The Incredible Festival of ideas
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
Ten years ago, a small group in Todmorden had the radical idea of cultivating disused land around the town, growing vegetables and herbs that anyone could harvest on small patches of unused land. And so Incredible Edible was born. The idea took root and people far and wide started growing and sharing food.
From 21-24 June, across the Upper Calder Valley will be the Festival of Ideas - to explore radical ideas in action including urban agriculture, community asset transfer, and much, much more. The organisers say, "Above all, imagine a society with kindness at its heart."
Here's a sample of some of the events. More information here.
All Things Resilience
A conference at Hebden Bridge Town Hall, sharing some of the latest ideas and resources. If and when floods happened again would you be prepared? If you're a local business and want to hear how this affects you and what's available for you should the worst happen again, organisers say this is for you. This day will focus on the both the big picture and the practical details. Looking at what resources are available on a personal and community level and then what the latest ideas are in the field.
Friday 22 June. Registration – 8:45am Conference – 9:15am to 4:30pm Hebden Bridge Town Hall, Tickets: Register Now
Solstice Evening: 21 June
On Solstice evening people areinvited to Todmorden Town Hall to see what this amazing town is about, with choirs and a community picnic and a philosophy walk ending at a pub. "We know it's special here and we'd like to show our visitors why too."
Todmorden College Food Day Saturday 23 June
Todmorden College is hosting a food day which will show alternative ways of thinking about food. There'll be a feast from foraging, family activities, incredible speakers and the chance to taste and make wild food. The contrast in activities will feed your imagination as you can try circus skills and a Japanese tea tasting, as well as look around the building to see how Todmorden College is changing after the asset transfer.
Tod Talks - Death, Sex and Currency Saturday 23 June
Later that evening the most radical ideas in town will be shared at Tod Talks. From the pulpit of the non conformist church, brave souls are stepping forward to share their passions and ideas on as diverse subject as loneliness, designer relationships, and global corruption. What's a perfect death and an ideal sex life, what's our relationship to the earth and why is Community the new altar call? Join us and our radical non-conforming citizens to enjoy and explore an soulful evening of the deep and important topics of life, death and all things between.
Todmorden Unitarian Church, 7-9pm
The Incredible Feast - Sunday 24 June
The festival finale held in the unique architectural and cultural phenomenon that is The Piece Hall.
Starts at 02:00pm, Eating: 04:00pm