News, Features and forthcoming Events
Bernard Ingham column ended: campaigners have learned that Bernard Ingham has been told his longrunning column in the HB Times has ended. They had been calling on Ingham to apologise for what he said about Hillsborough. Read more (27 Feb)
Arts Festival 2013: Tickets now on sale. Perrier Award winning comedian Daniel Kitson is the first headline act announced for the Hebden Bridge Arts Festival which kicks off in June. Read more
Anti-Academy Petition: Campaigners send petition to Education Secretary Michael Gove and letter to Prime Minister David Cameron. See Forum thread (26 Feb)
Budding playwrights needed. Hebden Shorts is back for its third outing and needs new writers to submit 15 minute plays for their run during the Arts Festival in June. Read more (23 Feb)
Bernard Ingham: the Facebook campaign to stop his column in the local paper now has more than 500 supporters. See Discussion
Ofsted remove Calder High from special category - The possibility of Calder High being forced into becoming an Academy was very real; it all hinged on last week's Ofsted visit. Read more (18 Feb)
Cllrs Nader Fekri, Simon Young
Dave Young welcome the Calder High news
Review of the Mark Thomas show at the Trades. 'I love it here. The shops are brilliant, this club is great and all you need now is to get rid of Bernard Ingham.' Read more (17 Feb)
Floods aftermath: Spring drop-in sessions in Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd, and a letter from Calderdale. Read more (14 Feb)
Harvesting the wind: Blackshaw Head community turbine starts making money. More details. (13 Feb)
Horsemeat: Todmorden slaughterhouse raided and closed by food standard officials. See Guardian report (12 Feb)
Joel pops the question at Trades Club: When Joel Clegg was looking to pop the question to Amy Stoker he thought what better way to do it when folk band Stornoway played the Trades Club. Read more (11 Feb)
While Parliament, including MPs of all parties, voted for a historic social change on 5 February, our MP Craig Whittaker voted against the right of gay and lesbian people to marry. See Forum thread. Update: read what Craig Whittaker said in Parliament.
HebWeb 2001 feature - John Morrison wrote to the then editor of the HB Times complaining about Bernard Ingham and the censorship of a A Sideways Look, John's monthly column for the paper. Read how it was reported on the HebWeb 12 years ago.
Guardian Northerner: Hebden Bridge residents launch campaign against Bernard Ingham amid calls for local paper to sack former Thatcher aide as columnist for his refusal to apologise for comments about Hillsborough disaster. See also: Forum thread and HebWeb news item (1 Feb)
Our Railway Station in the 19th century. David Taylor told a meeting of the Local History Society about how the early railway developed in Hebden Bridge. Read more
See more snow photos in the Facebook group: Hebden Bridge in the Snow
Introducing Calder Community Kitchen Co-op: A group of local real food and bread lovers is setting up a new food co-op Hebden Bridge. Read more (21 Jan)
Old Chambers: plans for 6 'dwellings' and space for 12 cars. See Planning Watch
TOUR DE FRANCE: on Sunday 6 July 2014, the eyes of the world will be on Hebden Bridge when the 200 competitors of the Tour de France cycles through our town, and Cragg Vale's famous five-and-a-half mile incline, the longest in England. Read more
Ian Coates rides back into Hebden Bridge on his Honda, after leaving to travel round the world in 1999. The HebWeb has been following his travels for the past 12 years and the coverage on the HebWeb helped to make his incredible trip famous worldwide. See our feature. Photos above: Howard Holmes
Nutclough extension: Calderdale approve controversial plans. See Forum message
Council grants: Hebden Royd seeks applications for its community grants. Read more. (9 Jan)
Calderdale competence challenged over plans for Nutclough Mill, one of Hebden Bridge's finest old buildings. The Head of Planning of Calderdale has been sent a formal letter of complaint concerning its handling of the application. Read more (7 Jan)
Postcard from Palestine 10 - Hebden Bridge's Ron Taylor, part of an international group of supporters, sends the HebWeb his latest news from Palestine. "Leaving Bethlehem" Read more.
Market Street flooded yet again as the wettest year in memory comes to an end. Some shop keepers were closing early, putting up flood defences and sandbags. Photo: HebWeb at 2pm, New Year's Eve. Update 3.05pm: The Bookcase reports the road now re-opened, and that the cause this time was the drains.
Below: Carols in the Square - hundreds braved the rain for the annual Christmas Eve singing of carols.
