Hebden Bridge in the Yorkshire Pennines |
FOLKFEST AT THE TRADES - The inaugural Hebden Bridge Folk Festival kicks off this coming weekend featuring legendary The Men they Couldn't Hang and folk royalty Robin Williamson. More info - 12 July |

Festival Fever in Heptonstall: This year's Heptonstall Festival will be on Saturday 17th July, showcasing local performers in an afternoon of magic, music and storytelling. The event starts at 12 noon on Weavers Square and will continue after 6pm in the Cross Inn. More info - 8 July
GARDEN STREET AGAIN? Revised planning application? But the development agreement with the Council is definitely cancelled! More info - 5 July
Below: 500 VOICES - choirs from our region gathered around the bridge today to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the
Packhorse Bridge. The rain held of most of the time but arrived on cue for Calder Valley Voices' Singing in the Rain. The event ended with new song
by Daniel Bath: Crossing the River. More photos |

Leopard stolen from a local children's Sculpture Trail. Head teacher Ms Gretyl Young appeals for the leopard's safe return. Read more - 12 July |

Above: The Battle of the Bridge - the local Civil War was re-enacted today, thanks to the Hebden Bridge History Group. Read more - 11 July
2nd July is Action Mesothelioma Day - locally hundreds have died from this asbestos disease. See Mytholmroyd Net news and the Hebweb Feature

Jason Elliott's 500 Faces of Hebden Bridge is now complete. See web gallery of all 500 faces - 30 June

EcoTeams project: Calderdale and the Alternative Technology Centre are once again running an EcoTeams project in our area to help people reduce their impact on the environment. More info - 28 June |

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIDGE - with buns, bangs and bands. On June 19, to mark the 500th anniversary of the Packhorse Bridge, the streets of Hebden will be ringing to the sounds of mediaeval music, horses' hooves and some loud bangs. More info - 14 June |
Arts Festival line up of top comic talent - 16 June
Festival News: ill health forces Hilary Mantel to withdraw. Read more - 14 June
Hebden 500 - Visitors from Hebden Bridge's twin towns have presented local people with birthday gifts to mark the 500th anniversary of the packhorse bridge. Read more - 13 June
Craig Whittaker's maiden speech - included mention of Chris McCafferty, Donald Thompson, Bernard Ingham, Ted Hughes and his MP's charity, which will be established to to help improve the educational achievement of children in care. Read the whole speech - 11 June
Yet more from Studio Baad: this time it's Mayroyd again. See Planning Watch
Studio Baad strike again, this time with plans for Walkleys Clogs - part demolition and part "what passes for modern architecture grafted on to a traditional building" - See Forum and Planning Watch |
TOWN HALL ASSOCIATION TO HONOUR COOPERATIVE PIONEER - on Monday, 21st June, the Town Hall committee room is to be renamed the Greenwood Room, in honour of one of the town's forgotten heroes Joseph Greenwood. More info - 18 June
Five hundred words - see latest entry from Gill Smith, "aging hippie from the Isle of Wight"

Mytholmroyd Memorial Gardens Planting
Read more - 18 June
Project X will be holding their first drop - in at the Hope Baptist Church opposite the cinema on Thursday 17th June. Read more
Shed your Tears and Walk Away - reviews in the national press. See 6 reviews of this film about Hebden Bridge. Hebden Bridge is a "madhouse fuelled by drink and drugs" ... is a haven for achingly trendy bohemians. Read the full reviews from the Telegraph, Guardian, Mirror and Financial Times - updated 13 June
Guardian covers screening of Helen of Four Gates - see news
HEBDEN 500 - Glimpses into the past and present of Hebden Bridge are on show as part of the HB500 birthday celebrations, in exhibitions by an up-and-coming local photographer and a world-renowned Magnum photographer. Read more - 31 May |
Dogs: crackdown on dog fouling "hot spots" across Calderdale. Read more
Keighley Road disruption for a month from 21 June - more info
SECRET DIARIES OF ANNE LISTER Calderdale was the focus of a brand new BBC Two drama on Bank Holiday Monday: The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister stars Maxine Peake as the Yorkshire landowner, industrialist, traveller and diarist, and is followed by a documentary which tells the story of Anne Lister and decoding her diaries. Local historian Jill Liddington contributes. More info |

