Planning Watch
This section of the Hebden Bridge Web is to try and help keep people up to date with proposed developments our area. If you know of a planning proposal which you think we should consider including please e-mail HebWeb.
Development near Whiteley Arches
From Gavin Parry
Thursday, 17 November 2016
I came across this though word of mouth , even though I live very close :
The site in question is the area of trees, on the side by river, between Whiteley Arches and the sharp bend between Hebden and Todmorden.
If the proposal is successful then a large Industrial unit and 2 tarmac car parks either side will be noticeable to all who drive along the valley, replacing what is currently a narrow green belt on the approach to Hebden Bridge.
It is somewhat misleadingly titled as 'Proposed data centre (B1) and associated ground works and landscaping'. I invite you to look at the plans and you won't believe the ugliness and inappropriateness of the proposal (IMHO). But please make up you own mind.
So many reasons why it shouldn't even be considered, (e.g removal of a greenfield site / associated flood repercussions / road access and safety) but as this seems to be a year when the unlikely happens, I urge you to find a couple of minutes and look at proposal, and, perhaps consider adding your opinions / objections. Details here
Not sure when objections need to be sent, sooner rather than later I think, as, I have come to this very late myself. Thanks
14/01060/OUT Construction of 14 apartments (outline), land west of Rose Villas, Heptonstall Road.
An appeal has been made against the Council refusing planning permission for the construction of 14 apartments on the land just up from the Fox and Goose on Heptonstall Road.
Read this account from someone who has lived nearby for over 20 years
For earlier details, see this section below.
Thursday, 11 June 2015
Calderdale Planning Committee meeting has turned down the application for the construction of 14 apartments (outline), land west of Rose Villas, Heptonstall Road, where there was the landslip in 2000
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Plans to build houses in Heptonstall conservation area
Go to Calderdale Planning page and enter 15/01209/OUT for more info.
or by writing to Planning Services, c/o the Town Hall Crossley Street Halifax HX11UJ. Please mark your objection for the attention of Mr Shiels.
Objections have to be in before 23/10/2015.
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Planning permission granted for flats on the small piece of land next to Little Park in Victoria Road. And parking over the river!
All the documents are on the Calderdale website, include those giving permission to the development.
Go to Calderdale Planning page and enter 15/00301/FUL for more info.
Note that parking would be over the river.
More flats planned next to Little Park in Victoria Road
Go to Calderdale Planning page and enter 15/00301/FUL for more info.
Residential development of 8 apartments and associated parking provision.
Note that parking would be over the river.
Car park at Mayroyd
Plans for large public car park off Mayroyd Lane, near the station. Access would be along an unadopted poorly surfaced track.
14/00760/FUL | Car Park for Public Use | Land At Mayroyd Mayroyd Lane Hebden Bridge
14/01060/OUT Construction of 14 apartments (outline), land west of Rose Villas, Heptonstall Road.
When developers submitted plans for this site some years ago, fears were expressed that the whole hillside could be vulnerable if worked on to the extent that the plans envisage. Previous demolition work had led to part of the hillside collapsing.
Countryside Services have commented: "We have reviewed this application for a site which lies immediately down the slope of Eaves Wood, a block of ancient semi-natural woodland. The site had a previous building which was demolished in 2000. This resulted in slope failure up to 60m up the hillside into the neighbouring woodland. The toe (base) of the slope moved by up to 3m. The slope has apparently stabilised at present, but there is a risk that construction work (piling) may reactivate the slip plane resulting in a significant landslide which could send soil and large boulders onto the road or into neighbouring properties. The engineers do not seem to think that doing nothing is an option.
The recommended solution is likely to entail a portable drilling rig operating in the ancient woodland, drilling test holes to assess the soil, hydrology and bed rock. This would inform a programme of ?soil anchoring? into the bedrock at regular intervals across the slope. This should provide long term slope stability. Note that the woodland is not within the ownership of the applicant.
The application does not include any assessment of the impact which this work will have on the flora, fauna or soils of the ancient woodland. As such any method statement will not currently be designed to minimise the damage to the ancient woodland. In may involve tree removal and will almost inevitably damage the soils. Measures to mitigate and enhance the woodland have also not been considered.
It would also be useful to have an assessment of the options which might exist to simply stabilise the slope without the development although it is doubtful from the engineering reports whether this would result in any less damage to the ancient woodland. As we understand it, building a retaining wall at the base of the slope would not provide the necessary stability.
