News, Features and forthcoming Events

Town Hall flood services Hebden Bridge Town Hall flood services are being driven by Hebden Bridge Community Association, Calderdale Council, the Environment Agency and the goodwill of local and far flung volunteers. Read more 2 Jan
Funding for residents and businesses, Army on the streets; video of Town Hall hub co-ordinating support; businesses needs support; help from Halifax mosque; George Monbiot - "warnings disregarded"; message of support from twin town, and more. News and photos updated 31 Dec
Sainsburys' latest court action thrown out. See court ruling here. The High Court has dismissed Eshton Gregory's/ Sainsbury's judicial review challenge to the Planning Inspector's refusal to grant an appeal to Calderdale Council's refusal of planning permission 30 Dec
Hebden Bridge Bounces Back: List of shops back open as of Saturday morning. 2 Jan
Hebden Bounces Back - while many people's businesses and homes remain in ruins, the co-operative spirit upon which much of our town's history is based, returned over the past few days. What looked like a war zone on Monday is already beginning to resemble Hebden Bridge again. Amazingly, several shops have already re-opened, including Oasis!

See HebWeb Forum thread for floods discussion.
FLOODED AGAIN! More video added.
Worse than 2012 - see our news page with more photos and info. Offers of help are being co-ordinated by the Calder Valley Flood Support Facebook group. At least two Sunday papers have Mytholmroyd on their front page. Read and see more 26 Dec
'Calder Valley under water: Sacrificed to indifference and political ideology': an open letter from Calderdale Friends of the Earth to Craig Whittaker MP challenges the actions, inaction and political ideology that contributed to the floods. Read letter 27 Dec
Sunday 27th: Picture House is appealing for people to help. Bring a headtorch as no electricity. Free gas check offer. See our flood news page
Flood Sirens went off at 9.30pm Christmas Day in Hebden Bridge and again throughout the length of the Upper Valley at 7.30am Boxing Day morning. Updates can be found on the Calder Valley Flood Support Facebook group. An Environment Agency flood warning is in force. Main roads remain closed, Boxing Day, 8.30pm.
Arts Festival's Café Culture is looking for Storytellers! for a True Tales Special at the Town Hall in early February, tales told by the people who've lived them. Read more 23 Dec
Hydro-power scheme in Hebden Bridge: Situated in the Colden Valley, Jane and Bede Mullin's Water Turbine installation will produce enough power for 40 houses. However, recent cuts in government subsidies for renewable energy means that similar projects in the future would no longer be economic. Read more. Updated 20 Dec
Hebden Bridge in The Guardian: "New school in Hebden Bridge to teach children using yoga and meditation" - see below for HebWeb news story
John Hegley back in the Valley, fundraising for peace. Described as 'the Spike Milligan for our time', he is using his poetic and comedy talents to help CND raise money for coaches. Weds at the Trades. Read more- Read review of the gig
Arriva awarded Calder Valley rail franchise with the promised of the phasing out of Pacer trains, new services and routes, better stations, smart ticketing, free wifi and air-conditioned carriages. The new franchise has been welcomed by the Sustainable Transport Group. Read more. 9 Dec See Forum message
Sunday sunrise over Hebden Bridge
as posted on Twitter by Mick Ryan
Hebden Bridge market on the move: The relocation of Hebden Bridge market has taken a step forward as consultation gets underway to give local shoppers and traders the chance to help shape the new design and layout. Read more 8 Dec
'Alternative' Hebden Bridge School will open its doors on 5 September next year in the Birchcliffe Centre. There will be a series of monthly 'taster days' for interested parents and children from January. Read more 8 Dec
Housing developments - have your say. Hebden Royd are carrying out a consultation over possible sites until 18 December. Read more
Local Labour unanimously opposes Syria bombing: Calder Valley Constituency Labour Party voted unanimously at its meeting this week to join Jeremy Corbyn in opposing the Prime Minister's plans to bomb Syria. Read statement 1 Dec
Lamplighter Parade dazzles through the rainHundreds of revellers who braved the elements were treated to a light and fire extravaganza when the Lamplighter Festival took to the streets of Todmorden on Saturday. More info and photos 30 Nov
Christmas Lights in Hebden Bridge, thanks to the White Ribbon Campaign - HQ in Mytholmroyd.
