News, Features and Upcoming Events
Latest Hebden Royd Town Council minutes now online (16 Jan)
Hebden Royd Budget - Labour and Liberal Democrats give their contrasting views on the Hebden Royd budget, passed yesterday evening. Read more (12 Jan)
PICTURE HOUSE LATEST: Last night, Calderdale Cabinet agreed in principle the asset transfer of the Hebden Picture House to Hebden Royd Town Council. Read more (10 Jan)
Carlton Clock on time again - After the building was converted to apartments the clock stopped. Hebden Royd Town Council has worked over several months to seek permission to repair the clock - read more.
Ian Coates may eventually make his way back to Hebden Bridge in 2012 after years riding round the world on his Honda - update from southern Italy - See HebWeb Feature.
New Year Treasure Hunt: The Annual New Year's Day Treasure Hunt, held in Mytholmroyd has raised a total of £182.50 in aid of The Fire Fighters Charity and The White Ribbon Campaign. (3 Jan)
Make flamenco dance your New Year's resolution! Tutor Patricia Skeet will help put more passion, exercise, posture, stamina and grace in your life. Read more
University of the Third Age - report of the meeting about Queen of the Underworld
2011 Events - see what we did in Hebden Bridge, hundreds of events listed.
Trades Club featured in Guardian's Northern Blog. "Good times roll at our celebrated Trades Club John Peel's 'great little music venue' is going strong, with added delights cooked up by a Tibetan chef. Read full piece
Songs of Praise in Hebden Bridge - see Nick Wilding and other familiar faces.
HX7 Jazz: Hebden Bridge’s HX7 Jazz Club embarks on its third year with a welcome return of the Asaf Sirkis Trio on Thurs, 26 Jan. Read more (16 Jan)
Family Social Night - A new family-friendly event at Trades Club brings food and good company to those dark winter nights. Read more (12 Jan)
Hebden Bridge Arts Festival Needs You! It's all change as the Festival starts the year with a new co-ordinator and the team are hard at work putting together a festival to remember. Read more (11 Jan)
Small ads - currently include job vacancy, bookkeeping, double room for rent, offer of child care and much more.
Recent Forum threads: council cuts; using local builders; Central Library and more.
New Energy Royd website: Jenny Shepherd, the site creator, is inviting members of the public to drop into a local cafe and test the website. Read more
HebWeb News Review of 2011 - read here - with links to reviews of the years 2007-2010.

Above: Christmas Eve Carols in the Square. Hundreds braved the pouring rain this Christmas Eve for the annual singsong in the square, accompanied by the Junior Band and overseen by Rev Tony Buglass.
Teenage Kicks - Young musicians from Calderdale's Rock School delighted the audience at Hebden Bridge Trades Club on15 December.
Guardian Northerner Blog - My Summer of Love, Fanny and Elvis and A boy, a Girl, and a Bike are just three of the many films made in our area. Read more from Berringden Brow author, Jill Robinson.
Fishing for Bishops: Big Ass Promotions are proud to announce that The Big Ass Hebden Bridge Concert 2011 raised £820 for Ravenscliffe Special School after a successful concert at The Trades Club on Wednesday 21st December. Read more