The application also neglects to consider what the impacts of the proposed dwellings would have on disturbance, light pollution, tipping etc being in such close proximity to the woodland."
To comment, go to Calderdale Planning website and enter 14/01060/OUT
Hole in the Wall Planning application
The fate of the Hole in the Wall pub (renamed "Hebble House" in the planning application) was decided by Calderdale's planning committee on Tuesday 18 November at 3 pm in the Town Hall, Halifax.
The applicant seeks to convert the building to mixed-use retail, financial and professional services and upstairs flats, ending more than 300 years' use as a community amenity and pub.
Permission was granted.
For further information and comments, see discussion forum
Hole in the Wall Planning application
Friday, 3 October 2014
Hole in the Wall - deadline extended. The closing date for comments on the current application to convert the Hole in the Wall to flexible mixed use and flats (application number 14/00954/CON) has been extended to Monday 6 October.
Friday, 12 September 2014
Go to Calderdale Planning web page and enter 14/00954/CON and the building again goes by the name of "Hebble House"
Proposals:"Conversion of existing public house (A4) to flexible mixed use: A1 (retail), A2 (financial and professional services), A3 (restaurants and cafes) and A4 (drinking establishments) at ground floor level with associated storage in cellar and 1 No residential flat (use class C3) at first and second floor levels"
The plans are basically a re-hash of those which were withdrawn in the face of opposition earlier in the year, but with conversion of the stables postponed to "phase 2". The owner is again seeking the flexibility to use the building as he chooses. Once again, the possibility of a "drinking establishment" is listed, but, crucially, the discretion would lie with him rather than, as now, with the council.
30 documents are associated with this application. View them here
HebWeb coverage of the Hole in the Wall
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Moyles Planning application
Go to Calderdale Planning web page and enter 14/00432/FUL
Conversion of part ground floor, first floor, second floor and attic to form four residential units
Update: Calderdale councillor Dave Young has this afternoon told the HebWeb that the planning application is now showing as 'withdrawn' on the Calderdale website. Of the 25 representations, all but one objected. (4 June)
Update: The closing date for comments on the planning application at the Hole in the Wall (or "Hebble House" as it's referred to in the planning documents) has been put back to Wednesday 28 May.
Hole in the Wall
Change of use of and extension of former pub (A4) to a flexible mixed use, to include ground floor offices or shops (A1/B1a) and workshop (B1c), or retention of pub use (A4) to ground floor, with ground floor workshop (B1c), and in any case with 2 units of ancillary residential accommodation above.
For more information or to comment, go to the Calderdale Planning page and enter 14/00135/FUL
See Forum thread
SAINSBURYS LOCAL: Plans now submitted and it's on the agenda for this evening's Hebden Royd Town Council meeting. More info about the process for commenting on the application, and to see docs associated with the plans. 29 Jan 2014
Update: Thursday, 30 January 2014
The appeal has been dismissed and planning permission refused.
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Construction of 2 dwelling-houses:
Land Rear Of 1 To 11 The Woodlands Palace House Road
The latest position is that an appeal has been made to the Secretary of State for the Environment and a site visit will be made by an inspector. Representations must be received by the Planning Inspectorate by the 9th of December.
Anyone who has not received their own copy of the Calderdale letter can find a copy here.
See below for history and HebWeb Forum thread
Monday, 21 October 2013, 4.30pm
Update: Liz Sutcliffe of Calderdale's Planning Dept has confirmed today that the application for Planning Permisssion to build 2 houses behind The Woodlands on Palace House Road has been withdrawn from the 22 October 2013 planning committee by council officers for legal reasons. It may be presented to committee again on a later date.
Monday, 21 October 2013
Construction of 2 dwelling-houses:
Land Rear Of 1 To 11 The Woodlands Palace House Road
The planning application for two houses on land behind The Woodlands, Palace House Road, is going to Planning Committee on Tuesday 22 October. Officers are recommending approval, with conditions. See report here.
See below for history and HebWeb Forum thread
Friday, 19 July 2013
Old Chamber: Appeal to Planning Inspectorate
Proposal: Conversion of an agricultural building into six dwellings and the demolition of red brick building to create parking spaces for 12 cars
Appellant’s name: Mrs G Jones
Appeal Ref. No.: APP/A4710/A/13/2197611,
Appeal start date: 02.07.2013
If you wish to make any further comments, you can do so on the Planning Portal or by emailing.
