News, Features and forthcoming Events
Weekend of Walks: launch of Pennine Way loop, Radical History Walks and Votes for Women Walk with Jill Liddington. See What's on (24 April)
Come Fly With Us is the theme of this year's Handmade Parade - your chance to take the streets of Hebden Bridge by storm on Sunday, 7 June. Read more (21 April)
Eddie Izzard enjoying the Hebden Bridge sunshine, campaigning with Labour candidate, Josh Fenton-Glynn (21 April)
Local election candidate statements: So far, five candidates have sent the HebWeb summaries of why they want your vote, and photos. Read them here. (updated 20 April)
HEBDEN BRIDGE ELECTION HUSTINGS - the HebWeb is organising an opportunity for the voters of Hebden Bridge to meet six of the 7 candidates standing for Parliament. 29 April at Hope Baptist Church. Read more and download poster designed by Mike Barrett.
Local election candidates: following the close of nominations, the HebWeb is now able to publish lists of candidates for Calderdale and Town Council elections. Surprises include a first UKIP candidate for the Calder ward covering Hebden Bridge, and far fewer candidates for the Town Council. Read more (10 April)
General Election - at the close of nominations, 7 candidates have put themselves forward. See our election section for photos, links, views and discussion. (10 April)
General Election: the Sustainable Transport Group has posed three more questions to the candidates - and has received answers from six of them. Read the replies here in our election section. (updated 10 April)
Duck Race: thousands enjoy the Easter sunshine. Photo from Craig Shaw. Click to enlarge
Piano Festival will entertain children and families - The 2015 Hebden Bridge Piano Festival kicks off in ten days and includees many events which will entertain children and families. Read more - (7 April)
Hope Baptist Church A Heritage Lottery Fund award of £215,000 will enable urgent repairs to this important locally listed building. Read more
Little Park, Victoria Road: More apartments planned. See Forum thread and Planning Watch
Flood Action Group - report. Formed in response to the floods of June-July 2012, the group has liaised with the Council and other bodies to look at actions in the event of further floods. Read more (31 March)
The dam that isn't and the great floating plug of the Colden - was the topic of the recent talk to the Hebden Bridge History Society. Read more - (1 April)
No public hearing for the Sainsburys Appeal The 500 or more objectors including Hebden Royd Town Council will have an opportunity to restate and amplify their objection by posting online.
Got an idea? The Arts Festival wants to help The festival is inviting applications from new and established artists for 2 pots of up to £250 - Read more (30 March)
HEBWEB ELECTION HUSTINGS: The HebWeb wrote to each of the six Parliamentary candidates, posing six questions, designed to help voters understand the differences between the parties. Each of the candidates has now responded and you can read their replies here, in our Election Section.
Local street acts needed for Arts Festival Hebden Bridge Arts Festival has issued a call out for talented local performers to show off their skills during their two Street Sundaes events. More info 25 March
New 2015 Hebden Bridge Visitors' Guide Published: The 2015 Guide, which points out all the places and sites visitors should not miss, is available throughout the town and for download here on the HebWeb. More info 23 March
Kindliness in Hebden Bridge: Community is key in tackling loneliness - report launched Thursday by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation is based on research carried out in Hebden Bridge. Read more 21 March
More community space in Mytholmroyd?Hebden Royd Town Council would like to know if there is a demand for additional community space in Mytholmroyd, as it has been offered the use of the former Calder Valley Club building. Reply by 1 April. Read more.
Eclipse of the sun: Local photographer Bev Manders took this photo from Calder Holmes park. With glasses or filters, the eclipse was visible for most of its duration here in Hebden Bridge. 20 March
Labour candidate refused Blair's Money: in response to the Lib-Dem challenge, the Labour candidate Josh Fenton-Glynn has told the HebWeb, in a forum contribution, that he returned Tony Blair's cheque to the national party. 17 March
Better train services - but not yet: latest information from the Upper Valley Transport Group on electrification and what we should expect from the next franchise holder for our line. Read more 11 Mar
Hebden Bridge features in The Times list of trendiest cities, villages and market towns in which to live. 10 March
I Am Kloot join Hebden Bridge Arts Festival bill. Kloot recently sold out Manchester Apollo which is ten times the size of the Trades. Read more (23 April)
Calderdale Liberal Democrats launch local manifesto, and to date are the only party to do so. They set out the policies and ideas the party would implement if they were running Calderdale. Read more (21 April)
Radical History Walks in the Calder Valley - to be launched this Sunday, 26 April. Riots and Protests, Cooperatives and Visions. Do the walks, download the apps. Read more (21 April)
Pennine Way Loop launch weekend, Saturday, 25 April 2015, starting at the Railway Station. See What's on section for details of walks and leaflet to download.
