News, Features and forthcoming Events
Blue plaques for everyday heroes: see the plaques all over Hebden Bridge, commemorating lives from 100 years ago. Part of an Arts Festival project. Read more. (8 March)
STEVE BELL - a big draw for Arts Festival. Legendary cartoonist Steve Bell is the first act announced for this year’s Hebden Bridge Arts Festival with an appearance at Hebden Bridge Town Hall on Monday 26 June. Read more. (6 March)
SHIBDEN HALL is the new Sally Wainwright eight part drama series: After Happy Valley, Last Tango in Halifax, Scott and Bailey and others, the first few episodes of Sally Wainwright’s next drama is based on the book Nature's Domain by Mytholmroyd writer Jill Liddington, published by Hebden Bridge publishers Pennine Pens. Read more. (5 March)
Campaign to Save Calder College Demonstrators were out in force at the weekend against the proposed sell-off of Calder College, one of the last remaining community resources in Todmorden. The college has been well-used by the whole of the Upper Valley. Read more (7 March)
Blackshawhead launches crowd-funded defibrillators: On Saturday 4th March, two newly installed defibrillators in Blackshawhead went online with a training and 'launch' event, attended by around 30 residents. Read more and see photo and video
Calder Valley Search and Rescue hit 1000 The CVSR was formed in 1966 and on Thursday, 2 March the team was out at Top Withens (or Wuthering Heights) for their 1000th incident. Read more. (4 March)
Tree planting plan to cut flood risk: Hundreds of thousands of trees are to be planted on moorland to try and reduce the risk of flooding in the Calder Valley. See BBC news page
'Reflections of Light' Exhibition at Artsmill from Weds 8 March, featuring the works of Phyllis Hargreaves who takes inspiration from Healey Dell Nature Reserve. Read more. (28 Feb)
HebWeb Forum: latest threads include Deportation and Immigration involving a local family, dogs on a lead, 906 bus, Customer First, and the cuckoo. (1 March)
Flood Resilience Grants Time is running out for residents and businesses to apply for funding up to £5000 to make their properties more resilient against flooding. Full application, survey and quote to be submitted by 31 March. Read more. (24 Feb)
Arts Festival: Call out to collectors: Hebden Bridge Arts Festival wants to hear from local collectors keen to take part in an exhibition of their prize possessions at the Egg Factory. Read more. (21 Feb)
Big wins for Labour Candidates in Fairfield and West End Wards. Sue Fenton (Fairfield) and Sarah Courtney (West End), the Labour candidates for the Town Council bye-elections, each landed over 50% of the vote. The 3 candidates who didn't respond to the HebWeb invitation to post messages and photos received the least votes. Results and info (17 Feb)
Spring and Port Wine at the Little Theatre this February. Thanks to Bruce Cutts for photos of the cast. Read more.
How floods inspired investment at Craggs Country Business Park. The recently completed Business Park is bringing a boost to the local economy, and firms such as Make Solutions, Blazing Saddles and VisioSound thanks to the vision and determination of the landowner and support from Calderdale Council. Read more (19 Feb)
Floods minister visits Mytholmroyd: Thérèse Coffey was in Mytholmroyd to see design options for a new £15 million flood alleviation scheme. See ITV news report (15 Feb)
New radios to boost flood warden communications Calderdale Council and the Environment Agency have funded some new radios, which flood wardens will use to give and receive messages quickly and easily in the event of a flood. Read more (14 Feb)
Beer by candlelight: A power cut from 11am - 3:50pm left half of the town centre between George Square and the Trades Club without electricity and heating. A few businesses remained open, like the bakery, the book shop, Holt's and Calan's Micro Pub (see photo above) (13 Feb - thanks to Ralph Nimmann)
What's going on? Check out all the events listed in the HebWeb What's on Section
Festival Open Evening where the first big name will be announced. Monday 6 March will also be a chance to discuss last year’s festival, and hear plans for the future.
Read more (10 Feb)
Calrec sold to a French buyout group Astorg for £203m. Based at Nutclough Mill, the company employs 135 staff, designs and makes consoles for the BBC and other UK and overseas broadcasters. See Yorkshire Post article.
