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Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Hebden Bridge Open Studios Online

Hebden Bridge Open Studios has become an important fixture on both the cultural and tourist calendars in the North, drawing a wide and varied audience.

Our little market town in the Upper Calder Valley is famous for its community of artists and makers. They open up their studios and workshops as an annual event and welcome the public in.

Things are a little different this year!

Some of the larger studios are able to open by appointment, but to include all 92 artists involved the Open Studios is being brought to your living room online for the first time.

To warm up for the weekend, Hebden Bridge artist Kate Lycett is hosting a conversation with gallery owners Alison and Paul Bartram (Heart Gallery and The Yorkshire Gallery) and Terry Brett (Pyramid Gallery, York) at 7.30pm, Thursday October 8th. Tune in for some fascinating insights into the art scene of Northern England.

The weekend's events start at 10.30am, Saturday 10th October. You'll find a programme of all their videos and live streamed features, and where to see them at their website as well as lots of artwork to see and buy from the artists.

At 11am stay tuned to see artists currently exhibiting at Linden Mill Gallery discuss their work and inspiration. By appointment you can also visit this exhibition curated by Tony Isseyegh. Numbers are limited at any one time so do book early.

Wildlife sculptor John Noble-Milner hosts a discussion about art and environmentalism with five other nature inspired artists on Sunday afternoon. Hebden Bridge has experienced increasingly severe and more frequent flooding in recent years. The consequences of climate change are forefront in the minds of many in the town.

Regardless of flooding or a world wide pandemic, Hebden Bridge adapts and remains open for business.

Until Saturday October 3rd you can still see an Exhibition of artwork by 27 of the Open Studios artists at Hebden Bridge Town Hall.

Open Studios Website