Job Vacancy: Office Manager at Little Valley Brewery. Do you want to come work with a great team surrounded by a load of lovely beer? Of course you do! More info 20 Nov
Ceiling collapse: Baptist church hopes to keep chapel open for Christmas programme. A large patch of newly-plastered ceiling crashed to the floor last Tuesday just moments after a singer left the stage during a practice session. Read more 16 Nov
Hebden Royd Town Council wins Living Wage Employer Award. Read more
Gibson Mill celebrates 10 years, OffTheGrid - not connected to the National Grid, all energy comes from wood, sun and water, and all waste is recycled. More info here
Have your say on future development - consultations are taking place online and at drop-in sessions are taking place from 6 November to 18 December. More info here (5 Nov)
Little Park latest: residents and council officers meet. Read Cllr Battye's contribution to the Forum discussion today (5 Nov)
Little Park to be fenced off for 10 months: Little Park Friends, Hebden Bridge, have learned that from February 2016 a large part of the Little Park playground is to be fenced off for approximately 10 months during weekdays.The developer is Phil Bradby who gave us Chainsaw Tuesday. Read more. And see Forum discussion
Labour choose Josh Fenton-Glynn for Calder Ward which includes Hebden Bridge. Josh was Labour's parliamentary candidate for this year's general election. In May's council elections, he will be opposing Cllr Janet Battye (Lib-Dem) 30 Oct
Fair for Youth: how it changed me. A personal account by Alex Kostyakov of his involvement with Fair for Youth, now that he has stood down as its Chair. Read more 26 Oct
Musicians raise £1000 for Foodbank Gigs at the Trades Club and Tod Social Club, part of the nationwide 'We Shall Overcome' campaign raising awareness of the effects of austerity and benefit cuts, raised money for Tod Food Bank. Read more 20 Oct
Calderdale NUJ condemns merger of Hebden Bridge Times and Todmorden News as another sign of the way that the local media in Britain is being starved of resources and professional skills. Read more t
Guardian on HB Times and Tod News merger - at the last audit in 2012, the HB Times was selling a little more than two and a half thousand copies a week. (The number who visit the HebWeb each week is much much more)
Hebden Bridge community groups sparkle, shine and entertain. Two to three hours of pure entertainment with flashes of live theatre. 40 groups spoke for 2-3 minutes, contributions delivered with enthusiasm, energy and humour. Read more
Ted Hughes - a major new BBC documentary on the life of Ted Hughes includes Mytholmroyd, Heptonstall, the Picture House, the Calder Valley and the Sylvia Plath graffiti in Hebden Bridge. Available here for 4 weeks
2016 Festival theme: Trouser Town Hebden Bridge is set to become one big Trouser Town as the Arts Festival's 2016 programme celebrates the community's rich industrial heritage. Read more
Durtanczyc Jewellers and Valet Stores close after many years of business in Hebden Bridge. See HebWeb Forum. Photo thanks to H Gregg of the After Alice Project - click photo to enlarge
Second New Mayor this year for Hebden Royd Town Council. Deputy Mayor Cllr James Fearon has taken over from Cllr Karl Boggis who has stood down for family reasons. Read more 25 Sept
Major new TV drama comes to Calderdale: In the week when more filming has been taking place around Hebden Bridge for the next series of Happy Valley (see above), another major new TV drama is announced for Calderdale. Read more
HebWeb Quirky Small Ads:
As well as services, and houses and homes offered and wanted, recent ads have included Jewellery workshop, bycycle maintenance classes, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Voice tuition, Hawaiian massage and Mindfulness. See our Small ads page.
Owen Jones, columnist for The Guardian, spoke at a sell-out event organised by the Arts Festival, packing one of Hebden Bridge's largest venues, the Hope Baptist Church. As a supporter of Jeremy Corbyn his visit to Hebden Bridge was very timely. Read report 14 Sept
Refugee Crisis: Hebden Bridge Collection point opened at the Town Hall at 9am Monday 7 Sept. Read more and see Forum thread 7 Sept
Flood defence schemes update. A programme of work to reduce the risk of flooding in the Upper Calder Valley is making progress. Read more
Calderdale moves Customer First back to the Library. Lib Dems ask why. Cllr Janet Battye gives her reasons why it is a bad move. Read more and see Forum
Little Park to be overshadowed as council gives permission for 8 more flats next to the McCarthy & Stone development - with parking over the river. See Planning Watch and Forum.
Arts Festival thanks HebWeb for its support. "On behalf of the Hebden Bridge Arts Festival board I would like to thank Hebweb for its continued support which helped us attract people… " Read more (27 July)
Happy Valley writer loves Calderdale. "Hebden Bridge is vibrant; there's a lot going on artistically and it's also got great galleries, pubs and restaurants." Sally Wainwright talks of our "dramatic and awe-inspiring" landscape and the influence of local historian Jill Liddington's Anne Lister book. Read her Guardian article
Handmade Parade flies into Hebden Bridge sunshine: Hebden Bridge was blown away by Sunday's Parade, with thousands lining the streets to watch colourful creations soar above their heads. Read more and see photos (8 June)
The big clear up began in earnest yesterday (27th) with hundreds of helpers all over town. Photo of Market Street: Sara Robinson.