Above: work on Lees Yard in preparation for being the new home of Hebden Bridge Market. Click photo to enlarge. (1 Feb)
Town Council Bye-Election candidates: On Thurs, 16 Feb, bye-elections will take place in Fairfield and West End wards of Hebden Royd Town Council. Eight candidates are competing for the 2 seats. This news page give details. The HebWeb will post candidate messages and photos (5 to date) as they are received. (updated 27 Jan)
Festivals team up for Open Weekend. The Arts Festival has joined forces with the Open Studios and is bringing back Open Gardens for a special open cultural weekend this summer. Meet 100 local artists and visit 50 gardens. Read more (22 Jan)
Bridges not Walls demo in Hebden Bridge on the day Donald Trump became President of the USA. (20 Jan)
Hebden Bridge Market on the move: Work is finally due to start later this month on the relocation of Hebden Bridge market to Lees Yard, off our main square. Read more (19 Jan)
Demolition: Damaged during the 2015 Boxing Day floods the Children's Centre is being demolished to make way for a new car park. Photo: After Alice Project. Click photo to enlarge. See also: Forum thread (17 Jan)
Trades Club Ground Floor work starts: A volunteer work brigade of socialists and trade unionists has begun the task of renovating the ground floor of the Trades Club at Hebden Bridge, which was devastated by the floods of Boxing Day, 2015. Read more. (8 Jan)
Chris Green OBE - Founder of the White Ribbon Campaign, Chris Green has been awarded an OBE. The organisation, with its headquarters in Mytholmroyd, is men working for the elimination of violence against women. (31 Dec)
King Arthur ruled from Hebden Bridge! Retired Bangor University professor Peter Field claims to have found evidence showing King Arthur was a Yorkshireman who ruled Camelot from Slack above Hebden Bridge. See BBC News article (18 Dec) But is it the correct Slack? See Forum
Yorkshire Post on Hebden Bridge win: "Flood-hit Yorkshire high street and village bring award honours to region." (13 Dec)
HEBDEN BRIDGE WINS! - Great British High Street Award in the Small Market Town category. Almost one year after our town was wrecked and shut down by the Boxing Day Flood.
Calder Valley Voices raise £600 for Freedom from Torture and the Forget-me-not charities, at their annual Christmas concert. See photo below. Read more (11 Dec)
How the Hippies Changed Hebden Bridge: An exhibition organised by the Local History Society aims to show how those who moved into our area in the 1970s - the locals called them 'hippies' - kick-started the cultural renaissance which is today so Hebden Bridge. Read more. (6 March)
Let Calderdale Breathe. Calderdale Air Pollution public discussion organised by Calderdale Green Party, Tues 7th March. See What's on

Dance Festival to return for second year: The Hebden Bridge Dance Festival has received a grant of £3,150 to organise a second festival on the weekend 20-22 October 2017. Read more. (5 March)
Titus Salt – Philanthropic Paternalist or Capitalist Villain? Speaker Maria Glot told a recent Univerity of the Third Age meeting how Titus Salt made his fortune from Alpaca, became Mayor of Bradford and created Salts Mill and Saltaire. Read more. (2 March)
Great Uncle Percy: Inventor of ‘Cats’ Eyes’ Glenda Shaw told the local History Society of the story of Percy Shaw, inventor of the reflecting road studs or ‘Cats’ Eyes’ Read more. (1 March)
Handmade Parade Spark Day: Would you like to see giants in George’s Square, Bridge Gate awash with crazy inventions or Calder Holmes Park transformed into a intergalactic playground? If so, now is the chance to make it happen. Read more. (27 Feb)
Piano Festival programme launch takes place at the Town Hall on Sat 11th March where there'll be live jazz piano music provided by Festival Director David Nelson. Read more. (24 Feb)
Town Council Vacancy: A vacancy on the Council has arisen (White Lee ward) following the resignation of Green councillor, Elizabeth King. A Bye-Election will be held if, within 14 working days, 10 electors for the ward give notice in writing. Read more. (23 Feb)
Worse than the Poll Tax says Labour group leader Cllr Tim Swift who has slammed Calderdale Conservatives for targeting people on low incomes in their budget proposals. (22 Feb)
Barclays Demo - today in Hebden Bridge by opponents of the bank's support and ownership of fracking companies. Click photo to enlarge. (22 Feb)
Yorkshire Post on Hebden Bridge and the Trades Club "Hebden Bridge is one of Yorkshire’s most-famous towns. With a thriving community of independent stores and a population of people who champion the arts, built around some of the UK’s most picturesque countryside, it has become a large tourist attraction. The Trades Club, has transformed into one of Britain’s coolest intimate venues." Read more(20 Feb)
Calderdale are looking for School Governors Governing bodies rely on a variety of experiences and perspectives. No prior knowledge is required. Training and support is available for new and existing governors and is free of charge. Read more. (20 Feb)
Flood Alleviation Scheme for Hebden Bridge: the scheme will also aim to address surface water issues in the town, and wish to gather knowledge and anecdotal evidence from the community. Read more.