How Hebden Bridge was nearly Lost: a new film from Nick Wilding, 2 May at the Picture House, tracing 700 years, and the role of the Civic Trust in preventing further demolition. The film also reveals 1960s plans to demolish extensive parts of Hebden Bridge for a flyover and big named national stores. Read more (updated 18 April)
HebWeb reader Andrew Bibby has told us that Roy Palmer, whose obituary is in The Guardian, as well as being the author of some inspirational books on folk music and working class song, was also for a time a teacher at Calder High and a Calder valley (Colden) resident. (20 April)
Piano Festival: new work with climate dimension - Now You See It is a brand new major work which explores climate change and more.
The pink balls of Hebden Bridge Cricket Club - To launch their new season with a swing the Club are to use pink cricket balls at home matches, supporting research into testicular cancer. Read more (13 April)
My Convict Ancestors: Todmorden University of the Third Age member Sue Hayter made no apologies for having convict ancestors when she spoke at the March general meeting, in a talk entitled My Convict Ancestors - A Genealogical Journey. Read more (12 April)
Town Centre 1965 'photographic gallery' opens As part of marking the 50th anniversary of the Pennine Way and the launching of the new Loop, HB Walkers Action and Pennine Horizons have put together an exhibition of photos of the town from the 1960s. Read more (11 April)
Lindsay Rimer: 20 years after Lindsay's body was found in the Rochdale Canal, her sister Katie, has spoken publicly. "From the beginning we have been filled with grief and we cannot stop the grief and instead, remember her with love until this comes to an end," she said. See BBC report and HebWeb Feature (9 April)
Morning Star Readers' and Supporters' fund-raiser - Performers, including Tim Moon (right), will join comrades, friends and supporters at the Trades on Sunday afternoon Read more (7 April)
Pace Egg Play 2015 - read more
More photos
Hebden Bridge Business Forum: the Social on 25 March at Old Gate was attended by 30 people who had the opportunity to network and hear about the new auto-enrolment pension scheme. Read more 27 March
Festival of Burlesque and Alternative Cabaret - At the end of April, Heidi Bang Tidy and Lady Wildflower will be bringing the glamour of Burlesque to Hebden Bridge and neighbouring towns Todmorden and Mytholmroyd for the annual Burlesque Festival.
Parking chaos at Sainsburys in Mytholmroyd - YouTube video from Jason Elliott 25 March
125 years of Cresswells: Over 100 business owners, mainly from the Calder Valley, joined partners and staff of Cresswells accountants last night to celebrate 125 years in business. 20 March
Calder Ward Forum grants relaunched for 2015-2016. £5,000 available grants for activities and projects that benefit Calder Ward. Read more 19 March
Mytholmroyd Station Partnership bring together schools and local industry. Read more 19 March
Myra James is awarded 20mph Campaigner of the Year. The award recognises Hebden Bridge's Myra James' successful campaigning to win 20mph limits across Calderdale's streets. Read report 18 March
Calder Valley CND - For Peace and Justice is the working title of the new group which had its first meeting on 11th March. Speakers included Chair of National CND and Mayor of Hebden Royd. Read report 17 March
Gruelling Experiences - in the workhouse: Peter Higginbotham's researches enabled him to to recount a complex and fascinating story to the Local History Society. Above: former workhouse: Stansfield View, 2-3 miles from HB. Read more 16 March
Election: Labour candidate challenged over Blair Donation: Alisdair Calder McGregor is asking Josh Fenton Glynn "if he has accepted Blair's Blood Money to fund his campaign". Read more 13 Mar
The After Alice Project, a new group devoted to non-digital photography, named after Hebden Bridge's most famous photographer Alice Longstaff, is encouraging experienced and novice photographers alike to have a go at capturing images on good old fashioned film. More info 11 Mar
Schools rebuilding: Craig Whittaker secured an adjournment debate in Parliament on 9 March over the need to rebuild Calder and Tod High schools. He got short change from the Education Minister. See Parliamentary report 10 March
General Election: A lively Education Question Time with election candidates took place on Friday 6 March at Calder High. Read report
Pre-History on our hill tops: a period of time covering 7000 years before history was recorded was the topic of the recent talk to the Hebden Bridge History Society. Read more 9 March

Above: Internation Women's Day Flash Mob in the square, Hebden Bridge. Click here to see more of Craig Shaw's photos of the event. Click here for a video of the event.
