News, Features and Upcoming Events
HEBVEG - Ambitious local, community-run, organic veg box scheme to launch this month. First chance to pick up your own HebVeg selection on January 15th - The aim is to produce everything in the box from within 3 miles of Hebden Bridge town centre within 3 years. Read more - 4 January
HEBWEB NEWS HIGHLIGHTS OF 2010 - including 500 years' celebrations, General Election campaign, community takeover of the Town Hall, Arts Festival, the launch of Hebden Bridge as a Transition Town, the threats from cuts including our Picture House and student demonstrations against tuition fees. Read more
The Annual New Year's Day Treasure Hunt, held in Mytholmroyd has raised a total of £147.36 in aid of The Fire Fighters Charity. Read more
Carols in the Square 2010
Click image to enlarge

Ian Coates - latest, still riding round the world on his Honda - "I told my wife I was going for 4 months in 1999 and I am still riding". See HebWeb Feature for December update.
Hebden Bridge Boy Wins Poetry Prize - An eight-year-old Hebden Bridge boy, Hugo Grundy, has won first prize in Old Possums Children's Poetry Competition 2010 with his poem Homelands. The prize was presented by Roger McGough. Read more - 14 December
Boots = Tax Dodgers Protest - Approx 30 people gathered at 11am outside Boots in Halifax today to protest the cuts, support the student resistance, and highlight the tax avoidance practices of Boots. Read More - updated 11 December
£50,000 More for Skatepark: construction could start early 2011. Friends of Calder Holmes Park have been successful with their 2nd stage application for funding towards improvement and extension of the skatepark. Read More - 8 December
Labour calls for Council debate on tuition fees and grants Labour Councillor Daniel Sutherland is calling for a debate at the adjourned Council meeting next week. Read More - 2 December
Calder Valley MP Craig Whittaker comes second in MPs' expenses league. See Guardian report and forum message.
Book News - Top ten bestsellers for November, and all the latest news from The Book Case. Read more - 2 Dec
Big Issue covers debate over Shed Your Tears. See previous coverage of the film and debate on HebWeb
The Good Ship "Calder High" and Other Tales from the 1950s. As a follow-up to the very popular 'From Rationing to Rock'n'roll', Peter Thomas' latest offering takes another backwards glance at the 1950s. Read More - 7 December
Helen of Four Gates film postponed until 27th January, due to the bad weather and impossibility of moving a grand piano in current conditions.
Step2 in Hebden Bridge aim is to reduce anti-social behaviour, including street drinking by offering positive alternatives. They hope to build bridges between young people and other local residents through events, activities and volunteering. Read More - 1 December
Student Protest: See below: Hundreds of students from Hebden Bridge and the Calderdale area took part in protests against public sector cuts, particularly cuts in education and rises in tuition fees - organised by local sixth formers who go to college in Mytholmroyd, Halifax and Huddersfield. (Photo: Mike Barrett) Read more - 24 November
Cutting Carbon in and around Hebden Bridge - Local residents in two small areas in and around Hebden Bridge will receive advice on how to save energy costs and cut down on carbon emissions. Read more - 4 January
Quake - A small earthquake, with it's centre near Ripon was felt in Hebden Bridge just after 9pm, Monday 3rd January.
Small ads - recent ads include: Creative Writing Class, cleaner wanted, Spanish lessons, Houses and rooms for sale or to rent; drum lessons; ladies clothes; cleaning and therapy.
BOOK NEWS - Top ten bestsellers for 2010 and for the month of December, and the latest news from the Book Case. Read more - 1 January
Flamenco Dancers beat the winter cold
More info about taking part in
Flamenco dancing in Hebden Bridge
See Facebook Group, I Love Hebden in the Snow. Young photographer, 22 year old Chris Zimnock sent us some stunning photos for our Snow Gallery - now updated - if you have any good shots email them to the Hebweb or if you have any snow stories, see this Forum thread.
Eddie Carr dies - see Lives Remembered Page with memories from Jonathan Timbers who would like to hear others' memories of Eddie. - 20 Dec
Calderdale services and jobs could move to Leeds. Labour asks for debate and details of Conservative plans. Read more - 20 Dec
TOWN HALL PLANS GET GO AHEAD - work to start in April 2011 "By this time next year the building should be close to completion" Read more - 17 Dec
Young People's March Against Cuts - Young people are hiking more than 30 miles in the expected freezing cold to arrive at Sheffield Town Hall to protest against the raising of tuition fees and the ongoing Coalition Cuts. Read more - 10 December
Palestine - Film and photos from Hebden Bridge's Ron Taylor in Palestine. Read more - 11 December
Climate Change negotiations in Cancun - latest news and how you can join in from Hebden Bridge.
The King's Troupe, an inter-generational theatre company, are performing the 'Scottish Play' at the Little Theatre. For this and other events see our What's on" section
Unions launch campaign against cuts in Calderdale - Read More - 3 December
Five-a-side for over 35s - players wanted.
See news.
Hebden Bridge a "GREAT TOWN" - Ian McMillan writes poem about Hebden Bridge which has won the 'Great Town Award' given by The Academy of Urbanism. Hebden Bridge has previously been voted the 4th funkiest town in the world and the UK town with most local identity. Read More - 20 November

