Wednesday 12th December at 7.30pm
Hebden Bridge Methodist Hall, Market Street
The History of the House of Thornber
Ann Kilbey
Ann tells the story of the phenomenal rise of this local business from a few broody hens in orange boxes to a pioneering world leader in poultry development.
Ann Kilbey came to live and farm in the Colden Valley in 1968; she started working for Calderdale’s Tourism Section in 1975, and it was through this work that her interest in the history of the area was triggered. She now lives in Cragg Vale and is a Churchwarden at St Johns Church, an active committee member of the Local History Society and a Trustee of Pennine Heritage Limited.
Talk will be followed by a pie and pea supper £2.00 (vegetarians catered for)
Hebden Bridge Local History Society

Homeworkers' Christmas Party
14th December, 7.30 pm
White Lion - upstairs

with live band
“the very best soul
band in the valley” |
Sat 15 December 2007
In aid of HEADS
Mytholmroyd Community Centre:
bar 8pm–12pm, on site free parking,
light supper included
Tickets: On sale at £12.50
(£10.00 concessions) from:
Hebden Bridge Tourist Information Centre or Spirals shop on Market Street, Hebden Bridge, or on the door at £15.00
Book early Limited availability |
Friends of Calder Holmes Park Next Meeting
Monday 17 December at 8pm in the park pavilion. All welcome.

7.30pm, 21st December 2007
Featuring the Hebden Bridge Junior B Band
the Hebden Bridge Junior Band
under the musical direction of
Neil Robinson
St Michael’s Church Hall
£5 Waged Adults
£3 concessions
To include a seasonal drink and a Mince Pies
Tickets available from band members, the band room or on the door.
Advance reservations on 01422 845895 - see news

Christmas Eve
Carols in the Square

5th December
BROADBAND, THE FUTURE - public meeting with Shaun Fensom of the Community Broadband Network and Richard Hull of 3-C - on 5th Dec - more info

5th December
Calder Civic Trust Christmas Social
Upstairs@The White Lion, 7.30pm-9pm
An opportunity for our recently revitalised membership to meet and discuss their views on the future activity and priorities for the Calder Civic Trust in 2008. Nick Wilding will also present a short film collage which will present an historic perspective of the local area.

10th December
Glyn Hughes to launch new book - award winning local writer's new work to be launched 10th December. More info and sample: "only chavs don't buy "organic", - 1 Dec |
Wednesday 28th November at 7.30pm
Hebden Bridge Methodist Hall, Market Street
Carols & Capers;
a look at local Yuletide traditions
Bob Schofield

In good time for Christmas, this lecture will cover the development of the festive season’s customs, especially those local to the West Riding. Many customs relate to the period leading up to the festival, so the journey will commence some weeks before and will conclude on Twelfth Night. On the way, there’ll be ventures into Carol Singing, Sword Dancing and Bell Ringing, with some opportunities for the audience to offer their own memories.
Dr Schofield is an engineer and geographer. Folk customs, music and dance have been an interest for him for over forty years, particularly the traditions of Yorkshire and Lancashire. He was a founder member of the revived Kirkburton Rapier Dancers in 1974 and is still their Captain. His interests also include Bell Ringing in Oxenhope and West Gallery church music with the Larks of Dean Quire in Rossendale. He is currently researching the life of Thomas Parker, a Baptist composer who lived in Oxenhope in the early 1800’s, and the carol singing tradition around Oakenshaw, south of Bradford.
Hebden Bridge Local History Society

Hebden Bridge Coop Members' Group
8th November, 2007, 7pm, finger buffet at 6.30pm
White Lion
More info from Dave Bretherton, 01706 202035

Wednesday 14th November at 7.30pm
Hebden Bridge Methodist Hall, Market Street
Rediscovering our Footpath Network
Andrew Bibby
Recent government legislation means that old public highways and paths may be lost for ever from official rights-of-way maps. Andrew Bibby (chair of the recently formed Walkers’ Action group) will discuss how the footpath network in our area has developed over the centuries, and what should be done locally to contribute to the ‘discovering lost ways’ initiative.
"The fascinating footpaths and steps in Eaves Wood, although used for generations by local people, are not yet officially designated as rights of way.”
Andrew has also been active in the developing Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd as Walkers’ are Welcome towns. He is also a trustee of the Ramblers’ Association. Tonight he will tell the story behind our footpaths and bridleways, how the existing rights of way network came to be established, and past controversies over public access (eg Castle Carr legal case in 19th C). Looking forward, since the Countryside & Rights of Way Act has established a 2026 deadline for recording ‘lost’ public highways and paths on the rights of way map, what should we do locally to identify and record these ‘lost ways’?
Hebden Bridge Local History Society

14th November, Trades Club
Kathy Kelly comes to Yorkshire
"Battlefields Without Borders: Iraqis in Crisis" CND meeting
- more info |

Hebden Bridge Arts Festival
Open Meeting 15 November
The 2008 Arts Festival will be celebrating the 2008 Year of Language in words, music and art with special events collected under the theme of Many Voices. Anyone interested in having their say about the Festival is invited to the open meeting on November 15 from 7.30pm in the Arts Festival shop on Albert Street in Hebden Bridge.

