Woven in the Pennine Hills
Welcome to Hebden Bridge in the Yorkshire Pennines RECENT NEWS

Health Centre offers online appointment making and prescription ordering - but only for those who have verified their identity in person with two forms of ID! More info - 3 Sept

Blackshawhead Fete

Blackshawhead Village Fete - latest info

Hebden Bridge's first walking weekend

Walking Weekend: No less than thirty walks will be on offer, ranging from short strolls around the town to all-day hikes in the surrounding hills and moors.  Those interested in archaeology and history will be able to visit Bronze Age settlements and the site of a medieval deer park, there will be riverside walks woodland walks for families and more - 1 Sept

Northlight Studio courses
More info about new term of creative courses at Northlight Art Studios Cooperative, Valley Road

Hebden Bridge Library goes Incredible Edible - more info - 27 August

Police and the community meeting - report - 21 August

Life Class by Glyn Hughes. New work, featuring the Calder Valley from the award winning local author author of Millstone Grit, Where I used to Play on the Green and others. More info

Life Class by Glyn Hughes

Have your say on the future of our transport system at "discussion session" in Halifax - 18 August

A Place Like This

Mytholmroyd author Jill Robinson brings out third Berringden Brow book - the location is strikingly familiar - more info - 18 August

Park railings facelift thanks to Community Payback

Round the World on a Honda: Ian Coates is now in Alaska, preparing for Siberia - 4 August

Ian Coates

Hebden Bridge Coop - will "Exciting New Look" satisfy Facebook critics? (27 July)

Hebweb photos: see recent galleries. Arts Festival, Handmade Parade, Big Green Weekend, Pace Egg plays and much more

Police target drunken behaviour in Hebden Bridge - see news (20 July)

Picnic for Rusty and Steve

Picnic for Rusty and Steve - on Thursday, 16th July to "thank them for all their hard work and care as teachers, counsellors and friends during their time at Calder High." More info and photos

Miss Rusty gives first interviews

Update: Channel 4 News interview (13 July)

Headteacher Stephen Ball gave a "complete green light" to "Stop: Don't Read This" says Miss Rusty on Radio Five - read report and listen to the interview. Update: report of Radio Leeds interview (8 July)

Small Ads "Hebweb comes up trumps again. Within a week of advertising my house I've had several enquiries and found two couples as suitable tenants." Steve F


Charles Darwin (aged 200) was seen around Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd today as part of the HB Arts Festival - 4 July

Police and Communities Together - meeting report: CCTV failure, anti social behaviour and drug taking around Nutclough, Street Angels' first days - 24 June

Bowling Green at Calder Holmes Park is available free July and August - see news



Luddenden's annual Mayor Making will take place on Saturday 12th September. More info

Luddenden Mayor Making

33rd Sowerby Bridge Rushbearing Festival

Motion Theory

Motion Theory, Salsa, Quiz and 20/20 Cricket among events at the Trades this week. More info

Central Street - the saga continues. See Forum

Small Ads "Choosing to advertise the house for rent on the Hebweb was incredibly effective. The perfect tenants were found within 48 hours" - Jason E, (12 Aug) Ads currently include houses wanted and to rent, car for sale, help wanted, carer seeks work, first aid for outdoors, yurt for hire, Indian cooking and more.

Live Ashes at the Trades

Central Library and Archives: latest info and background as part of Calderdale's consultation. - 18 August

Updated: Hebweb directories of local websites. See alphabetical or by category including: services, therapists, shopping, leisure, community, music and more

Women only singing group at the Little Theatre - see news - 12 August

Blackshawhead Village Fete

Celtic rock kings Peatbog Faeries,
and other events this week at the Trades.
Peatbog Faeries now sold out

500 words on Hebden Bridge in the run up to 500 years of the HB pack horse bridge. Two more contributions in the past few days. - 7 August

Question Time

Above: Question Time at the Trades - read report

Arts Festival - planning to start for 2010. More info for those wishing to get involved.

Benefit gig for Palestine with short talk by Gaza activist and blogger Sharyn Lock. More info (14 July)

Former Hebden Royd mayor Stewart Brown pleads guilty to downloading child pornography - see news (14 July)

School Crossing at Mytholm - excellent discussion going on in the forum which raises important traffic issues for our whole area. (13 July)

‘Zero Carbon’ homes for Hebden Bridge (9 July)

Colden Sculpture Trail Colden Valley's "Enchanted Forest". A Sculpture Trail created by the children of Hebden Royd Primary School. More info and photos (9 July)

Former Adult Education Building in Pitt Street for sale again. Asking price: £275,000. See Hebweb News from February 2005: Pitt Street Squatted - 2 July


Nutclough Woods gets corporate help

Pen Fayre - residents raise money to help with application to have land recognised as a Village Green Pen Fayre

Central Street breakthrough! - the Hebden Bridge Web has learned that the Calderdale Cabinet has this evening provisionally given its support to the improvement scheme. More info - 22 June

Festival street events

ARTS FESTIVAL LAUNCH - a great day of sunshine and street events in the square - see gallery of photos

Hebden Bridge Handmade Parade

What a town! Another stunning handmade parade came through the streets of Hebden Bridge on Saturday, 20 June in all its wonderful colour, creativity and glory. See photos and background to the big day.