Fairtrade Fortnight in Hebden Bridge: visit the Fairtrade Information Station in Georges Square this Saturday, join the 90kg rice challenge and more. (27 Feb)
Air pollution in Hebden Bridge: "The worst air quality in West Yorkshire is in Hebden Bridge". The next public meeting organised by the Blackshaw Environmental group has speakers talking about air pollution, and bats. Read more (27 Feb)
Bedroom tax - fears that hundreds of local people will be affected, and over a million pounds will be taken out of the local economy. Read more (21 Feb)
Freedom from Torture quiz night at the Trades Club - see report and details of next meeting
Todmorden Weavers and the Great War: Alan Fowler, former lecturer in Economic and Social History, told a meeting of the Hebden Bridge Local History Society that the local Weavers’ Association had 4000 members at its peak. Read more (20 Feb)
The Mummyfesto: author Linda Green has sold over 200,000 books. Her new novel is based in a Hebden Bridge at the centre of a political revolution. The Lollipop Party, which campaigns for children and families, gains massive support . . . Read more (13 Feb)
Half Term at Gibson Mill: Every day, starting from Saturday 16 until Friday 22 February, a child-friendly activity will be taking place at Gibson Mill. Read more (12 Feb)
Calder High OFSTED: 12-13 Feb. Parent responses needed. See Forum message from governor, Peter Buckley
HebWeb Forum is lively at the moment with discussion on the Co-op, gay marriages and our MP, Richard III, Calder Academy, buses and Bernard Ingham
Comedy Club: Jim Davidson and Noel Gallagher Nemesis' for Comedy Club in March. Most shows, including this month's, now sell out in advance. Read more (10 Feb)
Save Central Library: the protests continue. Read this latest news item with links to HebWeb coverage over the past four years. (6 Feb)
Local doctors' survey - you have until 11 February to complete this online patient survey about the Hebden Bridge Group Practice.
Petition objecting to Calder High becoming an Academy: if you wish to object to Calder High becoming an Academy, this page has the petition to download along with more information.
Horse logging demonstration, Hardcastle Crags, Tuesday 19th February, 11am-3pm. Read more
Calder High is moving swiftly towards being an Academy: little consultation with parents or the community. Read more about latest letter to parents.
Guardian Northener: A Dark Water - remembering Sylvia Plath in Hebden Bridge and how she and Ted Hughes might have fared better in the Hebden Bridge of today. (1 Feb)
Liberal Democrats have mixed feelings about Hebden Royd budget, emphasising a wish for Mytholmroyd to break with Hebden Bridge. Read more
New Alternative Energy project includes Raspberry Pi, conductive thread and ink, energy efficient 3D printing and more. Read more
Picture House: Parent and Baby screenings. Starting 29th January, Parent and Baby screenings will be part of the Picture House programme, exclusively for parents and their babies. Read more (25 Jan)
How can Hebden Bridge be a better place to live and work in 2020? This is the question which members of Hebden Bridge Partnership have set themselves, as they begin work on a new Action Plan for the town. Read more (22 Jan)
Hebden Bridge Walkers Action Relaunch: Following the meeting of 13th January, HBWA will continue for another six months to work on four projects - Problems with footpaths, 906 bus, self guided walks and Walkers are Welcome status Read more. (21 Jan)
Maxine Peake at the Trades Club, Saturday evening, 19th January. Photo: Bev Manders
History Society - Untold Stories: A glimpse into the lives of local people. Tony Wright has for the past ten years been collecting personal life stories on film and audio tape. Read more (18 Jan)
The Woodlands: new plans cause concern. See Planning Watch
Calderdale Budget Proposals for 2013 to 2016: Have your say. Calderdale Cabinet are asking residents and businesses for feedback on their proposals during a month of consultation. Read more. (15 Jan)
Ban the Burn campaign goes to Europe: questions are being raised about the legality of Natural England' decision to stop prosecuting the Walshaw Moor Estate - campaigners want the replacement of the sphagnum moss to slow the run-off during heavy rainfall. Read more. (14 Jan)
Keep NHS Calderdale public, a lobby will urge on Thursday 17 January at the next NHS Clinical Commissioning Executive Meeting. Read more. (14 Jan)
New Town Hall - job vacancies. Hebden Bridge Community Association are pleased to be currently recruiting for a number of posts. Read more. (10 Jan)
Hillsborough and Bernard Ingham: pressure is growing daily for local papers to end the Bernard Ingham column given his continued failure to apologise for 'disgraceful' remarks following the Hillsborough tragedy. Update: 11 January. Read more.