Job Vacancy - Catering Assistant (Maternity Leave cover until February 2018). The Town Hall are looking for a committed and enthusiastic person to assist in the day to day running of The Town Hall cafe, bar and events catering. Read more. (14 Feb)
906 Bus Service axed - see Forum message
People Puzzles and Earning a Living: Mike Crawford gave the The Alan Petford Memorial Lecture 2017 to the Local History Society, explaining the fascination of working with old documents. Read report (13 Feb)
Shaking Hitler's Hand (by proxy) - Alun Pugh told U3A that his father was a bomber pilot during WW2 and at a reunion many years later he met some Luftwaffe pilots. One of them had shaken the Fuhrer’s hand. Read report (12 Feb)
The Spirit Level: Report of the Lit & Sci Lecture given by Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson. Their 2009 book on inequality, happiness and wellbeing became a surprise success. Read report (7 Feb)
Book Review: Jonathan Timbers reviews Michael Haslam's Scaplings, Star Jelly and a Seeming Sense of Soul which is to be launched at the Stubbing Wharf on 17 February. Read review. (6 Feb)
HebWeb Small Ads - The HebWeb is brilliant. Found tutor within 3 days… We have found a candidate. The response was excellent as was the calibre of the candidates.
Job Vacancy - Casual Cafe/ Bar assistant. The Town Hall is looking for a committed and enthusiastic person to assist in the day to day running of The Town Hall cafe, bar and events catering. Read more.
'Molly and Bill' launched in local residential care homes. The name of the project is an acronym of ‘making our lives lively and being involved in local life’, and the project is working with 5 residential care homes and the Community Place at Calderdale Royal.Read more. (2 Feb)
Mytholmroyd: the development of a Pennine village - Rodney Collinge told the Local History Society how developments from the Ice Age to the end of the 19th century have left their marks on the area. Read more. (31 Jan)
New grant available for flood-hit businesses: A new grant launched by Calderdale Council and the Community Foundation for Calderdale will help businesses affected by the 2015 floods to expand. Read more. (26 Jan)
Call for Artists for Hebden Bridge Open Studios 2017 during the Open Weekend of 7-9 July. Last year over 90 artists welcomed visitors into their studios and workshops. More info (25 Jan)
French Government honours D Day Veterans: Medals were presented to 2 local servicemen for their part in the D Day Landings in 1944, at Hebden Bridge Town Hall on Weds 18th Jan. Read more (24 Jan)
Town Council adopts Animal Welfare Motion: Green Hebden Royd Town Councillor Elizabeth King has successfully introduced an important animal welfare motion. Read more (22 Jan)
Job Vacancy: one casual usher at the Hebden Bridge Picture House. Full details here (20 Jan)
Local History: Did I see Marilyn? Allan Stuttard gave a talk to the Local History Society on his time as a soldier during the Korean War. Read more (19 Jan)
Calder High and Cragg Vale schools consultation Proposals to close Cragg Vale J & I School and to enlarge and change the age range of Calder High School to create an all-through School. See consultation document (pdf) - and see Forum message
Station Parking: the Yorkshire Post has reported this morning that a scheme to expand parking at Hebden Bridge, Mytholmroyd and other stations in the region has been given the go-ahead. (9 Jan)
What was on in 2016? We've just archived our past events page. Hundreds of events from last year can be viewed or searched. And from previous years. Just click here. See also: HebWeb archives
Waving not Drowning: How Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd fought back after the Boxing Day Floods. Producer Jason Elliott says, "This not a film about a weather event. It is the story of community self-empowerment." Watch video
FLOODS: BOXING DAY 2015. A year ago, all shops, cafes, most pubs and hundreds of homes were wrecked. One year on the town has bounced back and is thriving once again. See more photos and read the HebWeb feature on the great flood. And our news section for how Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd coped with the aftermath. (Photo: HebWeb)