More info - see below: Monday, 21 January 2013
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
Construction of 2 dwelling-houses:
Land Rear Of 1 To 11 The Woodlands Palace House Road
Another application for the land behind The Woodlands on Palace House Road. 2 large detached houses. They also want to make the unmade footpath between field and mature trees of Crow Nest woods into a road with turning area for refuse lorry. Opponents fear this would cause major disruption and increased traffic along already congested route and increase the risk of surface water flooding to houses in The Spinney as well as the The Woodlands. And that it could destroy a valuable wildlife habitat that has been undisturbed for nearly 30 years.
For more information or to comment, go to the Calderdale Planning page and enter 13/00005/FUL
Friday, 12 April 2013
Development at Blenheim Street
(Message to the HebWeb from the residents)
Blenheim Street residents are very pleased that the Planning Inspectorate has rejected the developers’ appeal to build 2 4-storey houses in this small cul de sac on the Birchcliffe hillside.
The development would have blocked a beautiful view across the valley as well as increasing congestion in the street. We would like to thank everyone who supported our campaign against this development.
The Inspector’s reasons are set out in great detail, with the main grounds being the increased hazard of any development to pedestrians, residents and road users and we are very optimistic that the thoroughness of the rejection will deter any future developers.
Friday, 1 March 2013
Construction of 2 dwelling-houses:
Land Rear Of 1 To 11 The Woodlands Palace House Road
13/00005/FUL Update
This application has been declared (by Gillian Boulton at Calderdale) to be invalid and the whole process will have to be started again - as a new application, as though the above had never been made.
Anyone who commented will have to do so again. Watch this space for news of any new application.
Monday, 21 January 2013
Outbuilding at Old Chamber, Spencer Lane, Erringden: Conversion of an agricultural building into six dwellings and the demolition of red brick building to create parking spaces for 12 cars
Go to the Calderdale Planning page and enter 12/01401/FUL
Although said to be a conversion, our HebWeb correspondent says it looks rather more like a new build in the green belt partially hiding behind the shell of an existing building. It would almost double the number of dwellings at Old Chamber, as well as putting a lot of extra traffic on the narrow tracks running down to Palace House Road, via Wood Top - this might bring pedestrians, walkers, and cyclists in conflict with drivers.
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Construction of 2 dwelling-houses:
Land Rear Of 1 To 11 The Woodlands Palace House Road
Go to the Calderdale Planning page and enter 13/00005/FUL
Another application for the land behind The Woodlands on Palace House Road. 2 large detached houses. They also want to make the unmade footpath between field and mature trees of Crow Nest woods into a road with turning area for refuse lorry. Opponents fear this would cause major disruption and increased traffic along already congested route and increase the risk of surface water flooding to houses in The Spinney as well as the The Woodlands. And that it could destroy a valuable wildlife habitat that has been undisturbed for nearly 30 years.
New supermarket and five storey hotel
Brown's Site (site Of Former Mytholm Works, King Street)
For full details and comment options go to Calderdale Planning website - enter 12/01003/FUL in search box
Calderdale Planning Department have now made it more difficult to comment on applications. You now have to go through quite lengthy registration process. Start here
Nutclough Mill - 'extension'
A planning application has been submitted for a large metal factory building next to Nutclough Mill. An article in the Hebden Bridge Times on 9th August announced the plans - essentially a press release by the developers. Calrec, current tenants of the Mill, want to rationalise their production to a single space and need a large industrial building to do so. The owners of Nutclough Mill propose to build such a building next to the mill for Calrec to lease. See more from this HebWeb news item of Friday, 7 September 2012
Make your comments on Calderdale's planning page. Enter the refs 12/01013/LBC and 12/01011/FUL
Blenheim Street Planning Application update
Monday, 10 September 2012
Thanks to Trizia Wells for this item
The residents are very pleased that Calderdale Council has refused this application to build 2 ¾ storey houses in Blenheim Street.
We have had a great deal of support from residents in Blenheim Street, Marlborough Road, Marlborough Grove, as well as residents further down the Birchcliffe hillside. Thank you to all those who voiced their objections to the council. Thank you also to Hebweb for publicising the application to visitors to Hebden. Many non residents took the time to write to Calderdale, citing the view from there as one of the reasons they love the town.
Blenheim Street Planning Application
– a pair of 2/3 storey semi detached dwellings
Go to Calderdale Planning web page and enter 12/00858/FUL
Added: Thursday, 2 August 2012
The initial application for developing a site adjacent to the Conservation Area was withdrawn following issues raised by the residents. It has now has been resubmitted and notice given in a shambolic fashion to residents. The council took 12 days to notify residents, by which time the summer holidays had started and many people were away. A yellow notice did not go up until after we complained, and gives a different deadline to the one in the letter residents received.