Town Council Elections - Every four years, elections take place for the whole of Hebden Royd Town Council. This year, they coincide with the General Election - Read more 6 Mar
HebWeb election section: for news and discussion of the May 2015 General Election in the Calder Valley
Victoria Road residents complain about McCarthy and Stone: residents have contacted the HebWeb after 15 months of "living on a building site". The development of 32 apartments was due to be finished in January. Read more 2 Mar
Fox and Goose's Co-hoperative beer to toast co-operative pub's first birthday. It will be unveiled at the pub in Heptonstall Road, Hebden Bridge, on Friday 27th from 7pm, kicking off a month-long programme of celebrations. Read more 26 Feb
Calderdale Budget - Council tax freeze confirmed, praise for ambitious energy target, Lib-Dems criticise Labour for not supporting energy reduction target, Labour say council statement glosses over cuts. Read more 25 Feb
Walking with History: E-trails from Pennine Horizons provide walkers with an opportunity to explore the area on foot and having information about the landscape, ecology or history at your finger tips. Read more about the walks and apps. 23 Feb
Fair for Youth 2015 will be held on Saturday 30th May on Calder Holmes Park, showcasing the talents, abilities, interests and skills of local young people. Read more
School funding scandal: Labour warned last year that Government funding for schools was in doubt. Read more 16 Feb
General Election: transport
The Sustainable Transport Group has asked candidates standing in our Calder Valley constituency a series of questions about transport policy and fare rises. The candidates have all replied. Read the questions and replies
Calder High loses out again in new school building programme. Labour's Josh Fenton-Glynn has expressed disbelief that Calder High has yet again been overlooked by the Government. Read more 10 Feb
Use libraries to access wifi: Although the Hebden Bridge Library has had wireless access for some time, visitors to other libraries in Calderdale will soon be able access their laptops, phones and tablets using free wifi. Read more 9 Feb
Register to vote: To be sure you can vote in May's General Election, you need to check you are registered by Monday 20 April 2015. More info and links to register online.
It's time to imagine the Hebden Bridge of the future: 2015 is the year for thinking about how to make Hebden Bridge an even better place to live, work and visit says the Hebden Bridge Partnership. Read more.
Craig Whittaker's Wikipedia page edited anonymously from the House of Commons. A reference to our MP's arrest for allegedly assaulting his son outside a petrol station was deleted, along with his claim to not know about the future of A&E. See the Wikipedia edits and this page from The Political Scrapbook (26 Jan)
One woman protest in the Square - Christine Drake explains to HebWeb readers why she is there - "in solidarity with the Palestinians" - and recounts some of the abuse she has suffered during her 6 months of demonstrating. See HebWeb Forum thread 21 Jan
Tour de France brought £12.5m boost to Calderdale, according to a report commissioned by Calderdale Council. 340,000 people watched the race in our area. Read more (15 Jan 2015)
- a Pennine Way Loop, developed with the Walkers Action group, is due to open this Spring, in time for the 50th anniversary of the walkers' trail. Organisers expect the Loop to bring a major boost to our local economy. Read more 12 Jan
Green Party Information stand yesterday in Hebden Bridge - click photo to enlarge. Photo thanks to the new After Alice Project using non-digital photography. (CC BY-NC, by 'H' Gregg) 8 Mar
Photographer Steve Morgan wins award: Hebden Bridge photographer Steve Morgan has won the "Work in the Community" section in the British Life Photography Awards for his photo of Foundrymen in Halifax. Read more 2 Mar
Alan Petford: The untimely death of local historian Alan Petford is a great loss for the Hebden Bridge Local History Society and other history groups he worked with. More info 27 Feb
Pennine Way Loop is on its way: Since it was announced in January, Hebden Bridge Walkers Action has been busy.
