News, Features and Upcoming Events
Picture House: Have your say - Hebden Royd Town Council are seeking views about the future of the Hebden Bridge Picture House. Read more - 7 Oct
Bestselling local author Linda Green to sign new novel - at The Book Case in Hebden Bridge on Saturday - days ahead of its national release. Read more - 4 Oct
Dog Control Orders Consultation - See news and Forum discussion
Quiz Team Required - more info
Overwhelming support for wind turbines at public meeting organised by Calder Civic Trust on 28 September. Read report of meeting. And forum thread
Reflections on the Labour Party Conference from Cllr Susan Press who has just returned from Liverpool where she was a local Labour Party delegate. Read more - 29 Sept
Hebden Bridge based Digital Archive awarded accreditation. Just after news that Pennine Horizons has received Heritage Lottery funding of £524,000 comes the news that its Digital Archive has now been awarded accreditation by West Yorkshire Archive Service. Read more - 24 Sept
Transition Town group seek ideas for improving sustainable transport. Read more - 21 Sept
New gallery of old photos posted on the Hebden Bridge Local History Group website - the one above is of a picnic in 1910 - 16 Sept
CONSTITUENCY CHANGES: it is proposed that Calder Valley constituency take 10,300 voters from Keighley (Worth Valley area) and 4 from Shipley!
Up the Buttress - by bike! More photos Timed hill climb from the the centre of Hebden Bridge up the cobbled Buttress (it's a one in three gradient in places) towards Heptonstall. More info.
Craig Whittaker MP supports Nadine Dorries' attempt to amend abortion law. See Guardian and Parliamentary report
Hebden Bridge Station threat - ticket office is on the list of 675 ticket offices threatened with closure. See news item on TSSA website - 5 Sept
Programme of local history evenings: local volunteers against Franco, temperance in the Upper Valley, sexing chickens in the 30s and much more - see Local History Group or the HebWeb What's on section
Hebden Bridge and the HebWeb feature in the Guardian's Northerner blog by Berringden Brow's Jill Robinson: "You can celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee if you want to, but Hebden Bridge Town Council isn't joining in."
Hebden Bridge to London by train? - plans have been submitted to link Huddersfield, Dewsbury, Hebden Bridge and Todmorden to Londonl via a new service, which would also see increased direct trains being offered between Leeds, Bradford and Halifax. See Yorkshire Post story -
Newly elected Town Council - minutes of its first 4 meetings, and 8 committee meetings including the new Picture House and Young People committees, are now available online. (3 Aug)

Pop visionary Julian Cope to make a rare trip to Yorkshire playing classics from across his hit studded career at the Trades Club in Hebden Bridge on Friday 28 October. More info (2 Aug)
Profile on Mytholmroyd and Hebden Bridge in Yorkshire Post. 'It's the wild, wild west of Yorkshire. Hippies and highwaymen, murderers and Methodists, artists and alternative healers . . . Glyn Hughes . . . insisted its character was determined by geology, the millstone grit, whose blackened outcrops he likened to "the bones [that] press through the flesh of a hungry cow".'
Painting the Little Park: Parents and friends at the Victoria Road playground on Saturday. Read more about what they are doing. Thanks to Andy Spencer for photo - click to enlarge.
The Wombles go skipping in Hebden Bridge - Guardian's The Northerner - another piece from Berringden Brow author Jill Robinson.
