Summer, and what's also planned in the medium and long terms. The National Flood Forum will also be there with practical help and advice.
Yellow Book Open Gardens
Calder Valley Organic Gardeners Monthly Meeting takes place at the Good Shepherd Centre, Royal Fold, Mytholmroyd on Thursday 7th March at 7.30pm when Julie of the National Gardening Scheme (NGS) will tallk about the Yellow Book Open Gardens.
Entry is £2.00 for non-members. Further information can be found on our website or by phoning 07977 929684
Trades Club Monthly Quiz celebrates the Removal of Bernard Ingham
The quiz happens on the first Thursday of every month and this one will be raising funds for our lovely club. The questions are put together by regular host Dave Boardman and always includes the always enjoyable music round. The prize is glory rather than gold so there is little chance of this changing your life financially, but it may provide you with a cultural and emotional high.
Your £5 gets you amazing food from Llamo's kitchen as well as Dave's slightly challenging and mildly enjoyable quiz
The Trades Club Quiz and Curry on Thursday 7 March will follow the usual format - including the famous Trades Club Music Round - but it will also be a chance to celebrate the decision by the local press to drop Bernard Ingham's monthly column. The Trades Club tells the HebWeb, "Well done everyone who wrote a letter, added to the Facebook page, signed the on-line petition and generally supported the campaign. You won and Hebden Bridge returns to the moral high ground."
Elliotts Antique Fair
8am to 4pm.
Mytholmroyd Community Centre, Caldene Ave, Mytholmroyd.
One of the North's most respected fairs over thirty well established and respected dealers.Offering a complete range of antiques and collectables, something for everyone. On site Cafe serving good home cooked snacks and lunches throughout the day.
Entrance fee £1
Lesley's Love of Blue
Exhibition in memory of Lesley Fowler
Paintings and prints by Amrik Varkalis
Reflections of a profound friendship.
Town Hall 10-4
Fairtrade Fortnight in Hebden Bridge:
Visit the Fairtrade Information Station in Georges Square this Saturday, join the 90kg rice challenge and more.
Local businesswomen will be hearing a shaggy dog story, and from glass artist, Wicked Gen at this month's session.
The next HX7 Jazz concert on Thursday 28 February features the compelling and innovative music of the Julian Costello Quartet.
Jammin' with the Dodgers
Stubbings Wharf pub. 8.30. Free
Denny with friends and guests make up the Dodgers perform a lively set of blues, rock and country that will get your foot tapping -and your glass emptying! They play on the first Friday of the Month.
Terry wil also hopefully sing some of her compositions and probably a few favourite soul or jazz songs.
She alone is worth the trip and the price of a pint.
Women’s Boxing Awards - Beginners course
8 week course for beginners starts Tues 26 Feb 2013 at Hebden Bridge Boxing Club.
- Glove contact course (no hitting or getting hit)
- Learn the basics of punching, movement and defence
- Get fitter, stronger and more confident
- Female Coach registered with the ABA, CRB checked and insured
- Safe, supportive all-female environment
Certificate and medal on successful completion of course with options to progress
Email Kate or text 07732 433243 to book a place.
Magpie Presents The Kingdom of Survival, with music from Hanami
Magpie Cinema visit The Trades Club for an evening of food, documentary film and live music.
The Kingdom of Survival
Slowboat Films 2011.
M A Littler's documentary invites us on a road-trip along America's outlaw highway. Here we meet with people who dance to the beat of their own drum, from dissident academics like Chomsky, to maverick musicians and militiamen.
This is a slice of Americana, which sings 'murder ballads' to the New World Order.
Film starts at 8pm.
Hanami are a talented duo, musicians and nomads who make a welcome return to The Trades.
Authentic Himalayan and Indian food served 4pm-8pm
Door price £5, £4 concessions.
Grave Concerns: The Follies & Folklore of Robin Hood's Final Resting Place
Kai Roberts
Whilst the legendary outlaw Robin Hood is now primarily associated with Sherwood in Nottinghamshire, the site most consistently connected with the name, from some of the earliest surviving medieval ballads, has been the supposed location of his death and burial at Kirklees in the Calderdale region of West Yorkshire. A monument known as "Robin Hood's Grave" can still be seen there today and whilst it has been dismissed by some authorities as little more than an 18th Century folly, its history is in fact far more venerable and complex.
