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FLOODED AGAIN - as it happened, photos from Boxing Day 2015 as the water rose.

HebWeb Gallery of photos taken Boxing Day morning when the flood was at its worst

Boxing Day Floods

After the floods: latest news, proposals, options and dates: At a public meeting of the Hebden Bridge Partnership on Monday, 4 July, the Environment Agency shared their latest thinking about Flood Prevention and Defence for Hebden Bridge. Read more (5 July)

Government Flood Review: "Disappointing" - says Leader of Calderdale Council. The review found that a 20% heavier extreme rainfall event would lead to 400 more homes flooding in Mytholmroyd and a similar number in Hebden Bridge. Read more (9 Sept)

Calderdale Council discusses the Floods Commission Report, and Housing: The HebWeb has received reports from both Labour and the Liberal Democrats following yesterday evening's Calderdale Council meeting. Read more (21 July)

Flood Commission calls for Action That's the message within the Calderdale Flood Commission's final report into the causes, impact and response to the unprecedented flooding which hit the Calder Valley on Boxing Day 2015. Read more (14 July)

What is being done to prevent more floods, 6 months on? Actually quite a lot… but you would never know it from the continued failure of the Environment Agency to communicate effectively or widely. Read more (27 June)

Six months after the Floods: Where are we up to? A Friends of the Earth briefing identifies "some significant weaknesses that need to be corrected now, in June-July" if the process leading up to the publication of the Calder Catchment plan in October is not to be substantially compromised. Read more (11 June)

Last Night A Venue Saved My Life. One local resident Nick Rice's personal account of the Boxing Day flood, and ending up at the Trades Club. Published this week in the award winning music magazine Clash Magazine. "There's no food, heat or water at home and I'm caked from head to toe in toxic slurry after attempting to clean up." Read the article. 15 April

Floods Meeting Report - report of Monday's public meeting, called by the Hebden Bridge Partnership. 7 April

Boxing Day Floods

Boxing Day Floods - Economic Impact Report published: Businesses in Calderdale have lost £47 million so far as a result of the Boxing Day floods. Just 61% of Hebden Bridge businesses are back open after 3 months. 30% of businesses affected (nearly 300) were in Hebden Bridge. Read more and see report

Economic Impact of the Boxing Day Floods: An economic impact report on flooding in Calderdale is due for publication early this coming week, and it focuses on the impact the floods have had on local businesses. Read more 3 April

Twin Towns St Pol and Warstein make generous donations to flood relief work

Picture House floods

Our twin towns have already donated nearly 4000 euros. St Pol is now making a further official contribution of 2,000 euros, specifically for post flood repairs to the Picture House. Read more 29 March

Ian Macmillan

After the Floods: Ian McMillan to re-opened The Book Case, on Wednesday 16 March.

Waites not re-opening: we reported a month ago that the Hebden Bridge shop would remain closed. An announcement on Waites' Facebook page says that the Mytholmroyd shop will not re-open either.

Calderdale Budget: Council Tax rise and a flood recovery and resilience fund worth £3 million. More details 2 March

Ellan BridgeFlood Recovery Art Auction: Friday, 4th March, Trades Club. Over 150 pieces from all over the world including "Elland Bridge" by Kate Lycett. Pieces may be viewed throughout the day on Friday Read more 1 March

AFTER THE FLOODS: HEBDEN BRIDGE PARTNERSHIP HAS CALLED FOR MORE TRANSPARENCY in the way the Environment Agency and Calderdale plan flood resilience schemes. Read more 28 Feb

Books for schools

BOOKS FOR SCHOOLS SUCCESS: Di Seymour and Michael Prior had little idea when they asked children's bookø publishers for help restocking flooded schools just how many they would get. A couple of hundred? They've now received more than 2500. Read more 1 Feb

Boxing Day floods

AFTER THE FLOODS: PROGRESS AT THE PICTURE HOUSE The waters claimed all of the stalls seating and wrecked the basement boiler room, and damages the under-stage area, toilets, foyer and kiosk. However, the flooding has provided some great opportunities. Read more 10 Feb

HOUSE OF COMMONS - adjournment motion on flood insurance for business, where Craig Whittaker, MP for Calder Valley, took an active part. Read Hansard report of yesterday's discussion. 9 Feb

community wind turbine at Blackshaw Head.Pennine Community Power supports flood victims. The community wind turbine at Blackshaw Head regularly has some of its surplus given to community projects, and PCP has just agreed that £1400 will go to flood victims. Read more 8 Feb