The next meeting of the Friends of Calder Holmes Park will be on Monday 19th November 8pm in the park pavilion. The main issue for dicussion will be play and youth provision. All welcome

Wednesday 21st November at 7.30pm
Hebden Bridge Methodist Hall, Market Street
General Society AGM
The Annual General Meeting
of the General Society
Followed by a short talk on the artist A F Tait - Arthur Fitzwilliam Tait was born near Liverpool and produced many detailed architectural prints of the railway, later going on to become a member of the American Hudson River School.
Hebden Bridge Local History Society

Using the Freedom of Information Act
Thursday 22 November, 7. 30 pm
Stubbing Wharfe
with national journalist Heather Brooke, author of Your Right to Know, expert of FOI Act.
One of an occasional series of public meetings organised by the Calderdale National Union of Journalists.
Wednesday 24th October at 7.30pm
Hebden Bridge Methodist Hall, Market Street
Life in the 1950s
Ian Dewhirst MBE
Whatever the topic this ever popular historian from Keighley is sure to entertain us, tonight we have a look at what life was like in the 1950s.
A retired Reference Librarian, Ian is still writing a weekly feature for the local newspaper but also finds time to do about 80 talks a year. He has written a great many magazine articles and several books - including "Yorkshire Through the Years", "The Story of a Nobody" and "A History of Keighley". He has also appeared on television; received an honorary Doctor of Letters from the University of Bradford, and the MBE for "services to local history".
Hebden Bridge Local History Society

Wednesday 31st October at 7.30pm
Hebden Bridge Methodist Hall, Market Street
Local History AGM
The AGM is followed by a talk by Diana Monahan
G & S (not the musical ones). From a rubbish pile in Croft House to a Local History Archive - a serendipity of discoveries into the Gibson & Sutcliffe archive.
Diana moved to Hebden Bridge in 1990 and was interested in finding out about her old house - just look what has happened since - she is in danger of finding out about the history of the world - well at least Hebden Bridge and District and she never liked history at school! Music and boating still get a look in.
Two years ago the Local History Society, of which Diana is the Secretary and Assistant Librarian, applied for a small Calderdale Council Rural Development Grant to help us archive materials rescued from Croft House, Hebden Bridge. This lecture is about the project which officially finishes this month.
Hebden Bridge Local History Society

Hebden Bridge Bonfire
November 3
The park opens at 4pm with lighting at 6.30pm, children's fireworks at 7pm and main firework display at 8pm. Organised by the Round Table. More info

From Anglo-Saxon times to the 20th Century |
A course of ten evening lectures by Alan Petford, M.A., Lecturer for the University of Leeds
and the Workers Educational Association
Commencing 25th September 2007
Tuesdays 7.30pm to 9.30pm
Upper Room, St James Church, Mytholm
Everyone Welcome
This course explores the way that local landscapes have changed over the centuries as a result of the activities of man. Particular themes will include place names and the landscape, agriculture, enclosure and moorland, textiles and the dual economy, industrial buildings, and the impact of transport.
Booking is recommended but, provided places are still available, you may register for the course at the first meeting. If you wish to reserve a place or enquire about membership, please contact Nigel Smith on 01422 842847.
Hebden Bridge Local History Group |
Friends of Calder Holmes Park
Annual General Meeting
24th September 2007 at 8pm
The Council Offices in Hebden Bridge would like to invite
Open to
anyone who has an interest or opinion in the future of Calder Holmes Park.

Next meeting: Come to the White Lion, Hebden Bridge, 7.30pm, Tuesday 25th September

Mytholmroyd Station Partnership is hold an Open Meeting on Tuesday 25 September at the Church of the Good Shepherd at 19.30hrs.
Everyone is invited to contribute their Wish List for 2008 - anything that will be useful and practical to make the station a nicer place in future.

