Time has flown since the last Festival, and we have
been busy preparing another performance-packed
fortnight of art, music, drama, literature, and comedy.
With the world celebrating 200 years since the birth of
Darwin, we have programmed some special events
under the heading Evolution, Revolution. These events
are marked

and have been
inspired by Darwin’s work and legacy. From Ruth
Padel’s work about her great-great grandfather to
Simon Armitage evolving into popstar; from
Shakespeare with a twist to contemporary romantic
heroines, we aim to illustrate how artists, performers
and their work grow and change to create new genres,
sometimes with surprising results! As always, we hope
you find the performances entertaining and
enlightening and we look forward to hearing your
The 2009 Festival has lots more in store. We see the
return of the literary lunch, a Festival quiz, and previews
of several Edinburgh shows. There is poetry,
storytelling and antics from Richard DeDomenici.
Music on offer ranges from jazz to jamming, folk to
flamenco and hip hop to Haydn. Our area’s wealth of
artistic talent is on display again with free exhibitions
and open studios. Details are available in a separate
New for 2009 is a special Festival Ale, available
exclusively at Moyles. It will be brewed by Little Valley
Brewery and both the brewery and Moyles will donate
10p per pint to the Festival. Cheers to both businesses
for their support! And don’t miss our first Pay What
You Want event on July 3.
The Festival could not happen without the financial
support of Arts Council England, Hebden Royd Town
Council, Calderdale MBC and our sponsors Sweet &
Maxwell. We are also grateful to Moyles, Hole in
t’Wall, Croft Mill and the many other businesses who
have offered support in kind. And last but certainly not
least, we’d like to acknowledge the invaluable support
of all our volunteers. We couldn’t do this without you – a big thank you to you all.
Have a good Festival!
Rebecca Yorke
On behalf of Hebden Bridge Arts Festival.