COOP MAKES CHANGES AFTER MEETING - regional manager of the Co-op, Tim Coulson writes to HebWeb with a report of the recent meeting and outlining the changes which have already been made. Read More - 17 November
Be a councillor - Hebden Royd Council last week welcomed people interested in becoming Councillors - more info - 17 Nov
HX7 Jazz is back on Thursday November 25th with Troyka: an extraordinary trio featuring Kit Downes - a short-listed nominee for the Mercury Prize - Read more
Craig Whittaker MP supported Friends of the Earth call for Lobby push the Government to take urgent action on Climate Change. Read more
CO-OP MEETING REPORT - Coop Regional Manager Tim Colman admitted, "We failed dismally" when asked about issues raised in the Hebweb Forum, and promises changes - Read report - 3 Nov
Burnley Road School prepares Christmas boxes for troops in Afghanistan - Read more - 2 Nov
125 Year Lease for Town Hall. More info
THESE HEELS ARE MADE FOR WALKING - The White Ribbon Campaign is men working to end male violence against women. This Charity Walk is part of White Ribbon Week and the lead up to White Ribbon Day on the 25th November. Read more
PICTURE HOUSE THREAT - A consortium of local organisations has begun discussions with senior Calderdale council staff over ways in which the cinema’s long-term future can be secured. Read more
BBC Inside Out - Jamie Coulson was in Hebden Bridge - "the hippy town which is being forced to confront its drug demons". Listen on iPlayer and see Forum thread
Late Night Christmas Shopping - For a week from Thursday 16th December and Thursday 23rd December, shops in Hebden Bridge will remain open until 8pm. Read More - 9 November
HELEN OF FOUR GATES to show again next month. After the great success of the showing of Helen of Four Gates in June, there is going to be another rare opportunity to travel back in time and watch Hebden Bridge's famous lost 1920 film. Read More
LIGHTS SWITCH ON - more photos
Craig Whittaker MP defends foreign aid in Commons speech: "foreign aid . . . produces a sustainable, stable foreign country that helps and grows itself . . ." Read speech - 12 November
Local fluoride campaigner Dennis Edmonson has died - see Courier report
PUBLIC MEETING VOTES FOR ALTERNATIVE VOTE SYSTEM - Local politicians Cllr. Nader Fekri, Kate Sweeny, Craig Whittaker MP and Cllr Susan Press were the speakers at the public meeting on electoral reform in Hebden Bridge on Friday 15 October. Read report
Swimming pool Views and opinions sought on latest plans (above) for a swimming pool in our area. See also: forum thread
Miss Rusty talks to the Yorkshire Post one year on. Read article and see HebWeb coverage of her and Steve Cann's unfair treatment by Calder High School.
Shed your Tears and Walk Away - reviews in the national press. See 6 reviews of this film about Hebden Bridge. Hebden Bridge is a "madhouse fuelled by drink and drugs" … is a haven for achingly trendy bohemians. Read the full reviews from the Telegraph, Guardian, Mirror and Financial Times -
Jason Elliott's 500 Faces of Hebden Bridge is now complete. See web gallery of all 500 faces
Patrick Munsie, former Calder High student, has been killed in a road accident in Colorado while on his gap year. See Yorkshire Post article.
DIGITAL SWITCHOVER DATES: The change from analogue to digital TV will happen next year, 2011 Read more - 11 October
CLONE TOWN BRITAIN has Hebden Bridge as one of the most distinctive towns in the UK. Read more - 20 Sept
GINNELGATE DIRECT ACTION - This morning, Saturday 18 September at 10.30 am residents of St John's Close and their visitors took direct action and 'scaled the wall' which has been built across the pathway through the close on to Bankside footpath. More info and background- 18 Sept

Miss Rusty Employment Tribunal hearing is set for 11-14 January in Leeds. See new Hebweb Feature which attempts to bring together the story behind the sackings of her and Steve Cann from Calder High - 10 Sept
Local Blogs section - now updated
Five hundred words about Hebden Bridge - see latest entry from Lynn Breeze: Seedy river had fun, along with a YouTube video of Jason Elliott interviewing project's sponsor.
Coalition Government's Spending Plans are a 'Body Blow' for Calderdale, say Labour. Cllr Swift has told the HebWeb that the Government's plans to go all out for big cuts could see over 1,000 people lose their jobs. Read more
and launch of the Hebden Bridge Arts Festival 2010.
See photos
Read News Report
More from Hebden Bridge Web
- Accommodation - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area
- Archive - news and discussion going back to the mid 90s
- Bloggers and columns - a section where you can read regular pieces by selected local bloggers.
- Books - of interest to people living in Hebden Bridge and area
- Contact info
- Discussion Forum - hundreds of messages every year on matters of concern to those who live in Hebden Bridge and the surrounding hills, villages and valleys
- Emails - a directory of local email addresses
- Events: a selection of local events
- Features
- Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - one of the 500 years of the Hebden pack horse bridge projects
- Green Pages
- Hebden Bridge info - some basic information about Hebden Bridge with links to some features which have been written about our town.
- Hebden Bridge 500 - celebrating 500 years of the bridge
- History pages - links to local history websites, together with a selection of articles remembering times past.
- Lives Remembered - thoughts and comments on the death of a selection of local people
- Mailing list
- Maps - several maps of the town and area, including Google maps.
- Neighbours/twins - links to websites of surrounding towns and our twin towns in France and Germany
- News: Dozens of news items are posted every month; many are unique to Hebden Bridge Web, coming from our growing number of correspondents. Others may also be covered elsewhere but can be found on HebWeb many days earlier.
- News Highlights of 2008
- Photos - many galleries of photos, including some by well known local photographers
- Planning Watch - details of controversial developments are posted here.
- Radio and video samples relating to our area
- Search HebWeb - search the thousands of news, features and discusssion on the entire Hebden Bridge Web in seconds.
- Small ads
- Tourist Info
- Useful sites - a range of site which we think local people will find useful, rail and bus timetables, ofsted reports, local doctors, etc.
- View from the Bridge
- Web Design from Pennine Pens
- Websites List - by category - by name - listings of a large selection of Hebden Bridge websites
- What's on/Local events: a selection of local events
- Where to stay - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area