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Naked Rambler arrested

From H Gregg

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

I see on Hebweb that the 'naked rambler' has been arrested in Hebden Bridge.

He's obviously passionate about his mission to walk naked from Lands End to John o' Groats, and I see nothing wrong with what he's doing. Any objections must surely be based on prudery.

It might be a good idea to offer him support from the town, I suspect he has received little elsewhere.

I suggest that a fitting gesture would be for a few hundred people get naked on and around the Old Bridge, have a photo taken and pass it to the national press. Do we really think the police could arrest us all? (yes I include myself).

If there are not enough takers for doing this on public land – maybe the town hall outdoor area would be a good place for the shot.

Any thoughts?

From Robert Malcolm Kay

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Please please please don't harass Steven Gough: it has already cost us, the taxpayer, a small fortune to keep him in jail for all these years, and he is a totally harmless eccentric. At the end of the day, yes he has a willy, as do 50% of the population, so lets not get all hot under the collar or go into denial. Its not a gun. Its not a sword. It isn't dangerous, not even a teensy weensy bit. So let him go.

From Malcolm Boura

Thursday, 25 October 2012

I am not surprised that he was arrested in Yorkshire. That constabulary has over the last few years shown itself to be one of the most institutionally clothist in the country. It is nothing but prejudice, there is not a shred of evidence that he causes harm to anyone. Conversely there is strong evidence that the attitudes being promoted by the police result in widespread and often serious harm, mainly to children and young people. I would have thought they were already in enough trouble with public opinion without adding this.

From Graham Barker

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Those keen to support Steven Gough might like to take the opportunity to gently remind him that support is a two-way street. They might bring to his attention this recent comment from his ex-partner: 'He has two beautiful children, who are a real joy, but he hasn't been a father to them'.

From Hamish McPhearson

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Thank you all for the balanced commentary so far in these pages and the reportage in this on line news service. Institutional authority and some members of society have a difficulty in dealing with those who hold a different perspective on life. Stephen Gough is a kind thoughtful man who loves his children. He is on his way to south to be reunited with them after being repeatedly jailed in Scotland (cumulative six years) for his beliefs. Let him be on his way.

From Tamara S

Thursday, 25 October 2012

So Yorkshire Police triumph again. They let a known football hooligan into Hillsborough who then went onto the pitch and attacked the Sheffield Wednesday goalie, and he got 4 months. Yorkshire police arrested another naked rambler earlier last year and the judge threw out the case on appeal because the police had lied about anyone being "distressed". What lies will they come up with this time? A fake "distressed" witness? And what idiots phoned 999? Do they understand the word "emergency"? So Steve wanders through the town, just as he has a thousand other towns. Elsewhere, he is bought drinks, photographed for people's Facebook pages, and guided on his way. What's happened to Hebden since l used to live nearby? It used to be a friendly place, live and let live.

From Graham Barker

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Good grief, how does Hillsborough get roped into this? Steven's record of arrest and imprisonment has been for his behaviour, not his beliefs - about which most people, including me, probably don't give a damn either way. If that's what he wants to do, let him get it over with quickly say I. But freedom fighter he isn't - he's out for no one except himself. The Scottish legal system seems to have done its best to give him a break but he refused even the smallest compromise. If he's been arrested again, the pragmatic reason is probably that he's a pain in the backside rather than a cause of moral outrage. The Hebden Bridge libertarians who love to manufacture intolerance to rail against should perhaps accompany Steven through certain parts of certain inner cities, and see how they all get on there.

From Ian M

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Sorry, I just don't get it. Why does this man have to walk about naked, what is he achieving?

Fair enough, stroll around your garden naked if you wish but why out in town?

Simple question, Calder High had an open evening a couple of weeks ago, would the above posters have been happy for the naked ramble to have dropped in to have a look around a school?

From Cllr James Baker

Thursday, 25 October 2012

I have just written a letter to the courier expressing my disappointed to see that West Yorkshire police had arrested this man. He is clearly one of Britain's eccentrics (you would have to be to walk about West Yorkshire naked at this time of year).

Couldn't we just allow him to be? Locking him up at the taxpayers' expense seems the worst use of public funds.

From Hamish McPhearson

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Thanks Cllr Baker for your thoughtful and measured response. Stephen Gough was not defeated by the Scottish Legal System and will not be cowed by his incarceration at Hebden Bridge. He is heading south, unclothed, in most unsuitable weather be be re-united with his children. Let him be.

From Heidi Waddington

Thursday, 25 October 2012

The idea of "storming" the bridge, naked is genius. The Hebden Bridge burlesque community are happy to get behind this. We can get a photographer too. If you are serious and want to do this, please drop me a line and we will make it happen x

From Allen Keep

Friday, 26 October 2012

I find Ian M's views particularly interesting. If I recall, he was most vociferous on these pages in his defence of the EDL (racist, violent, authoritarian supremancists) being able to walk around Hebden Bridge without opposition and those who did oppose these thugs were criticised most vehemently for denying free speech etc.

Ian appears to be not so charitable towards the naked rambler (eccentric, harmless). Interesting priorities.

Perhaps as Ian doesn't understand what the naked rambler is trying to "achieve" he is fair game to be continually arrested and hounded for not wearing pants? The EDL of course have a clear "achievement" agenda (and they wear pants, although not always shirts) so they must be free to pursue those aims?

From Tom Jones

Friday, 26 October 2012

There is no such offence of "receiving complaints from the public". I'd like to complain against people who let their dogs foul the footpaths, and whose mess can transmit toxicariasis and cause blindness.

There is no such offence of being "offended". I'm offended by people whose second-hand smoke will cause the death of others.

There is no such offence of being "distressed". I'm distressed when youngster ride their bicycles too close to me.

There is no such offence of "but the children!!". I'd like to lock up the fast food and fizzy drinks manufactures whose adverts will encourage my kids to become obese and develop heart disease.

There's no such offence of "I have my rights too", and thank goodness the law allows you to have them, and won't throw you in prison just because I disapprove of you.

There are a lot more important issues than a bloke walking around naked. Are we really a tolerant society?

From Hamish McPhearson

Monday, 29 October 2012

Stephen is now free and heading south to be reunited with his children. If unimpeded his walk will take a minimum of two weeks in inclement weather often sleeping outdoors. He will be joined at times by supporters many of who do not share his belief of public nudity but who support this expression of independent thought and conviction. Hopefully we will all meet in Hebden Bridge on the 5th February next when an impartial Judge will dismiss these spurious charges and vindicate those who follow the truth of their beliefs without ill intent towards anybody.

From H Gregg

Monday, 29 October 2012

Thanks to all the 'Hebden Bridge Eccentrics' who turned out on a cold October morning to show their support for Stephen Gough, the Naked Rambler.

If you agree with our views please 'like' our Facebook page -
- where there is a link to a video of the event.

See also

HebWeb News: Naked Rambler arrested