News, Features and forthcoming Events
Up the Buttress: Rain didn't stop those wanting to cycle up the Buttress Saturday, 6th September. See HebWeb coverage of this annual event over the past few years.
Bridge Mill went eco-powered to celebrate 700th birthday: Street Party on Saturday afternoon, 6 September. Birthday Cake, Candles, Music. See news item and new feature. (1 Sept)
A&E: Labour welcomes decision to develop viable plans before deciding on changes: Calderdale Council's Labour group leader Cllr Tim Swift has welcomed decision by Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group to develop viable and fully-costed community health plans before deciding whether to support major changes to local hospital services. (28 Aug)
Shop Local campaign to reward customers with points through a new digital loyalty scheme. Open meeting at Town Hall on Weds 3rd supported by the Business Forum. Read more (29 Aug)
Neighbourhood Plan Application: Hebden Royd Town Council, with Blackshaw, Erringden, Heptonstall and Wadsworth are applying to develop a Neighbourhood Plan. The consultation period starts 22 August. Read more.
HebWeb uses Google ads to help cover its costs and they vary for each user. This has worked well for many years. However, please let us know the url of any ad thought to be inappropriate. If we agree, the ad will be blocked.
20mph policy will still be implemented in spite of the coup at Calderdale - but for Hebden Bridge and surrounding villages, not for 18 months. Read more. (20 Aug)
Hebden Royd Town Council - latest minutes of council meetings and committees now online.
Bring our railway into the 21st Century. Local survey results show that we want later trains back from Manchester and Leeds; earlier and more trains on Sundays; a direct service to Huddersfield; and new trains to replace the old, dated ones, currently used on the Calder Valley line. Read more
Sainsbury's Plans stop press Calderdale's Planning Committee will not now consider the application for a supermarket on the old fire station site until September, as agent for Sainsburys can't make the August date. Planning officers are recommending acceptance. Read our earlier news itemn
Swimming Pool: once again questions are being asked about what has happened to the swimming pool £million. The most recent promise was for a pool by Easter 2014. See Forum
Green Party Leader visits Upper Valley: Natalie Bennett visited the Upper Calder Valley and gave support to the Save the A&E and Save our Shops campaigns. Read more (12 Aug)
Eastwood Recycling Centre: "A man has pleaded guilty to wrecking a council recycling centre near Todmorden causing damage put at £300,000." - ITV News
Calderdale Coup - Labour ousted from power: Yesterday evening, Liberal Democrat councillors stopped backing the Labour Administration and changed to supporting the Conservatives. A vote of no confidence in the Labour administration was carried by 24 votes to 22. Read more and see Forum thread
NHS debates. The HebWeb has been informed that there will be four debates on NHS services for Calder Valley to be held between Labour's Josh Fenton-Glynn and Tory MP Craig Whittaker in September.
Scheme to insulate attic rooms in Hebden Bridge terraced houses. Local ineligibility for green grants has been raised over the years on the HebWeb. Now some residents have started benefiting from a new scheme which can cost as little as £1. More info and how to apply (24 July)
GP appointments: Thousands of Calderdale patients wait over a week to see GP. Over 23,000 patients in Calderdale waited seven days or longer to see a GP the last time they tried, an official NHS survey has found. Read more
No Commonwealth Flag at Town Hall: Hebden Royd Town council has voted this week not to fly the Commonwealth flag while 4 out of 5 of its nations criminalise homosexuality!
Hebden Bridge Walkers' Action latest news: new book of Hebden Bridge walks, proposed booklet of walks from Hebden Bridge to Haworth, and more.
Eastwood Recycling Centre - closed for 4 months! The Centre is expected to be closed until November 2014, as extensive repairs are needed after man ran amok with JCB. Read more (23 July)
A&E: Craig Whittaker challenged to debate:Labour's Josh Fenton-Glynn asked our MP to debate the issue in response to an article by Whittaker in last week's Courier. Read more on this, including the 'sticks of celery' jibe. (21 July) Update: Craig Whittaker accepts challenge
Wuthering Bytes: an August weekend festival of technology in Hebden Bridge. See What's on
Children needed for summer theatre project - Children aged 6-16 wanted to take part in free workshops that will result in a multi media theatre piece at the Birchcliffe Centre. Read more (20 July)
Sainsbury's Plans resubmitted - without the Retail Impact Assessment requested by Calderdale Council. Sainburys have submitted amendments to their planning application for the Old Fire Station site on Valley Road. Read more (15 July)
New Environment Secretary was Calder Valley candidate for the Conservatives in the 2005 General Election. Liz Truss was narrowly beaten by Christine McCafferty, and then moved on. See Forum comments from March 2005. (15 July)
HebWeb Directory - latest update: Ecoheat, Committed to Energy Conservation, Renewable Energy and a Nuclear free zone.