Kai is a lifelong resident of the Calder Valley with an interest in local folklore, psychogeoraphy and social history. Author of three books on related subjects, including one on tonight's topic. See blog
Methodist Hall, Market Street, 7.30 pm
Hebden Bridge Local History Society
5 Broken Cameras - Oscar-nominated documentary film
The 2013 Oscar-nominated documentary chronicling the struggle of a Palestinian village to regain its land.
Hebden Bridge Trades Club, Holme St, Hebden Bridge.
8 pm (doors open at 7.30pm)
Admission £3.50 Unwaged £2.50
Proceeds will go to Ta’ayush, the Arab-Jewish Partnership. Activist, Ron Taylor, will give a short introduction to the film and the work of Ta’ayush
(….a staggeringly powerful piece of film-making…depicting extreme injustice to Palestinian people – London Film Review).
Every day, starting from Saturday 16 until Friday 22 February, a child-friendly activity will be taking place at Gibson Mill.
Calder Valley Homeworkers Meet-up
6pm, The White Lion
New social group for anyone who regularly works from home (employed or self-employed). Activities: After-work drinks, lunches, walks, cinema etc.
For those wondering what the new homeworkers group is all about, it's simply people who work from home coming together for some light relief after the rigorous, isolated discipline of a day at home(!)
There's no rules or criteria, so if you work on your own at home all day in front of a laptop/ typewriter / wood turning tool and feel you would benefit from a natter over a pint at the end of the day, this is the group for you.
It might even develop into a business support network, who knows!
Please tell someone you know about this new group. Details on this FaceBook page
Shaggy Dog Storytellers Clubnight
Friday 22nd February is the last Friday of the month and that means it's storytelling night at the Stubbing Wharf. The show starts at 8pm, but get there early to commandeer a table near the front!
Keith Donnelly, the Geordie song and story man, returns by popular demand. As Jaspar Carrott once said, "Keith could make a sheep laugh". Expect an unusual emphasis on music and audience interaction. Good order will be maintained by storytelling M/C (and former P.C.) Richard Hemingway.
As usual, the third set of the evening will be provided by the audience, so bring along your own tales and monologues or sit back and watch newcomers and seasoned performers complete the evening's entertainment. All this for just £5!
CVOG Potato Day
Calder Valley Organic Gardeners will be holding their annual Potato Day at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Mytholmroyd on Saturday 23rd February between 10am and 3pm.
Admission of £1 includes entry to the Potato Raffle. There will be 33 varieties (organic and non- organic) at 14p per tuber.
The event will include children's activities, information displays, organic cheese, bee stall, cake stall, compost stall, plant stall, onion sets and shallots. Food and drink will be available at the Potato Cafe.
For more information and details of the potato varieties available - Tel 01422 846173 or 07977 929684 (answerphone) or visit www.cvog.org
(NB. The time quoted in the Hebden Diary is incorrect)
Drum Machine in the Square
First public performance for the enlarged band and the new players
Luddenden Heritage Walk
A two hour walk to look at the history of the village including the church, pubs, mills, old houses and routeways.
Meet David Cant at the car park (Luddendenfoot end of village) for 2 pm start on Sunday 24 February 2013.
Charge £3 per head.
Great Rock Co-op Shop's Producers' Event
Blackshaw Head Chapel
7 - 9pm.
An opportunity for producers to get all the information needed to sell your goods through the shop.
Programme for the evening:
- Great Rock Co-op - how we've come about
- our ethos and values, why we're setting up as a co-op
- Minimum requirements for selling through the shop, (hoping to have an Environmental Health Officer on hand), and what the Co-op offers to producers.
- Established local producers inspiring us with their stories.
- Q and A session for any other information you may need.
Plus, of course, a big pot of tea and delicious locally baked cakes. Producer or not, all welcome!
Steiner Parent & Child Group open day
Free open morning.
9-11am at Machpelah Works, Hebden Bridge.