The development affects more than those resident on Blenheim Street. The council received almost 30 comments regarding the previous application – far more than people actually resident in the street. This time, we feel that other residents on the Birchcliffe hillside should be even more concerned, given the flood of 9th July which saw Birchcliffe being inundated for the first time. The application states there is no flood risk on the site or elsewhere – given the events of 9th July, this cannot be considered to be the case and neither the Council nor the Environment Agency are discounting a recurrence. Additional building with patio gardens plus an extended hard surfaced Turning Head coupled with additional car parking will all exacerbate this risk to dwellings lower down.
The application is full of factual inaccuracies – stating there are no trees on or adjacent to the site, when it borders Macpelah Wood! And that there is no threat to biodiversity, but they haven't carried out a wildlife survey to investigate. Local residents are well aware of the badgers and bats on the site and in the neighbouring woods.
The application is being discussed on Wednesday 8th August at the Hebden Royd Town Council meeting – please come along and voice your concerns, and please write to the council to object. This development affects all of us who live in Hebden Bridge, wherever you live.
Thanks to Trizia Wells for this item
See also: Forum thread
Proposal for Residential development of 22 units at Mayroyd.
Go to Calderdale Planning web page and enter 11/00896/OUT
This application is similar to the one submitted by Revegate Ltd. for 27 'dwellings' and refused in 2010 - see below
See also: HebWeb Forum thread (June 2012)
Victoria Road plans and consultation
On Wednesday 23 May between 3.30pm and 7pm in the Main Hall of the Hope Baptist Church, developers McCarthy & Stone will be exhibiting their proposals and inviting comment.
More information may be found on their website where they state they are committed to including "high-quality Retirement Living apartments". They are " committed to engaging with the local community regarding this proposal and has commenced a pre-application community consultation programme."
Trizia Wells, speaking on behalf of residents in Blenheim Street, has outlined residents' concerns to the HebWeb about the planned building of a pair of four storey houses on what is described as "disused scrub land" at the top of their cul de sac on the Birchcliffe hillside.
Trizia Wells has explained that Blenheim Street is a steep cul de sac of around 20 houses leading off Marlborough Road on the Birchcliffe hillside. The turning into the street is narrow and set at an odd angle, making access restricted.
The street is used by people going down to Hebden from Dodd Naze. There is a lot of school (pedestrian) traffic as well, with parents taking children down to Stubbings School.
When cars are parked on both sides of the street there is room for only one vehicle to pass, and not without difficulty. Cars either back up to their parking space, or turn around in the turning circle. The proposal includes the extension of the turning circle to include 4 extra parking spaces – meaning residents would no longer be able to use it to turn around. 4 cars would be an increase in street traffic of approximately 25%
The hazard to pedestrians, and parking congestion presented by such a development, both during building and after completion, is one of the grounds we shall rely on in our objections. Others include:
- the fact that this is a greenfield site, and there are many undeveloped brownfield sites in Hebden Bridge
- the loss of the view (subject of an award winning photograph by Nigel Hillier) which is an amenity appreciated by residents and visitors and is described as an outstanding local characteristic in the Hebden Bridge conservation area document
- the loss of a habitat for badgers, bats and birds including jays and bullfinches which would reduce the rich biodiversity of the wider area including down to the School Street playground, the memorial garden area and the top of Bankside, where badgers and bats are regularly seen
Click here to go to Planning Page on the Calderdale website where you can also make your own comments. Enter 12/00319/FUL into the search box.
Added Monday, 23 April 2012
Planned Parking restrictions, Hebden Bridge, Heptonstall and Mytholmroyd.
See Forum discussion - April 2012
See maps
Thrush Hill Road, Neale Street and Caldene Avenue.
Hepton Drive, Heptonstall
Between the Buttress and Heptonstall Road
Proposal: This plan is for two huge houses that are five storeys high on the south side and two on north. A message to the HebWeb points out:
"they do not match the other houses in the area and will block an iconic view of Hebden Bridge from Heptonstall Road. This piece of woodland between the historic Buttress and Heptonstall Road has just been included into the conservation area."
If you wish to comment on this application, go to the planning section of Calderdale's website and enter 11/01564/FUL in the search
Land Adjacent To Albion Terrace.
