HebWeb NEWS IN BRIEF - July to December 2006 |

The tree in the square - December 2006
Pedestrian killed at Eastwood
Police in Calderdale are appealing for witnesses to an incident which happened yesterday on the A646, Halifax Road, at Eastwood, Todmorden at around 15:40 (Friday the 8th December 2006). A Motorcyclist riding a Suzuki Bandit was travelling from Todmorden to Hebden Bridge when involved in a road traffic collision with a woman pedestrian. The pedestrian was taken to Calderdale Royal Infirmary and their injuries have proven fatal. The road was closed for a time and has now re-opened. Anyone with any information is asked to call the Calderdale Helpdesk on 01422 337059.
Local community finally beat developers. Residents now own the Mill Pond. More info and pictures - 11 Dec

Residents celebrate by tree planting on the Mill Pond, Sunday, 10th December |
One resident was reported as saying that people living along the road had raised concerns about speeding and wanted cameras installing but had been told there had not been enough fatal accidents! He said: "This is the fourth fatality in 10 years on this stretch. It's a big issue on this road. "They fly down here and overtake on the double white lines. Somebody has to do something about it." - 9 Dec
A646 Burnley Road closed again both ways between the Burnt Acres Lane junction and the Stony Lane junction in Eastwood, because of a serious accident. - 8 Dec, 17.00 pm - re-opened around 8 pm
Power cuts and floods
After power cuts of up to 12 hours in Old Town and surrounding areas on Sunday, yesterday properties in Hebden were flooded once again, with at least five inches of water in the cellar of the Railway, and the Burnley Road reduced to single lane at Callis. - 6 Dec
Police hand out grant windfall to youth group
Youth and community groups who help divert children away from crime are celebrating windfalls from the West Yorkshire Police Community Trust. The Acorn Centre in (Hebden Bridge Youth Committee) is getting £2,500 to take 15 youths on weekly structured activities. - 22 Nov
Hit and run around 2-3am Sunday. A 28-year-old man walking along Market Street in the early hours of Sunday was hit and seriously injured by a car whose driver sped away towards Todmorden. Market Street was closed all morning. - 12 Nov Update: police have arrested a 21 year old man - 13 Nov
Sundial D Day
Calderdale Council Planning Committee will consider a detailed application for the gnomon, or shadow caster, at its meeting on Tuesday, 14th November. More than 50 people have formally objected to the sculpture being installed George's Square. Hebden Royd Town Council backs the scheme as do members of the town's traffic review steering group. The sundial modelled on a fustian cutting knife will be made of polished stainless steel with a bronze engraved sheath, surrounded by a circular bench. Objectors say a moveable feature would be better as it would allow the area to be used for other events and activities. They have complained about the lack of public consultation, the design and size of the sundial and say it will encourage vandalism. See discussion - 10 Nov
93rd Hebden Bridge Chrysanthemum Society Annual Show
Organiser Philip Partington was among the winners at the 93rd Hebden Bridge Chrysanthemum Society Annual Show. The society treasurer, secretary and event organiser scooped seven trophies for his colourful entries in the show at the town’s Methodist church. More than 80 entries were submitted by keen growers in which 18 trophies were up for grabs. - 10 Nov

Remembrance Sunday - 12 November
Remembrance Sunday
A parade will start from the the Hebden Royd council offices at 10am on Sunday 12th November, going to the war memorial in New Road. The parade will be led by Hebden Bridge Senior Band. After the laying of 37 wreaths, a service of remembrance will be held at St James's Parish Church.
Digital switchover
Chris McCafferty yesterday asked the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what provisions have been made prior to digital switchover to ensure digital television coverage in the Calder Valley. Mr. Woodward replied that Ofcom estimated approximately 50 per cent. of households in the Calder Valley are currently able to receive DT services. - 7 Nov