Have your say on Council budget: Calderdale Council is inviting people to have their say on the Council’s budget for 2013/14 to 2015/16.
Trades Club donates £5000 to Flood Fund
Energy Switching in Calderdale: Anyone in Calderdale can now easily take part in a deal that could save them as much as £250 per year. But just how green is the initiative? Read more. (3 Jan)
HEBWEB REVIEW OF THE YEAR 2012: Many thanks and Happy New Year to all those who read and support the HebWeb, especially those who have sent their news items, event details and photos, shared their views on the Forum and submitted their Small Ads.
Guardian Online: Creating a winter valley of lights in flood-hit West Yorkshire. And how Calderdale helped. (31 Dec)
The Trades Club thanks the HebWeb: "The Trades has had a great year with more than 30 sell-out gigs and a huge part of that is the regular updates we get on Hebweb" Read more.
Small ads: "We've successfully rented our house. Thanks for an excellent service - I'll heartily recommend Hebweb, as our house was previously listed through an estate agent who didn't manage to get us a tenant in 3 months - through Hebweb we had 4 prospective tenants within a week." (4 Jan)
Mike Harding back on stage at the Trades, the first time since he performed at the Miners' Strike Benefit in 1984. Read more - updated with a copy of original ticket from a HebWeb reader.

Hebden Bridge and its Co-op featured in this Radio Four programme - about 11 minutes in (21 Dec)
Our MP, Craig Whittaker will vote against same-sex marriages. Yesterday in Parliament, he told the Culture Secretary, Maria Miller that the views of people of faith should never be marginalised, referring to the Coalition for Marriage petition, calling for no change in the definition of marriage. See Forum discussion from earlier this year.
Mytholm Works: Councillors overrule planners' recommendation to dismiss Supermarket and Hotel plans. See Forum thread (4 Dec)
Valley of Lights Gallery on the HebWeb: we've now added 6 photos from Ian Hodgson.
Mytholmroyd Flood Action formed and will work on behalf of local residents and businesses in Mytholmroyd and Cragg Vale who may be at risk, and will look at ways to minimise the effects of any future flooding. Read more.
Silver postbox outside Mytholmroyd post office, to recognise the achievements of Karen Darke. Photo: H Gregg. Read more 3 Dec
The VALLEY OF LIGHTS stunned the many hundreds who packed the streets of Hebden Bridge Thursday evening, 29th November. A magnificent evening of parades, illuminated cyclists, frosty moonlight, music, street markets and entertainers showed once again what a quirky, funky, colourful, creative community we live in. More photos. Updated, to include a sample of photos from Craig Shaw and Ian Hodgson. See also: Forum thread
Nutclough Mill: oversight leads to deferment of decision on planning application. See Forum thread
Hebden Bridge Eccentrics: Proud to support the Naked Rambler. Thanks to Craig Shaw of Blu Planet Photography for this photo. Click to enlarge. Update: See news report (29 Oct)
Guardian Northerner uses HebWeb coverage of the Naked Rambler. Northern correspondent of the Guardian, Martin Wainwright writes, "Witness current comments on the community website, the Hebweb, which is one of the best of its kind in the country. No, world." (25 Oct)
Naked Rambler arrested in Hebden Bridge - Naked Rambler, Stephen Gough was arrested in Hebden Bridge. Read news item and see Forum suggestion that HB people support him by going naked on the bridge. (Updated 25 Oct)
Millionaires, ministers and the murky world of Walshaw Moor - New Internationalist
Calder High Academy? Parents have received a letter from the chair of governors, Rob Good, dated 23rd November, confirming that "the Dept. for Education's view is that Calder High School will become a sponsored academy."
Mark Thomas plays the Trades Club - Comedian and outrageous, leftwing political provocateur Mark Thomas brings his mix of laughs and debate to the Trades Club on 13 February. Tickets on sale Tues 27 Nov. Read more. Thurs 29 Nov update: Sold out
Pecket Well waste plan: Residents of Pecket Well fear serious environmental problems from expansion of waste processing plant. Read more.
See gallery of photos from this year's Folk Roots Festival, with thanks to Craig Shaw
Blues Festival Announces its 2013 Line-up - Running for three days at the end of May 2013, the organisers have laid on another spectacular bonanza for blues lovers everywhere.
