The Parking Wizard makes the Garden Street Development unnecessary

Saturday, 23 August 2008

The Garden Street Action Group investigates the 'parking problem' of Hebden Bridge, and finds out that, if it actually exists, the solution is instantly to hand.

…And discovers hundreds of additional short-stay parking opportunities available in better locations, at no cost, and immediately (or within a few months) – ‘Just Like That!’

So: we don't need a new multi-storey car park – and all the hugely controversial associated development  - at all! 

The Parking Wizard comes to Hebden Bridge
but needs a little help

Cllr Battye was on hand to see
the Parking Wizard work his magic

Conjuring up another 100 short stay parking opportunities

Just limited the parking stay to 6 hours

Hey presto - the sign has changed.

So where are the new parking places? Why, in Garden Street car park itself! Our report demonstrates that more than 50% of the available parking hours in the car park are being used inappropriately by long stay users whose needs can be met elsewhere, freeing up more than 100 2-hour short stay parking opportunities every weekday - for shoppers and visitors. See paragraphs 27-29 of the report for details; and there's much more besides.

What is needed is not a huge and damaging development; just a new car park sign: 'Maximum Stay - 6 hours'!

Download Just like That!” – making the parking problem of Hebden Bridge disappear! 

Written for the Action Group by Anthony Rae
August 2008


Making the parking problems of Hebden Bridge disappear – 'Just like That!'

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Thanks to the Garden Street Action Group for the following

With the help of a friendly 'Parking Wizard', the Garden Street Action Group – who are objecting to the controversial and unpopular Garden Street development in Hebden Bridge – will be launching their special report into the state of parking in the town "Just like That!” – making the parking problem of Hebden Bridge disappear! this Saturday 23rd August at 10.40 am in St George's Square:

The report, based on comprehensive surveys of parking use undertaken by the Action Group, identifies that the town's parking capacity is generally adequate except at peak periods.

Then identifies over 100 spaces in existing car parks (and one about to be built - the new 39 space Station Road car park) to cater for the weekend visitor peak during the summer

And, finally, will reveal the location of over 100 short stay ([up to 2 hours) parking opportunities every weekday, and nearly 75 at weekends, in the heart of the town centre – which somehow have been overlooked by both Calderdale Council and the developer!

Crucially, none of these improvements involve the construction of a single additional physical parking space (beyond those at Station Road, which have already obtained planning permission and funding); instead and more sensibly, they rely on the better management of the existing spaces. So they can be provided almost immediately, with little or no expenditure, and without any of the huge damage to economic activity in the town so feared by its businesses if the Garden Street development proceeds. Calderdale's Highway section believe this will require the closure of Commercial Street for 3-6 months.

Taken together, along with many other improvements recommended by the report, the Action Group believes these changes represent a comprehensive solution to any parking problems the town might have; and that therefore they render the need for the entire Garden Street development redundant.

Anthony Rae, author of the report for the Action Group told the Hebden Bridge Web: '"Calderdale Council initiated this development because they claimed Hebden Bridge needs significantly more public parking, although they have never actually quantified the scale of the shortfall. Our report challenges their whole approach to tackling the issue, although ironically in a way quite consistent with the parking strategy for the town devised by their own Traffic Review. We have pinpointed some specific parking needs and then found easy and immediate solutions for them – often in the most extraordinary places. As our Parking Wizard will reveal!”

“Because we think we have made the parking problems of Hebden Bridge disappear - 'just like that' - we now call upon Calderdale Council to withdraw their support for this damaging development, and instead to adopt and implement this alternative approach to parking, always balanced by an overall improvement to more sustainable public transport and walking & cycling.”

The report will be available on the Group's website on Saturday.


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