Bonfire - see short video clip of Calder Holmes display, discussion and the Green Tops guy which tops the Steep Fields bonfire 5 Nov
Sculptor defends standing stones
Sculptor Mike Williams carved the controversial standing stones for George's Square. Now Mr Williams, who lives in Hebden Bridge, has hit back at the doubters. He said: "I am incredibly pleased with the final pieces but I didn't expect such a torrent of abuse." More - 4 Nov
Blackout - substantial parts of Mytholmroyd were without power from 4pm and all evening, on a very cold November night. More info and photos and discussion 3 Nov
Gibson Mill has been shortlisted for a White Rose architecture award after being converted into the National Trust's centre for sustainability. - 3 Nov
Strong feelings were expressed in the Hebweb Forum about no lights near the station. "Yippee" writes Jess, now they are back 2 Nov
Autumn clean-up: local residents clean up Steep Fields and Mill Pond, and restore chainsawed footpath - more - 29 Oct, 2006
Mytholmroyd Station Noticeboards
A further development in the Mytholmroyd Station Partnership has been the donation of two Noticeboards by Northern Rail. These will be used to keep station users informed of the exciting projects that are planned for their station over the coming months. The noticeboards will not only be used for station news, but will be available for the local community to let others know of forthcoming events. In addition to archives from our Station History Researcher, Michael Allen, we are inviting contributions of photographs of the old station together with any memories of travelling ? or of the considerable freight traffic that used once Mytholmroyd. Anyone who has photos or can give a short description of say the millions of chicks that were sent all over the country, and the old marshalling yard and signal boxes are asked to contact the Chairman of the Station Partnership, Geoff Mitchell on 885154 or email on fomroydstation@btinternet.com.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
MILL POND: after three years, local residents are celebrating their victory. The planning appeal was withdrawn this week; the land is now green belt making any future development improbable.

CHAINSAW TUESDAY - 2 years ago, 19 October.
More info on the Steep Fields section of the Hebweb. |
Gathering mushrooms in the Crags
50 people also took part in a three-mile fungi foray at Hardcastle Crags in Hebden Bridge. The annual guided walk through the woodland in search of different types of mushrooms was led by fungi experts Anne Bowers and Bob Warburton. Gibson Mill warden Mark Draper said: “It’s lucky this year because it’s been a spectacular growth year and there’s all sorts of different fungi.” - 11 Oct
Pipes on the TIC building, standing stones and sun dial in the square - read the comments in the Hebweb discussion forum
Chris McCafferty, MP asked the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what assessment he has made of the information provided to cancer patients regarding financial and other benefit entitlement when they are diagnosed. Mrs. McGuire replied that the Department goes to considerable lengths to publicise benefit information through a variety of channels and is always open to new ideas for improving the delivery of benefit information. Read more in Hansard - 10 Oct
Community to benefit from Wadsworth Church
The Historic Chapels Trust took over responsibility for Wainsgate Baptist Church and its ancillary buildings in 2004 after declining congregation numbers meant the church had to close. More info - 5 Oct

