David Fletcher has put in an appeal against refusal of planning permission. See Planning Watch for having your say. See also The Garden Street Development, a Hebweb feature giving the background and news from 2004 until the present. - 23 Dec
There are plans to demolish old fire station and tarmac as temporary car park. See news.
Sustainable Transport Group urge significant improvement to local rail network - more info - 14 Dec

Vending Machine at the Station. What do you think?. See Forum - 19 Dec
Sita refuse to recycle with Kerbside. Public urged to write to the 7 Conservative members of the Calderdale Cabinet, and Hazel Blears, and return their Sita boxes. More info - 9 Dec

Local recycling firm gives Kerbside a Christmas boost
Snow - see photos with many thanks to those who sent in their pictures.- 7 Dec
“Calder High is a good school.” This is the judgement of the Ofsted inspection team who said that our local comprehensive has a number of “outstanding” features including an excellent curriculum and an “exceptional” range of additional activities. More info 3rd Dec

Snow! - 2nd Dec
See more photos

Clean up those grot spots - neighbourhood groups to clean over the weekend of 6th-7th December - more info - 18th Nov

The Mists of Pecket Well
Photo: Sandy O'Connor (29 Nov)
Local journalist and "visionary" GEOFF TANSEY WINS BBC FOOD AWARD. Hebweb report - what was said and why Geoff's work is so important. "The food system doesn't work. A billion people starve or are hungry and 1.3 billion are overweight or obese" |


Latest photos and message from Ian Coates' trip round the world on a Honda - Leaving Belize en route for Mexico and Alaska - Hebweb feature - 29 Nov |

Packed square for turning-on of lights
more photos, - 22nd Nov

Hebden-based Thingumajig Theatre, who co-produced the Handmade Parade earlier this year appear at Square Chapel - more info - added 25th Nov
Superfast web, TV and phone
Report of public meeting held on Wednesday (19th Nov) to unveil proposals to bring fibre to the Upper Calder Valley. The proposed new network would give local people access to ‘super-fast’ phone, video and internet services, and be owned by the community.
Plans: wine bar in Holme Street opposite Riverside School, apartments for the former adult education centre and 6 new dwellings at Old Chamber. See planning watch - 19th Nov
New Film Society for Mytholmroyd - more info
Hebden Bridge students in Les Miserables - see news
New town in Calderdale? - meeting in Hebden Bridge - see news - 10th Nov
Lindsay Rimer:
14 years and still no arrest. Lindsay went missing on 7th November 1994. Police are today re-appealing for help in the hope that someone comes forward with a vital piece of information that could assist the enquiry. See Hebweb news item and feature |

Hebden Bridge Picture House is booming: a fantastic combination of mainstream, art-house and foreign films, the Picture House offers so much more than a standard cinema including hot drinks and home-made cakes served by friendly staff. - 30th Oct
Hebden Bridge green company now successfully recycling rubber - more info - 3rd Nov
Local Food for Local people - talks from Suma and Hughes Family bakery, and cake samples. Saturday morning, 8th November - see events
Countryfile - John Craven was out and about around Hebden Bridge this week to record an edition of Countryfile for BBC1, Sunday 19th October. |
Hebden Bridge: " the great unwashed" - see news
Upper Valley Forum meetings - see events
HBOS Jobs - Gordon Brown offers to meet our MP, Chris McCafferty about worries over job losses. - 9th Oct
GARDEN STREET - Calderdale Council's Director of Regeneration & Development Ian Thompson, responsible for all aspects of the Garden Street development process inside the Council, attended Hebden Royd Town Council on Wednesday, 8th to answer questions from Town Councillors about issues to do with the area. - 8th Oct
KERBSIDE - talks with SITA didn't go well but are set to continue. Paul Brannigan of Kerbside says no decision will be made without real consultation with the community, via a public meeting. - 7th Oct
Archive - updated to include home pages from 2003
GARDEN STREET - plans thrown out
Hebweb scoop! Well over 300 people travelled to Halifax on a rainy Monday evening and listened for 3 hours while the Garden Street development was debated. The Planning Committee threw out the plans by a vote of five to two. Read report - 29th Sept. - see also Forum discussion of the planning process in the light of Garden Street
GARDEN STREET: Action group call on the Planning Committee to reject officers' report, citing factual inaccuracies, misquotations and, above all, lack of balance. Read more - 23rd Sept
Hebden Bridge Trail on your iPod, with audio narration by local actor, Rob Garrett. See our audio-video section or the Hebden Bridge History Walks page - 19th Sept.
HebWeb Radio - details of Dave Boardman's weekly programme on Hebden Bridge from Phoenix Radio, Dave's interview with Patsy Skeet and Chris Ratcliffe about arriving in Hebden Bridge in the 70s, and "Under the Bridge", a video of a town of alcoholic children |
Town Talk 12 - from Hebden Royd. Read attacks on Calderdale over its failure to recycle with Kerbside, and for the lack of progress with Central Street improvements. Also disability issues, station car park and a list of Town councillors.
Junior Band's
Festive Cheer
The finale to the Band's Christmas season is Carols in the Square on Christmas Eve - but there are others events where you can see the band - more info |


