Darwin Originals
A series of short films inspired by
Darwin and his legacy
Festival Studio,
Linden Mill,
Linden Road,
Screenings 2pm to 4pm,
Thursday to Sunday
throughout the Festival (from Sat 27 June)
Poetic, unorthodox, political, humorous and
unexpected, Darwin Originals is a series of eight artists’
films inspired by the life, work and legacy of Charles
The films explore the artists’ personal fascinations with
Darwin, from the meals Emma Darwin prepared for her
invalid husband, to the plastic soup waste in today’s
Pacific Ocean, from Darwin’s ‘thinking path’ at Down
House, to the genetics of red hair.
The eight films are by Ackroyd & Harvey, Bobby Baker,
Anne Bean, Lucy Cash, Curious, Graeme Miller, Henry
Montes and Lemn Sissay.
Produced by Artsadmin and DVDance. Created for
Channel 4. Supported by the Wellcome Trust and the
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. We are extremely
grateful to the team at Artsadmin for enabling these
screenings to be part of our Festival.
We would also like to thank Millcroft Associates, Festival
Studio and 3-C for their support.