Linden Mill
Proposal: Conversion of mill premises to form dwelling in association with existing adjacent commercial use
If you wish to comment on this application, go to the planning section of Calderdale's website and enter 11/00806/CON in the search
Updated Saturday, 10 September 2011
Linden Mill
Proposal: Conversion of part of mill premises to form dwelling
If you wish to comment on this application, go to the planning section of Calderdale's website and enter 11/00292/CON in the search
Updated Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Refused: Land At Mayroyd: Residential development of 27 dwellings
Planning permission refused. The reasons for refusal include, land is designated open space, problems of additional traffic and site is at risk from flooding. To read in more detail about all nine reasons the application was refused, click here.
Added Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Land At Mayroyd: Residential development of 27 dwellings
Another Studio Baad project
14 two bedroom and 13 three bedroom dwellings.
Application no: 09/01526/OUT
See documents
Comment on application
Decision Date: 9/8/2010
Previous coverage of Studio Baad on the Hebweb
Added 8th June 2010
This land has been the subject of previous applications which have not been successful.
Walkleys Clogs New Planning Application
Proposal: Conversion, extension and part demolition of mill, together with construction of new buildings to form 47 apartments.
Application no: 09/01411/FUL
See documents
Comment on application
Decision Date: 21/06/2010
Previous coverage of Studio Baad on the Hebweb
Added 28th May 2010
Fell nine protected trees
The Spinney Wood Rear of Delmar, Palace House Road
Application no: 09/20150/TPO
See documents
Comment on the application
The Hebden Bridge Web has been informed that a few of the residents feel this is application is a ruse to have the track behind the Spinney widened so that an application to build houses on the piece of land behind the Woodlands does not fail (again) due to access.
Billy Lane, Old Town
Detached three bedroomed house on former Cape Asbestos land
Thursday, 15 October 2009 - appeal against planning decision put in
From letter from Calderdale planning
"If you have already made any comments following the original application...they will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate and to the appellant and will be taken into account by the Inspector in deciding the appeal.
If you wish to make any further comments, the Planning Inspectorate will not acknowledge your letter unless you specifically ask them to do so. They will however, ensure that your letter is passed on to the Inspector dealing with the appeal.
Please ensure that three copies of any representations are received by the Planning Inspectorate by 12th November 2009.
The Planning Inspectorate
Room 3/18A
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Temple Quay
Bristol BS1 6PN
Please quote reference: APP/A4710/A//09/2113852/WF"
See below for details of original application.
See also
HebWeb News: Plans may disturb Acre Mill's deadly asbestos (March 2009)
Current forum thread and Earlier forum thread - on Acre Mill asbestos

Thursday, 24 September 2009
Victorial Road, Hebden Bridge
The landscape of Victoria Road is changing as the old mill and former medal factory are raised to the ground. Planning permission was given in 2006 for "mixed use development comprising commercial units, family housing and apartments." Planning number 06/01770/FUL - see planning application and other documents. Planning permission was given for three years - building must commence by the end of November, 2009.
Friday, 4 September 2009
Plans have been resubmitted by Oxford Bingo for a "ground floor wine bar and bistro with 3 flats above" on land almost opposite Post Office, and facing Riverside School. See below for details of their earlier application which was withdrawn.
Application No: 09/01122/CON - no documentation yet submitted but expiry date for representations: 02/10/2009
28 May 2009: Garden Street - The Inspector has turned down the application in record time because ... it's too large!
Tuesday 28th April 2009, for three days
10 am
Garden Street Planning Appeal
The Kings Centre
Park Road
See HebWeb feature
Update: 2nd April - plans rejected
Billy Lane, Old Town
Detached three bedroomed house on former Cape Asbestos land
Application No: 08/02071/OUT
The contamination report (see Documents) states that: "The land has history of previous development, which would suggest that the site is not free of industrial contaminants."
See HebWeb Feature on Acre Mill
Comment on the application
Expiry Date for representations: 6th March 2009
The Woodman
- plans for five "town houses" and conversion of public house into five flats
Application No: 08/01686/FUL
Comment on the application
Expiry Date for representations: 13/2/2009
GARDEN STREET - David Fletcher and Hebden Royd Development Company have submitted appeals to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. There wil be a Public Inquiry at the Town Hall in Halifax.
