Town Hall Team seek help - the group seeking to transform the Town Hall have formed Hebden Bridge Community Association, and are lookiing for a Membership Secretary - 8th Sept.
Over 250 people attended the lively meeting at Riverside Junior School Tuesday evening, 2nd Sept. Read Hebweb report

Local choir members entertain those queueing up to make their objections in the square - 30 Aug
The Parking Wizard's sorcery created extra parking spaces - just like that! See details, more photos and video. - 24 Aug
See also Forum response to David Fletcher and Hebweb Feature on our coverage of Garden Street over the past few years. Comment online |
Hebden Bridge Gap Year Student
Caught up in Armed Struggle
"Having just been evacuated in the aftermath of 3 bomb attacks on our town community we (the voluntary team) are reeling from the shock of the violence" - full story - 19 Aug

Latest photos and message from Ian Coates' trip round the world on a Honda - Guatamala and El Salvador - see Hebweb feature - 20 Aug |
Time starts again - Carlton clock is working once more - for the moment. The picture to the right was taken at 2pm on 13th August. Update, time now out of sync again, but Hebden Royd to fund automatic system. - 19 Aug |
WEST END SWING TO LIB DEM - Chris Sawer (LD) gained the West End seat from Labour with 176 votes to John Rhodes (Lab) 131 votes in yesterday's bye-election. Turnout was 29%. See candidates' pre-election messages to the HebWeb. - 8 Aug
World Beach Project - from Hebden Bridge artist Sue Lawty in association with the V & A Museum and
open to anybody anywhere - 9 Aug
Bhopal challenge ride - in November Hebden Bridge's John Appleby will be taking part in a sponsored cycle challenge in India to raise money for the Bhopal Medical Appeal - 14 Aug |
Hebden Royd Job vacancy for part time Project Officer - 31 July |

Events details - updated 8th Sept.

Above: the pack horse bridge over the Hebden Water on Friday, 5th September. (Photo: Jason Elliott). On Saturday, floods at Walsden delayed trains - bus replacement to Rochdale. 6th Sept.
Eastwood Festival cancelled - planned for Sunday 7th September 2008 -the site is waterlogged and more rain forecast for
HebWeb News - see over a hundred pages of news items (mostly with photos) and dozens of shorter items from this year's news of Hebden Bridge. See also our archive section for previous home pages, older news and forum messages. Please help the Hebweb by supporting our advertisers.
HB History Group - winter dates now online
- see events
Next Area Forum for the Upper Valley to be held at Birchcliffe Centre - added 2nd Sept.
Asbestos, now banned in the EU, kills up to 4,000 people a year in the UK alone. This week's New Statesman reveals how the industry hid the truth for decades and why the death toll will certainly continue to rise." - Full article - see also Hebweb feature
Blackshawhead Village Fete - Saturday August 30 2008 - cancelled due to waterlogged field
Guardian on Hebden Bridge: "There probably isn't a more Guardian-y place in the universe. The arty class started coming here in the late 60s, attracted to its then ludicrously cheap stone mills and millhouses. Now you can't move for louche lesbians, academics, journalists, tortoiseshell spectacles and jazz musicians with questionable haircuts. Even the local brass band is so cool it plays ska." - 23 Aug
Tory candidate opposes wind farm - 23 Aug
UFO sighting - 21 Aug
BT phone boxes under threat - 20 Aug
Plain clothed police targeting known local criminals - see news - 19 Aug
Emmerdale star directs Sue Townsend comedy - see events
Latest play from Hebden Bridge's Square Peg Productions, reviewed (with photos) by Geoff Tansey - 17 Aug |
Boarding at a Pecket Well farm, Peter Kelly taught at Calder High from 1958 to 1961, and has sent the Hebden Bridge Web some of his memories. Read more on our History pages - 9 Aug