"Save Emergency Services in Calderdale" says the banner. Protesters in George's Square told the Hebden Bridge Web that there was a serious possibility of some or all accident and emergency services being moved to Huddersfield. - 28 Sept
Alice Redmond Inquest
Alice Redmond, 21, of Hebden Bridge who was studying for a degree in events management at Leeds Metropolitan University, had only just moved into her third-floor flat in Kelso Road, Leeds, when she fell 30ft from a window while trying to help a friend who was locked out.
Leeds Today | Yorkshire Post - 28 Sept
Rare Hummingbird Hawkmoth seen feeding on Market Street hanging baskets - see Wildlife feature - 18 Sept
Air Quality Management Area
Residents receive letters from Calderdale Council informing them that a Declaration of the Calderdale Air Quality Management Area (No.3) has been made. This extends from Bridge Lanes, through Market Street to Machpelah (near the station). - 15 Sept
Fire leads to asbestos cloud: people were left fearing for their health after a fire at a council depot released deadly asbestos into the air. he blaze was started by a vat of hot tar left on the back of a lorry in a garage at Holme End Works, Calder Brook, Mytholmroyd. More info - 15 Sept
Hanged man's identity revealed
A MYSTERY man who killed himself in Calderdale has been dramatically identified just days before he was due to be buried in an unmarked grave. The tattooed man, found hanged in Horsehold Wood, Hebden Bridge, over a year ago, has been identified as Robert Stephen William Poole, 28. More 15 Sept
Release Palestinian MPs now
Chris McCafferty was among nearly 30 MPs writing to today's Guardian, calling for the release of 33 members of the Palestinian legislative council including the speaker and five ministers, including the deputy prime minister, abducted and imprisoned by the Israeli Government. They write, "We consider the imprisonment of democratically elected representatives of the Palestinian Authority as an attack on the fundamental principles of democracy." More 13 Sept
Wireless Internet now available in ten local cafes and bars, thanks to 3-C, Calder Valley's broadband coop - more info
Lesbian-only birth classes to be offered
Women from Hebden Bridge have expressed interest in the National Childbirth Trust lesbian-only classes for mums-to-be to be held in Bradford. Ante-natal teacher Sarah Williams said that the classes will help lesbians build up friendship and support networks which will enable their children to have friends from similar backgrounds. More - 12 Sept
Hanged man's identity remains a mystery
THE identity of a man whose body was found hanging in a wood near Hebden Bridge remains a mystery despite a worldwide search. Coroner's officer Daniela Condon told a resumed inquest at Halifax Town Hall that she had made ''huge efforts'' to identify the man, thought to be in his early 40s, whose body was found hanging from a branch in Horsehold Wood, Stubbing Brink, on August 3 last year. More - 8 Sept
Award donated to daughter whose mother died of cancer
FORMER Emmerdale actress Ursula Holden-Gill is to give her 2006 TV Quick and TV Choice Award for Best Soap Actress to a young girl whose Hebden Bridge mother, Pippa Sykes died of cancer. More - 7 Sept
Hebden Bridge hill-farmer Brian Lund, of Walshaw Farm, admitted to being both “surprised and delighted” when his pen of five Beltex-cross charges, weighing in at 37 kilos and first of an opening crop of 30 lambs, were awarded championship honours. More info - 7 Sept
Baby Sam born in Mytholmroyd Car Park
Jenny Gibbons gave birth to Samuel in the family car on the way to hospital after getting caught in rush-hour jams. Shocked dad Matt Gibbons pulled into the car park at the side of the road in Mytholmroyd as 8lb 5oz Samuel entered the world. More info - 5 Sept
VICTORIA ROAD - plans for large redevelopment resubmitted - see Planning Watch - 4 Sept

The sun finally shone, for the Heptonstall Festival and the Heptonstall Players
More photos - 3 Sept
Climate camp - several Hebden Bridge campaigners arrested - more - 31 Aug
Pedestrianisation of town centre
Thursday, August 24, 2006

Middle East - Halifax Friends of Palestine leafleted St George's Square, Hebden Bridge, Saturday morning - hundreds signed their petition.
- 26 Aug - See discussion forum
Mytholmroyd Station - more and more small stations are being 'adopted' by their local community. Geoff Mitchell hoping to do the same for Mytholmroyd station in the next few weeks. Phone 885154 or email - 25 Aug
Bogfest at the Trades
The gig venue at Hebden Bridge next weekend will stage Bogfest – a series of concerts to raise funds to refurbish the men's and women's toilets at the club. The festival kicks off on Friday August 18, with The Women's Room concert. DJs from Mix and Spin, percussion from Calder Samba Women's Band, and singer/songwriter Fasciani, indie, rock, and a little something different. Fasciani is making waves on myspace. And the little boys' room has its turn on Saturday August 19, in The Men's Room concert when Virgil Presley returns with the sounds of the early Elvis era. Virgil and the band make a comeback special.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Council to take over responsibility for licensing gambling in Calderdale
Licensing gambling establishments in Calderdale will be the responsibility of Calderdale Council from September next year following the introduction of the Gambling Act. The act will transfer responsibility for licensing gambling establishments and permits from the Magistrates Court to the Council with licences being required for casinos, adult amusement centres as well as bingo and betting premises. The Council are also required to publish a Statement of Licensing Principles relating to gambling premises in the Borough. A public consultation, which ends on 31 August, is currently taking place on the draft statement.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - see Ladbrokes dispute pages on the Hebweb
Happiness and tragedy for couple who settled in Hebden Bridge
"CRADLING her infant daughter, Stephanie Grady looks the picture of happiness. But the young mum is already a widow - her husband killed at sea when a packed pleasure boat capsized. Her delight at being a mum again is tempered with the tragic knowledge that four-week-old Stevie will never know the wonderful dad who loved her so much. Stephanie's husband Stephen was among 58 who drowned in the Bahrain boat disaster in March, including 15 Brits. It was less than a year after they married. Stephanie was six months pregnant when he died."
Read more of this article from the Daily Mirror
Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Filming of Mother's Journey took place in Hebden Bridge and Heptonstall
recently and involved various well-known actors including Nitin Ganatra of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory fame. Writer Bal Kumar, 34, of Huddersfield, who has lectured in film at various colleges, said: ''The film is about migration, other cultures and the mother-and-son relationship. The only word my mum could speak initially was 'bread' and that ended up as a major part of the film – her friendship with a shopkeeper. More from Yorkshire Post
Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Calderdale committed to cutting carbon emissions
Calderdale Council is committed to reducing its carbon emissions - and it has the certificate to prove it. The certificate has been presented to the Council by the Carbon Trust in recognition of its commitment to energy efficiency and minimising carbon emissions, the main contributor to climate change. The Government believes that climate change is the greatest long-term challenge facing the world today. Calderdale has risen to this challenge with the help of the Carbon Trust's Local Authority Management Programme. The benefits of taking part in the programme include not only a reduction in the Council's energy bills, carbon emissions and spend but also the opportunity to raise the awareness of the impacts of climate change to the wider community.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Rob Armstrong, musician and socialist. See lives remembered - 4 Aug
New lights are installed along Bridge Gate
4 Aug |
The Fustian Weavers' Strike started in July 1906, 100 years ago - demonstrations around Foster Lane and Victoria Road, Mrs Pankhurst visiting Hebden to give her support, alternative coop set up. See Hebweb history