Wednesday 26th September at 7.30pm
Hebden Bridge Methodist Hall, Market Street
The Life & Times in Pictures
of Alice Longstaff, 1907-1992
Frank Woolrych, Issy Shannon
& Nick Wilding
Alice Longstaff spent 70 years of her life at 25 West End, Hebden Bridge; she photographed many local people from the cradle, through their school days to their wedding days and beyond.
In this, the centenary year of her birth Frank, Issy and Nick take an affectionate look back over her life and times.
Hebden Bridge Local History Society

September 29 from 12noon-5pm, Trades Club
21st CENTURY SOCIALISM - Re-building The Labour Left

Left-winger John McDonnell MP returns to Hebden Bridge to debate and discuss the way forward for the Left in an event @ the Trades Club. Other speakers include Linda Riordan MP (Halifax) and Mike Wood MP (Batley and Spen) Cost of £5.00 includes lunch and copy of John's book, Another World Is Possible. Open to all trade unionists and people interested in politics.
Organised by the Labour Representation Committee
More details Susan Press 07989352406 www.l-r-c.org.uk

Mytholmroyd Walkers Action - Launch
Saturday 29th September at The Good Shepherd, Mytholmroyd. From 10.30am - Guided walks for all ages, Refreshments, Bookstall. Full leaflet can be downloaded here as a pdf file. - posted 17th September 2007

Sunday 7th October
Guided tour of Castle Carr water gardens and site of mansion including display of 100 foot fountain. Sunday 7th October. Entry to estate via Height Lodge, Wainstalls, from 1 - 1.30pm. Cost Adult £5, Child (under 5 free) 5 - 15 £3, Family £12. All proceeds to Oak Tree Foundation - Helping Romanian Children

Sunday 7th October
Open Mic at the Fox and Goose
Uilleann piper Becky Taylor and guitarist Kirk McElhinney
"This exciting acoustic adventure features Kirk's magical vocals, guitar and songwriting, accompanied by Becky's traditional instruments (Uilleann pipes, fiddle and whistles) to create a unique new sound in contemporary acoustic music".

Wednesday 10th October at 7.30pm
Hebden Bridge Methodist Hall, Market Street
A Peep Inside Shibden Hall
A look at its history from 1420 to the present day
Tony Sharp

Tony will give us a personal insight into Shibden Hall, the home of the Lister family for over 300 years, together with anecdotes from his 26 years of working there.
The name Shibden means 'valley of the sheep' and the timber-framed house was probably built by a member of the Otes family, who farmed sheep here in the 15th century.
Hebden Bridge Local History Society
Mytholmroyd Gala - 22nd September
See coverage of previous Mytholmroyd Galas on the Hebden Bridge Web

Thursday August 30th 9 pm
CND Benefit
Local CND-ers will be raising funds and awareness with music and speakers, including Bruce Gagnon – interesting and very engaging speaker and founder of Global Network Against Nuclear Weapons in Space.