Battle of the Bands winners Widgykeff launch debut album at the Trades - more info
Swimming Pool Association - questions still unanswered, once again being asked. Trustee Dorothy Sutcliffe fails to attend council meeting for second time. See forum thread - 7 Dec
Expand Hebden Skatepark - video now available - Following its premier at the Trades you can now see the film on You Tube. The film explains why the space is so well used and the desperate need for its expansion.
Street Science comes to Hebden Bridge - listen to the discussion at the Alternative Technology Centre between a leading nuclear scientist and those opposed to nuclear energy. Radio 4, 3.45 pm Tuesday 2nd December. Listen again now

KERBSIDE PUBLIC MEETING - over 200 hundred people turned out this cold Saturday (29th) morning. Cllr Peter Coles: "I am ashamed of what Calderdale has done to Kerbside". Paul Brannigan: Calderdale were not interested in recycling before Kerbside and now local people have voted overwhelmingly for Kerbside black boxes. Report and photos
Small Business Centre proposed next to Town Hall: are Hebden’s creative businesses going to beat the ‘crunch’? Online survey to contribute your views. More info |


Above: Hebden Bridge cartoonist Fran Orford seeks to raise money for children's disability charity by drawing Christmas cards - more info
Local playwright Christopher Reason has dramatised the next Classic Serial for Radio Four - a 2 part adaptation of the satirical nove, The Good Soldier Švejkl by Czech writer Jaroslav Hašek, set in WW1.
Photos section - updated
Trades Club pledges to Beat the Burglars after raiders smashed their way into the building and took some stock. - 11th Nov

Hebden Bridge Bonfire 2008 - more photos
The Seamy Side of Town - Hebweb discussion continues. Inspector Chris Norbury joined the debate, and revealed actions he and his colleagues have already taken. 3 Nov
"We're really busy with our bed and breakfast and most get in touch through the Hebweb - Laura of Laurel End - see accommodation
Bradford Interchange closes for 10 days - news
Station Road closure: all day Sunday, 26th October - for resurfacing of road and car park. This car needs to be moved. More info and larger photo |
Hebden Bridge student Jemima Foxtrot stars in a powerful new BBC radio play about racism and poetry in the 21st century - see news - 19th Oct
Hebden Bridge student elected to Youth Parliament as MYP - 17th Oct
HB Partnership's celebration of community and activist groups showed what a truly remarkable town we live in - Read more - 8th Oct
Ted Hughes Festival - opens on 22nd October when Andrew Motion will present the Young Poets Award at the Ted Hughes Theatre in Mytholmroyd.
Permaculture and Transition Towns - on Sunday, 5th October at the Trades - see events
Small Ads - houses, flat, apartment, rooms and cottage to rent, Maths tuition, learn to draw, car for sale and much more
New station car park
works starts Monday 6th October
PACK HORSE BRIDGE: NO PARKING! (Updated) - Calderdale Council have confirmed to the Hebweb plans to paint yellow lines on part of the old bridge. More info - 25th Sept
Free Radicals - next session on 28th September - see events for full details
Coffee Station wins award - Third Prize in the Best Station Retail Outlet, at the National Community Rail Awards held in Plymouth on Friday night (22 Sept).

Looking critically at the Rochdale Canal,
our "linear park" - more info 18th Sept.
Nearly 4 months after Under the Bridge was first posted on the Hebden Bridge Web, the Courier reports that "drugs film shocks town" - see our radio and video section for the video, click here for Courier report - 15th Sept.
Hebden Bridge artists commissioned to create installations for Slow Art Trail opening in the Yorkshire Dales this month - more info - 12th Sept. |
HebWeb News - see over a hundred pages of news items (mostly with photos) and dozens of shorter items from this year's news of Hebden Bridge. See also our archive section for previous home pages, older news and forum messages. Please help the Hebweb by supporting our advertisers.
Asbestos, now banned in the EU, kills up to 4,000 people a year in the UK alone. This week's New Statesman reveals how the industry hid the truth for decades and why the death toll will certainly continue to rise." - Full article - see also Hebweb feature
Blackshawhead Village Fete - Saturday August 30 2008 - cancelled due to waterlogged field
Guardian on Hebden Bridge: "There probably isn't a more Guardian-y place in the universe. The arty class started coming here in the late 60s, attracted to its then ludicrously cheap stone mills and millhouses. Now you can't move for louche lesbians, academics, journalists, tortoiseshell spectacles and jazz musicians with questionable haircuts. Even the local brass band is so cool it plays ska." - 23 Aug
Latest play from Hebden Bridge's Square Peg Productions, reviewed (with photos) by Geoff Tansey - 17 Aug |
Boarding at a Pecket Well farm, Peter Kelly taught at Calder High from 1958 to 1961, and has sent the Hebden Bridge Web some of his memories. Read more on our History pages - 9 Aug
Useful sites - updated, links checked, police contact info added
Hebweb mailing list - subscribe to this list to receive occasional mailings about matters related to Hebden Bridge |
New Hebweb section - Archive |