Repairing our flood damaged pathsREPAIRING OUR FLOOD DAMAGED PATHS: CROWS have a list of paths they need to repair, but need the . They've introduced a new simple system for people to contact them. Read more 8 Feb

CALDERDALE FLOODING ROADSHOWS - Hebden Bridge, 13 Feb and Mytholmroyd, 27 Feb. See What's on

WAVY T-SHIRTS HELP BOOST FLOOD FUND: The first batch of specially designed T-shirts inspired by one of rock music's most iconic record sleeves has sold out boosting flood relief funds. Read more 5 Feb

Old posters discovered at Deli

After the floods: at The Deli on Market Street, Hebden Bridge, these posters were uncovered during refurbishment. They all seem to date from May 1882 - photo thanks to After Alice Project. Click photo to enlarge. 5 Feb

BBC'S THE ONE SHOW - came live from Hebden Bridge, Tuesday evening (2 Feb). Watch online.

Paul CobbbingCOUNCIL APPOINTS FLOOD EXPERT TO CHAIR COMMISSION: Calderdale Council has appointed Paul Cobbing as the Independent Chair of the Calderdale Floods Commission. 2 Feb

SUPPORT STILL NEEDED by scores of Hebden Bridge businesses. People are urged to donate to the various crowdfunding sites. The appeals end soon. Read more 1 Feb

ENVIRONMENT SECRETARY LIZ TRUSS PROMISES FLOOD PREVENTION MEASURES. It has been announced that new flood defences will be built in Mytholmroyd and possibly Hebden Bridge and a new flood prevention plan for the whole Calder Valley will be drawn up, and work started in October 2016. Read more

FREE PARKING EXTENDED for February in Hebden Bridge and other flood affected areas of Calderdale. But "Civil Enforcement Officers" will be reintroduced to enforce parking restrictions. Read more 28 Jan

Wellies demo

FLOODS: WELLIES TO WESTMINSTER DEMOGreenpeace campaigners, including representatives from Hebden Bridge, laid 500 muddy wellies outside the Palace of Westminster to highlight the impacts of climate change on the flood hit communities recently affected. Read more and see video 29 Jan   Photo: Steve Morgan

Steve TilstonSTEVE TILSTON PLAYS FOLK FLOOD FUNDRAISER: Folk legend and Hebden Bridge resident Steve Tilston is the latest local act to put together a fundraising gig at the Trades Club, Weds 3 Feb. Read more 27 Jan

Record buyers save local music shop

Record buyers save local music shop: Record buyers from across the north converged on a one off record fair in Hebden Bridge raising £5000 to save Muse Music that was facing closure after the devastating Boxing Day flood. Read more. 26 Jan

Floods meeting

ABOVE - FLOODS PUBLIC MEETING: CAUSES AND SOLUTIONS, 21st Jan, Birchcliffe Centre. Follow the discussion on the HebWeb Forum
Photo: Geoff Tansey

HEBDEN BRIDGE FLOOD FUNDS - DONATIONS NEEDED: there are now many different funds raising money for those affected by the floods. Thousands have been given, but thousands more are needed. Read more. 20 Jan

FLOODS PETITION: Mr Cameron – Where are our flood schemes? Initiated by Anthony Rae of Calderdale Friends of the Earth.

Camper Van retrieved from river

Camper Van retrieved from river to playground of Riverside School. See more of Craig Shaw's photos of the floods aftermath and cleanup. Click photo to enlarge 19 Jan

Books for flooded schools

BOOKS FOR FLOODED SCHOOLS: National publishers of children's books have responded to an appeal for books for our flooded schools. Hundreds of new books will be delivered to local schools over the next week. Read more. 17 Jan

COUNCIL LAUNCHES FLOODS COMMISSION: Calderdale Council is launching a Floods Commission in response to the unprecedented flooding on Boxing Day 2015. Read more

TRADES CLUB FLOOD FUNDRAISERS GET OFF TO A FLYING START: The first in a series of Trades Club flood relief fundraisers got off to a flying start as three events last weekend raised a grand total of £4130. Read more 13 Jan

FLOOD RECOVERY: PUBLIC MEETING: The Hebden Bridge Partnership has called this meeting jointly with the Town Council and the Business Forum - Sat, 16 Jan. Read more

Valley OrganicsORGANIC CO-OP POPS UP IN MILL: Valley Organics lost stockroom shelving, three fridges, till, scales, scanner, card machine and a van. Like most Hebden businesses they were unable to obtain flood insurance. Read more 12 Jan