Blackshawhead Fete
Saturday 1st September

Power in the Landscape exhibition
Water power in our area, at the Alternative Technology Centre from 28th July - more
1st, 2nd September 2007
Sowerby Bridge Rushbearing Festival
More info
Slack Baptist Chapel Exhibition |
April to October in Heptonstall Grammar School Museum
The exhibition tells the story of the first 100 years of the Chapel which is celebrating its Bicentenary this year. On Saturday July 14th there is an Open Day, Exhibition & Concert at Slack Baptist Chapel (see below) with further celebrations planned in October.
Hebden Bridge Local History Group |
Mitchell Estate & Wainsgate Chapel |
Thursday, September 6
Diana Monahan will guide walkers around parts of the Mitchell Estate, managed by Abraham Gibson of Greenwood Lee; followed by tour of the chapel by the Friends of Wainsgate..
Meeting Venue: Old Town Mill Rd, outside Cricket Club (NB No parking near chapel, please; HB bus service arrives shortly before 7pm)
Time: 7 pm (walk) 8 pm (chapel tour)
Cost: Members free: Suggested donation of £1.50 to offset chapel expenses and restoration
Hebden Bridge Local History Group |
Invitation to all Co-operators
19th September 2007
Methodist Church, 7pm
All welcome
The Group would like to extend an invitation to you to attend an opportunity to meet other local co-operators and to discuss the formation of a Local Cooperative Members' Group in Hebden Bridge on the evening of Wednesday 19th September. The aim of a Co-operative Members' Group is to develop participation in the Society through offering a range of events, activities and opportunities for co-operators, their friends, families and the local community.
Typical Group activities include: Social events, visits to places of interest, receiving speakers at meetings and setting up community links.
If you would like to attend or can't but would like to be kept informed of activities please contact Dave Bretherton, Member Committee Manager before 10th September 2007.
01706 202035
Fax 01706 202193
Next meeting: Come to the White Lion, Hebden Bridge, 7.30pm, Wednesday 15th August - more info
Paula Rego: Recent Prints and
‘The Children’s Crusade’ |
Sunday July 1st to Sunday August 5th
Wednesday - Sunday, 11am - 4pm
Artsmill at Linden Mill
Linden Road
Hebden Bridge
THE CHILDREN’S CRUSADE. A series of prints that refers to events that took place in 1212, chosen to accord with the Festival theme of ‘Freedom’ and coinciding with the bi-centenary of the abolition of the Slave Trade.
RECENT PRINTS. We have come to expect that any new work by Paula Rego will carry with it the pungency of successive years of uncompromising themes, and her recent prints from 2006 do not disappoint. |
Secretly Pleased is a play based on the life of Alice Longstaff and to be produced by Square Peg Productions at Land Farm Gardens, Colden from 1-5 August. More info |
4th & 5th August 2007
Hebden Bridge Vintage Car Weekend
More info
Friday, 3rd August
Charity Bike Ride along the Calder Valley Cycleway, starting and ending in Hebden Bridge - more info |
Friends of the Park
Next meeting
Monday, 6 August, 8 pm
Park pavilion.
Heptonstall Slack Baptist Chapel & Centre:
Open Day, Exhibition & Concert |
Saturday, July 14
Diana Monahan will be leading a brief walk around Heptonstall Slack before the Centre's Open Day.
Meeting Venue: Heptonstall Slack Chapel
Time: Meet for walk 1.30. Open Day 2-5 pm. Concert 6.30 pm
Cost: Walk free to members: Suggested donation of £1.50 to offset chapel expenses
Hebden Bridge Local History Group |
Saturday 28 July
Training Workshop run by 3-C in Hebden Bridge
- more info
Calder Holmes festival
21-22 July - |
25th July
Developing Hebden Bridge - reports of Watchdog meetings, minutes, letter from David Fletcher and info about Civic Trust.
Come and see the biggest
photograph mosaic in Yorkshire
made from over 500 photos of
local flights of stone steps.
More info - 15th July |
Volunteers interested in campaigning for safer roads and streets, better public transport and more facilities for walking and cycling in the Upper Calder Valley are invited to attend a public meeting on Tuesday 24th July, 7.30pm at the White Lion Hotel, Hebden Bridge. - more info
Heptonstall Festivall |
Sunday 8th July 2007
Weavers Square
This years fund raising will go to David Ruse, 15 yrs old, who lives in the village and has severe Autism and extreme learning difficulties. His farther Pete want to take him mountain climbing in Scotland, visit Hadrian's Wall and if enough money is raised on the day, swimming with Dolphins.
Programme and more info |
Eccentric mix of music, comedy, drama, talks and exhibitions, open studios and and open gardens.
Hebden Bridge Station Adoption Group
Next meeting: Tuesday 3rd July at 7.00pm
HEADS and Northlight Art Studios Workshop/Exhibition |
HEADS would like to invite you to free family drop-in art workshops
where adults and children will explore images of Africa, the
Caribbean and the Slave Trade.
As part of the Hebden Bridge Arts Festival, the workshops will be led
by artists John Lyons and Ahmed Kungu and will take place on:
Saturday 30 June at Northlight Art Studios, Valley Road, Hebden Bridge, 11 - 4pm and
Saturday 7 July at Mytholmroyd Community
Centre, Mytholmroyd, 11 - 4pm.
Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
Northlight Art Studios will also be having an exhibition, 'out of the blue',
and open studios on Saturday 30 June and Sunday 1 July 11 - 5pm at
Valley Road, Hebden Bridge. |