The public may attend the inquiry and give their views. Alternatively, they can submit their views in writing. Three copies should be sent, referring to applications 07/01409 and 07/01410, to
(FOA: Sheila Parkin)
The Planning Inspectorate
Room 3/18a
Temple Quay House,
2 The Square
Temple Quay
Bristol BS16PN
Written representations need to be submitted by 28th January
Click here for details of appealing online
Plans withdrawn
Ground floor wine bar with 4 flats above on land almost opposite Post Office, and facing Riverside School
Application No: 08/01059/FUL
Comment on the application
Expiry Date for representations: 12/12/2008
Former Hebden Royd Adult Education Centre
Refurbishment & conversion of existing building to create 7 self contained residential apartments
Application No: 08/01754/FUL
Comment on the application
Expiry Date for representations: 12/12/2008
Old Chamber, Spencer Lane, Erringden
Conversion and subdivision of the existing agricultural building to form 6 dwellings and creation of parking area.
Application No: 08/01812/FUL
Comment on the application
Expiry Date for representations: 01/01/2009
New town in Calderdale? - meeting in Hebden Bridge
The Local Development Framework for Calderdale will include future housing and building development guidelines for the next 20 years or so, and will be decided upon by 2011. A meeting to discuss this will take place from 1.30pm-7.30pm, on Tuesday, November 18 at Hope Baptist Church. See Courier and Local Development Framework - 10 Nov
25th September 2008
A special meeting of Calderdale Council’s Planning Committee is being held at 6pm on Monday, September 29th, at the Kings Centre, Park Road, Halifax. (See Google map)
It will follow the same format of all Council planning meetings and will be open to the press and the public.
At the meeting the item will be outlined by the planning officer before members of the committee ask questions. A ward or parish councillor and a representative of the objectors can then speak. Only the Chair has the authority to decide whether more than one representative from the objectors should be able to speak to enable further points to be raised. Members of the committee can then ask the applicant questions before debating the application. The matter is then put to the vote and a decision is taken on whether to approve the application refuse it or defer it to obtain further information.
See HebWeb full coverage on our Garden Street feature page
Mytholmroyd swimming pool
More plans submitted
Comment by 1st August 2008
More info and comment page
Public meeting on the Green Belt
Tuesday 15th July: 7.30pm in Riverside School
The recent “eco homes” planning application at Blackshawhead raised questions about the status of the Green Belt: this is about to be considered as part of Calderdale council’s work for the Local Development Framework (the successor to the UDP).
Cllr Janet Battye is therefore organizing this public meeting when the Planning Officers will talk about the Green Belt and explain the Local Development Framework process. All are welcome to attend!
Stubbing Holme - inspector throws out plans
The planning Inspector has dismissed an appeal against planning permission to build three houses at the end of Stubbing Holme Road on the grounds that it would cause too great an increase in the amount of traffic on the substandard road. - 14 May
Brown's site (The former Mytholm Mill) - 58 "dwellings" approved - see below for more info - Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Fustian knife/'needle'/gnomon/"square sculpture"
Calderdale Planning Committee to decide on 11th March 2008. Our Town Council has recommended acceptance. Objections lodged include the following:
- Character of the square will be diminished.
- Scale of the Gnomon is far too large for this small town square – both visually and physically
- Visually intrusive
- Square already cluttered
- The Square needs open spaces
- Design Inappropriate for the area
- Scale out of character with the area
- Design would be targeted by vandals
- It will not tell the correct time- Hebden Bridge is 3 degrees west of Greenwich
- Dominant feature
- Sculpture will be a target for graffiti
- Proposed art work is of a poor design
- Square is already cluttered with poor quality, half finished stone bollards, metal traffic bollards, lamp posts and seats.
Mytholmroyd Swimming Pool
Mytholmroyd Community Centre have submitted plans for a small 25m by 8m pool, and a fitness centre, in the Centre grounds. Details were made available just three days before the expiry date for representations.
Application No: 08/00149/FUL
Comment on the application
Expiry Date for representations: 22/02/2008
There is now third attempt to get planning permission to build houses next to the Victoria Road Playground - see below for previous attempts.
The applicant is Read Homes Ltd - the certificate of ownership declaration is by Read Homes and Mango Development. (See previous HebWeb coverage of Mango). The registered office of Read Homes is 28a York Place, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS1 2DS.