AFTER THE FLOODS AT THE TOWN HALL HUB: "This is a community building - your town hall - and your efforts have shown what can be achieved when a strong community works together." Read more 12 Jan

AFTER THE FLOOD: HEBDEN BRIDGE LIBRARY - Library services are getting back on their feet after the Boxing Day floods caused over £100,000 of damage to books, equipment, fixtures and fittings. Read more 8 Jan

NO PARKING CHARGES FOR THE REST OF THE MONTH All pay and display charges in Council car parks and on-street parking will be lifted until the end of the month to help alleviate pressure for residents and businesses in floodhit areas. Read more 7 Jan

TIM BURGESS' TELLING STORIES FUNDRAISER: Tim will be reading from his best-selling biography Telling Stories at the Trades, Sat 9 Jan, doing a Q and A, signing 100 event posters for a tenner. Read more 6 Jan

SUPPORT FOR FLOOD-HIT BUSINESSES: A grant of up to £2,500 per business is available to help them open up and start trading again. Read more 6 Jan

FUNDING FOR RESIDENTS AFFECTED BY FLOODING: The Council is providing grant funding to support residents affected by flooding with a £500 hardship payment to householders who have been severely affected. Read more 6 Jan

THE IMPACT OF THE BOXING DAY FLOODS ON HEBDEN BRIDGE'S ECONOMY: the Hebden Bridge Partnership have produced a report seeking to raise the profile of Hebden Bridge in the clamour for flood funds, showing that 80% of town centre shops, cafes, pubs, services were hit by the flood. More info and link to report

Flood volunteers

THE REAL STORY OF THE CALDER VALLEY FLOODS: restored communities and faith in humanity - Eight days on from the devastating Boxing Day floods that swamped Calder Valley, the real story is that people came together and have been magnificently supported by a wide range of groups from all backgrounds, some of whom have travelled long distances to help. Read more 3 Jan

FLOOD DISRUPTIONS LATEST: FAQs on what schools are opening; road closures; volunteering, donating, insurance and more. 3 Jan

Crown Street on Boxing Day

TOWN HALL FLOOD SERVICES Hebden Bridge Town Hall flood services are being driven by Hebden Bridge Community Association, Calderdale Council, the Environment Agency and the goodwill of local and far flung volunteers. Read more 2 Jan

HEBDEN BRIDGE BOUNCES BACK: List of shops back open as of Saturday morning. 2 Jan

FLOODED AGAIN - as it happens, photos from Boxing Day as the water rises

George Monbiot attacks subsidies to sheep farmers and grouse moor owners - speaking in Hebden Bridge in July, 2014


Calderdale Flood Commission Report is available for download here The report makes dozens of recommendations including "There needs to be significant investment in flood risk management in Calderdale." (20 July)

Boxing Day Floods - photo:HebWeb

Boxing Day Floods - photo:HebWeb

FloodsLook North in Hebden Bridge to talk about a new scheme which allows some flooded home owners the possibility of getting insured again. 5 April

Fighting back after the winter floods: BBC news item includes report of Ian McMillan re-opening The Book Case. 26 March

After the floods: Working begins on dredging canal in Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd - see Yorkshire Post article 9 March

UK floods: Kids reveal their experiences of the Boxing Day floods. Read article

Community spirit is helping Yorkshire recover post-floods. Read Yorkshire Life piece

UK ONLY DAYS AWAY FROM LOSING £125M EU FLOOD FUND AID, SAYS TIM FARRON Lib Dem leade says government's failure to apply for funds is 'utter betrayal of victims'. It has only five days left to apply for a pot of at least £125m in EU funds to tackle natural disasters. (Monday, 22 Feb 2016)

THIS FLOOD WAS NOT ONLY FORETOLD – IT WAS PUBLICLY SUBSIDISED by George Monbiot in The Guardian. "The government pays grouse moor owners to drain their glorified outdoor chicken runs. Meanwhile it's the proles downstream who get a soaking."

UK FLOODING: HOW A YORKSHIRE TOWN WORKED WITH NATURE TO STAY DRY Pickering, North Yorkshire, pulled off protection by embracing the very opposite of what passes for conventional wisdom. On its citizens' own initiative, it ended repeated inundation by working with nature, not against it. Saturday 2 January 2016

HEBWEB FORUM - extensive discussion of the floods.

KIDS REVEAL THEIR EXPERIENCES of the Boxing Day floods on National Geographic Kids.