Come and find out more about our warm, inviting, supportive group for parents of children from birth to 3 years. Refreshments provided. For further details contact Sally on 07904052816.
Todmorden Weavers of the Great War
Alan Fowler
The 'Great war' was a key moment in the history of the cotton industry. The local impact of these events is examined through the history of the Todmorden weaver.
Alan is a former lecturer in Economic & Social History at the Manchester Poly/ Metropolitan Universit from 1969-2009, and a fellow of the Royal Historical Society.
Methodist Hall, Market Street, 7.30 pm
Hebden Bridge Local History Society
Blackshaw Environmental Action Team (BEAT) public meetings
At the public meeting on Wednesday 13 February 2013 Jonathan Atkinson will be speaking about the Carbon Co-op in Manchester and Phil Knowles and Finn Jensen will talk about their experiences of two different types of thermal solar panels. Phil will also describe how ten households in Blackshaw Head got together to install thermal solar panels some years ago as a BEAT community project.
This meeting is held at Blackshaw Head Methodist Church (the Chapel) at 7.45pm. Bus E goes to the door.
On 9 January 2013 BEAT held its first ever public meeting in Heptonstall at the Social and Bowling Club. The topic was ‘Our food future – global vs local?’ and consisted of a talk and discussion led by Geoff Tansey. Fifty-six people attended the meeting and several of them would like more BEAT meetings in Heptonstall and Hebden Bridge.
KAN February 2013 Tour
Playing at The Trades Club
Doors 8pm Tickets £12 / £9 Members
Award-winning Instrumental Folk Band KAN
Valentines Craft Fair
Craftaganza at Holme Street Arts Centre, next to the Post Office & Trades Club.
Saturday 9th February. 10am to 4pm.
Local Artists, Designers and Crafters have come together to bring you a great Fair, bringing you unique, hand crafted products, including:
Bespoke Jewellery, Cakes, Gifts, Textiles.
Free Admission. Cafe. Dog Friendly. Disabled Access.
The Hebden Bridge Comedy Club
Wes Zaharuk, Dave Williams, Peter Brush, MC Martin Mor
The Old Gate, 1-5 Old Gate, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8JP
Doors 7.30pm Show 8pm £8 07874 152338
Organic Gardening in the Hills
Calder Valley Organic Gardeners Monthly Meeting takes place at the Good Shepherd Centre, Royal Fold, Mytholmroyd on Thursday 7th February at 7.30pm when CVOG members Sim Cramer and Matthew Borratt will talk on Organic Gardening in the Hills.
Entry is £2.00 for non-members. Further information can be found at www.cvog.org or by phoning 07977 929684
Hebden Bridge Astronomy Society
How the Outer Planets were NOT discovered
Dr Colin Steel (Manchester)
Colin, a former chairman of Dundee Astronomical Society, keen amateur astronomer & a professional mathematician at the University of Manchester will shine light on the talk topic! On his last visit he took us on a trip away from our sun, looking out and looking back at our home system.
Northern Towns Against Cuts
Austerity bites in the north.
Assemble 10.15am, Halifax Town Hall
March 10.30am from Halifax Town Hall to Halifax Piece Hall
Rally 11.00am in Halifax Piece Hall, with speakers
The Electric Palace Launch Weekend @ Todmorden Hippodrome
Three free film screenings to celebrate the launch of the Electric Palace at Todmorden Hippodrome.
Saturday 2nd Feb - 2pm - Free
Granted one wish, Princess Merida must rely on her bravery and her archery skills to undo a beastly curse. Innovative, exciting and nominated for a Best Animation for the 2013 Oscars.
The King's Speech (15)
Saturday 2nd Feb - 7.30pm - Free
The story of King George VI of Britain, his impromptu ascension to the throne and the speech therapist who helped the unsure monarch become worthy of it.
Slumdog Millionaire (15)
Sunday 3rd Feb - 7.30pm
A Mumbai teen is arrested for cheating on the Indian version of ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’. How come a street kid knows so much?
Elliotts Antique Fair
Mytholmroyd Community Centre, Mytholmroyd.