HELEN OF FOUR GATES - film ‘lost’ for 90 years, used Hebden Bridge as a location. Heart-rending tale returns to its local roots. On June 10, local people will be flocking to the Picture House to watch the film - Helen of Four Gates - as it shows on a public screen for the first time in 90 years. More info - 26 May |
FAIR FOR YOUTH - see video and photos - The Fair for Youth in Calder Holmes Park had exhibitions, demonstrations and workshops from some of the many providers of youth activities in the area. Read more and see photos
Festival News: Highlights of opening weekend - 19 May
Trains to London from Halifax - The first direct train to London will run from Halifax on Sunday 23 May. The new West Riding service will restore direct trains to London for the first time in over 30 years. Read more - 17 May

FILMED IN COLDEN: Sound of the Bell - An award-winning film shot at Colden School and in the surrounding area is to be screened during the HB500 film festival. Read more - 12 May
Calderdale Election - Nader Fekri and John Beaucroft-Mitchell have been elected as Lib Dem councillors for Calder and Luddenden wards. See detailed results - 8 May
Craig Whittaker wins seat with 39.4% of the vote. Followed by Lab (27%) and Lib Dem (25.2%) See detailed results

- Eye-catching new signs have gone up at both ends of Hebden Bridge, welcoming people to our creative hotspot and to the 500th anniversary celebrations. Read more - 3 May |
ELECTION VIDEOS: Jason Elliott has interviewed three of the four main election candidates: Green candidate Kate Sweeny, Conservative candidate Craig Whittaker and Lib Dem candidate Hilary Myer. Watch them here on the Hebweb. Labour's Steph Booth is "too busy" to be interviewed. - updated 27 April
CANDIDATES FOR CALDERDALE ELECTIONS - As well as the general election, on 6th May each of the 17 wards in the Calderdale area will have the opportunity to vote for a Calderdale councillor. Read more - 20 April
Guardian's Northerner blog - refers to Hebden Bridge's "excellent local website, HebWeb"
ELECTION 2010 - as we have done for the past three general elections, the Hebweb has created a section for election news, editorial, comments and links. Update: news, links and video clips now added.
Friends of Hebden Bridge Station - Inspired by the Incredible Edible Todmorden project Friends of Hebden Bridge Station volunteers have planted over the last two weeks some 50 fruit bushes along the edge of the station car park by the rail track and spread 20 tons of compost around them. More info - 21 May

2010 Programme launched
See Festival website
New: book festival tickets online now
Lost Boys of Hebden Bridge: Hebweb correspondent forces The Times to correct its facts in respect of suicide and Hebden Bridge, with the active help of the Press Complaints Commission. More info - 22 April
Letter from Palestine - Ron Taylor of Hebden Bridge is once again in Palestine, and has sent the Hebden Bridge Web this report - 14 April

Pace Egg Play - Heptonstall
See Photo Gallery
now revealed to be lower "than the Calderdale and UK average" thanks to the diligence of Anthony Rae and other Hebweb correspondents. Headline claims made in recent features in The Times and Independent on Sunday now shown to be "not true; and not even remotely so". See Hebweb Forum thread on the Lost Boys of Hebden Bridge |

More from the Hebden Bridge Web |
- - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area
- - news and discussion going back to the mid 90s
- - a section where you can read regular pieces by selected local bloggers.
- - of interest to people living in Hebden Bridge and area
- - hundreds of messages every year on matters of concern to those who live in Hebden Bridge and the surrounding hills, villages and valleys
- - a directory of local email addresses
- : a selection of local events
- Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - one of the 500 years of the Hebden pack horse bridge projects
- - some basic information about Hebden Bridge with links to some features which have been written about our town.
- - celebrating 500 years of the bridge
- - links to local history websites, together with a selection of articles remembering times past.
- - thoughts and comments on the death of a selection of local people
- - several maps of the town and area, including Google maps.
- - links to websites of
- surrounding towns and our twin towns in France and Germany
- Dozens of news items are posted every month; many are unique to the Hebden Bridge Web, coming from our growing number of correspondents. Others may also be covered elsewhere but can be found on the Hebweb many days earlier.
- News Highlights of 2008
- - many galleries of photos, including some by well known local photographers
- - details of controversial developments are posted here.
- and video samples relating to our area
- - search the thousands of news, features and discusssion on the entire Hebden Bridge Web in seconds.
- - a range of site which we think local people will find useful, rail and bus timetables, ofsted reports, local doctors, etc.
- from
- - listings of a large selection of Hebden Bridge websites
- : a selection of local events
- - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area
Please email us to report dead links, inaccuracies, suggestions and comments. Thanks. The Hebden Bridge Web (Hebweb) is published by Pennine Pens and started in the summer of 1995.
Site last updated

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recent updates include: double rooms to let; electrician on bike; cleaners wanted; female friends sought; therapy room wanted; gardening services; room, house and studio flat to let; rental property wanted.

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