The Floods one year on - see this news item for details of some of the progress which has been made over the past year. And for some of the plans for continued work into 2017. Read more (16 Dec)
HebWeb Sounds and Vision: 3 new videos added. One showing the new flood prevention movable sign at The Book Case. Others on a Hebden Bridge map, and the Safer Together Christmas Tree. Sounds and Vision section
Calderdale's air pollution crisis: "Unlawful levels of air pollution" in Hebden Bridge will continue according to Anthony Rae of Friends of the Earth in this Forum message, commenting on a disappointing new local strategy for emissions (14 Dec)

£37,000 grant will help Hebden Bridge get affordable housing Calder Valley Community Land Trust, which is working to bring more affordable housing to the upper Calder valley, heard this week that it has been awarded a feasibility grant of £37,700 to enable it to advance its project for the former High Street area Read more (6 Dec)
Hebden Bridge Picture House: The Life and Times of a Local Treasure The Friends of the Picture House are delighted to announce the release of a book of the history of the cinema written by daughter and father team Kate Higham and Ray Barnes. Read more (30 Nov)
Hebden Bridge Visitor Centre wins award: Staff are celebrating after winning the prestigious Visitor Information award at the Welcome to Yorkshire, White Rose Awards ceremony. Badly flooded on Boxing Day, the Centre is now fully operational. Read more (24 Nov)
HebWeb Forum - Floods - it's the drains!
Todmorden Lamplighter Festival: The 4th annual Lamplighter Festival took place on Saturday, 19th November. See more photos of the Festival from Craig Shaw.
The White Swan Takes Flight Again after being closed due to catastrophic flood damage last Boxing Day, was finally able to re-open its doors on Thursday 3 November following extensive restoration work. Read more
Craig Whittaker, our MP, spoke Friday in Parliament against a new law to pardon all gay and bisexual men in England and Wales historically convicted of sexual offences that are no longer criminal. Read more. 22 Oct)
Hebden Bridge on YouTube
- Squeeze moves into Valet stores
- Hebden Bridge School on BBC Look North
- Market Street shopowners speak
Hebden Bridge Camera Club winners. More info and larger photos
Small Ads: "House successfully rented through Hebweb. Fantastic posting wall!"
No place for young men: Alex Kostyakov has written a moving piece on work chances for young men in Hebden Bridge. Why do you never get served a latte by a young man, and is there a connection with break-ins at the park and station cafes? Read more.
HebWeb Small Ads - jobs offered, accommodation, cleaning, tax books, summer school, venues, plumbing, services and other quirky Hebden Bridge stuff.
Hippy Valley is an eBook published by Pennine Pens - monologues and songs performed by storyteller George Murphy who often uses the news and discussion on the Hebweb for inspiration for his comic tales. Read more (29 July)
Community Wind Turbine Success: Pennine Community Power's wind turbine in Blackshaw Head has hit the 100,000kWh generation milestone. That's enough electricity to power more than 25 homes for a year. Read more (11 Oct)
Picasso’s Portraits: Report of the recent Lit & Sci meeting where the speaker was someone who grew up in Hebden Bridge and who is now Director of the National Portrait Gallery: Nicholas Cullinan. Read more
1916: The women machinists' strike in Hebden Bridge Andrew Bibby told the recent History Society meeting how, exactly a hundred years ago, in November 1916, at the height of World War One, women garment makers of Hebden Bridge came out on strike. Read more

The Hebden Bridge Annual - now available. After the Floods some of the Egg Factory members decided that everyone deserved cheering up so they set to, collecting the stories of the town, past, present and future. Read more.)