Meeting to guage interest in setting up a "Friends of the Park"
group on Wednesday, 18th July - more info
30th June
Sunday 24th June, 11-3
George's Square
Campaign to make Hebden Bridge PLASTICBAGFREE
- more info
Stop the War Demonstration in Manchester |
Sunday 24th June
To coincide with the special Labour leadership conference at which Gordon Brown will be appointed Labour Party leader
The Calderdale coach details are as follows:
Pick up
Halifax 10:15
Hebden Bridge 10:45
Todmorden 11:00
Tickets £5.00 unwaged/ £7.50 waged
Contact Rowena on 01422 843861
- Troops out of Iraq now
- No attack on Iran
- Break the British government's link with US foreign policy
HB Little Theatre |
When We Are Married
By J B Priestley
Directed by Ben Sweeny.
June 18th-23rd, 2007
This is Priestley at his best, showing us pompous, smug characters being knocked off their perches. Throw in a drunken Telegraph and Argus Photographer, a 'dark lady' from the past and a servant who has listened at the keyhole, delighting in their discomfort and you have a guaranteed evening of laughter. |
23rd - 24th June
Cider Festival - at the Stubbings - more info
Developing Hebden Bridge
public meeting
13th June at 7.30
upstairs at the White Lion.
Garden Street carpark: Meeting upstairs at White Lion Hebden Bridge, 3pm, Sunday June 17th for anyone who dislikes the proposed plans for multi storey parking /residential development in Garden St and Tanpits area. To work out strategy and alternatives.
Environmentally Friendly Funerals - Open Day
Thursday 14th June, from 12noon till 3pm
There will be an Open Day at Valley Chapel of Rest on Thursday 14th June, from 12noon till 3pm. We will have environmentally friendly coffins and urns on display and staff will be around to answer any questions you may have. There'll be a slide presentation at 2pm and refreshments will be available. Please come along!
in Hebden Bridge |
Friday 8th June
7.30pm - 9.00pm
Public meeting
Methodist Church Hall
Kate Hudson, Chair of CND
Chair, Chris McCafferty MP for Calder Valley
Activists from across Calderdale have come together to launch a new Calderdale Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament group. Reflecting the national trend of increasing activity and support for the work of CND, the group plan to organise events and generate public support opposing Nuclear Weapons and the US Missile Defence, or 'Star Wars' programme.
Calderdale CND will be officially launched on Friday 8th June with a public meeting in Hebden Bridge. The meeting is entitled; 'Trident Replacement; after the Parliamentary Vote' and will be chaired by Chris McCafferty, MP for Calder Valley. Guest speakers include Kate Hudson, Chair of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
Download leaflet |
Calder Futures River Day Saturday, 9th June
1. Meet at 10am at the station end of the Hebden Bridge Cycletrack for a balsam pull
2. Bridge on Spring Grove at 1pm. To remove furniture, tyres etc and the rubbish/glass etc from Hebden Water at Salem.
More info
Friends Of Colden School |
Saturday 9th June
7:30pm, Land Farm
A Classical Summer Evening - Saturday 9th June. 7:30pm. Once again Due Voci are joined by John Ramsdin to perform some lighter classical and humourous pieces. Accompanied by Ailie Kerrane, Hazel Bone and Nick Watts.
More info |
Trades Club
25th May
with the support of Kulu.
The Mill Pond was bought by developers who wanted to use it for housing. There was an outcry from local residents over what became known as "Chainsaw Tuesday" on October 19, 2004, when dozens of mature trees were felled.
Planning permission was refused. The developer eventually put the site up for auction. Residents clubbed together, and with the help of a benefector who provided a large loann, raised enough money to buy the site for the community.
Residents have since begun improving the land, renovating a footpath and planting an oak tree. The plan to retain the site as one of the few wet woodlands in the Calder Valley. It will become a refuge for a wide range of wildlife.
Group member Louise Brough said: "We have formed a company, which we hope will be given charitable status. Now we need to raise money to repay the loan."
The group will be staging a benefit concert at the Trades Club in Hebden Bridge on May 25, with the support of Kulu.
Donations can be made to the Millpond Fund and sent to Carol Holden, 28, Windsor Road, Hebden Bridge.
Anyone wanting more details about the work of the group, or wishing to volunteer with the project, can contact Louise Brough on 01422 845180. |
Maddy Prior and the Carnival Band |
Thursday 24th May 2007 – 8.00pm
(Doors open 7.30pm)
St Thomas the Apostle, Heptonstall
Tickets £15.50 – unreserved seating
Contact: 01422 842138
Music for Tavern and Chapel
See the return of Maddy Prior and the Carnival Band. Best known for their sell out Christmas carols tours, the pairing are now set to undertake a celebration of the 300th anniversary of one of the key influences on their work, Charles Wesley. |
Glass exhibition and demonstrations at Gibson Mill |
Saturday 5 May – Saturday 2 June.
Glass blowing demonstrations will take place on 5-7 May and 26 May – 2 June from 11am – 4.30pm.
The exhibition of glass work by local artist, Barry Clark, will be held at Gibson Mill. Handmade glass in an exhibition entitled ‘The Guise of Leaves’ will feature work by local glassmaker, Barry Clark, who works in blown, engraved and stained glass.
Based in nearby Hebden Bridge, Barry has taken the surrounding countryside as his inspiration, he uses glass in its molten form to give soft organic curves and in its cold form to give hard flat surfaces, contrasts which are evident in the local geography. The work ranges from five-feet high architectural panels down to six-inch diameter bowls intricately engraved with stylised images of wildlife. The exhibition has taken a year to put together and the changing seasons are reflected in the arrays of coloured glass on show.
As part of the exhibition, Barry will be demonstrating glass blowing over the two bank holiday weekends in the month. Visitors can request pieces which will be ‘blown to order’ on the day as well as see the level of care and dedication in this specialist skill.
The mill is open daily during local school holidays from 11am – 4.30pm, outside of school holidays Saturdays and Sundays from 11am – 4.30pm, last admission is 30 minutes before closing.
For more information on visiting Hardcastle Crags and Gibson Mill, telephone 01422 844518. |
Book Sale 11-4 on Saturday 26 May, Festival Shop. Brand new paperbacks (mostly children's) 50p and brand new hardbacks £1.50 plus some signed books and some drama, fiction etc. All 50p or £1.50. Proceeds to HB Arts Festival.

Celebrity ducks competing in the Colden Duck Race
on Monday, 28th May - more info
Archery and Cricket Fun Day |
Saturday 2nd June
Salem Cricket Field, over Foster Mill Bridge (packhorse bridge), end of Spring Grove, Foster Lane, Hebden Bridge.
Activities: Have-a-go archery, 6-a-side cricket tournament, refreshments.

