Hepton Singers return for concert in Heptonstall
Monday, 15 November 2021
The well-respected chamber choir Hepton Singers will return to Heptonstall Church on the evening of Saturday 4th December for their usual pre-Christmas concert, for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic forced the choir to cancel their normal activities.
Photo: Craig Shaw
This year's concert includes classic a cappella motets, including works by the sixteenth-century Spanish composers de Victoria and Guerreo. These are counterbalanced by twentieth- and twenty-first century music, including works by James MacMillan, Howard Skempton, Kerry Andrew and the current Master of the Queen's Music Judith Weir.
Richard Bunzl, the choir's Musical Director, said: "We'll be offering some of the most exquisitely crafted works of the Spanish musical Renaissance by Victoria and Guerreo, works which, I believe, are still immediately accessible to the listeners of today. The contemporary pieces are beautiful, too, and as always we're delighted to be bringing modern choral music to our audience."
Also programmed is the lush choral architecture of Bruckner, including the ever popular motet, Locus Iste.
"Several of our modern pieces are in praise of nature, in its many forms," Richard Bunzl adds. "The choir will embark on a journey from dawn to dusk, celebrating the flight of birds, the sowing of seeds, and the sustaining power of the earth."
Saturday evening concerts listening to choral music in Heptonstall church at this time of year can be a magical experience and the choir say that they are delighted that, with appropriate social distance measures in place, this year's event can go ahead.
Tickets are available (£9, £6,£1) from the choir's website heptonsingers.co.uk and on the door.