The People's Commission on Health wants to hear from you!They'd like to know by 1 August our experiences and what services we want locally. Read more (10 July)
Artsmill Gallery receives grant funding of £3,600 from Hebden Royd Town Council to help create disabled access to its Gallery, Studios and Art School. Read more
Two Hebden Bridge co-operative pioneers honoured in a ceremony on Saturday. In the late 19th century Hebden Bridge was as well-known for productive co-operation as Rochdale was for retailing, says this report in Co-operative News
Rail consultation: the local Sustainable Transport group want your views on how train services could improve, to help them respond to the Gov consultation. See news item and questionnaire. 8 July
Hebden Bridge was at its most wonderful for the Tour de France. Read brief report of the weekend along with a selection of Tweets. (updated 9 July)
Bridge Mill at 700: the Peace Artistes led the music for the party on Saturday, 6 September.
Picture House Heritage Open Day: The historic cinema opens its doors to the public on Heritage Open Day (13 Sept) to give you the opportunity to explore the 1920s auditorium (stalls and balcony) and the foyer. Read more (5 Sept)
President of German Parliament praises Mayor of Hebden Royd's speech. Cllr Jonathan Timbers, won praise for a speech he made at a twinning event in Warstein, Germany, from the President of the Bundestag, Dr Norbert Lammert. Read more (5 Sept)
Walkers Action is holding an open forum on 23 September for all walkers and other interested people, to consider what activities the group should concentrate on over the next couple of years. Read more (3 Sept)
Twin Town Liberation Celebrations: Wreaths will be laid, and an artwork received, to mark the occasion 70 years ago when British troops, including at least one man from Hebden Bridge, pushed the Nazis out of the St Pol. Read more (1 Sept)
Local History Talks planned for the next 6 months, starting with Valley of a Hundred Chapels: How non-conformists shaped our world. Above: Stone laying at Foster Chapel. See What's On.
Win tickets for Tea Street Band at the Trades: Update: the competition has now closed and the winner chosen and notified. Read more.
Hebden Bridge Bridge Blues Festival wins again: Hebden Bridge Blues Festival has won an unprecedented third consecutive Festival of the Year title in the British Blues Awards. Read more. (25 Aug)
Train prices petition: The Campaign for Better Transport have launched an on-line petition urging Northern Rail to scrap plans to introduce higher evening peak ticket fares, due to come into effect on 8th September.
Northlight Launches its Autumn Term programme of creative courses. Get a free taste of Northlight's new programme of Art and Craft courses! Read more. (21 Aug)
Course for Autumn: From Bellini to Titian. See What's on
Great British Rail Journeys came to Hebden Bridge on Monday, as Michael Portillo followed Bradshaws Guide: "Nowhere better presents the impact of the railways on Victorian leisure than Hebden Bridge". Watch online, just after 23 mins in. (19 Aug)
Walk and Ride Festival latest: There are nearly 50 events taking place in Calderdale as part of the 2014 South Pennines Walk and Ride Festival this September, from a bat walk to adventures with a walking book author. Read more (18 Aug)
The Day PZ Myers came to Hebden Bridge, outspoken critic of intelligent design and the creationist movement, and active in the American creation–evolution controversy. Read more (14 Aug)
Moyles Planning application - see Forum message
The King's Troupe perform at Stratford at the invitation of the Royal Shakespeare Company to take part in their Open Air Theatre project. Read more (13 Aug)
Hebden Royd Admin Vacancy: for Apprentice Business Administrator with 12 Month Contract. To provide clerical and admin support to the Council. More info. (11 Aug)
HebWeb now available on the slightly shorter as well as
eBook from Pennine Pens - Theatre in a Time of Change - by Hebden Bridge's Michael Prior. This is not a book about stars and plays, but about the rise and fall of the theatre as a cultural and economic art-form since 1945. Read more. (11 Aug)
Discussion on HebWeb Forum: the Calderdale Coup and 2015 general election; swimming pool, dangerous drivers, Gaza, no car days, balsam and more.