Work has started improving the route and the first waymarks (see right) are starting to go up. More info 25 Feb
Buried at Sandy Gate: Two long-forgotten graves of leading 19th century co-operative figures have been made accessible to visitors, thanks to efforts taken by a community-based co-operative - CROWS. Read article in Cooperative News
House prices: "Often seen as the poor relation to its trendy neighbour, Hebden Bridge," Todmorden has registered the biggest house price rise in Yorkshire over the past six months. See Yorkshire Post article 14 Feb
Crossley Mill Nursery Rhymes to a funkier beat. Nursery rhymes have been given a musical makeover thanks to parents, children and staff who have together created a CD of their favourite songs. Read more 12 Feb
Local History Society report: Nigel Smith spoke about Patterns in the Landscape: the evolution of settlement and enclosure in the Upper Calder Valley. And revealed the origins of some local place names. Read more 5 Feb
Tea towels mean cash for White Ribbon. The money was generated from the sale of tea-towels in Valley Organics shop. 50p from every Tea towel sold is donated to the campaign. Read more. (1 Feb)
Alternatiba Todmorden! Musicians needed to play at a small one-day Festival of Climate Alternatives on Sunday 3rd May 2015 Read more 26 Jan
Car Co-op makes motoring cheaper and greener: Hour Car offers an efficient, low cost alternative to private ownership: car sharing, manager Kevin Hogan tells the HebWeb. Read more.
Tour de Yorkshire - the route was announced today; it passes through Hebden Bridge on Sunday 3 May. More info and links
Beer and Cider Festival at the Town Hall to coincide with the Tour de Yorkshire. Read more
Street lighting update: following complaints about street lights not working (cable along Keighley Road has been stolen) Calderdale Council apologise and promise to improve their condition, reliability and energy efficiency. Read more 19 Jan
Australian View of Hebden Bridge: from The West Australian - "This once-dying mill town reinvented itself as a beacon of alternative living; a quirky commuter hub where artists, writers, hippies and new-age gurus rub shoulders with teachers, estate agents and earthy Yorkshire folk". Read the article. 16 Jan
Town Council write to French twin town re: Charlie Hebdo. The Mayor of Hebden Royd, Cllr Jonathan Timbers expressed the area's commitment to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of France. Read more. 12 Jan
Minutero vintage photography: After the HebWeb snapped them in action by the river on Bridge Gate, this unusual Minutero photography group has sent us some info and photos. Read more 9 Jan
New Director of National Portrait Gallery grew up in Hebden Bridge. He also curated last year's successful Matisse exhibition at the Tate. Read more 8 Jan

HebWeb Review of 2014 - the year the Tour de France passed through Hebden Bridge, Sainsburys threatened to build a supermarket, the closure of Halifax A and E feared, Hebden Bridge suggested as the UK's 2nd city, Stoodley Pike was 200 and Bridge Mill 700, it was the 20th anniversary of Lindsay Rimer's still unsolved murder, and much more
Bernard Ingham describes our town as "my now unrecognisably trendy native Hebden Bridge" in a Yorkshire Post article entreating readers to vote Conservative at the next election. (10 Dec)
Calderdale now a frack free zone. Labour and the Liberal Democrats joined together to pass a motion calling for no fracking in our area. Read more
Hebden Bridge Group Practice report - good and average except for appointments, according to Care Quality Commission (CQC) - see Forum
WW1 centenary: Sand in your Eye project - Watch the 7 minute video illustrating how the sculpture was planned and built at the Town Hall, as a World War One centenary project. Read more
Craig Whittaker MP boasts about the size of his walk-in wardrobe in this YouTube clip put online yesterday - it's apparently not much smaller than an NHS staffroom. (24 Oct)
Stop subsidies to sheep farmers and grouse moor owners - Guardian columnist George Monbiot gave a powerful speech to a packed audience at the Baptist Church yesterday evening, as part of the Hebden Bridge Arts Festival. Read more. (4 July)
Calderdale throws out Sainsbury's plans. Objectors to Sainsbury's application to build a supermarket on the site of the old Fire Station turned out in force at the Planning Committee meeting in Halifax Town Hall tonight. Read report and see more photos
Demonstrators at Halifax Town Hall
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Above: Stoodley Pike photographed by Craig Shaw of Blu Planet Photography, capturing the first real snow of winter.
Happy Valley tops Radio Times critics' poll. The magazine's TV editor Alison Graham called the Yorkshire-based programme (filmed in Hebden Bridge and upper valley) "bitingly raw" and said its writer Sally Wainwright and lead actor Sarah Lancashire had "never been better". See BBC news item
Council Minutes - latest minutes of the Hebden Royd Town Council meetings are now online.