Mixed Media Responses |
Preview: Sunday 4th February 2007 6 - 9 pm
Dandelion and Burdock
Jude Howe uses a range of mixed media creating abstract responses to the natural and built environment. A selection of 3D work in glass and ceramics will also be shown on the preview evening.
Exhibition runs:
Weds 7th February - Sunday 27th May
Dandelion and Burdock,
16 Town Hall Street, Sowerby Bridge
West Yorkshire HX6 2EA (01422) 316000
Wed - Sat 6pm - Late
Sat & Sun 11am - 3pm |
Hands Off the People of Iran
Calderdale launch meeting
Speakers: Linda Riordan MP and Mehdi Kia (Iranian exile)
Friday May 11th, at 7pm, in Halifax Central library.
All welcome.
For more details visit http://www.hopoi.org/
Friends of Colden School |
Saturday 5th May
7:30pm, Land Farm
A Little Spring Music - An evening of music from Sopranos Due Voci and Friends. Mandy Doyle and Viv Burr will be joined by Baritone John Ramsdin to perform together and solo at Land Farm. Accompanied by Ailie Kerrane, Hazel Bone and Nick Watts.
More info |
8th May
Blackshaw Optimistic Gardeners - plant sale - more info
Public Meeting 2nd May
- an independent forum for Hebden Bridge?
A public meeting has been organised for 7.30pm Wednesday 2nd May, upstairs at The White Lion, Hebden
Bridge. This is to discuss recent developments and 'improvements' in Hebden Bridge and surrounding villages. The intention is to oppose unsympathetic development and to promote development that is more in-keeping with the character of the town. The meeting will consider setting up an independent, non-political forum. All welcome! For more info contact Nick Wilding
HB Little Theatre |
A Murder is Announced
Adapted by Leslie Darbon
Based on the novel by Agatha Christie
Directed by Steve Hirst.
April 23rd-28th, 2007
'Murder is Announced' was already established as a 'classic of detective fiction' and Leslie Durbon's seventies stage adaptation adds wit and humour to a plot full of the usual red herrings and larger than life characters. This was the first of the Miss Marole mysteries produced for television. |
Sunday April 29th
Hebden Bridge's Dave Nelson and others join jazz saxophonist Peadar Long for Celestial Echoes - more info
The concert is in the afternoon, starting at 3.30pm, Unitarian Church, Todmorden. Tickets cost £6 (£4 concessions) and are available at the door. For any further information please ring 01706 813255.
59 Steps Studio exhibition |
Fifteen local artists have come together to have their first exhibition which will kick the 2007 Hebden Bridge Arts Festival off to a colourful start.
The artists are from the newly formed 59 Steps Studio located in the Melbourne Works, Hebden Bridge.
A variety of work will be exhibited over two separate weekends.
Friday 20-22nd
Friday 27-29 April
Between 12 mid-day and 5pm.
Everyone is welcome. |
The Errand of the Eye
Coastal Paintings by Penny Wood
northlight art studios
More info
Radical cultures in the West Riding of Yorkshire |
14th April 2007
A one-day conference at the University of Bradford.
The West Riding had a rich and diverse radical tradition, the origins of which can be traced back to at least the eighteenth century. The region played a central role in many of the principal political movements of the modern period: parliamentary reform; Chartism; trades unionism; radical Dissent; secularist and republican radicalism; ethical socialism and labour politics; and sexual and utopian radicalism. This conference explores the institutions, individuals, associational culture and memory of radicalism in the historic West Riding of Yorkshire.
More info |
Labour Party Curry Night
Trades Club Thursday
April 5 8.30pm.
£4 including food. All welcome
6th April
See news item for full details
Plus: illustrated talk by Dr Eddie Cass: The Pace Egg Plays of the Calder Valley.
1.30 pm Heptonstall Church
£2.50 including refreshments
Presented in association with the Hebden Bridge Local History Society
See also: Hebweb feature on the Pace Egg plays. |
An Exhibition
from their collection of oral history and related memorabilia

At Heptonstall Museum
Opening: Good Friday April 6th 2007 – Pace Egg Day then on Saturday’s - Sunday’s and Bank Holiday’s for one month
01422 845811 – info@wildrosearts.net - www.wildrosearts.net
11:00 am to 4:00 pm |
DUCK RACE - Easter Monday, 9th April, 3.15pm

Rebel Girls: the suffragette movement
in the Calder Valley |
Friday, 13 April, Mytholmroyd 7.30 pm.
Jill Liddington talks about her latest book: Rebel Girls
Methodist Church, Scout Road, Mytholmroyd.
Mytholmroyd Historical Society: 01422 884980.
Admission: £2 for non-members; no booking required.
More info |
Wednesday 28th March
Richard Almond
Mediaeval Hunting - Hunting Through Art

In the Middle Ages hunting was an economic as well as a leisure activity. Richard, a freelance writer and historian, will show that hunting, including fishing, hawking and poaching, was enjoyed by all classes, and by women as well as men.
Methodist Hall, 7.30 pm
Hebden Bridge Local History Group

The Unfamiliar Self - Platform 1 Gallery Todmorden
(right next to Todmorden Train Station). Four artists are exploring the nature of the unconscious through media such as abstract watercolours, paper sculpture, ceramics, print and textiles. The opening night is Friday March 2nd 6.00-9.30pm (free wine & nibbles) and the exhibition runs until March 26th. Gallery opening times are Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun 11-4pm.