HOW HEBDEN BRIDGE FLOOD VOLUNTEERS 'BECAME AN ANCHOR' FOR VICTIMS: "When we opened the (Town Hall) doors on the 27th we just weren't expecting the sheer volume of people wanting to volunteer. We thought maybe we'd be able to provide hot drinks and somewhere for people to charge their phones… it soon became apparent that it was going to be much, much bigger than that." Read Guardian article 11 Jan

Craig Shaw

The Guardian used this photo from Craig Shaw for the above article - see more of Craig's photos of the floods aftermath and cleanup

GUARDIAN: HOW THE FLOODS UNITED THE NORTH – from chefs bearing curry to refugees with sandbags. "The Sikhs had been dishing out free curry in Mytholmroyd for a few days when a man in his mid to late 20s came up to them, looking emotional. He had a confession to make. "I used to hate Asians," he told one of the coordinators from Khalsa Aid, a Sikh charity based in Slough. 'I used to be with Combat 18. But I'm so ashamed of that now, having seen how you are all up here helping us.'" Read more Tuesday 5 January

JAMES PATTERSON DONATES £10,000 TO FLOOD-HIT UK BOOKSHOPS Bestselling thriller writer gives £5,000 each to the Book Case in Hebden Bridge and the New Bookshop in Cockermouth. Read Guardian article

MARK AVERY ON THE DRAINAGE OF WALSHAW MOOR Drainage ditches have been created to get water off the hills. "So that the heather can grow and the Red Grouse can eat it and Richard Bannister, the owner of Walshaw Moor since 2002 can shoot Red Grouse. Read more Tuesday 5 January

A FLOOD ALLEVIATION SCHEME FOR THE UPPER CALDER VALLEY and other Pennine valleys and upland areas in Britain. This artic by Stuart Bradshaw outlines some flood improvement measures worthy of consideration. 3 Jan 2016

WHO'S MESSING WITH HEBDEN BRIDGE'S VITAL FLOOD BARRIER? The answer involves a millionaire landowner, a government minister, environmental breaches at a site of special scientific interest (SSSI), a mysteriously dropped court case, the profitability of shooting grouse, and the spending of taxpayers' cash. The setting: the wuthering heights above Hebden Bridge, famed moors of the Brontës. The unlikely heroes of the piece are blanket bog and sphagnum moss. New Internationalist blog, 2012

Hebden Bridge flooded


HebWeb Gallery of photos taken Boxing Day morning when the flood was at its worst

Craig Shaw's photos of the Clear-Up


ElphaboroughFloods: Elphaborough Hub video - Sheila, was flooded during the Boxing day floods, losing everything she owned. The Community Foundation talk with her about what happened and how residents have been supported by the Flood Fund. (8 June)

Look North of 9 February 2016. Discussion of insurance for businesses hit by floods.

Aerial views

Above: Aerial video footage, first Mytholmroyd and then Hebden Bridge, taken from a drone. Click here

from Halo Vue Aerial Photography on Vimeo.

THE FLOODS IN MYTHOLMROYD. A selection of the video footage from Raphael Pavel. Click here to see the remarkable footage.

OUR LITTLE VALLEY - A monologue about the devastating floods in the Calder Valley. Written and narrated by James coop

HEBDEN BRIDGE IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS - see video of shopkeepers, café owners and more, filmed by Jason Elliott on Monday, 18 January, telling us they are back open for business.

Bridge Gate

Above: Bridge Gate from the Old Bridge. Video footage from Ralph Nimmann. Click here

The White Swan: This is story of how the Boxing Day floods in Hebden Bridge affected The White Swan public house. Interviewed by Jason Elliott, Liz tells how the Boxing Day floods in Hebden Bridge hit her pub.


Click image for video of the flood two weeks before the big one on Boxing Day from Rogue Robot

Flood risk reduction work: Nutclough

This short video (1m 43s) has been created following completion of the Nutclough scheme of work. 17 Dec

HebWeb Forum Discussion

Floods - June 2016

Floods - Dec-March - 83 contributions

More discussion


Calder Valley Flood Support: this Facebook group provided endless information and updates, and co-ordinated offers of help and requests for support.

Eye on Calderdale Flooding FAQs

Calderdale Friends of the Earth Facebook page

River levels

Open letter to Craig Whittaker, MP for Calder Valley

BBC Look North reports on the floods in Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd, one month on. (26 Jan 2016)

Calder Valley Floods: causes and solutions: Forum for questions, run by Calder Future and Friends of the Earth

HebWeb Forum - extensive discussion of floods and related issues.



Woven in the Pennine Hills