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Mayor's charity raises money for CROWS

Thursday, 7 May 2020

The Mayor of Hebden Royd Town Council, Councillor Dr Carol Stow has raised a total of £1561.51 during her Mayoral year for her chosen charity CROWS (Community Rights Of Way Service). The money raised will help CROWS to continue with their valuable work of improving and maintaining the footways and bridleways across the upper Calder and Ryburn Valleys for us all to enjoy.

Councillor Dr Carol Stow spoke about why she chose this local charity: "I chose CROWS as my mayoral charity this year because I have been so impressed with all the hard work this dedicated group of local people put in to help repair damaged paths and make areas more accessible.

"Now more than ever, as we cope with the limitations imposed on us by the lockdown in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, I think many people are developing a deeper appreciation of the beautiful countryside which surrounds us and feel the need to get out and enjoy it! Thank you to everyone who has attended my fundraising events over the last year and contributed to reach this great total."

This fantastic total was raised despite having to cancel the main event of the event of the year, the Mayor's Ceilidh, and it will go a long way to supporting work, to make accessing and enjoying our surrounding rural landscape. A recent project has included the repair of an old route from Hebden Bridge to Mytholmroyd, which will no doubt prove popular as we head into the summer months.


Richard, a volunteer with CROWS highlighted the benefits of the fund raising: "CROWS have identified a long list of work in Hebden Royd (e.g. broken stiles, overgrown paths, drainage problems). The grant from the Mayors fund will allow us to get stuck in as soon as we able to start work. Many thanks to the council, the officers and the public who organised and supported all the fundraising events last year"

More info

CROWS Facebook page.

2019 - 2020 CROWS Annual Review - detailed breakdown of the types of jobs done, the places where worked, some highlights from the year's work, and other end of year information about CROWS.

CROWS website