Sixth Form Closures in the Upper Valley: calls for wider debate. The Green Party has sent the HebWeb a press release, challenging local councillors, and calling for the public to have full information and to be fully consulted. Read News and see Forum thread
Hebden Bridge writer Andrew Bibby's 2nd crime novel - once again set in the Lakes and once again featuring journalist sleuth, Nick Potterton. Careful when you go out on to those hills! Launched on Thursday 10 Nov. Read more.
Balanced Stones in the river, in front of the wavy steps, by Juan Cerruffo. Photo: Ian Hodgson. Click photo to enlarge
John Shuttleworth says farewell at Picture House: Comedy legend John Shuttleworth brings his farewell tour to Hebden Bridge Picture House next year and he is promising to play all his hits as he hangs up his cardigan. Read more
HebWeb: Sounds and Vision - two new YouTube videos from Jason Elliott added to this new section on the HebWeb. One shows Hebden Bridge in Autumn - the other, an interview with Liz Wood of The White Swan, shortly to be re-opened. HebWeb: Sounds and Vision (24 Oct)
Walshaw Moor Estate resumes burning – despite flood risk to Hebden Bridge. See report on Upper Calder Valley Plain Speaker
Selling my house on HebWeb was "extremely successful - I hope to complete on the sale in 2 weeks time, and I think I could have sold it a few times over."
Steam Punk weekend in Hebden Bridge. Photo from the After Alice Project. CC BY-NC. Click photo to enlarge
Smll Ads: "I had so many wonderful responses to my ad for someone to help me re-organize my house post-flood, I wanted to employ everyone! Thank you." - Susan
Arts Festival thanks HebWeb: "Most arts festivals of our size would love to have a popular local site like Hebweb that is fully behind what we do." Read more with links to all HebWeb coverage of the Festival.
Handmade Parade 2016 photos Thousands of people thronged the streets of Hebden Bridge on Sunday 26 June to watch the 9th Handmade Parade with the theme this year Muck In! Read news report
Handmade Parade 2016 - more photos of the Parade, and news report
2016 Hebden Bridge Tourist leaflet.
More info here
HebWeb Feature on the Boxing Day Flood, gathering together many of the articles, news, links, photos and videos. Updated reguarly.
From Steve Farrell, now living in Mysore, India: "As someone who lives abroad, the Hebweb site has always been critical for keeping in touch 'back home' in Hebden. I've just needed to re-advertise my home for rent, so where to turn to? The Hebweb, of course. The Ad was up within minutes and there were 10 enquiries within 24 hours. Superb!" See Small Ads.
Small Ads: "Amazing but my house in Tod got rented out within 30 minutes after putting the house on Hebweb." From message received, Thursday, 26 May 2016
Reasons to Visit Happy Valley's Hebden Bridge "Happy Valley comes to an end. You probably won't spend much of the last episode cooing over Hebden Bridge, which is a shame because it's well worth a visit." Read Radio Times piece 15 March
The Manchester and Leeds Railway: 175th Anniversary - 1st March 2016. Read story (PDF) from Friends of Hebden Bridge Station.
Floods: HebWeb Gallery - 24 photos taken on the morning of Boxing Day, 2015.
See HebWeb Feature:2015 Boxing Day Flood for coverage, info, links, videos, etc.
HebWeb Quirky Small Ads:
As well as services, and houses and homes offered and wanted, recent ads have included Jewellery workshop, bycycle maintenance classes, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Voice tuition, Hawaiian massage and Mindfulness. See our Small ads page.
Happy Valley writer loves Calderdale. "Hebden Bridge is vibrant; there's a lot going on artistically and it's also got great galleries, pubs and restaurants." Sally Wainwright talks of our "dramatic and awe-inspiring" landscape and the influence of local historian Jill Liddington's Anne Lister book. Read her Guardian article
HebWeb on Twitter - The HebWeb now has over 3000 followers.
"Many thanks Hebweb, the Small Ad asking for Volunteers to cook and help at Wadsworth Lunch Club has already had success. We now have someone coming to help cook. We'd still welcome a washer up, and occasional helpers please."