8am to 4pm. One of the North's most respected venues. Over thirty top dealers offering a complete range of antiques and collectables. Something for everyone. On site cafe serving a comprehensive range of good home cooked food.
Entry £1 concessions 50p.
Harmony Open Mic
Small group harmony acapella singing, all welcome to sing or listen.
upstairs at the Stubbing Wharf
Hebden Bridge
Contact: Lydia 07830 262952
Jammin' with the Dodgers
Stubbings Wharf pub. 8.30. Free
Denny with friends and guests make up the Dodgers perform a lively set of blues, rock and country that will get your foot tapping -and your glass emptying! They play on the first Friday of the Month.
This week (Feb 1st) Dave Nelson will be joining them with his piano to accompany new Hebden Bridge star Terry, straight from her first performance at HX7 Jazz last week, singing some of her compositions and probably a few favourite soul or jazz songs. She alone is worth the trip and the price of a pint.
Sewing Cafe Open Day - with fabric & pattern sale!
Cheeky Sew and Sew are holding an Open Day at their Sewing Cafe in Todmorden on Saturday 19th January. You can come along and find out what the sewing cafe is all about, take a look around and ask any questions you might have. Find out all about the sewing cafe, what do we do, how can you get involved or ask for courses that you would like us to run. There will be free taster sessions of various craft activities and refreshments are available.
There will also be a sale of both new and second hand fabrics, patterns and craft items as well!
12 - 4pm
22 Rochdale Rd, Todmorden
01706 816181
New Year Sale
At Earth Spirit, 23 Market Street, Hebden Bridge - lots of bargains from both Earth Spirit and Spirals - clothes, rugs, furniture, Christmas decs and much more... New stock being added this week - we are having a huge clear out prior to having our shops rennovated after the floods.

Hebden Bridge Railway Station in the 19th century
David Taylor
Without the railway Hebden Bridge would neither have developed as a mill town the way it did nor as a popular 19th century inland resort. This talk will focus on the early station here and at railway expansion into the rest of Yorkshire in those very first years; to where and by what route could a mid-19th century Hebden Bridge rail traveller go? We will then go on to look at railway developments later in the century in Hebden Bridge as well as at accidents here and then at "the visitors". In part this will complement but not duplicate the very popular talk given to the Society by Noel Coates in February 2011.
David has had a long interest in the development of transport in Yorkshire and particularly the railways. He sourced and researched and with Frank Woolrych produced the exhibition in the Waiting Rooms at the station. Although an offcumden to the Calder Valley he has lived all his life in the West Riding. He is currently Treasurer of The Friends of Hebden Bridge Station, a member of the LHS and a volunteer with Pennine Horizons Digital Archive.
Methodist Hall, Market Street, 7.30 pm
Hebden Bridge Local History Society
Speech Bubble
Spoken word fundraiser for Flood Fund
Local writers, including acclaimed poets Carola Luther and Char March, will read poems and short stories to create an evening of thought-provoking entertainment.
Upstairs at The Hole In The Wall, Hangingroyd Lane, Hebden Bridge
£4 - all entrance fees donated to Upper Valley Flood Fund
The Allsorts led by Canadian drummer and composer Katie Patterson, Jazz Yorkshire's Young Musician of the Year 2012
Calderdale Budget Proposals for 2013 to 2016
Have your say. Calderdale Cabinet are asking residents and businesses for feedback on their proposals during a month of consultation.
Public Meeting: The Waterfront Hall, Hebden Bridge, Town Hall, St George’s Street, Hebden Bridge, HX7 7BY, 6.30pm – 8.30pm (doors open at 6.00pm)
A lobby will urge on Thursday 17 January at the next NHS Clinical Commissioning Executive Meeting.
Public meeting to be held in new year with speaker from Anti-Academies Alliance.
Christmas Present Swap at Cheeky Sew and Sew
Cheeky Sew and Sew are hosting a Christmas Present Swap on Saturday 12th January at 2pm at their sewing cafe in Todmorden.
So if you've got too many Bath sets or clothes that don't fit then this is your chance to swap them! Bring along your unwanted Christmas presents to cheeky sew and sew and swap them for things you do want. It's like Christmas all over again! Come along and swap your gifts for vouchers and swap vouchers for goodies.
