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Progress with Flood Alleviation in Hebden Bridge

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Thanks to Bob Deacon for this news item

The Calderdale Flood Partnership are inviting you to go along and get involved with a series of drop-in events, to understand and comment on the work of the Environment Agency and other partners to achieve a reduced risk of flooding in Calderdale.

The Hebden Bridge drop in event will take place on: 

Tuesday 27 June - Hebden Bridge Town Hall (Flood Risk Reduction Scheme & Hebden Bridge Flood Alleviation Scheme).

Open 11am to 7.30pm.

The drop-in events will have specialists from the Environment Agency and other partners including Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council, Canal and Rivers Trust, Northern PowerGrid, Yorkshire Water and community organisations.

Details of progress with future Hebden Bridge flood alleviation including the height and design of walls along Hebden Water have been hard to come by. The Hebden Bridge Stakeholder Group meetings have not been well publicised.

Progress with getting Yorkshire Water to agree to lower reservoir levels at times of flood risk is unknown.

This meeting might be an opportunity to push for more transparency. Do go along.

See also:

HebWeb Feature: Boxing Day Floods for previous news, links, videos, etc.

HebWeb Photos of Boxing Day floods