Comment on the application
Expiry Date for representations: 14/03/2008

Fustian knife is now the Fustian Needle. Revised plans for "square sculpture"
Expiry Date for representations:
29th Feb 2008
Civic Trust calls public meeting for 28th Jan, 7.30pm, Council offices to discuss Garden Street proposals. See report of meeting
1. Main proposal for Garden Street car park - Application No: 07/01409/OUT
Mixed use development comprising car parking pedestrian and vehicular access, residential accommodation, retail/commercial space, ancillary and servicing facilities (including demolition of existing retaining wall) (Outline) Added Tuesday, 22 January 2008
Applicant: Hebden Bridge Development LLP
Applicant Address: C/o Studio Baad Linden Mill Linden Road Hebden Bridge
Extensive HebWeb forum discussion
HebWeb News (June 2007) Parking options: Garden Street or the Station
2. Garden Street/Tanpits Yard - Application No. 07/01410/CAC
Added Monday, 14 January 2008
Demolition of existing retaining wall and associated structural remediation in association with planning application 07/01409/OUT for mixed use development (Conservation Area Consent)
Applicant: Hebden Bridge Development LLP
Applicant Address: C/o Studio Baad Linden Mill Linden Road Hebden Bridge
Documents - see especially "supporting information"
Comment or object
The council has insisted the development – the biggest in the town for 50 years – should be both traditional and contemporary, dramatic and modern.
(Courier) - updated 21st January
Calderdale accused of fraud
Calderdale Council was "fighting for its credibility last night, after it was accused of fraudulently attempting to obtain a Compulsory Purchase Order in a bitter planning dispute which may yet see police called in," reports today's Yorkshire Post. See full report Tuesday, 4 December 2007
Brown's site (The former Mytholm Mill)
(The large field beyond the turning circle on the right out of town)
While already having permission for 54 "dwellings" (granted in 2005) they have now submitted plans for 58 dwellings. There is also a request for outline planning for 2500 square meters for commercial use.
The land is currently jointly owned by Belmont Homes of Cheshire and Moreton Deakin Associates of Blackshawhead
Comment on the plans
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Stubbing Holme Road plans appeal
November 2007
Mr. Worsfold has appealed against Calderdale's refusal to let him build.
Details on the Planning Appeals website
Comment on this appeal
- see below for details of plans, and the campaign against.
Calderdale's website reveals that Mr. Worsfold has been applying to have this green land built upon at least since 1989.
Houses over the Hebden Water - revised plans submitted
Land Adjacent To Playground, Victoria Road
Application No: 07/02288/FUL - Expiry Date for representations: 30/11/2007
Comment on the application

Above: where the houses over the river are planned, photos taken at the time of heavy rain, January 2007
See below for previous application and its rejection.
From the Stubbing Holme Road Action Group
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Is the proposal to build houses on the land off Stubbing Holme Road about to raise its ugly head yet again? On Friday, 24th August 2007, the developer came onto the field at the end of Stubbing Holme Road with a chain saw and mini-digger and proceeded to cut down the few remaining bushes and smaller trees (larger trees and shrubs had been cut down on previous occasions).
Members of the Stubbing Holme Road Action Group contacted Calderdale Council to try and stop this vandalism, but were told that nothing could be done. It is very troubling that this wanton destruction of habitat that forms part of the wildlife corridor cannot be stopped.
There is now speculation that the developer wants to submit yet another planning application to build houses on the land. Watch this space for further news.
Conversion of pig sties into one bedroomed holiday cottage>
This application from N Vile at Carrs Farm in Wadsworth is among those currently being considered by Calderdale Council - 14th Aug
Friday, 6 July 2007
Colden 'Eco' Holiday Homes
Land now put up for auction
See the following items on Eddisons' auction list
Land at Brown Hill Lane, Blackshaw Head, Hebden Bridge
Plot one - Plot two
"Land extending to approx 25 acres, with potential for development of an Eco-Holiday Village (subject to the obtaining the necessry planning consents)"
See below for more info - thanks to the several people who sent in this news.
(Update - land sold for 200k and 90k, 26th July)
WALKLEYS CLOGS - Application No: 07/00979/CON
Applicant: Revegate Ltd of which Mark Clyndes is a director.
Change of use of "Walkleys Canalside Mill" to provide 51 apartments including the reinstatement of the fifth storey of the original mill together with demolition of eastern extension and its replacement with a four storey building at Canalside Mill, Mytholmroyd
Expiry Date for representations: 6th July 2007
Comment on the application
See Forum news item on the Mytholmroyd Net - Jan 2006.