HebWeb Small Ads - guitar lessons, electrician, consulting room, units, to let, to rent, house wanted, boilers and stoves, Breton farm, and more.
HebWeb photos - see photos from some of this year's great events - Handmade Parade, Stoodley Pike at 200, Pace Egg and more.
Where to Stay - latest additions and updates: Old Town Cottage, Stag Cottage, Towngate Cottage, Bottoms Farm, Beech House, Croft Mill and The Old Co-op.
What's On? - events coming up include Wuthering Bytes technology festival, Terry Logan, wild food walk and picnic, Burlesque, Camera Club and Artsmill exhibitions, Up the Buttress and much more.
HebWeb Directories: latest updates include Thinking Further, ABC Coaching and Counselling, Ecoheat and Waterside Gym
Twitter: Join the 1500 plus now following the HebWeb.
Gaza Vigil in Hebden Bridge , in support of blockaded Palestinian people.
Mytholmroyd Station Partnership shows appreciation to retiring Headteacher who, since the Station Partnership was formed in 2006, has given her continual support. Read more (22 July)
Eastwood Recycling Centre will be closed today until further notice due to a man running amok with a JCB, causing extensive damage. See ITV video
Walk and Ride Festival - Up the Buttress, family friendly rides, charity events, bike maintenance and much more; the South Pennines Walk and Ride Festival this September. Read more (18 July)
Ambulance response times increase by over a minute and a half in a year: Labour candidate Josh Fenton-Glynn has voiced alarm after figures reveal the average time patients in our region wait for an emergency ambulance has shot up by 100 seconds in a year. Read more (14 July)
National Street Choirs Festival 2014 came to Hebden Bridge again the weekend of 11-13 July. Above, they packed our square, singing Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika. Read more
Volunteers help to reduce flood risk - Local volunteers have been helping to keep the River Calder in Mytholmroyd clear of vegetation to reduce the risk of flooding, and there are still lots more chances to take part. Read more
Life in La Serenissima, Venice was the subject of the recent University of Third Age session. The speaker was Kathryn Ogden, who winters there every year. Read more (9 July)

Stop subsidies to sheep farmers and grouse moor owners - Guardian columnist George Monbiot gave a powerful speech to a packed audience at the Baptist Church yesterday evening, as part of the Hebden Bridge Arts Festival. Read more. (4 July)
Arts Festival hits the streets of Hebden Bridge. Today, the town was was buzzing with smiling and bemused faces as various groups of musicians, artists and street entertainers brought our streets alive - once again. See more photos (29 June)
Get Hebden Bridge Buzzing: Help our bees with the new bee partnership which launches this weekend. Read more about the new group and saving bees and other pollinating insects such as butterflies, moths and hoverflies.
Cycle path upgrade - Route 66 to Sowerby Bridge - Improvements have been taking place along the off-road sections of the Calder Valley Cycleway – the Route 66 cycleway running between Sowerby Bridge and Hebden Bridge. Read more (26 June)
Flood Safety Project: Calderdale would like to offer no-obligation home flood safety checks to residential property owners that live in high risk flood areas. Read more (23 June)
Floods: "We need an MP who will stand up for Mytholmroyd, Todmorden and Hebden Bridge"
The House of Commons Select Committee has just reported on the winter floods and Labour's Josh Fenton-Glynn has told the HebWeb that the Government isn't facing up to the longterm risk of flooding. Read more
A northern Banksy? Sylvia Plath on a bike. The drawing above on the side of the Shoulder of Mutton was one of several by street artist Stewie which were featured on BBC Look North.
HEBDEN BRIDGE HANDMADE PARADE: Another superb Handmade Parade. Hundreds took part with their wonderful costumes and creations. Thousands watched with smiles and amazement in the June sunshine.
