News, Features and Upcoming Events
There are hungry mouths to be fed. Participants for the Hebden Bridge Handmade Parade
get ready for this year's theme of The Fabulous Feast. Photo: Ian Hodgson
HANDMADE PARADE LATEST - watch this Saturday's parade with food, music, colour, giant puppies, dazzling artwork and crazy costumes. Read more - 7 June
Arts Festival Box Office to open Saturday - The box office is run by a team of over 30 volunteers and has recently benefitted from a makeover thanks to community contributions. Read more about Festival comedy and drama - 6 June
Blues Festival Report - from Craig Shaw. "Many music lovers, regulars at other festivals, said they were blown away by the quality of the music." Read more - 5 June
Youth House Plan Ditched - building could be up for grabs - Pennine Horiizons recently made the decision that they didn't have the resources to put into place the "Eco-Museum" they had been planned for the Youth House Building. Read more - 29 May
Million Pound Rochdale Canal Bid would mean improvements to the Hebden Bridge Visitor Centre. Calderdale Council is to discuss a proposal to put around £1million into Rochdale Canal improvements. Read more - 29 May
Over the bank holiday weekend of the 27th to 30th of May 2011, Hebden Bridge hosted its first BLUES FESTIVAL. Read more
FAIR FOR YOUTH on Calder Holmes Park. Saturday 21st May. Official launch of the new skate park.
Scott Trickett is new Mayor of Hebden Royd with Dave Young as Deputy Mayor. Read congratulations from outgoing Mayor and Mayoress - 19 May

Festival First week: Theatre premieres, percussion and picnics are all on offer for the opening weekend of Hebden Bridge Arts Festival. - Read more - 18 May
Festival Programme Launch - Mayor of Hebden Royd, Cllr Robin Dixon, uses an iPad to launch the Festival's website. Read more. Click photo to enlarge. (10 May)
ELECTION RESULTS: Labour take control of Hebden Royd Council. Hebden Bridge's Calder Ward elects Labour's Dave Young to represent us on Calderdale. Mayoral upset for Hebden Royd Town Council. More info
Photos and Words from the candidates. See list of 30 candidates for the 18 seats being contested on Hebden Royd Town Council. And list of candidates nominated for Calder (covering Hebden Bridge) and Luddenden wards for Calderdale Council.
Independent: "there were spirited counterblasts in the form of Not The Royal Wedding parties in Hebden Bridge, Bristol and London."
Below: PACE EGG PLAY. See photos and video (including 3-D) - Heptonstall Pace Egg information and Midgley Pace Egg information. Over £1700 raised for charity. See also, HebWeb feature
BBC Seeks Gay or Lesbian Couples or individuals who are parenting or co-parenting. They are keen to speak to as many people as possible to find out what their experiences have been. Read more - 10 June
Campaigners hail mast victory - see Proposed Communication Mast Forum thread
Coming up at the Trades - Hippie legends It's a Beautiful Day take a trip to the Trades Club on Friday sprinkling some of their West Coast magic along the valley. Read more about the coming week at the Trades - 6 June
Keighley Road Parking - After considerable discussion on the HebWeb Forum, the council have called a drop-in consultation so people can say what they think about Council proposals to introduce restrictions along part of Keighley Road. Read more - 5 June
Book News - Top ten bestsellers for the month of May, and the latest news from the Book Case. Read more - 1 June
Glyn Hughes: local author and poet Glyn Hughes has died. Glyn was the author of Millstone Grit and the award winning Where I used to Play on the Green, and a contributor to the HebWeb, including 11 poems - see our Features section. Add your comments on our Lives Remembered page
Music at the Arts Festival: Got the blues? Get back to your roots with music at the Festival - Read more - 29 May
Residents urged to report fly tippers - Once again the moors above Cragg Vale are being targeted by fly tippers as an easy place to leave their rubbish. Hebden Royd Mayor and residents campaign to stop them. Read more - 25 May
MURDER, SEX AND DRUGS at Arts Festival for literature fans. Book Now! - Read more (25 May)
Handmade Parade workshops started Tues 24 May: If you’d like to join the hundreds who will be taking part, get down to the open workshops where you might choose to create a junk food packaging monster, a Carmen Miranda fruit hat, become a walking market stall or a slice of cake. More info - 24 May
Radio 4 comes to Heptonstall - iPlayer link to Ramblings - 22 May
Life in a Northern Town: 1980s Hebden Bridge footage featured in an 80s pop video - more info and discussion - 18 May
MP to receive Petition against NHS Cuts - see news - 17 May
Hebden Bridge Transition Town - May newsletter
HB writer Chris Reason's play 'Every Child Matters' won best drama award at last night's Sony Radio awards.