Wednesday 14th March Dave Shepherd & Brian Howcroft
Calderdale Prehistory – Moving On
Dave has authored several articles on local prehistory, and gave a very popular lecture to the society in 2006. Brian is a longstanding member of Huddersfield Archaeological Society.
Methodist Hall, 7.30 pm
Hebden Bridge Local History Group
Labour leadership candidate
John McDonnell to visit Hebden Bridge |
Friday, 16 March 2007
Stubbing Wharf, 7.30 pm
Left-winger John McDonnell has been waging a grassroots campaign against Gordon Brown to become Leader of the Labour Party - and the next Prime Minister.
John is standing on a ticket which calls for more investment in public services, troop withdrawal from Iraq, no Trident renewal, more social housing and an end to PFI.
John is supported by thousands of ordinary Labour members, trade unions, the FBU, RMT and ASLEF. He's currently "within striking distance" of getting on the leadership ballot. Come and find out why at the Stubbing Wharf, March 16. Other speakers include Halifax MP Linda Riordan.
John McDonnell's website: www.john4leader.org.uk
An open meeting for anyone who would like to help out at the Festival is planned for March 20 at 7.30pm in the Arts Festival shop on Albert Street, Hebden Bridge. More info
HB Little Theatre |
By Alan Ayckbourn
Directed by Ray Riches.
February 19th -24th, 2007
Part of 'The Damsels in Distress' trilogy, the play has been described as being 'at once near the knuckle, touching and outrageously funny'. Typical of Ayckbourn he gives us plenty to laugh at whilst capturing the poignancy of people desperately having to face up to the moral consequences of their actions. |
A showcase of regional brass talent will take place at Halifax Parish Church on Saturday 24 February. Tickets £2 and are available from Halifax Parish Church or phone 07734772815
The concert begins at 6pm and will feature all of this years test pieces by bands competing in every section of the Yorkshire Area Championships in March. |
Wednesday 28th February Kathryn Lumb
The Halifax Zoo