Central Street Central Street - the saga continues. After Calderdale announced yesterday it was reconsidering the scheme it rejected, today Hebden Royd Council predict it will be rejected again. Read more - 16 June

Calderdale offers new grants for small businesses to boost local economy. More info - 15 June

Food campaigner Geoff Tansey kept an audio diary relating his experience of prostate cancer and his quest to discover the effects of diet. Click here to listen Geoff Tansey

Carol Ann Duffy Stop press: Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy to replace Ruth Padel who has withdrawn from the HB Arts Festival for personal reasons. More info

FORUM - current threads include good, informed discussion about the election, BNP and the future for Labour.

St Michael's Square, Mytholmroyd - public consultation is being sought on three sculpture design proposals - more info - 11 June

Remembering Fustianopolis - a demonstration of fustian cutting on Saturday, 20th June

- results for Calderdale and Yorkshire

More threats to local archives - 11 June

GARDEN STREET PLANS rejected by the Planning Appeal Tribunal - too large! More info and background to this controversial local issue. - 28 May

Often first with the news - many of the news items appeared here on the Hebweb days before other local news outlets.

Brass Band

Brass Band Weekend: Hebden Bridge welcomed bands from all over the country for the Brass Band's second Heritage Weekend. See Media Page for 4 min video sample

Green Nappies

The Clean Green Nappy Machine, selling a range range of eco-friendly nappies, has just opened in Hebden Bridge

Refuse/recycle collections "improving" - 4 June

The Secret Garden Videos - three short videos on the Secret Garden have been brought to the attention of the Hebweb - 2 June

Bryan Williamson: Life Remembered - more info and photos - updated 17 June

Pilot project to increase insulation in ‘hard to treat’ homes similar to many in Hebden Bridge - see News in Brief


Herons - more information wanted about our remarkable neighbours - see Wildlife Feature

THE BIG GREEN WEEKEND was a major success - thanks to the sunshine but especially thanks to Jason Elliott and his great team. The "Secret Garden Party" was revealed to be in The Old Fire Station - transformed by the Transition Town group. - selection of photos from the weekend

Squatted Big Green Weekend

Above: Alice Hull welcomes Chris McCafferty MP and Mayor John Beacroft-Mitchell (pictured with organiser Jason Elliott) who opened the Big Green Weekend. See selection of Big Green photos

Big Green Debate

Big Green Weekend Question Time debate report
see also Forum discussion

Cllr John Beacroft-Mitchell's first speech as Hebden Royd Mayor - see You Tube video on the Hebweb media page - 21 May

Art classes are being organised to help learn the tricks of the trade ahead of Hebden Bridge Handmade Parade on June 20th. More info - 21 May

Chess in The Secret Garden

No World on Doorstep Festival this year - see Forum

Remembering Mick Teale, the Big Issue seller in the Square. Flowers were left near where he sat in the square with a note reporting his death in April. Please add any thoughts, anecdotes, photos you might have to the Lives Remembered page.

Michael Teale

Gibson Mill

Thanks to Anthony Bowler for sending this stunning photo which we are using to illustrate our feature on Gibson Mill. To see more Hebden Bridge Web features click here

Former Calder Valley candidate David Chaytor is suspended from Parliamentary Labour Party.
Labour's National Executive have now backed Steph Booth following the dirty tricks allegations made in the Yorkshire Post - Steph Booth is now suing the paper. More info. Local Labour Party members voice their concern - see Forum

Garden Street Planning Appeal closes - brief report and more info about the Action Group's opening and closing statements. Decision expected in July - 14 May

2010 will mark the 500th anniversary of the Packhorse Bridge. Click here to see projects planned or already underway

Yellow lines

Town Hall Project: see Nick Wilding's video (11 minutes) on the history and plans for our fine Town Hall building

Labour Selection Saga: former Halifax MP Alice Mahon gives the "despicable" treatment of Hebden Bridge's Janet Oosthuysen as one of her reasons for leaving the Labour Party. Now there's a row over postal voting following the latest selection process. See also: forum thread


More from the Hebden Bridge Web

  • Accommodation - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area
  • Archive - news and discussion going back to the mid 90s
  • Bloggers and columns - a section where you can read regular pieces by selected local bloggers.
  • Books - of interest to people living in Hebden Bridge and area
  • Contact info
  • Discussion Forum - hundreds of messages every year on matters of concern to those who live in Hebden Bridge and the surrounding hills, villages and valleys
  • Emails - a directory of local email addresses
  • Events: a selection of local events
  • Features
  • Green Pages
  • Hebden Bridge info - some basic information about Hebden Bridge with links to some features which have been written about our town.
  • Hebden Bridge 500 - celebrating 500 years of the bridge
  • History pages - links to local history websites, together with a selection of articles remembering times past.
  • Lives Remembered - thoughts and comments on the death of a selection of local people
  • Mailing list
  • Maps - several maps of the town and area, including Google maps.

Please email us to report dead links, inaccuracies, suggestions and comments. Thanks. The Hebden Bridge Web (Hebweb) is published by Pennine Pens and started in the summer of 1995. You are visitor number since January 2003 when the counter was reset.


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Trades Roots

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A Fair Trade town

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