Carols in the Square: Our town square was overflowing on all sides as hundreds congregated for the annual Christmas Eve carol singing.
Flood risk reduction work: Nutclough
This short video (1m 43s) has been created following completion of the Nutclough scheme of work. 17 Dec
Vanishing for the Vote: At the recent talk, Jill Liddington told the Local History Society of the moment in history when, in 1911, suffragettes urged women, still without the vote at that time, to boycott the census. Read more 17 Dec
eBikes on the Hill Tops: The Alternative Technology Centre is buying a dozen Raleigh Motus electric pedal-assisted cycles, or 'eBikes', for hire in communities and tourist accommodation. Read more 15 Dec
Click image for video of Saturday's
flood, from Rogue Robot
Flood siren went off in Hebden Bridge just before 4pm, Sat 12 Dec. Road and rail problems reported along the valley. See Facebook group, Calder Valley Flood Support for latest info. Market Street was flooded again but was clear later in the evening.
1,000 Photo Exhibition in Hebden Bridge. From the After Alice Project at Salem Mill. What makes these photos really distinctive is that they have all been captured on old-fashioned film. Read more
Terracotta Army comes to Hebden Bridge! with the help of a massive community effort. Northlight Art Studios ran a marathon drop in workshop through their Winter Art Fair weekend to make an army of waving clay figures. Read more 8 Dec
Calder Valley Search and Rescue team now safely returned home after helping in Cumbria. See their report
Widdop and the Shackletons: John Shackleton told the Local History Society how his family history search led him to the the remote hill-top settlement of Widdop. Read report 1 Dec
Mytholmroyd author wins £10,000 Portico Literature Prize The winner was announced on 26th November at a gala dinner hosted by Val McDermid at the Mercure Hotel in Manchester. Read more 1 Dec
Don't Bomb Syria vigil in George's Square. A one minute's silent circle was observed. More protests are expected - follow HebWeb for details. Click photo to enlarge. Banners included 'Love not War', 'Schools not bombs' and 'Save Syri with aid not bombs'. Photo: Mike Barrett. 28 Nov
Arts Festival is looking for a new Chair: After 3 years as Chair of the Hebden Bridge Arts Festival, Sara Robinson is stepping down. The Festival is now looking for someone new to take on the role of Chair. More info 24 Nov
Asbestos removal van at Little Park site - see forum
Defibrillator for the Co-op: The Rotary Club has donated a defibrillator to the Co-op on Market Stree and have arranged for training of staff by the Yorkshire Ambulance Service. Read more 24 Nov
Friends of the Picture House Christmas Raffle. Tickets will be on sale in the cinema foyer at many screenings in the run-up to Christmas and in St George's Square on selected Saturdays in December. Read more 23 Nov
Hebden Royd Flood Group's first test Over the weekend of 13th-16th November the storms, rains and floods became for the Hebden Royd Flood Group (HRFG) the first test, or blooding for our community flood containers. Read more 22 Nov
Boxing for girls and women fundraiser: Boxing Coach at Hebden Bridge Boxing Club, Kate Dakers has told the HebWeb, "We need support to raise funds for our female boxers' development programme. Read more 20 Nov
Budget consultation results: Over 12,000 people took part in Calderdale Council's largest ever budget consultation. Read more 18 Nov
Hebden Water, Sun am, 15 Nov - updated
With thanks to Ralph Nimmann
Town Hall Job Vacancy: The Town Hall in Hebden Bridge are looking for someone to manage and direct The Town Hall in Hebden Bridge and support the trustees in their collective leadership of Hebden Bridge Community Association. More info 15 Nov
Local school take top prize for honey. Local student JD and his school, Scout Road Academy, both took prizes at this year's National Honey Show in London. Read story
Flood warning sirens were tested at 2.45 pm on Thursday. 12 Nov
"Many thanks Hebweb, the Small Ad asking for Volunteers to cook and help at Wadsworth Lunch Club has already had success. We now have someone coming to help cook. We'd still welcome a washer up, and occasional helpers please."