STOP! DON'T READ THIS - the story. Miss Rusty's book is finally published for all to read, and includes her account of being sacked from Calder High along with ideas for working with disaffected teenagers. Read HebWeb review
'Inspirational' Teacher Steve Cann cleared - The General Teaching Council for England has confirmed that there was no case to answer. Steve was the union rep suspended from Calder High in early 2009 along with Leonora Rustamova (Miss Rusty) Read more (5 July)
HANDMADE PARADE TRIUMPH - "It just keeps getting bigger and better every year." Nearly 700 people took part in the parade and an estimated 5,000 lined the route to enjoy amazing giant puppets, dazzling artwork, a riot of colour and toe-tapping music. Read report - see photos
Wainsgate Chapel Concert on Saturday October 15th with a great show for music lovers of all ages - the Classic Buskers (all two of them) perform some of the greatest and most famous works of music on a variety of weird and wonderful instruments. Read more
Hebden Bridge Community Self Build Housing public meeting on 9 October - See What's on section
Hanging baskets to come down
on Wednesday (5th Oct) Read more
Trades this week: The Acoustic Gathering folk supergroup on Wednesday, Curry Night on Thursday and Beatherder Festival fundraiser on Friday. See What's on section
Hebden Bridge building site. Scaffolding covers the old Packhourse Bridge which is being repointed. Behind that is the Town Hall re-building. Just out of site is the Shoulder of Mutton also closed for building work. - 29 Sept
Calderdale Libraries threat - see Forum thread
Campaign to protect Calderdale's green fields launched by Friends of the Earth. As the political battleground over planning reform intensifies, FOE is drawing attention to how our local countryside is "in peril" if controversial proposals are pushed through by the Coalition Government. Read more - 28 Sept
University of Third Age - Report of meeting about Walking the Pacific Crest Trail as recounted by Ray Riches. Read more - 27 Sept
Ted Hughes Festival 2011: Experts on Ted Hughes? work will be coming to Mytholmroyd over the weekend of 21st - 23rd October to take part in this year's Festival. Read more - 26 Sept
Forum discussion includes wind turbines, rights of way at Calder High and the digital switchover. - 23 Sept
HebVeg plan ambitious step forward - HebVeg are now planning to emply their own grower, produce food directly on land in and around Hebden Bridge, and sourcing more food from growers in the area. Read more - 21 Sept
Small Ads currently include places to rent, English and Biology tuition, other services, requests for cleaner and dog walker.
Digital Switchover - Second stage was on 21st Sept. More digital channels available. Analogue TV goes. See Digital UK for more info. And this forum thread
Keep Ticket Office Open says Town Council: Hebden Royd has written to Transport Secretary Philip Hammond to voice its opposition to the closure of the ticket office at the station. Read more - 19 Sept
Canal towpath improvements in Hebden Bridge: Calderdale Council have recently completed a scheme to improve the towpath on the heavily used Blackpit Aqueduct stretch of the Rochdale Canal in the centre of Hebden Bridge. Read more - 16 Sept
Linden Mill plans revived: see Forum thread and Planning Watch
Greenest Town in the Land: Bear v Bernard. Fierce reaction to Bernard Ingham's scathing attack on Hebden Bridge Transition Town and renewable energy. Read more
Walk The Treesponsibility Trail - A new walk has been established by Treesponsibility, the local group whose work combines reforestation and ecological restoration with awareness-raising about climate change. Read more - 9 Sept
The Book Case to have new owners: read more details about the shop's new chapters and its latest Book News - 5 Sept
Job vacancy: administration and office support at Hebden Royd Town Council. More info - 5 Sept
Job vacancy: Executive Director, Hebden Bridge Community Association. More info
Eastwood Recycling Centre: Have your say. Local residents are being offered the chance to have their say about how improvements to the Centre can be made. Read more
Thanks to Hebden Bridge, Calderdale leads the way with asset transfer. Read more - 26 Aug
The best of folk at Hebden Bridge's Folk Roots Festival in November. Two generations of the leading lights of the folk world come together for a one off show at Hebden Bridge’s Folk Roots Festival in November. Steve Tilston, who’s songwriting was praised by John Lennon, will be joined on stage by Becky Unthank. Read more - 22 Aug

Ian Coates - latest, on his way back to Hebden Bridge after 12 years riding round the world on his Honda - update from the Balkans - See HebWeb Feature for latest update. (1 Aug)
Local Paintings Online: Calderdale has now put online what the council describes as some of the finest oil painting collections in the country with work dating from the 17th to 21st century. Read more (11 July)
Hanging Basket Fever Hits Hebden
This week over 300 baskets and planters have been put up across Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd. Read more
Small Ads - I just wanted to let you know that through my small ad on your site I found my ideal new home, meeting all my requirements. Thank you very much for such a great resource - Message received 6 July
Now BBC covers the discussion about the 'So Hebden Bridge' sign on the HebWeb Forum

Handmade Parade, 11 June 2011 - more photos
Blues Festival Report - from Craig Shaw. "Many music lovers, regulars at other festivals, said they were blown away by the quality of the music." Read more - 5 June
PACE EGG PLAY 2011 See photos and video (including 3-D) - Heptonstall Pace Egg information and Midgley Pace Egg information. Over £1700 raised for charity. See also, HebWeb feature
Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - "We have more coffee shops, hairdressers and accessories shops than you could toss a stick at, yet struggle to keep an electrical goods store open and even to kickstart a cobblers." Read more from Angie Cairns' 500 words.