Revegate are the company which own the land at Mayroyd where trees have been recently felled. See HebWeb news and discussion
(Update: plans rejected - Tuesday, 7 August 2007)
FIRE STATION - Application No: 07/01174/CAC
Three storey development of 3 commercial units and 9 apartments with 5 three storey town houses. Applicant: Eshton Gregory (Hebden Bridge) Ltd
Comment on the application
See also: Demolition of the former Hebden Bridge Fire Station (Conservation Area Consent) Application No: 07/01174/CAC
Houses over the river - appeal dismissed
The Planning Inspectorate held a public inquiry on Thursday, 29th March 2007. Twelve new build apartments were planned for "low cost" home ownership with fifteen parking spaces on land next to the playground, Victoria Road Hebden Bridge. Applicant: St Vincents Housing Association / Mango Developments Ltd. Agent: Studio BAAD - Studio Baad's plans for the Mill Pond and Linden Woods were also taken to appeal and similarly thrown out.
The Inspector had decided "The proposed building would block views in several directions. While some of these are of little consequence, I am concerned at the effect of the development on views along Hebden Water. Since Hebden Water is currently free from development in the form of buildings over it, views along it are unrestricted up to the points where it curves out of sight. Of particular importance, in my opinion, is the view north-west from the nearby road bridge. This affords sight along the water for a significant distance to trees and countryside beyond the town. It is a view many people are likely to enjoy, being a public vantage point on a road within a largely residential area on a route to the town centre. The development would very significantly restrict that view, even accepting, as I do, that it would not set a precedent for other development over Hebden Water. I consider that the restriction of the view would cause significant harm to the character and appearance of the area.
Saturday, 5 May 2007
Colden 'Eco' Holiday Homes.

Thirty earth sheltered holiday accommodation units with associated reception building/shop/cafe, parking. Fields Between Brown Hill Bottom & Higher Murgatshaw Farm Brown Hill Lane Blackshawhead
Application No: 07/00403/FUL
Applicant: Mr I Plantagenet
Documents for this proposal
Progress of this proposal
Comment on this proposal, or object to it.
Target Decision Date: 14/06/2007
Expiry Date for representations: 23/03/2007
HebWeb News: Oct 2006
"ECO-PARK" planned for Colden Hillside
HebWeb News: Nov 2006
Local authors support campaignto save the Colden Valley
Forum thread - October 2006 to Feb 2007
Forum thread - From Feb 2007
Illuminated advertising units on bus shelter
Bus Shelter Opp 20 New Road Hebden Bridge
Application No: 07/10022/ADV
Applicant: Clear Channel
Documents for this proposal
Progress of this proposal
Comment on this proposal, or object to it.
Target Decision Date: 21/3/2007
Expiry Date for representations: 18/04/2007
Pecket Well Mill Pond
Proposal to drain and remove
Application No: 07/00240/FUL
Applicant: Mango!
Documents for this proposal
Progress of this proposal
Comment on this proposal, or object to it.
Target Decision Date: 16/03/2007
Expiry Date for representations: 10/04/2007
See Forum thread
Lee Mill Road
land in front of Craigside Midgehole Road, Hebden Bridge
Application No: 07/00154/FUL
Applicant: Mr S Crabtree
Documents for this proposal
Progress of this proposal
Comment on this proposal, or object to it.
Target Decision Date: 26/03/2007
Expiry Date for representations: 2nd March. 2007
See Forum thread
Houses over the river
Planning Inspectorate to hold public inquiry on Thursday, 29th March 2007 at the Town Hall in Halifax, 10 am.
Quote ref: APP/A4710/A/06/2030123/NWF
If you haven's commented, or wish to make additional comments, you should submit them in writing as soon as possible (3 copies required) to: The Planning Inspectorate
3/18A Eagle Wing
Temple Square House
2 The Square
Temple Quay
See 2006 discussion

Above: where the houses over the river are planned, photos taken at the time of heavy rain, January 2007
Scroll down for more info or see HebWeb news item for drawing and original plans - 8 Jan
Linden Mill Bank - 3045 Group's appeal against Calderdale Council's refusal of planning permission for 10 semi-detached dwellings, is to be heard in a public inquiry at Halifax Town Hall on Tuesday 20th February at 10.00am. The inquiry is expected to last a day. Members of the public can attend, and at the Inspector's discretion, give their views.
Scroll down for more details or see this HebWeb News item for more info - 8 Jan
Twelve new build apartments for "low cost" home ownership with fifteen parking spaces on land next to the playground, Victoria Road Hebden Bridge. Applicant: St Vincents Housing Association / Mango Developments Ltd. Agent: Studio BAAD
More details
If you know of a planning proposal which you think we should consider including please let us know