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Hebden Bridge Twinning Society has a great trip to St Pol!

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Our visit started with a delightful day in Montreuil-sur-Mer and Le Touquet. The peace and calm of the chapterhouse of Notre Dame near Montreuil, and the relaxing atmosphere of the ramparts and old streets of the town itself were in marked contrast to lively Le Touquet (perhaps intensified by the presence of Emmanuel Macron for the holiday weekend!).  Eating a picnic on the ramparts was especially enjoyable.

Twin trip

On the Saturday we had quality time with our hosts in the morning, followed by a celebratory meal for hosts and visitors at the Salle Martin. Excellent food and lively conversation made it a memorable event and the speech by the Mayor of Hebden Royd Pat Fraser was met with enthusiastic applause.

Twin Trip

Many of us then went to Arras in the afternoon where we admired the exquisite historical centre of the city – so beautiful. This was followed by a magical evening of renaissance music from Poland at the Abbaye de Belval
At the end of our trip we gave a vote of thanks to our coach driver Ali who ensured that all our travel was comfortable and relaxing – no easy task during a holiday weekend!

Twin Trip

Jane Jackson: Secretary/Communications Officer,
Hebden Bridge Twinning Society - janeson79@gmail.com
01422 846 081; 07770 657 496)
David Parry: President HBTS: davidjohnparry@btinternet.com;
01422 845 632, 07900 318 244.

Hebden Bridge Twinning Society website     


See also

HebWeb News: Join the Twinning Society trip to St Pol (31 March 2017)