Camera Club Annual Exhibition winning pictures: visitors were asked to vote for their 3 favourite images in order of merit. Read more and see the 3 winning photos.
Guardian Northerner: What the UK can learn from Hebden Bridge? The BBC's Mind the Gap asks how London's success can be replicated elsewhere: Claire Donnelly argues that our small town could have the answer. Read more
Hebden Bridge, the UK's second city, BBC article by Evan Davis. "Hebden Bridge is an inverted city with a greenbelt centre and suburbs called Manchester, Leeds and Liverpool." Read the article
Small Ads - I just wanted to let you know that through my small ad on your site I found my ideal new home, meeting all my requirements. Thank you very much for such a great resource
Small Ads - "We placed a job ad on the Hebweb recently, intending to keep it there for 2 weeks, but we had to take it down after 3 days due to the huge response generated"
Small Ads: "Ad posted Monday, lease to be signed Saturday and tenant moving in Sunday. Thanks HebWeb."
"Unbelievable result Hebweb. So many enquiries in response to the small ad on your site and now have lovely new tenants. What a success - Thank you Hebweb."
HebWeb also available on the slightly shorter as well as
Hebden Bridge: more plaudits - Last year's Valley of Lights won APSE's best community and neighbourhood initiative, and the Old Gate pub restaurant is Yorkshire Post's "Pub of the Week".
Britain's favourite market town? Hebden Bridge has been shortlisted in the 'Britain's favourite market town' category in the BBC Countryfile Magazine Awards 2013. Read more
HebWeb uses Google ads to help cover its costs and they vary for each user. This has worked well for many years. However, please let us know the url of any ad thought to be inappropriate. If we agree, the ad will be blocked.
Guardian Northerner: Hebden Bridge the UK's coolest place? The Yorkshire Paradise has won its fourth accolade in a decade. Born, brought up and living here, Rachel Pickering is loyal, but has one or two cautionary thoughts.
Small Ads - "I am very pleased to say the response was terrific and both properties are now let." (Less than a week)
Small ads: "We've successfully rented our house. Thanks for an excellent service - I'll heartily recommend Hebweb, as our house was previously listed through an estate agent who didn't manage to get us a tenant in 3 months - through Hebweb we had 4 prospective tenants within a week."

More from Hebden Bridge Web
- Accommodation - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area
- Archive - news and discussion going back to the mid 90s
- Bloggers and columns - a section where you can read regular pieces by selected local bloggers.
- Books - of interest to people living in Hebden Bridge and area
- Contact info
- Discussion Forum - hundreds of messages every year on matters of concern to those who live in Hebden Bridge and the surrounding hills, villages and valleys
- Emails - a directory of local email addresses
- Events: a selection of local events
- Features
- Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - one of the 500 years of the Hebden pack horse bridge projects
- Green Pages
- Hebden Bridge info - some basic information about Hebden Bridge with links to some features which have been written about our town.
- Hebden Bridge 500 - celebrating 500 years of the bridge
- History pages - links to local history websites, together with a selection of articles remembering times past.
- Lives Remembered - thoughts and comments on the death of a selection of local people
- Mailing list
- Maps - several maps of the town and area, including Google maps.
- Neighbours/twins - links to websites of surrounding towns and our twin towns in France and Germany
- News: Dozens of news items are posted every month; many are unique to Hebden Bridge Web, coming from our growing number of correspondents. Others may also be covered elsewhere but can be found on HebWeb many days earlier.
- News Highlights of 2012
- Photos - many galleries of photos, including some by well known local photographers
- Planning Watch - details of controversial developments are posted here.
- Radio and video samples relating to our area
- Search HebWeb - search the thousands of news, features and discusssion on the entire Hebden Bridge Web in seconds.
- Small ads
- Tourist Info
- Useful sites - a range of site which we think local people will find useful, rail and bus timetables, ofsted reports, local doctors, etc.
- View from the Bridge
- Web Design from Pennine Pens
- Websites Listings A-Z: listings of a large selection of Hebden Bridge websites
- Websites List - by category: listings of a large selection of Hebden Bridge websites
- What's on/Local events: a selection of local events
- Where to stay - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area