Local Café Nominated for National Award - Greens Vegetarian Café has been nominated for a Vegfest UK Award 2011 in the 'Best Vegan Friendly Places to Eat in the UK' category. More info - 10 May
Newly Rebuilt and Extended Skatepark Reopens - Hebden Bridge now has a skatepark that any town or city would be proud to have and it’s been achieved with the help and commitment of our young people. More info - 3 May
15 year old Calder High student gets standing ovation at Teachers' Conference. Read speech and see links to media coverage and video of speech - updated 26 April
University Of Third Age - report of the April meeting of the local U3A. Bob Hayter, whose talk was entitled, "Belt and Braces - An Everyday Guide to Risk and Chance", started by saying that driving his car was the most dangerous thing he would do today. Read more - 27 April

Big crowds for Pace Egg: Is there a doctor? Yes. Young doctor with kit tries to revive St George in square. More photos and video
Election Fever hots up as Hebden Royd Town Council candidate Nigel Yorke starts an election blog, and punches are thrown on a HebWeb Forum thread
HEBVEG Potato Planting
- on Easter Monday. More info
NOT the Royal Wedding Street Party - The Trades Club have arranged for Holme Street to be closed and a stage - now they want your ideas. Read more - 4 April
The new Hebden Bridge Campsite officially opened on Saturday 2 April - see their website for more info
Leonora Rustamova aka 'Miss Rusty' spoke on Women's Hour on Friday. Listen on iPlayer - it's the first item. See also, article in The Observer. See our HebWeb Feature for the full background. Forum thread: Where was the union? - updated 29 March

MISS RUSTY: Tribunal verdict - unfair dismissal claim rejected but it was a majority judgment and the minority judge was the employment judge who took a very different view to the two non-legal members. Miss Rusty's solicitor, Keith Lomax, told the HebWeb: "Whilst the two lay members of the panel were against us, the Employment Judge found in our favour . . . Read more - 18 March, updated 20th
PICTURE HOUSE: Calderdale Cabinet today unanimously agreed to give delegated powers to their officers to negotiate the asset transfer of Hebden Bridge Picture House to the consortium led by Hebden Royd Town Council and Hebden Bridge Community Association - 14 March. See news for earlier reports.
PICTURE HOUSE PUBLIC MEETING: Report of Thursday's crowded and lively public meeting at Riverside School. Read report
New Town Council Website - Hebden Royd Town Council has now launched their brand new website. The website will become the one stop shop for all you need to know about Hebden Royd Town Council. Read more - 14 Feb
Over the Spring Bank holiday weekend, Hebden Bridge will be hosting the first Hebden Bridge Blues Festival. Up to 50 bands from across Britain, Europe and the USA will be playing. Read more - 28 January
Jason Elliott's 500 Faces of Hebden Bridge is now complete. See web gallery of all 500 faces

Ian Coates - latest, still riding round the world on his Honda - I was riding round Greece and its islands for about 3 months" - See HebWeb Feature for April update.
Small Ads - "We placed a job ad on the Hebweb recently, intending to keep it there for 2 weeks, but we had to take it down after 3 days due to the huge response generated"
Craig Whittaker's expenses: our local MP claimed £29,776.94 from May to December last year, according to the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority's figures, published today.
True Stories Told Live with Poet Ian McMillan - The Bard of Barnsley performed a new tale especially composed for the Trues Stories event at the Trades Club on Monday 4th April.
Regional newspaper sales were down in the last 6 months of 2010. According to ABC, sales of the HB Times were down 18.2% to 2766 copies. (Making the HebWeb a much better prospect for advertisers!)
