Slow The Flow - Hardcastle Crags
Thursday, 27 April 2017
Slow The Flow Calderdale, in conjunction with The National Trust and The Environment Agency will shortly begin a programme of activity in Hardcastle Crags aimed at slowing the flow in the river and its feeder brooks in an attempt to reduce the impact of flooding downstream.
This project has benefited from detailed river surveys, extensive research and site visits to other parts of the country where Natural Flood Management has been installed.
Volunteers wanted
The group are are now seeking help and assistance from volunteers who are keen to get involved in building leaky dams and stuffing gullies etc. The work will be physical, but not arduous, so is suitable for anyone with an average degree of fitness.
The plan is to put together groups of volunteers to work with members of SlowTheFlow Calderdale who have been trained in building Natural Flood Management interventions.
The dates are on Saturday 6th May and Saturday 13th May. Other dates will be advertised later once it is seen how the first two work out in terms of numbers/ equipment/ supervision etc.
Registration essential
Because of the nature of the work and the need for adequate levels of supervision to keep everyone safe it will not be possible for volunteers to just turn up on the day. You will need to register in advance and be allocated a place.
To register, simply email indicating the day(s) you wish to volunteer and expressing a preference for am (9.00 to 12.00), pm (13.00 to 16.00), or both.
More info
You can read more about the Hardcastle Crags project on the websitewhich also has articles about Natural Flood Management and plans to use natural resources to slowtheflow.