NatWest Hebden Bridge branch closed on 24 February. NatWest blame falling numbers and say the cash machine will remain for now.
Street Video: The Arts Festival have given the Hebweb the first public showing of a new video of two days of street entertainment this summer. See video and info (25 Nov)
Yorkshire Post article: What happened to all those yellow bikes (23 Nov)
Scotland Now article - Learning Gaelic in Scotland by distance, featuring John and Ailie Kerrane in Hebden Bridge. (23 Nov)
Postcard from Palestine postscript - More photos from Hebden Bridge's Ron Taylor, a regular visitor to Palestine, part of an international movement of supporters. Read more
The 'Handmade Parade' of 90 years ago. See 2 min video of the 1924 Hebden Bridge Carnival from Yorkshire Film Archive, together with background info.
President of German Parliament praises Mayor of Hebden Royd's speech. Cllr Jonathan Timbers, won praise for a speech he made at a twinning event in Warstein, Germany, from the President of the Bundestag, Dr Norbert Lammert. Read more (5 Sept)
HebWeb now available on the slightly shorter as well as
eBook from Pennine Pens - Theatre in a Time of Change - by Hebden Bridge's Michael Prior. This is not a book about stars and plays, but about the rise and fall of the theatre as a cultural and economic art-form since 1945. Read more. (11 Aug)
HebWeb Directories: latest updates include Thinking Further, ABC Coaching and Counselling, Ecoheat and Waterside Gym
Twitter: Join the 1800 plus now following the HebWeb.
A northern Banksy? Sylvia Plath on a bike. The drawing above on the side of the Shoulder of Mutton was one of several by street artist Stewie which were featured on BBC Look North.
Guardian Northerner: What the UK can learn from Hebden Bridge? The BBC's Mind the Gap asks how London's success can be replicated elsewhere: Claire Donnelly argues that our small town could have the answer. Read more (11 March)
Hebden Bridge, the UK's second city, BBC article by Evan Davis. "Hebden Bridge is an inverted city with a greenbelt centre and suburbs called Manchester, Leeds and Liverpool." Read the article
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Hebden Bridge: more plaudits - Last year's Valley of Lights won APSE's best community and neighbourhood initiative, and the Old Gate pub restaurant is Yorkshire Post's "Pub of the Week".
Britain's favourite market town? Hebden Bridge has been shortlisted in the 'Britain's favourite market town' category in the BBC Countryfile Magazine Awards 2013. Read more
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Guardian Northerner: Hebden Bridge the UK's coolest place? The Yorkshire Paradise has won its fourth accolade in a decade. Born, brought up and living here, Rachel Pickering is loyal, but has one or two cautionary thoughts.
Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - "Everything in the house was heated by the fire, all the old terraced houses used coal for heat and cooking back then, the valley had a serious smog problem." Read more from Dave Bridges' 500 words.
Jason Elliott's 500 Faces of Hebden Bridge

More from Hebden Bridge Web
- Accommodation - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area
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- Discussion Forum - hundreds of messages every year on matters of concern to those who live in Hebden Bridge and the surrounding hills, villages and valleys
- Emails - a directory of local email addresses
- Events: a selection of local events
- Features
- Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - one of the 500 years of the Hebden pack horse bridge projects
- Green Pages
- Hebden Bridge info - some basic information about Hebden Bridge with links to some features which have been written about our town.
- Hebden Bridge 500 - celebrating 500 years of the bridge
- History pages - links to local history websites, together with a selection of articles remembering times past.
- Lives Remembered - thoughts and comments on the death of a selection of local people
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- Maps - several maps of the town and area, including Google maps.
- Neighbours/twins - links to websites of surrounding towns and our twin towns in France and Germany
- News: Dozens of news items are posted every month; many are unique to Hebden Bridge Web, coming from our growing number of correspondents. Others may also be covered elsewhere but can be found on HebWeb many days earlier.
- News Highlights of 2012
- Photos - many galleries of photos, including some by well known local photographers
- Planning Watch - details of controversial developments are posted here.
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- Useful sites - a range of site which we think local people will find useful, rail and bus timetables, ofsted reports, local doctors, etc.
- View from the Bridge
- Web Design from Pennine Pens
- Websites Listings A-Z: listings of a large selection of Hebden Bridge websites
- Websites List - by category: listings of a large selection of Hebden Bridge websites
- What's on/Local events: a selection of local events
- Where to stay - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area