HEBVEG - Ambitious local, community-run, organic veg box scheme to launch this month. First chance to pick up your own HebVeg selection on January 15th - The aim is to produce everything in the box from within 3 miles of Hebden Bridge town centre within 3 years. Read more - 4 January

Miss Rusty: Tribunal Hearing: Saturday's Indpendent: We should hire more people like Miss Rusty, not fire them. Report of Friday's proceedings by Hetha Duffy, Calder High School parent who is attending the Tribunal and writing reports for the HebWeb. Report of Raise the Roof benefit. Read more - updated 18 Jan
Helen of Four Gates: the HebWeb talks to film-maker Nick Wilding about how this classic silent film was tracked down to once again enthrall audiences at the Hebden Bridge Picture House. Read more
PUBLIC MEETING ANNOUNCED: TO DISCUSS FUTURE OF OUR CINEMA - All who love the Hebden Bridge Picture House and care about its future are being invited to a meeting being held at Riverside School on Thursday, March 3 from 7.30pm. Read more - 9 Feb
PICTURE HOUSE PUBLIC MEETING: Report of crowded and lively public meeting at Riverside School. Read report
PACE EGG PLAY. See photos and video (including 3-D) - Heptonstall Pace Egg information and Midgley Pace Egg information. Over £1700 raised for charity. See also, HebWeb feature
15 year old Calder High student gets standing ovation at Teachers' Conference. Read speech and see links to media coverage and video of speech - updated 26 April
Newly Rebuilt and Extended Skatepark Reopens - Hebden Bridge now has a skatepark that any town or city would be proud to have and it’s been achieved with the help and commitment of our young people. More info - 3 May
Craig Whittaker's expenses: our local MP claimed £29,776.94 from May to December last year, according to the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority's figures
LOCAL ELECTION RESULTS: Labour take control of Hebden Royd Council. Hebden Bridge's Calder Ward elects Labour's Dave Young to represent us on Calderdale. Mayoral upset for Hebden Royd Town Council. More info
FAIR FOR YOUTH on Calder Holmes Park. Saturday 21st May. Official launch of the new skate park.
Over the bank holiday weekend of the 27th to 30th of May 2011, Hebden Bridge hosted its first BLUES FESTIVAL. Read more
GLYNN HUGHES: local author and poet Glyn Hughes has died. Glyn was the author of Millstone Grit and the award winning Where I used to Play on the Green, and a contributor to the HebWeb, including 11 poems - see our Features section. Add your comments on our Lives Remembered page.
HANDMADE PARADE TRIUMPH - "It just keeps getting bigger and better every year." Nearly 700 people took part in the parade and an estimated 5,000 lined the route to enjoy amazing giant puppets, dazzling artwork, a riot of colour and toe-tapping music. Read report - see photos - 14 June
Beer, Buns and Buttons for the Hebden Bridge Arts Festival! - the whole community is joining in the festival spirit to enjoy a feast of music, theatre, literature - Read more (29 June)
'Inspirational' Teacher Steve Cann cleared - The General Teaching Council for England has confirmed that there was no case to answer. Steve was the union rep suspended from Calder High in early 2009 along with Leonora Rustamova (Miss Rusty) Read more (5 July)
STOP! DON'T READ THIS - the story. Miss Rusty's book is finally published for all to read, and includes her account of being sacked from Calder High along with ideas for working with disaffected teenagers. Read HebWeb review
Hebden Bridge and the HebWeb feature in the Guardian's Northerner blog by Berringden Brow's Jill Robinson: "You can celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee if you want to, but Hebden Bridge Town Council isn't joining in." (20 Aug)
Digital Switchover - BBC2 analogue switched off Wednesday, 7th September. Digital equipment will need to be tuned to pick up available channels. See Digital UK for more info.
Hebden Bridge Station threat - ticket office is on the list of 675 ticket offices threatened with closure. See news item on TSSA website - 5 Sept
Up the Buttress - by bike! More photos Timed hill climb from the the centre of Hebden Bridge up the cobbled Buttress (it's a one in three gradient in places) towards Heptonstall. More info.
Hebden Bridge based Digital Archive awarded accreditation. Just after news that Pennine Horizons has received Heritage Lottery funding of £524,000 comes the news that its Digital Archive has now been awarded accreditation by West Yorkshire Archive Service. Read more - 24 Sept
Overwhelming support for wind turbines at public meeting organised by Calder Civic Trust on 28 September. Read report of meeting. And forum thread
Ian Coates - latest, wending his way back to Hebden Bridge after 12 years riding round the world on his Honda - update from the Czech Republic - See HebWeb Feature. (31 Oct)
MISS RUSTY WINS COURT RULING. Case now returns to Employment Tribunal. Read report of the hearing. Employment Appeal Tribunal agreed with Ms Rustamova's counsel that the Tribunal had not given sufficient reasons for their decision that her dismissal was fair.
Calder High Parents threaten exam boycott, at heated meeting with school governors over early GCSEs. Calls were made for the school Head and management to meet with parents. Read more
Christmas Lights Switch On - 24 Nov

Town Hall gets Heritage Lottery Fund backing - Hebden Bridge's landmark Town Hall has been given an early Christmas present, with the news of an award from the Heritage Lottery Fund. Construction work has been continuing for most of 2011. Read more (19 Dec)
Christmas Eve Carols in the Square. Hundreds braved the pouring rain this Christmas Eve for the annual singsong in the square, accompanied by the Junior Band and overseen by Rev Tony Buglass.