Hebden Bridge: Hippy redoubt, artsy hub, unofficial lesbian capital of Britain, ecotown, hill walker's paradise … is there a more Guardian-friendly destination than Hebden Bridge? So starts the Guardian review of The White Lion. (30 Sept)
Any Questions at Hebden Bridge Town Hall: Listen now in iPlayer. A lively Hebden Bridge audience asked the panel questions on squatting, overseas student visa restrictions, disability benefits and asset transfers.
RSPB lodges EU complaint over Walshaw Moor controversy: The group says the government has failed to protect the landscape from activity to promote grouse-shooting. See Guardian article
A couple of weeks after the previous flood, one month's rain falls in three hours
FLOOD NEWS AND PHOTOS - together with links to YouTube and media coverage. Burnley Road from NatWest Bank to the Marina, most of Market Street to past the Co-op and George's Square were among the places flooded by today's torrential rain. This time, it wasn't the rivers, but drains were overwhelmed. Birchcliffe Road and Keighley Road were rivers of water. Read more
Royal Visit: Hebden Royd Town Clerk, Jason Boom sharing a joke with Charles on the Old Bridge at lunchtime today. Click to enlarge. More photos (6 July)
PICTURE HOUSE: After much effort from Staff, Friends of the Picture House and passers-by the Picture House only missed one screening after being flooded up to a depth of 5 ft in places.
The sun shines
Nearly 700 people took part in the parade and several thousands more lined the route to enjoy amazing giant puppets, dazzling artwork, a riot of colour and toe-tapping music. News and links, including one to Guardian gallery and to Calendar. See also: HebWeb photo gallery.
Photos and info: the worst flooding in Hebden Bridge for over 30 years. After heavy rain all day Friday, 22nd June, flood sirens went just before 8pm. Just hours later, the whole of the centre of Hebden Bridge was flooded. Market Street, Bridge Gate, Old Gate, Albert Street and Crown Street were all under water and impassable.
The dramatic events of Friday, 22nd June have led to dozens of local shops and businesses suffering damage and serious loss of stock. We encourage all HebWeb readers to support the fund set up by the Community Foundation.
Small Ads - "I am very pleased to say the response was terrific and both properties are now let." (Less than a week)
Small Ads - "We placed a job ad on the Hebweb recently, intending to keep it there for 2 weeks, but we had to take it down after 3 days due to the huge response generated"
Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - "Everything in the house was heated by the fire, all the old terraced houses used coal for heat and cooking back then, the valley had a serious smog problem." Read more from Dave Bridges' 500 words.
Jason Elliott's 500 Faces of Hebden Bridge
Small Ads - I just wanted to let you know that through my small ad on your site I found my ideal new home, meeting all my requirements. Thank you very much for such a great resource
More from Hebden Bridge Web
- Accommodation - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area
- Archive - news and discussion going back to the mid 90s
- Bloggers and columns - a section where you can read regular pieces by selected local bloggers.
- Books - of interest to people living in Hebden Bridge and area
- Contact info
- Discussion Forum - hundreds of messages every year on matters of concern to those who live in Hebden Bridge and the surrounding hills, villages and valleys
- Emails - a directory of local email addresses
- Events: a selection of local events
- Features
- Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - one of the 500 years of the Hebden pack horse bridge projects
- Green Pages
- Hebden Bridge info - some basic information about Hebden Bridge with links to some features which have been written about our town.
- Hebden Bridge 500 - celebrating 500 years of the bridge
- History pages - links to local history websites, together with a selection of articles remembering times past.
- Lives Remembered - thoughts and comments on the death of a selection of local people
- Mailing list
- Maps - several maps of the town and area, including Google maps.
- Neighbours/twins - links to websites of surrounding towns and our twin towns in France and Germany
- News: Dozens of news items are posted every month; many are unique to Hebden Bridge Web, coming from our growing number of correspondents. Others may also be covered elsewhere but can be found on HebWeb many days earlier.
- News Highlights of 2008
- Photos - many galleries of photos, including some by well known local photographers
- Planning Watch - details of controversial developments are posted here.
- Radio and video samples relating to our area
- Search HebWeb - search the thousands of news, features and discusssion on the entire Hebden Bridge Web in seconds.
- Small ads
- Tourist Info
- Useful sites - a range of site which we think local people will find useful, rail and bus timetables, ofsted reports, local doctors, etc.
- View from the Bridge
- Web Design from Pennine Pens
- Websites List - by category - by name - listings of a large selection of Hebden Bridge websites
- What's on/Local events: a selection of local events
- Where to stay - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area