![]() Station Road lightingFrom Elaine Simpson One evening last week I had to use my car to come into Hebden Bridge and I parked it on Station Rd. When I returned to collect the car it was after dark: and it was very dark and scary; not at all a comfortable place to be alone. Something should be done about the level of lighting on this road: as winter approaches it won't be long before commuters have to walk along the road in darkness at both ends of the day and their safety should be paramount. In the interests of the environment locals and visitors alike should be encouraged to use public transport whenever possible but such inadequate lighting on the only footpath from the station to town does nothing to promote it's use. From Rachel I'm going to get in touch with the lighting department at the council. It was pitch black last night as well I think there are a few lights out in a row which makes the walk over the bridge from the station side, pretty much right up to the other bridge pretty dodgy from the basic fact that the road and paths aren't even to not being able to see other people and tripping over eachother! will update on any response I get. From Tim I understood the lighting on this stretch of road is provided by the company that manages the station as th eroad is not adopted by the Council. From Elaine Simpson Well it should be. If it is not an adopted road the council should be putting pressure on whoever is responsible for it to make it safe. And we should be putting pressure on the council. It's just not acceptable as things stand. Good luck with your attempt Rachel. From Nigel Station Road is owned and maintained by Network Rail, unfortunately the Council have no responsibility for it. Posted by Lesley Mackay Yesterday I complained to Network Rail (by email)about the light not working and inadequate lighting on the rest of the approach road; the pavement surface and the road surface. They say they will respond to my enquiry within 20 days! I know of others who have recently complained about the lighting. The more people who complain the better, I should think. Posted by Polly I was a weekly commuter to London for over a year until last November, returning around 10.30pm on Thursdays. These lights were almost never working in that entire period. It gets very wet and muddy under foot especially in Autumn when the leaves fall, and as you cross first river than canal, you can feel far from safe. If anyone knows who to write to at Network Rail I'd be more than happy to add my voice. From Brian Garner In January and February this year I had several communications with both Calderdale Council and Northern Rail about fixing the lighting on Station Road. I was bounced several times between the two organisations and eventually it was left hanging with Northern Rail. If somebody has more time than I have, then it might be worthwhile putting some pressure on our councillors to put onward pressure on Northern Rail to get the faulty light (and perhaps the pot-holed, puddle-filled road as well) fixed. The last communication I received was from Brian Walker, Customer Relations Officer, Northern Rail in which he said that he had passed on the information to their department that deals with faults. From Rachel Have found out who I need to write to and will update you with a response. It's not Network Rail but someone who works for the council who's job it is to help ensure community safety etc. They are brilliant at their job - I have it on good authority - so should only take one email to them for some action to happen. Posted by Lesley Mackay Just an update on progress on repairing the surface of Station road. Network Rail are responsible for repairing it. Northern Rail, however, will patch it if, and only if, Network Rail are not going to do the repairs in the next couple of months. Email received this morning.... From: Neil Armstrong 03 October 2006 Our Reference NR/3395 Dear Ms Mackay Thank you for your E-mail, which I received recently. There has been some dispute as to who is responsible for the lighting pillar at Hebden Bridge. After consultation with local council officials and our local management it has been agreed that the light is within our jurisdiction and we will arrange for an engineer to correct the problem. With regard to the resurfacing of the road; the road does fall with in our station area, however because the fault is structural it is the responsibility of Network Rail. During my investigation it became clear that work would be carried out to improve the structure of the road, this is set out in Network Rail?s business plan 2006/2007 so work should commence before April 2007. I am unable to offer any further information with regard to this but you may wish to contact them directly on 08457 114 141. Our Station Cleansing teams will be responsible for the leaves and will call round periodically and remove these, should you notice any problem with regard to this then please do not hesitate to contact this office. Thank you for taking the time to contact me. Yours sincerely Posted by Elaine Proctor I thought you might be interested to see the response we received from Network Rail at the end of August.............. I refer to your email addressed to Mark Tarry about the condition of the access road at Hebden Bridge. Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to you. The good news is that Network Rail is developing a scheme to completely renew the road which will hopefully be scheduled to start at the end of this year. Until this work commences all defects to the road and footpaths are being actioned on a reactive basis by the Network Rail Property Works team. I hope that this information is satisfactory. Denise Thompson We've also been told by Calderdale MBC that Network Rail wanted the council to adopt the road including its structures ie the bridges. Obviously they weren't keen to do that in it's current state. Posted by Polly Thanks to those who have taken this forward. If there is no lighting in action in the next few weeks (crucially as the evenings grow longer) I will contact Mr Armstrong myself to pursue this. Posted by Christine I live behind the station so have to walk along Station Road a lot. I am aware all the people who get off trains and walk down into Hebden also have to use this road. I rang up Network Rail who told me it was Northern Rail responsibility. So rang up Northern Rail as well. Northern Rail told me they would put on it urgent. Since a lot of other people have already contacted them since early September it makes me wonder if they will actually do anything about it until spring. Posted by Emma Crute I too have contacted the illusive Mr Neil Armstrong in relation to this lighting (or lack off it) They are in consultation Network Rail to sort this out - my email from him is below. I am going to ring them tommorrow and see what they say ..... not hoping for that much really. Email reply from late last week below - Im not sure who is responsible for the bridge now....? Dont think he is either. Dear Ms Crute The lighting issues at Hebden Bridge are currently with Network Rail, as the problem is structural. I can confirm that this has been reported by us on numerous occasions. If you wish to follow this matter further then Network Rail?s number is 08457 114 141 Regards Neil Armstrong Posted by Jess Yippee - the lights are working again. I think reminding Network Rail's Corporate Responsibility Committee that health and safety of the public on their property is their legal responsibility MAY have done the trick. Or maybe it's just a coincidence that the lights got fixed 24 hours after I told them I'd referred it to the Health and Safety Executive. Posted by Brian Garner Now that the light and road have finally been repaired, everybody here should give themselves a pat on the back for pursuing this matter with the initially-resistant authorities.