Bridge Gate pedestrianisation
Monday, July 31

Lost sheep rambles down from Widdop to Birchcliffe. Tricia Wells is interested in what breed it is? See new wildlife feature - 31 July
The Scotsman on Hebden Bridge
". . . . . . moor up for a couple of nights in Hebden Bridge, a lively market town in the heart of the region. Set in a steep valley that rises straight up from the canal banks, Hebden's terraced houses cling to the hillsides and its streets are packed with independent boutiques and organic cafés. Stock up on healthy produce at the farmers' market or eat out in one of the town's many restaurants. Hebden Bridge likes a party, and there are community-based celebrations all summer long. "
Full article - Sunday, July 30, 2006
Hebden Bridge Footballers wanted
Hollins Holme FC are looking for new and old players - of all positions - to sign up for their 2006-07 campaign.
The club, which is based out of Hebden Bridge Sports and Social Club and play their home games on Calder Holmes Park, currently ply their trade in Ziggy's A-Star Cars Halifax Sunday Football League.
Manager Paul Thwaites is currently in the process of arranging friendlies ahead of the new season, which kicks-off at the end of August, and anyone interested in joining should contact him on 07973 878519 or email tony.curtis@dsl.pipex.com Thursday, July 20, 2006
Lloyds to close 2 days a week
Nestling in the spectacular Calder Valley in the Pennines of West Yorkshire, the thriving town of Hebden Bridge is in the middle of a busy summer season. Yet from Monday 3 July, in a move that has shocked residents, the opening hours of the Lloyds TSB branch will be cut. The branch, on busy Albert Street in the heart of the town, will be closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. It used to be open every weekday. From thisismoney.co.uk
Higher fees for adult learning
Calderdale Council are to make gradual increases in fees over the next four years. The increases would result in hourly rates for courses - currently £2.90 per hour, rising over a four year period to £4.35 per hour. Monday, July 10, 2006

Mytholmroyd Gala - 8 July
more photos
Cape Asbestos escape Acre Mill liability
LEGAL costs have forced the family of an asbestos victim to drop their claim for compensation. In a letter to Cape's lawyers in Southampton Derek Ellis's solicitor expressed his frustration. "Cape accepts it has liability for Acre Mill, accepts Mrs Ellis died from asbestos dust from Acre Mill brought home on the clothing of her husband, Cape accepts negligently exposing her husband to asbestos dust, yet Cape is not prepared to meaningfully consider its responsibility to Mr Ellis,'' he wrote. More Monday, June 26, 2006
Hebweb feature on Acre Mill

Wainsgate Open Day Saturday, 24 June. Handed over to the Historic Chapels Trust, Wainsgate may be restored for use by the community.
News in Brief: January - June 2006
News in Brief: 2005
Main News Section