Women of Blues - The Hebden Bridge Blues Festival is celebrating the contribution of women with a special ‘Women of Blues’ night, which brings together some of the best female blues artists in Britain today. Read more - 4 April
Walk raises £400 for Calderdale Search and Rescue. 60 walkers, with local people and a few visitors to the area who had "seen the event advertised on Hebweb". The weather was fantastic and all enjoyed the 5 mile walk and the hospitality and raffle back at the Hare and Hounds afterwards. Click photo to enlarge
Lives Remembered: Peter Coles, former councillor and mayor, died on 31st March. Nader Fekri writes "Peter was a wonderful colleague who was loved and respected across the community". Read more
Seedy Saturday - Swap seeds and knowledge at Calder Food Hub's second Seedy Saturday plant and seed exchange at the Hope Baptist Church on Saturday 9th April. Read more
Helen of Four Gates: the HebWeb talks to film-maker Nick Wilding about how this classic silent film was tracked down to once again enthrall audiences at the Hebden Bridge Picture House. Read more
David Chaytor jailed for parliamentary fraud. David Chaytor is a former Calderdale councillor, former Labour parliamentary candidate for the Calder Valley and still lives in the Upper Valley.
Hebden Bridge a "GREAT TOWN" - Ian McMillan writes poem about Hebden Bridge which has won the 'Great Town Award' given by The Academy of Urbanism. Hebden Bridge has previously been voted the 4th funkiest town in the world and the UK town with most local identity. Read More
Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - "We have more coffee shops, hairdressers and accessories shops than you could toss a stick at, yet struggle to keep an electrical goods store open and even to kickstart a cobblers." Read more from Angie Cairns' 500 words.
DIGITAL SWITCHOVER DATES: The change from analogue to digital TV will happen next year, 2011 Read more
Shed your Tears and Walk Away - reviews in the national press. See 6 reviews of this film about Hebden Bridge. Hebden Bridge is a "madhouse fuelled by drink and drugs" … is a haven for achingly trendy bohemians. Read the full reviews from the Telegraph, Guardian, Mirror and Financial Times -
HEBWEB NEWS HIGHLIGHTS OF 2010- including 500 years' celebrations, General Election campaign, community takeover of the Town Hall, Arts Festival, the launch of Hebden Bridge as a Transition Town, the threats from cuts including our Picture House and student demonstrations against tuition fees. Read more
More from Hebden Bridge Web
- Accommodation - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area
- Archive - news and discussion going back to the mid 90s
- Bloggers and columns - a section where you can read regular pieces by selected local bloggers.
- Books - of interest to people living in Hebden Bridge and area
- Contact info
- Discussion Forum - hundreds of messages every year on matters of concern to those who live in Hebden Bridge and the surrounding hills, villages and valleys
- Emails - a directory of local email addresses
- Events: a selection of local events
- Features
- Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - one of the 500 years of the Hebden pack horse bridge projects
- Green Pages
- Hebden Bridge info - some basic information about Hebden Bridge with links to some features which have been written about our town.
- Hebden Bridge 500 - celebrating 500 years of the bridge
- History pages - links to local history websites, together with a selection of articles remembering times past.
- Lives Remembered - thoughts and comments on the death of a selection of local people
- Mailing list
- Maps - several maps of the town and area, including Google maps.
- Neighbours/twins - links to websites of surrounding towns and our twin towns in France and Germany
- News: Dozens of news items are posted every month; many are unique to Hebden Bridge Web, coming from our growing number of correspondents. Others may also be covered elsewhere but can be found on HebWeb many days earlier.
- News Highlights of 2008
- Photos - many galleries of photos, including some by well known local photographers
- Planning Watch - details of controversial developments are posted here.
- Radio and video samples relating to our area
- Search HebWeb - search the thousands of news, features and discusssion on the entire Hebden Bridge Web in seconds.
- Small ads
- Tourist Info
- Useful sites - a range of site which we think local people will find useful, rail and bus timetables, ofsted reports, local doctors, etc.
- View from the Bridge
- Web Design from Pennine Pens
- Websites List - by category - by name - listings of a large selection of Hebden Bridge websites
- What's on/Local events: a selection of local events
- Where to stay - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area