Read report of Saturday's Parade and see HebWeb photos
Photo: Chris Zimnoch. Click to enlarge
Recycle Radio has now finished its four days of broadcasting but you can still listen to the shows again
Arts Festival: Local Students delivered #yourfest when they took over Calder Homes Park for #yourfest on Saturday as part of their work towards a national award. Read more. (2 July)
Cragg Vale is gearing up for Le Tour. Mayor Cllr Timbers helped start off the mammoth task of hanging bunting along Britain's longest continual incline and one of the biggest challenges for the cyclists on the 6th. Read more (1 July)
People's Commission: Calderdale Council has appointed Professor Andrew Kerslake as the Independent Chair of the People's Commission on Health and Social Care. Read more
Hebden Royd Town Council - latest minutes and reports now online, along with the attendance record (pdf) of Town Councillors (23 June)
Northlight Studios: A Summer of Artistic opportunity with exceptional artists who are passionate about sharing their knowledge. Read more (19 June)
TOUR DE FRANCE: ORGANISE YOUR TRAVEL PLANS - for more info about temporary car parks, park and ride, buses and trains on 6 July, click here (updated 18 June)
The Cycle Exchange connects young of France and Yorkshire - the latest project by Outta Place, a Calderdale-based youth arts organisation headed up by Hebden Bridge's Clare Donegan. Read more (16 June)
Workers' Coop celebrates first successful year - free cake and drinks were given out to Valley Organics customers on Saturday. Read more about what workers told the HebWeb (9 June)
Schoolchildren remember Bob Leedham by voting to name new retirement development in Victoria Road, 'Leedham Court'. See Calendar news report.
PEOPLE'S COMMISSION on Health services: with the A&E crisis still unresolved, Calderdale Council wants people to give their views on how health and social care services should be provided in the future. Read more
Oxfam need volunteers, or else they may close. Call in at the shop if you can help.

Labour win contested Hebden Royd Town Council bye-election. Results details.
LABOUR WIN CALDER WARD covering Hebden Bridge. Alison Miles takes the seat with 1547 votes 15.08 Kate Sweeny for the Greens comes second.
Women take valley seats in Hebden Bridge, Todmorden, Mytholmroyd, Sowerby Bridge and Elland. Conservatives win Luddenden Foot, covering Mytholmroyd, with Jill Smith-Moorhouse, beating Labour by 17 votes! More election results.
A New Mayor for Hebden Royd - The Annual Meeting of Hebden Royd Town Council was held at the Hope Baptist Church in Hebden Bridge and saw Mayor Elect, Cllr Jonathan Timber take the chain for the Mayoral year of 2014-15. Read more
Stairway to Old Town – Sponsors Wanted. CROWS are going to remake the wrecked path with at least 30 steps on it, providing a direct link from Old Town to Hardcastle Crags. Read more

Above, Stoodley Pike bicentenary: More photos
"Happy Valley: The dark side of Hebden Bridge" - article in Yorkshire Post. "The idea came to me after I watched Shed Your Tears and Walk Away", says writer Sally Wainwright. (2 May)
Local bands headline Trades birthday bash: Local bands have rallied round to celebrate the Trades Club's 90th birthday at a special free open air street party on Saturday 3rd May. Read more
Tour de France timings now confirmed
May Local elections: Five candidates are competing in the Calder Ward which covers Hebden Bridge and four candidates are standing in the Luddenden Foot Ward which covers Mytholmroyd. Read more
Duck Race 2014: When Hebden Bridge has so many great events, attractions and countryside, just why do hundreds and hundreds of people crowd into the town for the annual Duck Race? Read more. And see photo gallery
Bicentenary Celebration on Stoodley Pike: Pigeons, puppeteers, samba and brass bands are to perform at the summit of our local "peace monument" on Sat 3rd May. More info
Lift at station: the HebWeb has learned that Hebden Bridge has been selected as 1 of 3 stations in Yorkshire to get Access for All funding. Should mean, finally, a new lift! See announcement
eBook Launch - The Bad Step by Andrew Bibby. Nick Potterton died in an accident while fell running in the Lakes. But was it an accident? 6.30pm for an hour this Thurs, 1 May. Read more
Pace Egg Madness 2014
This year, with sunshine - more photos
Pace Egg 2014 - More info about the Heptonstall and Calder High Pace Egg performances this Good Friday.
HAULING A GRAND PIANO UP CRAGG VALE BY BIKE - Cyclists pulled the piano up the longest incline in the country on Sat, 5th April. Read more about this audacious musical and cycling adventure. And see the HebWeb photo gallery
Guardian Northerner: What the UK can learn from Hebden Bridge? The BBC's Mind the Gap asks how London's success can be replicated elsewhere: Claire Donnelly argues that our small town could have the answer. Read more (11 March)
Hebden Bridge, the UK's second city, BBC article by Evan Davis. "Hebden Bridge is an inverted city with a greenbelt centre and suburbs called Manchester, Leeds and Liverpool." Read the article
See our feature on MP Craig Whittaker for his reaction to the proposed closure.