2pm. free but please book a place.
22 Rochdale Rd, Todmorden
01706 816181
Hebden Bridge Walkers Action relaunch
Town Hall, 7.30pm 14th January. In the meantime we are devising walks to encourage people to use the 906 bus. If you have any favourite walks around Widdop or Hardcastle Craggs please get in touch.
Brand new Zumba class beggining 7.00pm - 8.00pm at Wadsworth Community Centre, HX7 8RY. Open to everyone aged 16+ Contact Laura Elwell on 07852 971044 for further information
Our food future – global vs local?
BEAT is holding its first ever public meeting in Heptonstall on Wednesday 9th January at 7.45pm at the Social and Bowling Club. The topic is Our food future – global vs local? An evening talk and discussion led by Geoff Tansey.
Geoff Tansey has worked on food, agriculture and development issues for over 35 years. He has degrees in soil science (Univ of Aberdeen) and history of and social studies of science (Sussex Univ). He helped found and edit the journal Food Policy in the mid-1970s, has worked on agricultural development projects in Turkey, Mongolia, Albania and Kazakstan and travelled widely.
Since 1981, he has been an independent writer, consultant, and occasional broadcaster. His books include The Food System: a guide (with Tony Worsley) and co-editorship of The future control of food - A guide to international negotiations and rules on intellectual property, biodiversity and food security.
In June 2005, he received a Joseph Rowntree ‘Visionaries for a Just and Peaceful World’ Award and, in 2008, he won the Derek Cooper Award for best food campaigner/educator, at the BBC Radio 4 Food and Farming Awards. He is a member and a trustee of The Food Ethics Council. Website: www.tansey.org.uk.
Wild Rose Heritage and Arts - Untold Stories
Tony Wright
From primary school pupils interviewing older community members to guided walks talking about the places that aren’t there anymore, ‘Untold Stories’ will give you a glimpse into the lives of people you won’t find in the official written record.
Including people’s memories of the past to the lifestyles of today, local voices can bring alive the ideas, thoughts and feelings of the experience of change through stories that people tell. We are all part of an ongoing relationship between people and environment.
Tony Wright was an artist and teacher from 1974 to 2004. Having not lived anywhere for longer than two years, he moved to Hebden Bridge in 1987 and found the place growing on him. Impressive aspect of the area for him was the mixture of people and landscape. He founded Wild Rose Heritage and Arts in 2002 and started recording people's life stories, finding that sometimes it's the people who make the environment and sometimes it's the other way around. He is still in the middle of his quest to document change and its effects on both.
Methodist Hall, Market Street, 7.30 pm
Hebden Bridge Local History Society
Hebden Bridge Astronomy Society
Astronomical Image Processing
Brian Joynes (Doncaster AS)
Brian is going to tell us how to go about amateur astronomical image processing in these days of digital imaging. Apart from astro imaging he is a telescope maker & an amateur boat builder (ranging from 12' timber to a 40ft steel, 21 tonne displacement boat called Albireo)
Woodland Management
Calder Valley Organic Gardeners Monthly Meeting takes place at the
Good Shepherd Centre, Royal Fold, Mytholmroyd on Thursday
10th January 2013 at 7.30pm when Nabil Abbas - Countryside Manager of Marsden Moor and Hardcastle Crags for the National Trust will talk on Woodland Management.
Entry is £2.00 for non-members.
Further information on website
or by phoning 07977 929684
Trades Club New Year Quiz and Curry
9pm £5
Get into the new year with the Trades Club's increasingly popular monthly quiz and curry evening. This one is designed to test your knowledge on the events of the last 12 months.
It is neither serious nor difficult, but it is the most entertaining quiz around with - as you'd expect - the best music round and the cheapest prizes! and it helps raise money for the further development of the best small venue in the North. Dave Boardman in the quizmaster's chair
Elliotts Antique Fair
8am to 4pm.
One of the north's best antique fairs established over 35 years. Some of the north's top dealers offering a complete range of fine antiques and collectables. On site cafe serving snacks and home cooked lunches throughout the day.
Admission adults £1 concessions 50p.
Don't miss it.