Small Ads - "We placed a job ad on the Hebweb recently, intending to keep it there for 2 weeks, but we had to take it down after 3 days due to the huge response generated"
DIGITAL SWITCHOVER DATES: The change from analogue to digital TV will happen next year, 2011 Read more
Glyn Hughes: local author and poet Glyn Hughes has died. Glyn was the author of Millstone Grit and the award winning Where I used to Play on the Green, and a contributor to the HebWeb, including 11 poems - see our Features section. Add your comments on our Lives Remembered page
Radio 4 comes to Heptonstall - iPlayer link to Ramblings
Life in a Northern Town: 1980s Hebden Bridge footage featured in an 80s pop video - more info and discussion
Regional newspaper sales were down in the last 6 months of 2010. According to ABC, sales of the HB Times were down 18.2% to 2766 copies. (Making the HebWeb a much better prospect for advertisers!)
Helen of Four Gates: the HebWeb talks to film-maker Nick Wilding about how this classic silent film was tracked down to once again enthrall audiences at the Hebden Bridge Picture House. Read more
Hebden Bridge a "GREAT TOWN" - Ian McMillan writes poem about Hebden Bridge which has won the 'Great Town Award' given by The Academy of Urbanism. Hebden Bridge has previously been voted the 4th funkiest town in the world and the UK town with most local identity. Read More
Jason Elliott's 500 Faces of Hebden Bridge is now complete. See web gallery of all 500 faces
More from Hebden Bridge Web
- Accommodation - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area
- Archive - news and discussion going back to the mid 90s
- Bloggers and columns - a section where you can read regular pieces by selected local bloggers.
- Books - of interest to people living in Hebden Bridge and area
- Contact info
- Discussion Forum - hundreds of messages every year on matters of concern to those who live in Hebden Bridge and the surrounding hills, villages and valleys
- Emails - a directory of local email addresses
- Events: a selection of local events
- Features
- Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - one of the 500 years of the Hebden pack horse bridge projects
- Green Pages
- Hebden Bridge info - some basic information about Hebden Bridge with links to some features which have been written about our town.
- Hebden Bridge 500 - celebrating 500 years of the bridge
- History pages - links to local history websites, together with a selection of articles remembering times past.
- Lives Remembered - thoughts and comments on the death of a selection of local people
- Mailing list
- Maps - several maps of the town and area, including Google maps.
- Neighbours/twins - links to websites of surrounding towns and our twin towns in France and Germany
- News: Dozens of news items are posted every month; many are unique to Hebden Bridge Web, coming from our growing number of correspondents. Others may also be covered elsewhere but can be found on HebWeb many days earlier.
- News Highlights of 2008
- Photos - many galleries of photos, including some by well known local photographers
- Planning Watch - details of controversial developments are posted here.
- Radio and video samples relating to our area
- Search HebWeb - search the thousands of news, features and discusssion on the entire Hebden Bridge Web in seconds.
- Small ads
- Tourist Info
- Useful sites - a range of site which we think local people will find useful, rail and bus timetables, ofsted reports, local doctors, etc.
- View from the Bridge
- Web Design from Pennine Pens
- Websites List - by category - by name - listings of a large selection of Hebden Bridge websites
- What's on/Local events: a selection of local events
- Where to stay - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area