Local People's Assembly brave storms to lobby Craig Whittaker MP. Three members of the group spoke to Mr Whittaker to ask that he lobbies the Chancellor, George Osborne, to fully reverse plans to cut Tax Credits. Read report 8 Nov
First Green Gold Award for our area goes to Croft Mill - for demonstrating excellence in environmental practice and promoting sustainable tourism. Read more 5 Nov.
Air pollution in Hebden Bridge breaches EU air quality standards but new government plans will not stop this. Take action now - see forum discussion.
Cameron has 'abandoned' hungry children: Local journalist, broadcaster and writer, Geoff Tansey has for the past 12 months chaired the The Fabian Commission on Food and Poverty which launched its report on Weds 28 Oct. Read more
When Oxford University Came to Hebden Bridge: When the Nutclough Mill was a co-op, it hosted an annual series of lectures, given by Oxford University dons and others on history, politics, literature and science - report from the local History Society. Read more 29 Oct
Planning Watch - An appeal has been made against refusal of planning permission for the construction of 14 apartments on Heptonstall Road - read resident's fear of a further landslip like that in 2000. 22 Oct
How drawings from Nazi Concentration Camp turned up in Hebden Bridge: Michael Prior tells the HebWeb how he discovered them, and what he did with them.
Calderdale opposes plans to close down Halifax courts Proposals to close Halifax County Court and Halifax Magistrates and Family Court have been firmly rejected by Calderdale Council. Read more 8 Oct
St Augustine Centre in Halifax, who help settle refugees, is the Mayor's Charity this year. Read more 9 Oct
Minutes of latest Town Council meetings and committee meetings now online.
Gallivanting on Public Transport: A Bus Pass from Berwick to Land's End - latest talk from the University of the Third Age, with speaker David Whatmough. Read more 30 Sept
Camera Club Annual Exhibition winning pictures: visitors were asked to vote for their 3 favourite images in order of merit. Read more and see the 3 winning photos. 6 July
Hebden Royd Town Council annual report and councillors' attendance records both now online.
Move Parliament to Hebden Bridge, argues Professor Tony Travers in today's London Evening Standard. "With both MPs and peers in Parliament and the Queen in Buckingham Palace facing the possibility of decamping while renovations are made to their historic homes, is it now the time for power to shift in the UK?" To Hebden Bridge? Read article 25 June
Photos from 50 years ago: Terry Roberts grew up in Hebden Bridge and has been in touch with the HebWeb to make available some of his old photos. Read more and see photos. (17 June)
Charity collectors break rules: Radio 4's You and Yours has highlighted how fundraisers for the RSPCA in Hebden Bridge broke charity rules by failing to reveal how much they charge the charity for the service. Read more 1 Sept
Handmade Parade report - in the sunshine - more photos
Around 230 people turned out to question 6 of the 7 candidates standing for election in the Calder Valley constituency.
HebWeb Election Section: for news and discussion of the May 2015 General Election in the Calder Valley
650 Years on the South Pennine Moors by David Nortcliffe: an account of life over the centuries on the moors above Hebden Bridge. A brief history of what was the western end of the ancient township of Wadsworth - a Pennine Pens eBook. Read more (19 May)
All Our Own Work, new book from local writer, Andrew Bibby - how Nutclough Mill was home to one of the first Workers' Coops. The fustian workers' co-operative started in 1870 and ran for 50 years, each year profitable. More info about the book and its launch. (3 June)
HebWeb on Twitter - The HebWeb now has over 2,250 followers.
Long-lost letter from John Lennon to Hebden Bridge's Steve Tilston inspires an Al Pacino movie. Sent to the folk-singer in 1971, the letter didn't arrive for 34 years but now the story has inspired Hollywood film Danny Collins. Read Daily Mirror article (7 May)
Guardian Northerner: What the UK can learn from Hebden Bridge? The BBC's Mind the Gap asks how London's success can be replicated elsewhere: Claire Donnelly argues that our small town could have the answer. Read more
Hebden Bridge, the UK's second city, BBC article by Evan Davis. "Hebden Bridge is an inverted city with a greenbelt centre and suburbs called Manchester, Leeds and Liverpool." Read the article
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Hebden Bridge: more plaudits - Last year's Valley of Lights won APSE's best community and neighbourhood initiative, and the Old Gate pub restaurant is Yorkshire Post's "Pub of the Week".
Britain's favourite market town? Hebden Bridge has been shortlisted in the 'Britain's favourite market town' category in the BBC Countryfile Magazine Awards 2013. Read more
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Guardian Northerner: Hebden Bridge the UK's coolest place? The Yorkshire Paradise has won its fourth accolade in a decade. Born, brought up and living here, Rachel Pickering is loyal, but has one or two cautionary thoughts.
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