Town Hall gets Heritage Lottery Fund backing - Hebden Bridge's landmark Town Hall has been given an early Christmas present, with the news of an award from the Heritage Lottery Fund. Read more (19 Dec)
Recycling goes weekly. From Monday 5 December, all recycling will be collected weekly on your usual collection day. Read more
Central Library and Archive - Calderdale releases key information after FOI request. Mass lobby called for. Read more (5 Dec)
Calder High Parents threaten exam boycott, at heated meeting with school governors over early GCSEs. Calls were made for the school Head and management to meet with parents. Read more
Concerns about early GCSE at Calder High: Governors to meet with parents on Wednesday (30th) - 6pm at revised venue, Calder High School. Read more
Guardian Northerner reports that Hebden Bridge needed no prompting to join the so-called Big Society – it was already a paid-up member with its "plethora of clubs, groups, societies and courses available, catering for just about every interest."
Halifax Civic Trust oppose latest plans to move Central Library - "The demolition of the purpose-built library, archives and meeting room facilities, the newest and finest of their kind yet constructed within West Yorkshire...) Read more (22 Nov)
Fireworks over Hebden Bridge on 5 Nov. Click photo to enlarge, from Andy Spencer
Glyn Hughes: local author and poet Glyn Hughes has died. Glyn was the author of Millstone Grit and the award winning Where I used to Play on the Green, and a contributor to the HebWeb, including 11 poems - see our Features section. Add your comments on our Lives Remembered page
Jason Elliott's 500 Faces of Hebden Bridge
Small Ads - "We placed a job ad on the Hebweb recently, intending to keep it there for 2 weeks, but we had to take it down after 3 days due to the huge response generated"
Occupy Hebden meeting - with Transition Town group at Trades Club. See this HebWeb Forum message for a personal view from one who attended the meeting.
Another Hebden Bridge pub threatened: Hole in the Wall for sale
Small Ads: House sitter, large 6-7 bedroom house sought, out of school co-ordinator, 3 bed house to let, rooms for booking by the hour, campervan and more
See video of Big Bike Fix which the HebWeb previewed earlier this year. See earlier HebWeb news item
Local Poet remembered at Poets' Corner this evening. The plaque reads: "So we found the end of our journey, So we stood alive in the river of light, Among the creatures of light, creatures of light." See Yorkshire Post. (6 Dec)
Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - "Everything in the house was heated by the fire, all the old terraced houses used coal for heat and cooking back then, the valley had a serious smog problem." Read more from Dave Bridges' 500 words.

Christmas Lights Switch On - 24 Nov

Market Street floods again, this time due to a burst water main on Fairfield (25th Nov)
- Photos: from Andy Spencer
Latest Town Council Minutes now online - read about whether Hebden Bridge still a Fairtrade Town, opposition to building next to Little Park in Victoria Road and more
Calderdale Libraries threat - see Forum thread
Greenest Town in the Land: Bear v Bernard. Fierce reaction to Bernard Ingham's scathing attack on Hebden Bridge Transition Town and renewable energy. Read more
Small Ads - I just wanted to let you know that through my small ad on your site I found my ideal new home, meeting all my requirements. Thank you very much for such a great resource
Helen of Four Gates: the HebWeb talks to film-maker Nick Wilding about how this classic silent film was tracked down to once again enthrall audiences at the Hebden Bridge Picture House. Read more
More from Hebden Bridge Web
- Accommodation - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area
- Archive - news and discussion going back to the mid 90s
- Bloggers and columns - a section where you can read regular pieces by selected local bloggers.
- Books - of interest to people living in Hebden Bridge and area
- Contact info
- Discussion Forum - hundreds of messages every year on matters of concern to those who live in Hebden Bridge and the surrounding hills, villages and valleys
- Emails - a directory of local email addresses
- Events: a selection of local events
- Features
- Five hundred words on Hebden Bridge - one of the 500 years of the Hebden pack horse bridge projects
- Green Pages
- Hebden Bridge info - some basic information about Hebden Bridge with links to some features which have been written about our town.
- Hebden Bridge 500 - celebrating 500 years of the bridge
- History pages - links to local history websites, together with a selection of articles remembering times past.
- Lives Remembered - thoughts and comments on the death of a selection of local people
- Mailing list
- Maps - several maps of the town and area, including Google maps.
- Neighbours/twins - links to websites of surrounding towns and our twin towns in France and Germany
- News: Dozens of news items are posted every month; many are unique to Hebden Bridge Web, coming from our growing number of correspondents. Others may also be covered elsewhere but can be found on HebWeb many days earlier.
- News Highlights of 2008
- Photos - many galleries of photos, including some by well known local photographers
- Planning Watch - details of controversial developments are posted here.
- Radio and video samples relating to our area
- Search HebWeb - search the thousands of news, features and discusssion on the entire Hebden Bridge Web in seconds.
- Small ads
- Tourist Info
- Useful sites - a range of site which we think local people will find useful, rail and bus timetables, ofsted reports, local doctors, etc.
- View from the Bridge
- Web Design from Pennine Pens
- Websites List - by category - by name - listings of a large selection of Hebden Bridge websites
- What's on/Local events: a selection of local events
- Where to stay - from bed and breakfast to self catering, a range of places to stay in our area