Kathryn Lumb is a farmer’s daughter, married to a farmer whose farm is adjacent to what was the zoo. She heard many anecdotes and tales from her husband’s relatives which triggered her interest in the zoo.
Methodist Hall, 7.30 pm
Hebden Bridge Local History Group
Green/ethical networking event |
Networking get-together for ethical and green businesses
and organisations in Calderdale and surrounding areas.
Thursday, March 1st, 6.30-8.30 pm
Trades Club
The event is deliberately un-sponsored and not-for-profit so there is a small registration fee of £5 per person to cover the buffet and printing as well as the constitutionally required day-membership of the Trades Club for those attendees who are not members.
More info
Sunday 11 February 2007
The Bear Wholefoods, Todmorden
Calder Valley Organic Gardeners
See previous Potato Day in Mytholmroyd
Mytholmroyd Station - meeting |
Monday 12 February at 7 pm
Church of the Good Shepherd
To review our work last year and decide what projects we should concentrate on during 2007. Eg, Plants and Shrubs - Part II, Statues - what of and where? Village direction noticeboards.
Village/station history boards.
Schools art project.
What would you like to see at your station? |
Wednesday 14th February
Paul Weatherhead
Season of the Witch:
The Lion, the Witch and Cliff Richard
Paul’s talk covers, amongst other things, the story of the witch who tried to buy Slack Baptist Chapel which led to an international media frenzy.
Methodist Hall, 7.30 pm
Hebden Bridge Local History Group
Walkers' Day |
Sunday February 18th, 10 am - 4 pm
Riverside School.
Walkers’ day is organised by Hebden Bridge Walkers Action which was formed in September 2006 by a group of Hebden Bridge people who enjoy walking in our beautiful countryside and want to encourage others to share our enjoyment.
Download leaflet about Walkers' Day
Hebden Bridge Walkers' Action website |
HB Methodist Church Open House |
A New Dawn
Friday 2nd February
7.30pm to 9.30pm
Methodist Church
For anyone who wants to come in and take time to look foward.
The beginning of February is the Celtic festival of Imbolc, and the Christian celebration of Candlemas. Imbolc was the first day of spring, the beginning of the end of winter as the days begin to lengthen, lambs are born and bulbs begin to shoot. Candlemas marks the presentation of the child Jesus in the Temple. It is the last look back at the Christmas story, and the first look forward to Good Friday and Easter. The medieval church loved Candlemas! Families would bring their supply of candles to church to be blessed, and the story of Candlemas would be acted out. This is a natural turning-point in the seasons of the year. It gives us an opportunity to look back and see where we've been, and to look foward to where we need to go.
"It will be informal and quiet, not in any sense a church service. It's something the church is offering to people who want somewhere quiet. People can come and go as they please - just drop in, and go again when they want. There will be candles to light for those who want to, gentle music to listen to, and readings on the hour and half-hour as a focus for thought - but most importantly it will be a chance to stop and think."
GROWING ORGANIC when the oil runs out |
Weds 31st January 7.30 pm
Dr Humberto Rios Labrada
Cuban agrigultural expert
plant breeder | singer
Hebden Bridge Methodist Church Hall, Market Street 01422 842752 |
ALLOTMENTS: Public Meeting |
Wednesday, 24th January 2007
Riverside School, 7:30 pm
Hebden Royd Council are holding a meeting to determine the
demand for allotments (Hebden Royd area only). "All people who are electors within the parish of Hebden Royd are entitled to attend this meeting and express their opinion on the matter." |
Wednesday 24th January
Ian Bailey
Child Labour
In the early 19th century the production of textiles was under transformation from domestic industry to newly built factories. This talk will consider the evidence regarding the employment of children in the mills of the Upper Calder Valley and the reaction it created.
Methodist Hall, 7.30 pm
Hebden Bridge Local History Group
Barry White: Painting as Frozen Music? |
Wednesday 24 th January - Sunday 4th March 2007
Arts Mill Gallery, Linden Mill
Entrance free
Barry White’s abstract paintings have both their own architecture and a personal sense of place. There is a compelling sense that you are not just looking at them, but are about to enter into their space. Listening to music, Bach’s suites for solo cello or Charlie Parker’s improvisations, in their individual ways take the receptive listener along a path of exploration and creative development in terms of abstract form and sound. More info |
Colden School Fundraiser - Burns Night |
Friday 26th January from 8pm
Heptonstall Bowling Club.
"After the Christmas and New Year excitement things go a bit flat" said Debbie McCall, Chair of FOCS " We think the Scots have got it right by having a bit of a party at the end of the month to celebrate the life of their Famous son!
A meal of ‘Haggis, Neeps &Tatties’, (vegetarian option also available!) a Wee Dram, Scottish Piper, and 'Ode to a Haggis' read by a homesick Scot - followed by a Disco! Kilt and Tam o’ Shanter is optional!
Tickets are on sale now at £10, or £12 on the door. They are available at May's Aladdins Cave, Edge Lane Colden, Heptonstall Post Office. Alternatively call Debbie McCall on 01422 845490 or email Vanessa Kay: ness@pumpsquarecottage.fslife.co.uk |
Friday 19th January
Trades Club, Hebden Bridge, W. Yorks
Tickets: Trades Club or 07941 597 584
"Local R&B Legends, The core of the Bloody Big Soul Band"
White Ribbon Campaign website |
Beatyourartout at the trades |
Saturday, 20th January 2007
Trades Club, 9.30 ‘til late, £6/4 (members)
Beatyourheartout….designed once again for you to meet like minded folks, to bring music to your ears and laughter to your lips, with a specially selected program of animations, music videos, experimental and short films, from new, up-coming filmmakers, established film makers and Beatyourheartout veterans, all served with a bit of cake for good measure. With live music from: Madeleine Brooks. |
Wednesday 10th January Dr George Redmonds
Place Names, Surnames and First Names
A writer and broadcaster, Dr Redmonds is a leading surnames expert and author of such books as 'Surnames and Genealogy, A New Approach'.
Methodist Hall, 7.30 pm
Hebden Bridge Local History Group

Tuesday 16th January, 2007,
Todmorden Network Meeting
3.30pm Ferney Lee School, Todmorden
(Light supper provided)
More info
Juliet Barker on "Agincourt" |
8th January 2007
St John's Church, Cragg Vale, 7.30pm
Local historian Juliet Barker will be talking about her ground-breaking book on the battle of Agincourt to the Yorkshire Countrywomen's Association Cragg Vale Group at 7.30pm at St John's Church, Cragg Vale, on Monday 8th January.
Open to all, £1 entry including refreshments. |
1st January, 2007
Hardcastle Crags, Yorkshire,
Tel: 01422 844518
Clear the cobwebs and enjoy the Crags in all their winter glory. This amazing walk starts at Hebden Bridge Railway Station, following the riverside path up to Hardcastle Crags and into the beautiful wooded valley. The landscape here is varied and includes deep rocky ravines, tumbling streams and oak, beech and pine woodland. Bring a packed lunch with you, as the walk is three hours long. The walk is free, but call the property for departure time. Booking essential.

Events from 2005-6