Small Ads: "Ad posted Monday (11th Nov), lease to be signed Saturday and tenant moving in Sunday. Thanks HebWeb."
"Unbelievable result Hebweb. So many enquiries in response to the small ad on your site and now have lovely new tenants. What a success - Thank you Hebweb." Message received 6 May.
Small Ads - "I am very pleased to say the response was terrific and both properties are now let." (Less than a week)
HebWeb Review of 2013 - a year when it was announced that the Tour de France will pass through our town, co-ops were formed to run the Fox and Goose and Valley Organics, the Bernard Ingham column in the local paper was ended by popular protest, Burlesque was banned, a swimming pool promised, the Arts excelled yet again and Hebden Bridge was still the "coolest place to live." Read more
Hebden Bridge: more plaudits - Last year's Valley of Lights won APSE's best community and neighbourhood initiative, and the Old Gate pub restaurant is Yorkshire Post's "Pub of the Week".
Britain's favourite market town? Hebden Bridge has been shortlisted in the 'Britain's favourite market town' category in the BBC Countryfile Magazine Awards 2013. Read more
Guardian Northerner: Hebden Bridge the UK's coolest place? The Yorkshire Paradise has won its fourth accolade in a decade. Born, brought up and living here, Rachel Pickering is loyal, but has one or two cautionary thoughts.
HebWeb archive: quickly view HebWeb home pages of the past few years.
Small ads: "We've successfully rented our house. Thanks for an excellent service - I'll heartily recommend Hebweb, as our house was previously listed through an estate agent who didn't manage to get us a tenant in 3 months - through Hebweb we had 4 prospective tenants within a week." (4 Jan)
Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - "Everything in the house was heated by the fire, all the old terraced houses used coal for heat and cooking back then, the valley had a serious smog problem." Read more from Dave Bridges' 500 words.
Jason Elliott's 500 Faces of Hebden Bridge
Small Ads - I just wanted to let you know that through my small ad on your site I found my ideal new home, meeting all my requirements. Thank you very much for such a great resource
CYCLING UP THE BUTTRESS: the hardest and steepest 350 metre climb out of Hebden Bridge took place Saturday 7th September. More photos and News item. And now the YouTube video
Small Ads - "We placed a job ad on the Hebweb recently, intending to keep it there for 2 weeks, but we had to take it down after 3 days due to the huge response generated"

More from Hebden Bridge Web
- Accommodation - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area
- Archive - news and discussion going back to the mid 90s
- Bloggers and columns - a section where you can read regular pieces by selected local bloggers.
- Books - of interest to people living in Hebden Bridge and area
- Contact info
- Discussion Forum - hundreds of messages every year on matters of concern to those who live in Hebden Bridge and the surrounding hills, villages and valleys
- Emails - a directory of local email addresses
- Events: a selection of local events
- Features
- Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - one of the 500 years of the Hebden pack horse bridge projects
- Green Pages
- Hebden Bridge info - some basic information about Hebden Bridge with links to some features which have been written about our town.
- Hebden Bridge 500 - celebrating 500 years of the bridge
- History pages - links to local history websites, together with a selection of articles remembering times past.
- Lives Remembered - thoughts and comments on the death of a selection of local people
- Mailing list
- Maps - several maps of the town and area, including Google maps.
- Neighbours/twins - links to websites of surrounding towns and our twin towns in France and Germany
- News: Dozens of news items are posted every month; many are unique to Hebden Bridge Web, coming from our growing number of correspondents. Others may also be covered elsewhere but can be found on HebWeb many days earlier.
- News Highlights of 2012
- Photos - many galleries of photos, including some by well known local photographers
- Planning Watch - details of controversial developments are posted here.
- Radio and video samples relating to our area
- Search HebWeb - search the thousands of news, features and discusssion on the entire Hebden Bridge Web in seconds.
- Small ads
- Tourist Info
- Useful sites - a range of site which we think local people will find useful, rail and bus timetables, ofsted reports, local doctors, etc.
- View from the Bridge
- Web Design from Pennine Pens
- Websites Listings A-Z: listings of a large selection of Hebden Bridge websites
- Websites List - by category: listings of a large selection of Hebden Bridge websites
- What's on/Local events: a selection of local events
- Where to stay - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area